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  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Overall I thought the game was pretty good. A few things irked me though:
    • The installer/downloader wouldn't run on my computer because it couldn't connect to the server.
    • While watching my brother play through the game he was randomly dropped from the game because of a server error, and afterwards he couldn't resume his game...I hope this doesn't happen in the full game.
    • I felt the game held my hand too much with some trivial steps to each quest such as "Take the waypoint back to town" and how each step is indicated on the minimap. Part of the fun for me was always exploring the levels to their fullest and completing the quests in the process, rather than have the game point them out and say "Go over here!". If I ignore the indicator on the minimap this isn't a problem though.
    • Does anyone else feel the UI was too cluttered? Personally I would like to disabled the chat window in the bottom left and also disable some of the achievement/quest popups. I actually didn't check the settings in the short time I played, so hopefully some of that can be disabled.
    Will buy though! I've been looking forward to this since it was announced! :poly142:
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Szark, your server issues are due to the open beta weekend stress test. You can't judge a game based on a beta stress test. Also, like you said, the pointers telling you where to go for quests can be easily ignored, but you need to tailor a game for all skillsets. I think they did a good average between the two.

    I agree, though, the UI is too big. They should implement a UI scale slider like WoW has.
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    I played through this for about 30 mins.
    I will buy the finished game, im not kidding myself about that , but there are a few things that are missing from what i could tell in the short while i was playing.

    Im pretty sure all of them are due to consolisation. (i know its not a word :)

    in no order

    Run walk toggle - (i used this a LOT in pvp, it was the basis for parts of some of my builds)

    Weapon switch - (a quick key to switch to a different weapon set, good for defence and using buffs that are on specific weapons) I started pretty early making characters like an Amazon with a very high defence shield and a very good Jab javelin for close quarter work )

    Only 6 hotkeys - in high level play , i had all possible keys mapped in D2, i think it was something like 20 + and i used all in certain situations, making you flexible (and making the game more fun / challenging / interesting . applying different keys to your 6 hotkeyed buttons requires a menu visit, when it would be better to be able to just hotkey all skills to left and right buttons.

    Skill trees - its been talked about , and i can see some of the logic of revamping the system, but removing it seems like a simplification for the sake of it. change the system, but keep it interesting and fun / diverse.

    attribute points - same thing, its taking away user choice , therefore last-ablitity / fun etc. I know i personally made loads of wacky builds, some of which were very very successful in both PVP and PVE, the best being a Zon with a inventory packed with dmg/run walk charms, almost all the points in Dex for dmg, and a little in strength /vit for armour wearing and a little survivability. I could run faster than a sorc teleported...

    Lastly, i cant seem to pick up any weapon and just use it with a basic attack... im hoping the same isn't for armour... i liked making a sorceress that wore plate and used a enchanted dagger... I tried out the demon hunter, found a nice magic mace and couldn't use it ... i had no general attack move..

    Im hoping im wrong about all most of these, like i said, i played for a very short time, and this stuff might all come good in the full game.

    It looks lovely , sounds great though, and like i said , ill buy it regardless just to coop with friends.

    Just my thoughts as a long time fan of the series.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I'm looking to pre-order this, but the price is 59.99 Euro (currently in Eastern Europe), which seems about 20 dollars higher than the $59.99 it should be. Is that the price on b.net in the states, and is there a way I can alter my region to order it at the non-ripoff price?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    dfacto wrote: »
    I'm looking to pre-order this, but the price is 59.99 Euro (currently in Eastern Europe), which seems about 20 dollars higher than the $59.99 it should be. Is that the price on b.net in the states, and is there a way I can alter my region to order it at the non-ripoff price?

    It is, but then again we have a higher VAT.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Bulgarian VAT is 20%, so i doubt that's true. Though I don't think it's applied to digital purchases otherwise I'd be paying around $95 for D3.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    dfacto wrote: »
    I'm looking to pre-order this, but the price is 59.99 Euro (currently in Eastern Europe), which seems about 20 dollars higher than the $59.99 it should be. Is that the price on b.net in the states, and is there a way I can alter my region to order it at the non-ripoff price?

    It's just like steam, they do the lame ass USD == euro conversion. Europeans gets fucked over on the digital platforms.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    get it from amazon.co.uk, dfacto, they're selling it for £33/€40, but they've dropped it to £28/€34 a few times since the release was announced. i'd expect it to happen once more between now and release, and you'll only pay the lowest price they've offered on it.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Finally got around to preorder this. Can't wait to play through it.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    None of you agreed to the Annual Pass? =\
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    well I got it via the annual pass thing... i was in one of those wow moods (I keep playing wow for 3 - 4 months, then take a break for 3 - 4 months, rinse repeat). So I thought I could check out pandaria (and if I want to really stick around in wow after that) and Diablo. But so far I haven't really been in the mood for either.

    I totally enjoyed Diablo 2, but that was like 10 years ago. Titan Quest was nice too but it got a bit dull at the end and while Tochlight was very well presented I couldn't really play it for long. Actually I'm more hyped about seeing more about Diablo 3's production (l'd love to have the art book) than about playing the game.

    Ah well, the pandaria downloader and the diablo downloader are kinda broken anway, with or without VPN. Dunno who's to blame. Blizzard or China?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I got it via the annual pass, the beta was a blast when it worked, though it had some hiccups as is expected. I am not so much bothered by having to be online all the time, except when it doesn't work ;) But I have Titan Quest and Torchlight 1 and the upcoming Torchlight 2 for that ^^
    Diablo 3 has me by the throat in regards to lore though, I've been caught up in it's universe on and off since the second game and hearing about and seeing all the old things show up again in the beta just further confirmed my stance on Blizzard really being master craftsmen of interesting worlds.
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    I admit that I didn't play too much of the original games as I was playing baldur's gate back then.

    I had already ordered a copy of the game before trying the beta so I didn't want to spend too much time on it. I did try out all the classes to at least level 5 each. I'd say the barbarian and wizard were my favorites. I liked the monk as well, although I'm sure they are all pretty cool. I really liked seeing the barbarian sending enemies flying every which way.

    As others have said, I also wanted to zoom in. I'd also like to see normal maps and higher fidelity textures.

    Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the game.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    EtotheRic wrote: »
    As others have said, I also wanted to zoom in. I'd also like to see normal maps and higher fidelity textures.

    thought you could zoom in by pressing z? was a fixed zoom amount, but still got right up on the characters... unless that was removed :(
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    moose wrote: »
    thought you could zoom in by pressing z? was a fixed zoom amount, but still got right up on the characters... unless that was removed :(

    Ah, I'm sure it does! I'll have to give it a try in a couple weeks. I was trying to use mousewheel.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    Oh god I'm probably going to lose so much productivity for about the first month after this comes out.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    nordahl154 wrote: »
    Oh god I'm probably going to lose so much productivity for about the first month after this comes out.

    You guys sound like you are really amped up for this, have loss of productivity ratio planned out for the first month prior to diablo 3's release.

    Lets state the facts:

    Through out my beta experience, which is the first quest of the first Act of the entire game (Assumingly 4 acts in total.)

    In the normal mode, this game to me was pretty easy comparing to diablo 2.

    Even after complaining and whining about the game being too easy, developers implemented the HC mode in to beta and "promised us that we will die," which unfortunately didnt happen. Like if you are standing there like a noob, shooting bolts and not moving around while there is a huge mob heading towards you, you are going to die like a noob, but in all the beta there is no ganking. Like if you walk in to a room, there isnt going to be a hidden mob that will just run to you in a flash and blow up. (ganked by the mob.)

    Not many people were excited about the skill tree not being implemented and the rune system being soo easy. It is ofcourse good for people who have shown an interest in Diablo series and all but overall, seriously, even you have to admit that the skill tree system was much effective then the current skill / rune system in diablo 3 that forces us to use the set skills for our quests.

    I guess I'll learn to live with it. Moving on.

    HC mode was great but it is the normal mode in diablo 2 act 2, in addition to the HC mode in diablo 3 that if you die you will not be able to play that character again. Which is good, but then again it is the normal mode of diablo 2.

    I am waiting to experience the 2 more difficulty levels which can only be done when I am playing the actual game, but overall, not many people were excited after they experienced beta version of diablo 3 (They sure love it, but are not excited as they are suppose to be.)

    I personally went back to playing wow and diablo 2. I do play diablo 3 on and off but the game is soo predictable in the available difficulties that it kind of gets boring.

    Graphics were great, storyline sticks so I guess its something to be excited about. =]
  • binopittan
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    rune system in diablo 3 that forces us to use the set skills for our quests.
    Except the skill start branching at lvl 9. so by definiton.it's still a skill "tree"
    have you seen this? http://us.battle.net/d3/en/class/wizard/progression
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    binopittan wrote: »
    Except the skill start branching at lvl 9. so by definiton.it's still a skill "tree"
    have you seen this? http://us.battle.net/d3/en/class/wizard/progression

    Yes I have.

    If by branching out the skills after level 6 or 9 you mean distributing the points according to your needs then sure.

    For example: They can set a level requirement but leave the sp to us to distribute it according to our requirements then that would be more discussable.

    By linking that I assume you mean "hay!! how dare you, they have a skill tree." missing out the part where I said automated skill system and rune system.

    Suppose you are playing DH and initial skill is, hungering arrow at level 1 and that skill is upgraded at level 6 which then at level 17 and 26 and so on, You might not need that same skill at as later level as 30 so it might not need an auto upgrading to begin with. If you know what I mean.

    EDIT: I am sorry to ask you but what was your point in showing me that static skill flow chart anyways. =\
  • binopittan
    I got your point, i'm just confused on "forced" part so i assume you haven't seen the skill tree. Since by my logic. well for example when your wiz level 9, you're not "forced" to spent your skill point on wave force. you have option to spent it on Explosive Bolts.
    You're also not forced lo level hungering arrow at level 17, you can save it so at level 18 you can level 2 skills at once.
    so how that's forced again?

    [missing out the part where I said automated skill]

    you're neven mention automated in your previous post :)

    [For example: They can set a level requirement but leave the sp to us to distribute it according to our requirements then that would be more discussable.
    Sry i'm having a hard time comprehend this sentence(not native english speaker)
    but, isn't D3 leave the sp distribution to us?( if level req are met )
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    binopittan wrote: »
    I got your point, i'm just confused on "forced" part so i assume you haven't seen the skill tree. Since by my logic. well for example when your wiz level 9, you're not "forced" to spent your skill point on wave force. you have option to spent it on Explosive Bolts.
    You're also not forced lo level hungering arrow at level 17, you can save it so at level 18 you can level 2 skills at once.
    so how that's forced again?

    [missing out the part where I said automated skill]

    you're neven mention automated in your previous post :)

    I apologize, I thought you would assume that from the part where I said "forced to use the set of skills." :D We could only go to level 13 as max level in beta so I havent studied the new skill "tree." thoroughly. But so far it was automated, felt like it was forced upon being that way and upgrades are done automatically.

    Is it too late to rephrase my statement to "An Automated skill SET, forced upon players regardless of want to create the custom skill set and spend sps according to their needs?"

    So far I havent seen the SP but like you say after level 17 there are SPs and you can customize your skill sets. I guess I'll wait for it to be released and then talk about this in depth.

    [For example: They can set a level requirement but leave the sp to us to distribute it according to our requirements then that would be more discussable.
    Sry i'm having a hard time comprehend this sentence(not native english speaker)
    but, isn't D3 leave the sp distribution to us?( if level req are met )

    You have comprehended it correctly. The sentence is as it sounds. They could've set the level requirements for skills to be unlocked but leave the Skill points distribution between skill to us.

    I thought you guys played beta during open beta weekend and realized that there are no SPs to begin with.

    There are Active and Passive skill systems in sets and the rune system. Like the skill will upgraded at a certain level, you can not expect to have a point to spend to upgrade some other skill that you may be using.
  • [demonplay]
    There are no skill points in diablo 3. When you level up, you get the skills, runes and passives unlocked at that level available for you to use.

    You might find this video interview interesting as to why the skill system was changed and the design choices the team made when testing diablo 3:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVTVMqtmxPU"]Diablo 3 - Why Skill Points Were Removed - Jay Wilson Interview - YouTube[/ame]

    Some of the information near the end is outdated, I believe no skills use a set damage number now and all damage done by skills is based on weapon damage.
  • binopittan
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    I thought you guys played beta during open beta weekend and realized that there are no SPs to begin with.

    There are Active and Passive skill systems in sets and the rune system. Like the skill will upgraded at a certain level, you can not expect to have a point to spend to upgrade some other skill that you may be using.
    I've played the beta actually.. i,m under assumption that there is SP.
    but we can't see it because before level 9 there is no other skill to choose,
    so we can't see it, thus forced to spend it on the only skill avalaible.

    think it like dota , you can't see your skill point unless you skip a level without spending it.

    i might be wrong tho.. i,m actually super confused right now lol

    here is my analogy.. i'm playing as wiz at beta. at level 9 i'm offered to level either Wave of force or Explosive bolts
    ofc i level one of them at that time..
    but!! if i choose not pick either of them. can i level both Blur & Power hungry by the time i reach lvl 10?
    if i can. well that "SP" for me.. only in different .. form i guess?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    binopittan wrote: »
    here is my analogy.. i'm playing as wiz at beta. at level 9 i'm offered to level either Wave of force or Explosive bolts
    ofc i level one of them at that time..
    but!! if i choose not pick either of them. can i level both Blur & Power hungry by the time i reach lvl 10?
    if i can. well that "SP" for me.. only in different .. form i guess?

    Lets see if I can explain it if we take a look back at the skill set:


    So Weave of force and Explosive bolts at level 9.

    Now the upgrade for those are at level 15 and I believe its 22.

    In other words, those skills will be upgraded regardless of your needs at that level. You can not expect to degrade them and use the SPs (which are not there in any form,) at say, arcane torrent and shatter and expect it to be any effective until a certain level.

    In Dota you get to pick and choose your one skill at the start of the game but the game is balanced out, so you will have all the skills leveled evenly at the end of the game.

    In this game, you dont have that choice.

    EDIT: Which brings me back to my previous statement:

    "Automated skill / rune system that is forced upon the player to follow a set of skills instead of the skills he use and customize through the skill tree."
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    I am soo friggen excited! :) The tv spot ad gave me nerd chills!
  • glottis8
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    10 DAYS!!!

  • IchII3D
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The most relevant video I could think of:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lK4cX5xGiQ&ob=av3e"]Tenacious D - Tribute - YouTube[/ame]
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    binopittan wrote: »
    I've played the beta actually.. i,m under assumption that there is SP.
    but we can't see it because before level 9 there is no other skill to choose,
    so we can't see it, thus forced to spend it on the only skill avalaible.

    think it like dota , you can't see your skill point unless you skip a level without spending it.

    i might be wrong tho.. i,m actually super confused right now lol

    here is my analogy.. i'm playing as wiz at beta. at level 9 i'm offered to level either Wave of force or Explosive bolts
    ofc i level one of them at that time..
    but!! if i choose not pick either of them. can i level both Blur & Power hungry by the time i reach lvl 10?
    if i can. well that "SP" for me.. only in different .. form i guess?

    The beauty of Diablo3's system is that there aren't any skill points.

    You level, you get abilities. You can reconfigure and recustomize your skills "on hand" from what you earn by leveling up (6 total). Each skill has flavors via runes that you also earn by leveling. You can reconfigure and rebuild your skills you use as many times as you want. You dont put points into skills, you don't choose to level one but not another, you earn things you can use.

    If you choose to use Fireball for 3 levels, then get Super Arcane Missle, you can switch to use that. Later you can switch back to blink. Your choices are based on your current needs and how you want to play, not a set-in-stone set of points you allocate toward a character.

    While playing the beta, I had a wizard built a certain way, then started MP'ing with another wizard who was built a similar way. I tweaked my build so that i was more melee and close range focused and they could do the ranged skills. Id aoe freeze, they'd blast, id knockback. We instantly started synergizing our skills and moves to dominate (not that it was hard to dominate in the beta, but still). Being able to swap skills around is so fucking awesome :)

    if i make no sense, article:
  • Isaiah Sherman
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    moose wrote: »
    The beauty of Diablo3's system is that there aren't any skill points.

    You level, you get abilities. You can reconfigure and recustomize your skills "on hand" from what you earn by leveling up (6 total). Each skill has flavors via runes that you also earn by leveling. You can reconfigure and rebuild your skills you use as many times as you want. You dont put points into skills, you don't choose to level one but not another, you earn things you can use.

    If you choose to use Fireball for 3 levels, then get Super Arcane Missle, you can switch to use that. Later you can switch back to blink. Your choices are based on your current needs and how you want to play, not a set-in-stone set of points you allocate toward a character.

    While playing the beta, I had a wizard built a certain way, then started MP'ing with another wizard who was built a similar way. I tweaked my build so that i was more melee and close range focused and they could do the ranged skills. Id aoe freeze, they'd blast, id knockback. We instantly started synergizing our skills and moves to dominate (not that it was hard to dominate in the beta, but still). Being able to swap skills around is so fucking awesome :)

    if i make no sense, article:

    In fact it's likely in the higher difficulties (hell, inferno) You will probably need to frequently change your skills around to get past areas, as well as having different gear for different encounters. I think it will turn out to much more diverse that what the beta showed.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    I really really don't care for the art style in this short... at all... and i really like the idea for this to come out with D3... i just wish the cinematic team at blizzard would've been responsible for this. It just doesn't feel very diabloish... anybody else feel teh same way? that Ghost in the Shell art style just feels inappropriate for this imo.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think I'm going to choose monk as my first character, I'll be looking for a collectors edition come midnight next week.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    glottis8 wrote: »

    I really really don't care for the art style in this short... at all... and i really like the idea for this to come out with D3... i just wish the cinematic team at blizzard would've been responsible for this. It just doesn't feel very diabloish... anybody else feel teh same way? that Ghost in the Shell art style just feels inappropriate for this imo.

    These guys made it I believe: http://www.titmouse.net/

    But yeah, I would rather have seen that done by the blizzard cinematic team, the costs involved would've been diabolical though.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    eld wrote: »
    These guys made it I believe: http://www.titmouse.net/

    But yeah, I would rather have seen that done by the blizzard cinematic team, the costs involved would've been diabolical though.

    Yea... i saw the interview the other day. I wanted to believe in them and see something pretty awesome, since someone from blizzard cinematic lead was talking about how they liked the direction of this short. But its just not even close to coming up to par with what the vision of diablo is. I am tired of people choosing anime style for its cheap production values. Avatar does the style but its so polished and it fits the theme that that is one of the only cartoons that i watch now a days. Everything else is just very lame.I don't think this is up to par with their other work.

    Anyways... anybody else feels the same about this animation?

    I do agree that the costs would've been insane.. but at the same time they are doing some phenomenal work with their trailers and tv spots. It would've been worth while tho.
  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    glottis8 wrote: »
    Yea... i saw the interview the other day. I wanted to believe in them and see something pretty awesome, since someone from blizzard cinematic lead was talking about how they liked the direction of this short. But its just not even close to coming up to par with what the vision of diablo is. I am tired of people choosing anime style for its cheap production values. Avatar does the style but its so polished and it fits the theme that that is one of the only cartoons that i watch now a days. Everything else is just very lame.I don't think this is up to par with their other work.

    Anyways... anybody else feels the same about this animation?

    I do agree that the costs would've been insane.. but at the same time they are doing some phenomenal work with their trailers and tv spots. It would've been worth while tho.
    But it's from Peter Chung! I have a soft spot for anything he touches ever since Fire and Ice.

    Here's a behind the scenes video about the short that illuminates some of why it was made.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-zaOv0JnEQ&feature=player_embedded"]Diablo III: Wrath - Behind The Scenes - YouTube[/ame]
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I'm going witchdoctor and Demon hunter!

  • System
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    System admin
    Had a quick read around but not really found anything concrete...

    Is the use of autohotkey or scripts to use WASD bannable? I guess more generally, what kind of external program will be banned?
  • jam-i-am
    here's the diablo anime they were talking about in the above video.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    jam-i-am wrote: »
    here's the diablo anime they were talking about in the above video.


    It's not an anime, it was made in the US by titmouse. The people who do metalocalypse and motor city and China, Il and all sorts of other stuff.

    I thought it was kinda boring.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Neat to see a little back story, but yeah, just seemed like some fan animation created by skilled college students.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    oh my goodness 7 more days!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    There's predownload links online btw if you want to get it pre installed
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    You can DL it but I don't think you can install untell the 14th. I think they may have done this to combat early data mining and such.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    eld wrote: »
    These guys made it I believe: http://www.titmouse.net/

    But yeah, I would rather have seen that done by the blizzard cinematic team, the costs involved would've been diablolical though.

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    It's also directed by Peter Chung, evidently operating under a lot of creative restrictions.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Battletag time? Battletag time
    Playing on European servers
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