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  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    have not been able to get on either :(
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    The servers going down is normal, in fact, its exactly what they need to happen.

    Agreed, it's a server load test and all so I would expect people to have intermittent disconnects. I guess my underlying complaint is ... WHY THE EFF SHOULD YOU NEED TO TEST SERVERS FOR A GAME PEOPLE WANT TO PLAYER SINGLE PLAYER! :D
    PS: sup matt, TL's lookin sweet

    Thanks, Willem! :D
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I see it like this.

    Because Blizzard decided to allow you to trade things that you aquire in games you play by yourself (single player style), in the auction house. There is no such thing as single player in Diablo 3.

    Its a shame and I can see it might upset people. I'm equally upset that they don't allow LAN games, but they made the game and can do with it what they like. No one is forced to buy or play it.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    No one is forced to buy or play it.

    Yeah, I guess not. I still will because I am gigantic hypocrite!
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    The open beta isnt a present to you, it's a test that you're agreeing to participate in. The servers going down is normal, in fact, its exactly what they need to happen. If they don't, they wont know how to fix the server cap and load issues you're complaining about. So, quit complaining and go help crash the servers

    I know it's a test. That's why I said "Yes, it's a beta, and I'm sure they're testing all kind of server whatnots. I get that." I even used the word test! I'm 100% up to speed on the testing of betas, I promise.

    My complaint isn't about server caps. My complaint isn't about load issues. My complaint is about a game requiring a persistent online connection to a remote server to play a single-player game in the first place. Not like Steam, where you can play multi-player capable games in an offline single-player mode. Not like online DRM, where it pings an account at launch and at other intervals.

    As far as I can tell, Diablo 3 requires us to not only log in to play a single-player game, but to a) remain logged in and b) hope their server doesn't crash while we're playing. That appears to be a requirement, even if we don't want to do anything online at all. It's not providing a service or enhancing an experience, it's just playing gatekeeper between us and the game we want to play.

    Maybe after release, there will be an offline single-player option. I'm not holding my breath.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    I feel like Blizzard is now putting OBSTACLES in the way of gamers playing their games. That just plain ole' isn't a good business strategy.

    ... like it's going to matter anyway. HAH!
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    From what I can tell...
    The stories of horrible support for surround/eyefinity were unfounded are or unjust.
    ( unless u include the non center gui... but I am getting use to that party foul. )
    In some ways the gui elements that are off to the side make sense like chat and the map which can be annoying.
    ( hopefully there are options for different map placements like in D2 )
    All the important GUI action seems to open in the center monitor.
    maybe others devs will follow nvidia lead with the centered monitor strategy in their drivers new surround friendly GUI.

    artistically/compositionally I did not find any artifacts yet. On the contrary! The peripheral view gives the gameplay an epic immersize experience! particularly the mood set with fog rolling across 3 monitors and birds fluttering over an "extended" horizon. Epic!

    Enjoying the peripheral candy only as an effect I noticed I did lose concentration and interactivity with the outermost GUI.
    ( Will probably be a problem for me if they don't add center screen hotkeys for map, quest log and chat each)
    click the image for full 6050 x 1080 glory....

    Also found 3d to be fixed! My shadows do not float. Not sure if it's truly fixed as it was not working @ first. But I doubt it's not since everything seems impossibly stable in 3d with no artifacts! No effects artifacts! Shadows are locked to the feet when convergence is f7 saved with the cursor at view plane ( no double cursor ). All I did was turn off shadows cause they were awful and then turned then back on again? Either way it works with alkl settings on hi on every restart.
    I have depth set at max so my example might twist yer eyes if yer allergic to that much fun.

    As far as I can tell...
    Best 3d experience for me ever. convergence and maxed depth is perfect at every view! I have never had that perfect balance of convergence and depth till now.
    Would really be interested in a capture of anyone who is having a bad 3dvision experience in the beta. fer nvidia 3dscreenshots: ( alt -f7 These 3D screenshots will be copied into the folder “C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\NVStereoscopic3D.IMG” )

    ( click on the image to download the .jps file instead )
    ( although u can see enemies ahead of single monitors no missiles can be targetted till the views are synched! But since literally anyone could afford surround/eyefinity when newegg notification could put u behind as much fer under $180. I hope the petty will not qq this time and just let a fan enjoy the beauty of an epic peripheral scope )

    Also surround only works in fullscreen windowed mode whereas 3dvision will not. Which is a hard pill to swallow considering I am a fanboy in urine soaked diapers over each implementation!

    Hope they have a native solution during release. If not I am sure I will be back in the Blizzard nerd fury rage spectrum but fer today I really have to appreciate amazing beeyyotiful art and give respect.

    ( In 3d... I could stare at the gnarled trees alone for hours. nice work guys. very awesome )
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Sorry you guys can't get on.

    I just played through the online portion. Was pretty fun - played the Witch Doctor. I wasn't really sure what to expect of this game since I never really got into D2.

    Really liking D3 so far though.. really awesome environments and atmosphere! Very moody/creepy! should trying playing at night with the lights out, lol.

    I'll likely be picking this up on release.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    after playing im kinda disappointed in the character/enemy art work fidelity, the art style is awesome and the environments work really well with it but the characters look kinda lowres compared to something like Dota 2 which is almost the same art style.

    will for sure get the game just my thoughts also so much clicking :P
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    ae. wrote: »
    after playing im kinda disappointed in the character/enemy art work fidelity, the art style is awesome and the environments work really well with it but the characters look kinda lowres compared to something like Dota 2 which is almost the same art style.

    will for sure get the game just my thoughts also so much clicking :P

    I noticed the same thing :shifty: I am hoping that is on purpose somewhat to make armour progression found weapons and monster baddies seem much more cooler as the game grind progressed? ( but then again, I assumed as much cause I felt diablo 2 beta started the game in such a raw way )

    Couldn't help wishing there was some kind of gametype for Diablo 3 that allowed for mods. so I could be treated to long threads of what are you working on featuring Polycount badassery.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Managed to play through the beta with each character and the Barb gotta be my favorite so far, followed by the Monk. The melee characters just seem far more satisfying and more involved. Although i do miss the Paladin.

    Which Doctor and Demon Hunter seemed pretty weak in damage dealing. Maybe they get better later on?

    Wizard I'm not really a fan of and didn't play that class in D2.

    Art wise, the environments are great with lots of destructibility going on, like the art style, but would have preferred a darker and unsaturated palette like D2 had.

    Ordered the CE anyways and very much looking forward to it's release.
  • tupwick
    Played a bit more last night with the 'Darken & Sharpen' mods that are around and found they improved the mood greatly. The default art style is a little too wishy washy.

    That 3 monitor screenshot you posted claydough looks absoutely awesome, id love to play the game in that way!

    I think i've played the final mission 5or6 times now and I really enjoyed how the dungeons changed each time. On some play through's you find completely different rare enemies or entire dungeons in some cases.

    As for Blizz choosing the always online route, they are all about competitive game play to be fair and keeping permanent hack free tracking of your progress and publishing world firsts is what will keep the people really really into this game, really really into it for longer. I personally like that about blizzard and battle.net... I'm curious to see what their website will do to represent your playing profile. Many an hour to be spent seeing what gear upgrades you can go for and what bosses drop them on d3db.com im sure.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Ok, so played it a bit. Heres some thoughts.

    Firstly. I'll be buying it and so will my girlfriend. Playing co-op is so much better than single player. We both enjoyed the beta but I can tell that we aren't going to like it as much as we enjoyed Diablo 2. But we knew that anyway.

    I really hope the problems with connecting and errors that the beta has had over the weekend can be resolved. And that blizzard have learned what they needed to learn with the open beta weekend. Such a pain in the arse trying to connect and also dropping out of games because connection was lost at the server end.

    The game. The gameplay and grind feel very similar to D2 and the art style is awesome. Loving the spell effects as well.

    The soundtrack. I mention this because the soundtrack in D2 is a classic and one of my favourite things about the game. It added so much to the atmosphee of the game. The soundtrack in D3 is terrible in comparison. Just bland generic soundtrack "epicness" that you hear in any game these days. Nothing original about it. It doesn't do it for me. I might even turn the music off and playing the D2 soundtrack in the background.

    My favourite class is the Wizard. As it was in D2, it suits my style of play. I didn't like the demonhunter so much and I also think that blizzard have geared the game toward that character the most. Am I right in thinking the demonhunter is the only one that has its own inventory item icons all the others just have generic icons.

    Most of all I love the FX. Spells, weapons and enemy deaths are just awesome!

    Anyway, not disappointed with it just wish Matt Uelmen had been involved. I believe he's done Torchlight 2 though.

    EDIT: adding some awesome
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGf19flg_7E"]Diablo II-Music-Lut Golein - YouTube[/ame]
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Anyway, not disappointed with it just wish Matt Uelmen had been involved. I believe he's done Torchlight 2 though.

    Yes indeed he did. Here's a little teaser -

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtir2GzdPag"]Torchlight II - Music Teaser by Matt Uelmen (Official Soundtrack) - YouTube[/ame]
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL_JWk6l_4Q"]Torchlight II Music Teaser - YouTube[/ame]

    Another snippet.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I got through the beta this weekend as Demon Hunter. I've been pretty indifferent towards it up to this point but I have several friends who are insane Blizzard fans that are really excited, so I gave it a shot to see if it'd be something I'd play with them.

    I never played Diablo or D2 but I've played Torchlight and other similar Action RPGs since Diablo2.

    I have to say as I went through the beta it didn't grab me at all. It left me just as indifferent as when I went in. Killing things wasn't that fun and getting constant repetitive loot just to sell wasn't fun. Having to constantly compare it to what I had equipped was annoying. The dungeons themselves were just a lot of samey halls with samey monsters. I know repetition is the core of most video games, hell I have played tons of TF2 and LoL and even WoW. I still didn't find the core gameplay at work in D3 very compelling.

    I think it looked pretty good but everything seemed pretty low contrast and going with no normal maps (I think) made everything seem pretty flat where it could have been nicer. Like ae mentioned, Dota2 is a great comparison there, although that's a much smaller game in scope.

    In general it felt pretty old school, including the way you interacted with npcs and had dialogue. There was a lot of lore stuff going on that I also had no idea about as a new player.

    I probably won't be buying it unless something changes to give me a reason to want to play it. I didn't dislike it at all, but I didn't really have much fun either. Pretty much left indifferent.
  • Seirei
    Just got the Overachiever...

    I realy don't know what you guys are on about, the game is realy fun, and with friends it gets ridicoulusly fun to play. All of the D2 veterans of my friends are blown away of how amazing Diablo 3 turned out and we're all pumped for the release.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Seirei wrote: »
    Just got the Overachiever...

    I realy don't know what you guys are on about, the game is realy fun, and with friends it gets ridicoulusly fun to play. All of the D2 veterans of my friends are blown away of how amazing Diablo 3 turned out and we're all pumped for the release.

    i think maybe that the problem it seems the people that dont like the game are the ones who never really played the first one, which lets them look at the game in a objective manner without being biased because of the amazing memories they had playing it in the past.

    I do that all the time with games that have such a strong history something like tony hawk pro skater 2 i know there releasing the HD version and it will be the same and have nothing that is new that really innovates but im still gonna buy it because its tony hawk pro skater 2 the best in the series!

    dont get me wrong i enjoyed diablo 3 and will probably get it but compared to alot of games its really simple:


  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Played it and it seems very fun, and quite beautiful, albeit a bit bland gameplay wise. Probably just since its the first level and is relentlessly easy. I'm not sure I can get addicted to it again though, it seems a little too stategy free after years of playing MOBAs.

    But I'm sure as soon as I figure out where you grind xp and items my pack-ratting senses will addict me again.

    -The machine gun right click skill on the demon hunter has some absurd rape potential at higher levels. I'm calling it: Mobster hunter build raping in PvM.
    -Barbarian is really strong, at least low level, and looks like a total boss.
    -Monk seems like the premier PvP build from what I'm seeing. Teleport strikes and stun skills? yeah that'll be handy.
    -combat animations and effects are super awesome. I mean DAMN. There are a few monster animations which get very busy though, like the Pillsbury dough-zombie with the exploding snakes. Three of those can make a fight into one big snake mass.
  • tupwick
    I agree with your class assessment dfacto. Will be playing Monk myself and hoping the pvp comes around sooner than later.

    As for click click click, and repetitive play, I agree its a super boring game at present.
    Cant wait for the higher difficulties to be open for play
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I'm just wondering how crazy the screen could get in this game.

    I played a bit with the witch doctor. In the beta you can cast 3 wolves and using the jar of spiders I think the max you can have in 12 spiders. Some of the enemy fights had about 30 skeletons on screen at one time.

    Imagine 4 player co-op all with witch doc. Thats 90-100 characters on screen at once. And thats just at the lowest level in the first chapter...
  • Seirei
    ae. wrote: »
    I do that all the time with games that have such a strong history something like tony hawk pro skater 2 i know there releasing the HD version and it will be the same and have nothing that is new that really innovates but im still gonna buy it because its tony hawk pro skater 2 the best in the series!

    That was kind of my point there. I'm not one of the veterans, I never played Diablo 2 beyond the first half of act II yet it's a hell of a lot of fun with friends and it's even enjoyable alone. :)

    And yes it's very simple to controll with just clicking everywhere, but the complexity isn't in the controls. I mean think about all the different possibilities of skill you could combine and if the higher difficulties are even close to what they describe it, it'll be a hell of a challenge.
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    I'm just wondering how crazy the screen could get in this game.

    I played a bit with the witch doctor. In the beta you can cast 3 wolves and using the jar of spiders I think the max you can have in 12 spiders. Some of the enemy fights had about 30 skeletons on screen at one time.

    Imagine 4 player co-op all with witch doc. Thats 90-100 characters on screen at once. And thats just at the lowest level in the first chapter...

    Then you should see a groop of Barbarian, Monk, Wizard and Witch Doctor all 'maxed' on lvl 13 constantly blowing up the screen on each slightly bigger mob pack. And I guess that's exactly what makes it fun to play, it's realy nice to actually feel the weight behind your attacks, and considering that this is just the beginning of the game I realy can't wait to see actual maxed out characters in inferino with a real challenge and epic fighting. :)

    Guess it all comes down to the different taste of people. I for one realy like the action that's going on and I'm realy looking forward to the release. :D
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Matabus wrote: »

    Matt did all the guitar recordings for Diablo 3. He was very much involved...
  • binopittan
    ae. wrote: »
    i think maybe that the problem it seems the people that dont like the game are the ones who never really played the first one, which lets them look at the game in a objective manner without being biased because of the amazing memories they had playing it in the past.

    I think it's the opposite. ppl who never played the first one/D2 never knew that the real fun of D2 start after around 20-30 hours of gameplay. before that it's just a walk in the park.

    D3 beta with only 13 lvl cap and around 2 hours to finish the game don't do justice to measure D3 gameplay. D2 veteran knew that,so they don't bitch how easy it was. :p ofc it's fucking easy .. every diablo games are easy until at least ppl reach hell level.
    ae. wrote: »


    You've played it wrong.. it's right click,left click,1,2,3,4,q,t and numpad if you're playing coop.Also my guess in full ver of D3 there will be custom hotkey for every skill in D3, (like in D2, since right now switching skill from say.. cleave to bash are kinda impractical )
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    I have to say I was quite disappointed after playing the BETA. This is a Blizzard game and has been in production for quite some time. I know it's still beta but I expected more from the gameplay and the characters. The environments are gorgeous, the FX are really good as well.

    I've been following Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 and I have to say that after playing the beta I will pickup Torchlight 2 and maybe later down the line will buy Diablo 3.

    Someone said in this thread that a lot of people that didn't like Diablo 3 it was because they never played a Diablo game and I believe that is very accurate. Like he said, those people are not biased by the story or the lore.

    On another note, as a modeler, Diablo 3 would have been awesome project to work on.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Seirei: I believe your mention of level 13 is quite important, in regards to blowing up enemies. There aren't as many explosions in normal play-through. I think they purposefully made it so that when you're higher level than your enemies by a certain amount, the death effects are amplified to make you seem super powerful... which is awesome.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Cojax wrote: »
    Matt did all the guitar recordings for Diablo 3. He was very much involved...

    Are you sure? I can't seem to find any evidence to back this up. Maybe i'm not looking in the right places.
  • Seirei
    binopittan wrote: »
    You've played it wrong.. it's right click,left click,1,2,3,4,q,t and numpad if you're playing coop.Also my guess in full ver of D3 there will be custom hotkey for every skill in D3, (like in D2, since right now switching skill from say.. cleave to bash are kinda impractical )

    You already had the option to do so... kinda. You're actually limited to these buttons, but if you activate the elective mode you could put all skills into all of these slots. So if you don't like the defensive skills you could easily switch it by another damage dealing ability.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Forgot to mention that the monk's voice is awesome. He's like Rasputin, if he were a kung-fu master.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    To the Torchlight2 fans, what does Torchlight2 have to offer that D3 doesn't? I remember playing the first Torchlight and liking it, but I thought it was very limited. Didn't even have any multiplayer to it. The style is a lot more cartoonish compared to D3, which is funny, cause that's the criticism Blizzard usually gets on their art style.
  • slipsius
    bigjohn, I personally LOVE d3, and i loved d2 as well. but people dont dislike the art style of D3 because of what it looks like. They dislike it because of what they THINK it should have looked like. They wanted a more realistic version. though, personally, i dont find d3 cartoony at all.

    torchlight 1 had no multiplayer, and was limited, yes. But that's the thing. TL2 adds all the stuff it was lakcing. more skills. more customizing. multiplayer. Its improving on all the things that needed improvement from TL1.

    People may like torchlight 1 a lot, and like the series more because its been so long since a good hack and slash has come out. Or they may just be a fan of the designers, as the core team for torchlight actually created diablo 2. Or maybe its because torchlight comes with the editor, so you can create your own mods and levels. Even change the animations and characters.

    What i hated about torchlight though, was the items. The best stuff the stuff you enchanted, not the stuff that drops off the end bosses and deep in the dungeon. Hopefully they change that.

    Either way. i cant way for my D3 CE. Even if i wont have time to play it. haha
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I think the one thing I wish Diablo 2 had was the visceral feeling (which is hard to accomplish with 3D, but still...).

    In Diablo 3, when you kill a dude, it plays its death animation, curls into a fetal position, then disappears.

    In Diablo 2, when you killed a dude, it shredded in half in a bloody pile of blood n guts, with its spinal chord still hanging out, then you'd take that corpse and explode it to make a giant marinara sauce stain.

    It just felt WAAAY more visceral in almost every way.

    Great looking game, and I will buy it 'day-1', however it just doesn't 'feel' like a Diablo game of old.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Gotta say that Darken and Sharpen mod does do a fair bit to the visuals of the game to anyone looking for a bit of a nostalgia fix.

    Too bad the betas ended, anyone know if theres another planned before release?
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    to Bigjohn - Here are a couple of things I like from Torchlight that Diablo doesn't have.
    - You can have pets. haha. I know it sounds kind of silly but I am excited about that.
    - up to 6 player CO-OP
    - LAN support
    - randomly generated dungeons.
    - $20 bucks!
    - Comes with the Editor so you can Mod it and add stuff
    - again $20 bucks!
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    David-J wrote: »
    - You can have pets. haha. I know it sounds kind of silly but I am excited about that.
    - up to 6 player CO-OP
    - randomly generated dungeons.

    - I'm pretty sure you can have pets in D3 too. There's even a class built around the mechanic (witch doctor) and the other classes can get various companions as well (I think you can get a warrior/paladin companion in the Beta)

    - I read somewhere that D3 will have up to 8 player co op

    - Yup. They've got those randomly generated dungeons/monsters/drops. The randomly generated stuff has been a selling point for all the Diablo games and their expansions since it was released in -96
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    In Diablo 2, when you killed a dude, it shredded in half in a bloody pile of blood n guts, with its spinal chord still hanging out, then you'd take that corpse and explode it to make a giant marinara sauce stain.

    looks like Grim Dawn scratches that itch
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    wasker wrote: »
    - I'm pretty sure you can have pets in D3 too. There's even a class built around the mechanic (witch doctor) and the other classes can get various companions as well (I think you can get a warrior/paladin companion in the Beta)

    - I read somewhere that D3 will have up to 8 player co op

    - Yup. They've got those randomly generated dungeons/monsters/drops. The randomly generated stuff has been a selling point for all the Diablo games and their expansions since it was released in -96

    I haven't seen anything about pets on the Diablo 3 website, but this pets trailer from Torchlight 2 looks awesome


    Also regarding CO-OP I read somewhere but I can't find it that Diablo 3 supports up to 4? Can anyone verify this?

    Also I remember in torchlight 1 you could zoom in. In Diablo you can't do it and I haven't seen in Torchlight videos if you still can do it. Does anyone know for both if you can zoom in?
  • slipsius
    David, Diablo has randomly generated dungeons and monsters. its not the same set stuff every single time. It isnt quite as random as torchlight, and even torchlight you can tell which "pieces" of the map are generated, cause you tend to repeat the same ones overand over, I noticed.

    wasker, D3 has 8 player coop, yes. but not LAN. Just like starcraft 2. Though, ive had 12 player lan partys of starcraft 2. it was just all over the net. *Shrug* no biggy though
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    In Diablo 2, when you killed a dude, it shredded in half in a bloody pile of blood n guts, with its spinal chord still hanging out, then you'd take that corpse and explode it to make a giant marinara sauce stain.


    fuck yeah! I really hope that on the higher levels, the death animations gets more and more macabre :P
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    So then what's the difference really between Torchlight2 and Diablo3? Just the art style? It sounds like pretty much the same game.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    So then what's the difference really between Torchlight2 and Diablo3? Just the art style? It sounds like pretty much the same game.

    well, I'm sure there will a be a demo you can play to find out!
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    The pets in D3 are summons and you can have more than one. They aren't really the same as pets in torchlight.

    Tbh, I found the pets in torchlight annoying. Just more inventory to fill up with crap. The only thing I liked about them was equipping them with things and having them fight along side you. You can do this and more with companions and summons in D3.

    Being able to send them off to the market while you carry on fighting wasn't very helpful either. I think it was quicker to go myself and you don't lose a fighting companion either.

    D3 also has PvP

    EDIT; I just remembered a thing I really hated about the D3 beta. Health potions have a cool down timer....wtf!!! I have the potions why can't I drink as many as I like. Really pissed me off finding that out. If I need to take more than one I have to run away and wait for the timer to refill so I can take another before getting back into battle. No doubt the reason for this is linked to the PvP.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Are you sure? I can't seem to find any evidence to back this up. Maybe i'm not looking in the right places.


    "We recorded approximately 90 minutes of Matt playing 12-string guitars for the Diablo III soundtrack.

    All is saved! " -Kaivax
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    The health potion timer is to prevent you from running in and mashing buttons and expecting to kill everything. In later difficulties I'm sure they want you to be smart about every attack you make, so mashing potions in later difficulties would just make up for your failure at knowing how to play correctly.

    Also, the potions in D2 were not instant. You could drink them instantly but it took a while for it to heal you entirely.

    There are no pets in D3, there are companions in single play, though.

    The co-op cap is a very strict 4 players and they have explained why.

    Torchlight and Diablo are very similar in many aspects.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Cojax wrote: »

    "We recorded approximately 90 minutes of Matt playing 12-string guitars for the Diablo III soundtrack.

    All is saved! " -Kaivax

    If true. Its cool n all. But I really didn't hear any of d2's style coming through in the beta soundtrack. I hope they add some eastern influence.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Ya I hear ya. I enjoy the music in the beta, but its not giving me that instant sense of nostalgia I'm looking for (most notably the Tristram theme). We still have the last half of Act 1 and three other acts to hear, so I have faith it gets even better :)
  • Seirei
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    If true. Its cool n all. But I really didn't hear any of d2's style coming through in the beta soundtrack. I hope they add some eastern influence.

    Personaly, this gave me chills. It's not the typical thing, but for me it's close enough to be acceptable as a good piece of background music.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lKdkYc3pBs"]Diablo 3 - New Tristram Music - YouTube[/ame]
  • Carbon14
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    Carbon14 polycounter lvl 10
    I realize a lot people will disagree but D3 is really just not doing it for me. I loved Diablo 1 and enjoyed Diablo 2 but this for me is just missing something. I might as well mention I was one of those people who wailed and whined about the art style when the game was announced, so for some of you it might be best to just stop reading here.

    My biggest gripe is the art. It's good, but it just feels washed out and dull while at the same time being too cartoon like. For me it's sort of in this grey area between WoW and Diablo, too dull to be epic and stylized, too fantasy and stylized to be dark and gritty. The whole environment feels somewhat muddy, some parts look great others are just washed out and dull.

    All of those gripes however are nothing that would really stop me enjoying the game, my biggest graphical gripe is the Armor. I do not want to look like a damn power ranger with horns, or have shoulder pads 3x the size of my head and so big that I am no longer shaped like a human and more like a turtle. if I get this game I will probably be picking the monk because he apparently will look the least ridiculous when he gets his high level armor. For me personally, the loot is a big aspect of the game (duh its Diablo) and being (arguably) an artist I like picking up stuff and being excited by the appearance, for me Diablo 3 is not very exciting in this regard from what I have seen.


    The gameplay is somewhat to be expected and I think they did a fantastic job of making you feel like your hits were really thumping the hell out of some hapless creatures. I was surprised that I honestly found the leveling and skills somewhat confusing, it seems quite different from the Diablo I know. Overall the gameplay is very smooth and solid feeling though.

    The story (very little of it to see I know) and feel left a fair bit to be desired for me, the voice acting seemed odd and the overall I felt a bit like I was in a pg13 kids movie. From the overly confident teenage girl in the middle of a demon apocalypse to the squawking gold shitting jumping imp it felt a bit cutesy or cheesy somehow (childrens cheesy, not b grade horror cheesy either). The dungeons dont have a deep dark feeling of venturing into catacombs, rather they are big and open make zero sense in any architectural sense and quite blatantly seem to ooze "epic scale" which I personally dont think fits for Diablo even though for any other game it would be great.

    In conclusion, the world and style didn't grab me and I very quickly felt like I was wandering through a pretty poker/fruit machine, gold tinkling and shining wherever I clicked, everything probably done right for addiction value but lacking in soul.

    Now feel free to call me an idiot :P
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I agree completely actually. But I've always contended that Diablo1 had the most atmosphere, and that's just the way it is. D3 is epic, D1 was one man against evil, and you could feel it. That atmosphere of oppression can't be topped with epic vistas and story.

    When you took those first steps and heard this, you either got chills, or you were a corpse.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh2ytI3PquY"]Diablo dungeon music - YouTube[/ame]

    But anyways the mood is just Diablo the sp game. The real game is mp where the whole point is collecting items and grinding xp like a mindless robot.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Seirei wrote: »
    Personaly, this gave me chills. It's not the typical thing, but for me it's close enough to be acceptable as a good piece of background music.

    Diablo 3 - New Tristram Music - YouTube

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XheJnmLAwhk&feature=relmfu"]Diablo 2 - Tristram (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]


    Anyways, so how was your open beta weekend?
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