I'm somewhat surprised they haven't made powered boats or cargo boats along the lines of the powered / cargo mine carts, or bigger boats that could attach to 'docks'.
Oh yah, if anyone comes across a decent sized ledge / cliff hanging out over a body of water, lemme know. I'd like to set up home #2 (or maybe an outpost) as a 'hanging house'.
Lazerus, was it right by where the rail "ended" and it was boxed up in a room? There was a sign days ago in there that said something about making it mob-proof or they'd destroy it. Not sure what they meant by that, but if that's where it was... I guess that's what they meant.
Thats BS. I was along that railway about 2 days ago for a bit of an adventure about. I saw the sign. Who else is along that way? Must be someone who uses that railway often to get that angry about it.
Sounds to me like a mystery. You are certain it was trolled and not creppere'd by accident? I haven't seen the damage mind.
Whoever left diamond blocks in my chest, thanks. For that kind act I added more chests filled with bread from my bread vault. Anyone is welcome to take as much bread as they need.
Now on to this matter of TNT. If the damage really was caused by someone using TNT then I suspect the contents of that TNT came from a certain tower that mass produces weapons. The fact that it's open to the public means our creations are in danger. I'd keep that in mind.
OOhh, that was your sign, was it? Then that sign was directed at me. My base lies beyond that room, along the tracks I extended. The problem is the trees, I believe. Mobs can jump up the trees, and I've cut them down by my neck-of-the-woods, but I guess not by your base. That was inconsiderate of me, and I apologize. I am also responsible for the *2* blocks destroyed in the wall to go through to the tracks on the other side of the wall.
However, I assure you I did NOT do the damage you're referring to. That really sucks, man...
Actually, the road in question originally ended at Fletcher's cabin. Sam extended it all the way to his new base by the beach. Lazerus Reborn decided his base would be great right in the middle of the road, and closed it off when mobs coming in were inconvenient. Then when he got sick of placing two cobblestone blocks again, he put up a sign that said "piss off or i'll destroy it". Maybe somebody didn't appreciate the tone of the sign?
I'm pretty sure it wasn't sam though, he's a nice guy and not into griefing.
laz i'm not sure where you are talking about, i built an extension off to my base going northwards over the lake, my extension is a bit ugly but i've never seen a mob on it in all my travels, altho since everything seemed normal whne i used the walkway this morning maybe you are talking about some where else. i do play on making my track neater eventualy but for now i'm trying ot get my tower workin
man it seems the server is down more than its up lately
Minecraft Beta 1.2 is live. All servers need to be updated to 1.2.
New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake
* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!
* Paintings work in multiplayer
* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
* Falling sand behaves better in SMP
* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs
So much awesome in there. Wool dyes = custom furniture/carpets in houses!
New crafting recipes - I wonder what!?
And, water mobs - water is no longer a safe-haven. So exciting.
laz i'm not sure where you are talking about, i built an extension off to my base going northwards over the lake, my extension is a bit ugly but i've never seen a mob on it in all my travels, altho since everything seemed normal whne i used the walkway this morning maybe you are talking about some where else. i do play on making my track neater eventualy but for now i'm trying ot get my tower workin
I didnt put any signs up? i blocked off the door thing and double walled the t juntion and filled in the supports to prevent creeper attacks after the first one blew up a chunk. Slightly confused now about this sign? where was it?? in the t juntcion or further on/behind?
Problem with note blocks as they are is that they only play once when getting power and you need to turn on/off the power. Think it might get hard to get any kind of melody to play with it, at least without any other supplying redstone scripting block.
I wonder how we can get the new ore block, if we are in an already generated world? Because wouldn't we need a new world to get the ore, or will the new ore be inserted randomly in the old world?
Problem with note blocks as they are is that they only play once when getting power and you need to turn on/off the power. Think it might get hard to get any kind of melody to play with it, at least without any other supplying redstone scripting block.
I wonder how we can get the new ore block, if we are in an already generated world? Because wouldn't we need a new world to get the ore, or will the new ore be inserted randomly in the old world?
if people can build calculators then they can surely make it play a melody will just be fairly big and shit.
Oh yah, if anyone comes across a decent sized ledge / cliff hanging out over a body of water, lemme know. I'd like to set up home #2 (or maybe an outpost) as a 'hanging house'.
(unless sum mofo has griefed my base XD)
Well its still a underwater base...just more water.
Who ever built the crappy extentsion on it didnt, so mobs leaked into my base, the reason why it was blocked off.
Ffs who ever did it is a tit and can go die.
Also all minecarts are gone from the track. about 12? i think.
Whoever left diamond blocks in my chest, thanks. For that kind act I added more chests filled with bread from my bread vault. Anyone is welcome to take as much bread as they need.
Now on to this matter of TNT. If the damage really was caused by someone using TNT then I suspect the contents of that TNT came from a certain tower that mass produces weapons. The fact that it's open to the public means our creations are in danger. I'd keep that in mind.
However, I assure you I did NOT do the damage you're referring to. That really sucks, man...
I'm pretty sure it wasn't sam though, he's a nice guy and not into griefing.
man it seems the server is down more than its up lately
I am so addicted. Such a great game. Time to start making my tree house!
Yay for one million sales!
I'll set one out at ground level so you can see how it's laid out. It's pretty simple.
New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake
* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!
* Paintings work in multiplayer
* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
* Falling sand behaves better in SMP
* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs
So much awesome in there. Wool dyes = custom furniture/carpets in houses!
New crafting recipes - I wonder what!?
And, water mobs - water is no longer a safe-haven. So exciting.
Wow, that's going to be awesome. I might have to come back to try it.
birch trees
giant squid monster
Its like having an acme hole
And, you can turn them into Fire Arrows by putting lava in front:
I didnt put any signs up? i blocked off the door thing and double walled the t juntion and filled in the supports to prevent creeper attacks after the first one blew up a chunk. Slightly confused now about this sign? where was it?? in the t juntcion or further on/behind?
I wonder how we can get the new ore block, if we are in an already generated world? Because wouldn't we need a new world to get the ore, or will the new ore be inserted randomly in the old world?
if people can build calculators then they can surely make it play a melody
Sweet. I'll hook up my strobe lights to the jinglers!