Multi player with monsters really changes the game! Xeno and I joined up with Sectaurs to work on a base and a we kept having creeper accidents. It's built inside a hill so creepers always spawn on the untamed top of the hill and ninja attack us in the morning!
I'm building a raised railway from near the spawn to Outpost 1, gonna need donations of cobblestone, wood, and especially iron. I'll set up a donation chest or two near the start of it soon, please contribute any extras of the listed items if you can. Iron in particular is need a lot of for the railway.
I've been wheelin and dealin, and got some good news for n00bs on the server.
Right next to the spawn is a raised platform with a brick house and large tree-ringed garden. I just bought this spot off of Zero for a few diamonds, and I'm in the process of turning into a kind of spawn-area hideout / community center. I'll be setting up a forge and storage area, a small spot for 'community messages' (signs posted), and garden / pond area within the trees. The area's being named "The Spawn Camp" (get it? ).
A short distance east of the spawn (based on sun / moon movement) is the Spawn to Outpost 1 railway entrance (it's floating in the water between the spawn area and my house). The railway itself is still WIP due to the high iron cost of tracks, but the raised pathway itself is complete. Take a safe walk along it to Outpost 1, check out other people's places along the way and see if somewhere around Outpost 1 is where you'd like to set up. At most corners over land I've installed a ladder back up with a crafting box and chest at the base of the pillar for all to use.
Oh yah, donations of iron are greatly appreciated, and I will try to keep tabs of everyone who's donated for a big "contributors" sign at The Spawn Camp.
I got tired of having to run back to my base area every time I died, because it just happened to be at night, so i built a long cobblestone path back to it from the spawn, up high so mobs cant get to it, was gonna create branches off of it to go to other places, then eventually put tracks on it, but you're one step ahead.
Died in lava yesterday and just stopped playing for a bit, sucks losing everything, diamond pickaxe, sword, shovel, tons of iron, coal, wood, sulphur etc. (had about 60 iron )
So I logged on last night to see the new server and boy was it scary. I was so used to not losing health from great heights and not having to fight monsters that it was a big shock to the system.
I attempted to make a sort of fort...but a Creeper...somehow got inside and stalked me from behind. Silent but deadly.
I'm using my son's account, jdc1999. He prefers offline peaceful mode, heheh. I think monsters bring a nice dynamic tho, that and no more dupe bug makes everything that much more precious.
Logged in just now to find half my front yard gone and water emptying into my house. Looks like creeper attack but they don't attack empty houses do they?
Nope this was definitely from explosion(s). Well managed to clean it up quite quickly, and now it actually looks better and more spacious after the 'design changes'
I went ahead and checked out the server the other day. What's with the giant hole into oblivion?
Client-side graphics glitch from what I understand of it. If you log out and back it'll be gone. We've been taking advantage of them cause they let you see where coal and iron are close to ground level.
Client-side graphics glitch from what I understand of it. If you log out and back it'll be gone. We've been taking advantage of them cause they let you see where coal and iron are close to ground level.
oh i love those damn holes! i netted 15 diamonds in 1 day because of them.
Loving the new server reset, gonna mine iron to help Flaagan in his noble attempt to make spawn not the only place people build outpost 1 is pretty awesome after all!
My place is North of spawn. Just passed Johnnysix's place.
I have created about 7 or 8 mob spwning rooms. And I plan to make more.
The collection rooms is down the long ladder below my castle.
It doesnt spawn anywhere close to 10000 items per hour. Maybe thats in single player. I get about 10 items per minute on average (guess). But it works ok.
PLEASE dont alter anything or grief it thanks. Coz it took bloody ages.
Flaggan I have a ton of stone for you. I'll try and bring it across or you could come get it.
Gotta set up a box in The Spawn Camp for all the stone we're getting! Once we add another railway (talked with a few folks about one heading west / southwest) it'll come in handy. Right now plenty of iron is still needed, about half the railway's been laid down. I'm looking into either a powered cart setup or one of the 'infinite loop' powered railways.. I'm a little hesitant on the latter as it can lead to glitching and other problems apparently.
"But! We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work." -Notch
"But! We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work." -Notch
MMMMM!!! cant wait!
How about combining it with cloth and making dyes, and then finding some use for cloth besides just random pictures...? :poly124:
you built a trap tower? :-/ lame-o!
pondered building one for a bit but decided that it would ruin the experience for me and thus didn't.
lol. Its not lame. I'm now reaping the benefits of the hard work it took to building it. And working out the best way to optimise traps is a task in its self.
Minecraft caters for all types.
Miners-Mine, Builders-Build, Farmers-farm, Hunters-hunt, (soon) Fisherman-fish, and Trapers-trap.
wouldn't wanna have to blow up your stuffs!
I know right, lazy gamedevs.
Artist are the worst, procrastinators all of them.
Right next to the spawn is a raised platform with a brick house and large tree-ringed garden. I just bought this spot off of Zero for a few diamonds, and I'm in the process of turning into a kind of spawn-area hideout / community center. I'll be setting up a forge and storage area, a small spot for 'community messages' (signs posted), and garden / pond area within the trees. The area's being named "The Spawn Camp" (get it?
A short distance east of the spawn (based on sun / moon movement) is the Spawn to Outpost 1 railway entrance (it's floating in the water between the spawn area and my house). The railway itself is still WIP due to the high iron cost of tracks, but the raised pathway itself is complete. Take a safe walk along it to Outpost 1, check out other people's places along the way and see if somewhere around Outpost 1 is where you'd like to set up. At most corners over land I've installed a ladder back up with a crafting box and chest at the base of the pillar for all to use.
Oh yah, donations of iron are greatly appreciated, and I will try to keep tabs of everyone who's donated for a big "contributors" sign at The Spawn Camp.
I got tired of having to run back to my base area every time I died, because it just happened to be at night, so i built a long cobblestone path back to it from the spawn, up high so mobs cant get to it, was gonna create branches off of it to go to other places, then eventually put tracks on it, but you're one step ahead.
Died in lava yesterday and just stopped playing for a bit, sucks losing everything, diamond pickaxe, sword, shovel, tons of iron, coal, wood, sulphur etc. (had about 60 iron
I attempted to make a sort of fort...but a Creeper...somehow got inside and stalked me from behind. Silent but deadly.
sorry to be lazy but theres a shit ton of pages here and i aint found it
Have to get back into this, but the Steam sales have slowed down my mining quite a bit.
Client-side graphics glitch from what I understand of it. If you log out and back it'll be gone. We've been taking advantage of them cause they let you see where coal and iron are close to ground level.
oh i love those damn holes! i netted 15 diamonds in 1 day because of them.
Start harvesting creepers for sulphur, they'll die for a good cause.
EDIT: Heres the thread the creator made to better explain the design.
My place is North of spawn. Just passed Johnnysix's place.
I have created about 7 or 8 mob spwning rooms. And I plan to make more.
The collection rooms is down the long ladder below my castle.
It doesnt spawn anywhere close to 10000 items per hour. Maybe thats in single player. I get about 10 items per minute on average (guess). But it works ok.
PLEASE dont alter anything or grief it thanks. Coz it took bloody ages.
Flaggan I have a ton of stone for you. I'll try and bring it across or you could come get it.
I just worked out mine is working at 300 items per hour. Based on 15mins.
The one in the video apparently has 28 levels and since that video the halloween update has reduced the spawn rate of mobs.
So i'll keep expanding on mine. And i'll tray and find out what the optimum environment is to spawn mobs.
The Zero Chunk.
MMMMM!!! cant wait!
How about combining it with cloth and making dyes, and then finding some use for cloth besides just random pictures...? :poly124:
pondered building one for a bit but decided that it would ruin the experience for me and thus didn't.
damn kids! luckily it didn't spread onto my house
lol. Its not lame. I'm now reaping the benefits of the hard work it took to building it. And working out the best way to optimise traps is a task in its self.
Minecraft caters for all types.
Miners-Mine, Builders-Build, Farmers-farm, Hunters-hunt, (soon) Fisherman-fish, and Trapers-trap.
I'm a Traper.
I wouldnt say i'm abusing anything. I'm just creating areas that encourage spawns and herding the mobs toward certain death.
Anyway. I'm not collecting vast ammounts of stuff like the video. Its slow and steady.
EDIT: Ahhh...bugger...Yes server is down again
Tyler - sorry if I raged about the spider - think I died about 5 times building that trap-pit.
For some reason I thought you were this guy, so was expecting griefing or something. :poly122:
Again sorry lol.