I saw a thread about minecraft made some time back and I feel like its time for a fresh start!
What the eff is minecraft?
Minecraft is what would happen if Spelunky was made out of lego and used as a basis to create dwarf fortress! If that sounds too confusing, let me break it down like a block o' dirt with diamond shovel:
In minecraft everything in the world is a cube, with terrain looking like it was made with really low resolution voxels. You can remove and pick up any cube and place different cubes anywhere - In short you can build with lego bricks!
I saw this thread last year, some little java thing big whoop
Minecraft has become so much more! What was once just a multiplayer lego where everyone could fly around building neon penises in the sky until griefers came along has evolved beyond your wildest dreams!

The big focus now is the
Single player sandbox RPG-like, aka INDEV! (because its in dev haha lolol- ok). This basically generates a world for you complete with lakes oceans forests and rolling hills and dumps you in a small wooden shack with nothing. You must utilize a simple but effective crafting system to survive, eventually constructing massive underground labyrinths, ingenious underwater cities and soaring towers. But for the first night you pretty much just survive.
There are things. in the Dark. They want to eat you. When night comes, find some shelter, quick. Very few things in games today scare me as much as the sound of an arrow makes, whizzing overhead or seeing 8 red glowing eyes in the darkness.
In addition to
things, crafting, day/night cycles there is farming, sheep, mining and CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT!
CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT yes, notch, Minecrafts creator is a fucking maniac, updateing the game left right and center. There is an update pretty much every damn week (or more) and you get the fresherest livest content direct to your web-i-net. At the moment he is working on
Thought the bold bits where questions? oh well, Infdev is what happens when someone says 'notch the maps are pretty big, but can you make a slightly larger size please?' - and Notch reply's with, 'OK, here you go, how does
EIGHT TIMES THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH Sound?!' and then starts working on making infifinite world sandbox rpg multiplayer.

As you may have gathered I love this game. There is so much you can do in it and when Multiplayer indev comes out in two months I can't see myself playing anything else ever.
You can play the free modes at
To get INDEV and all its awesome updates you have to pay about 10 euros. This is especially half price offer while the game is in development - it will cost twice as much ones it goes into beta.
Buying the game while in development comes with a money-back guarantee - if you regret it within a month, notch will refund you. Because he is literally awesome.
his updates are awesome, Just waiting for the old survival stuff to get into infdev :x
Yes! Here's me:
Nice one, fearian!
Awesome though, infdev is pretty cool i love some of the new random terrain, getting stone arches with little rivers flowing under them is pretty cool, can't wait till its all rolled together proper. Dyamn.
Infdev sounds awesome.
I don't have 10 dollars on PayPal though (funnily enough it's something like $9.60) so I'm gonna transfer money on monday. I hope the deal is still on.
I'm currently working on a 'mod' for minecraft - reskining al the textures. I'' post some screenshots later int he afternoon.
You need to build a bow, check out the crafting section of the wiki
Once you have the bow equiped you right click to shoot arrows.
all i have managed is to pick some flowers!
watched justin play this. looks cool.
game is such a blast for just destroying and building blocks lol
I got greedy after finding a vast underground cavern, found gold, diamonds, dug deeper, fell into another cave full of lava.
In the meantime, I'm building castles in the sky. And then ruining it by connecting it to the floor to get safely to my water traps.
yeah, what I mean, machinery and all that
can't connect to tmsminecraft.game-host.org:25566
"Failed to connect to the server, Connection refused: connect"
Odd, I managed to get on, there were only two other people on at the time though...