flaag the terrain had been reset as its a new server witht eh same address, maybe thats confusing you, that everythings new. or is it just not working.. cause i connect to it every day, so there must be some kinda bug
Servers being an ass, just finished my mob tower (now producing) and the server resets and dies ;___;
Had three other people helping with the final touches aswell. not happy !
yeah that was annoying i wanted to see how it worked propperly...would it be better to light on the int with redstone torches that we could turn off from the exterior (or glass control room) and then some stairs down to the slaughter house...
yeah that was annoying i wanted to see how it worked propperly...would it be better to light on the int with redstone torches that we could turn off from the exterior (or glass control room) and then some stairs down to the slaughter house...
yes i dreamt MOB traps last night
Somehow I imagine polycount server being full of these in the near future:
Pretty much I managed to get on last night and logged off a minute when BAM couldn't get back on. By pure luck I logged on at a point when the servers were back on for that short moment.
Anyway what gives, I was on the server for ages a moment ago but the phone rang so I disconnected for a few minutes and as soon as I rejoin it keeps error'ing me >_>
Would the server people be interested in this plugin?
I had to halt construction on my train station because mine tracks are currently bugged so I built this mob tower. It's in a huge cave Sectuars & I mined out at the bottom of the world.
habboi. you dont need fancy chest locks. just dick down a couple of dirt blocks and put your chest in the hole. cover it up when youre done. also make sure to put some kind of indicator where it is. like a flower or a tree next to it. makes it more fun because its realistic. its almost impossible for someone to find, but they still can.
habboi. you dont need fancy chest locks. just dick down a couple of dirt blocks and put your chest in the hole. cover it up when youre done. also make sure to put some kind of indicator where it is. like a flower or a tree next to it. makes it more fun because its realistic. its almost impossible for someone to find, but they still can.
its annoying to have stuff stolen and destroyed...but thats what makes it great fun... its like living in the wild west
There are still griefers on the server all the time? I haven't been on it about two months but I stopped because I was tired of the griefing. What happened to that white list that so many people were behind?
is this near the spawn point????
no greifers round where we are....well except when mistakes get made and green penises go off
There has been some greifing near us Shep' but thats onyl minor compared to what these guys are facing. A few diamonds robbed, two stacks on tnt, the valuable stuff really.
Also, since the highway is directly over my mob trap, ive encased it in cobble and made a safe passage. Though it still is right through the centre of the trap so please dont get frisky and mine through, it wont be pretty cleaning the creeper slurry off the walls.
Doesnt look like i've been griefed...but someone planted cacti in my collection room...bizzarre. Also rejoined the game and all my inventory was gone ...boooo.
The lava kind would be alot more menacing since if they go to grife, the lava would destroy there items when they slowly burn to death, so if there using tnt, well...
hmm.. I wonder how high you can build - just make and ion cannon platform/station that orbits and drop tnt from a great height
..or you know ..lasers.
would be awesome if you could translate the kinect way of importing an animated group of building blocks to loop - and then you'd have a automatically moving platform to build upon hmmm...
Had three other people helping with the final touches aswell.
btw. this is a mod. more creature vids and info here
Hahaha, I was thinking about creating an underwater dome too :P
Also, spiders can climb vertically now?
yeah that was annoying i wanted to see how it worked propperly...would it be better to light on the int with redstone torches that we could turn off from the exterior (or glass control room) and then some stairs down to the slaughter house...
yes i dreamt MOB traps last night
404'd on minecraft.net, seems notch is under fire again from botnets. Server side auth is down too, so smp is dead for now =/
You clearly havent seen what ive been working on near the spawn base....
Yeah, I've been playing on a friend's server for the last few weeks. I'll have to check it out once everything goes up again.
Somehow I imagine polycount server being full of these in the near future:
Anyway what gives, I was on the server for ages a moment ago but the phone rang so I disconnected for a few minutes and as soon as I rejoin it keeps error'ing me >_>
Would the server people be interested in this plugin?
Finally, thanks to whoever griefed my wooden stairs by setting them on fire.
its annoying to have stuff stolen and destroyed...but thats what makes it great fun... its like living in the wild west
Look back a page; Notch is moving to amazons cloud servers to support the million+ players, itll be down while he fiddles'
says it cant verify my username...oh well another night wasted ;-)
way to go, douchebag!
no greifers round where we are....well except when mistakes get made and green penises go off
There has been some greifing near us Shep' but thats onyl minor compared to what these guys are facing. A few diamonds robbed, two stacks on tnt, the valuable stuff really.
Also, since the highway is directly over my mob trap, ive encased it in cobble and made a safe passage. Though it still is right through the centre of the trap so please dont get frisky and mine through, it wont be pretty cleaning the creeper slurry off the walls.
Someone also stole a load of items from my chests and took all my lights so mobs would spawn in my base.
Like the wild west as someone put it on the last page...
HAHAHA it seems some dick has gone around causing grief. Houses on fire. Most of my floor and chests all gone. Paintings stolen. lul.
haha. ahhh
Cant really understand someone that doesn't know me or have any gripes destroying something that I made, but it must make them real happy.
how rude
My reserve which was buried behind 2 'forged to normal' (cobble stone) stone walls has been ransacked
..or you know ..lasers.
would be awesome if you could translate the kinect way of importing an animated group of building blocks to loop - and then you'd have a automatically moving platform to build upon hmmm...
Just got the game, single player looks interesting BUT i want to build stuff on the Polycount server! whats the IP ?
this game desperately needs locked boxes. lost my 30 blocks of diamond