Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques




  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Goblin smuggler's outpost
    4999 polys. So chunky ye can carve it.

    6 full days of texturing ahead. Wish me luck.
  • Agent-X
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    Agent-X polycounter lvl 18
    Wow! Great stuff everyone. Here is the latest on my dragon, I need to start cranking away and do some all nights to finish this one on time. Please feel free to comment on my dragon. I am here to learn and do the best I possibly can. Also to make new friends. I hope you guys like it so far. I am still adding scales and wrinkles and thinking about changing the bone look in the wings where the joints are to look more like ridges where the joints are. That way it will look more like flesh is over the bones in the wings. Do please comment guys and gals. Thanks. DragonUpdate06_by_ExtremeCreations2001.jpg
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Fuckfuckfuck I'm late!

    I only started serious work on it this evening. Going the messy-fun way, like doing textures first and shaping the models on top of them. It's actually quite relaxing a technique and saves some time... but still, I don't think I'll make it for the deadline hehe smile.gif


    [/ QUOTE ]

    dude you are the bitmap brothers of 3d smile.gif
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    dude you are the bitmap brothers of 3d smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I was thinking exactly the same thing. Pior your work rocks!
  • typhus22
    hey folks, first time poster long time lurker. really awesome work u guys do over here, cant wait to join in on the polycount competitions. anyways, heres my entry so far. any crits appreciated. cya

  • Skizot
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    Skizot polycounter lvl 18
    that is AWESOME.

    the few crits i would give are the claws on top... not too sure where they come from...

    the main body.. it seems... too thin to be an ultralisk... the right one is on a good track... but the left one is like a difler with legs.
  • EarthQuake
    Pior you crazy french bastard, that stuff is nuts =)
  • Agent-X
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    typhus22- got some good looking detail in there. One thing bothering me is that there's too much yellow in the image. Try a different color for the fog, something on the cool side to contrast with all the warm colors that’s on the model.
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    trying to crank out a starcraft terran tank before the end of the week - I know it's a little early to post anything but maybe some of you might have a suggestion on design/form. It's designed to be a close-range area-effect missile tank (think of the Valkyrie's air-to-air, but ground-to-ground).
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    Assassin update...

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Lookin great, but I think theres a bit too much red on that skin. Making it look sunburned.

    I also kinda feel that the purple doesnt go with the skin tone very well, but thats more a personal preference.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    lookin good struve!
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    looks cool struve, here's where i think ur chick may be hurting a little bit, it doesn't look like you're using any kind of color spec, seems like all your spec is just grayscale. especially the gold looking stuff, make the spec gold looking it'll definitely help it, i mean just play around with it, i'm sure you'll get a nice looking result. and also lighting wise add some tints to your lights, don't go with pure white. and dump the black background, try using dark grey it'll help your model pop a little more. its looking cool, you're almost there work on the hair some more. GO STRUVE smile.gif
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    on top of what rockstar said i would change the color of the gold to a dark yellow brown and then use a yellow white as the spec color. I'd show you waht i'm talking about but thats all stuff at work. Just look for how to make gold with shaders and youl find the colors i'm talking about. Also dont feel bad using a envmap as well, just make sure its got a yellow hue.

    This is just that brown (dif), white yellow (spec), norm and evnmap
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    struve it's looking really wonderful. I agree with rockstar and tgz about the gold material - I'd even suggest skewing the color of the gold toward green/olive and the specular color toward orange/coral for more depth. Like rockstar said, play around with it until you get whatever looks nice. lastly does anybody else think her purple hair is a bit too PURPLE? it's so saturated it's kind of distracting. Have you tried a normal black color, or very subtle purple?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    uh first post over here, i've been told to come by and see what you guys are doing for the blizz contest, great work everyone, some of the pieces are outstanding, very very nice work, this thread is a real inspiration!

    @hawken: interesting approach, last time i saw someone doing it like this was years ago, however, it seems to work great, awesome texturing skills smile.gif

    @struve: very nice work with the normalmaps, it's working really well, may i ask which shader you are using for max to achieve this?

    well i guess when i'm now here i could share my work too ^^

    I decided to go for a real ingame shot with ingame camera to get the feeling of a new Starcraft, i also decided not to got with 5k for the whole scene, which is stupid in many ways, but everything on that screen is way below 5k polygons

    i'm currently doing some more defender units of the toss, a zealot has already been build
    http://polyphobia.de/nonpublic/muddles/blizz/zealot03.jpg but he needs some rigging befor i can put him into the scene, next thing on my list is a dragoon, after i finished this i have to do 3 building, so it's not much time and i have to rush through it a little bit :/
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the only critic i have is that the normals get washed out by the diffuse , other than that not a single critic more, its like watching starcraft 2 really !
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Well in order to keep the textures readable from far away and looking good from a close view and also give the player with lower spec systems the ability to turn the normalmaps off without having such a disaster like with doom3 (ever turned the normalmaps off?) i have to live with that smile.gif
    but thanks Johny laugh.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    you are a single critic, you gave a single critique.

    but yeah, hot damn what a pimp.
  • typhus22
    Skizot- i might switch out and make the lower head one in the foreground and the one rearing back in the background. the body is actually thicker then the perspective shows but that just shows i need to move things around to get a better view. thanks for the crits man!

    struve - thanks man, ill try to break up the colors. i was trying for a desert scene but ill try tp make the ultra more distinguished.

    SEKNeox - the only thing that bugs me is the back of the hydralisk. right now its looking too rounded imo. it doesnt look like spines, u know? other then that the whole thing captures the feel perfectly.
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    Hey thanks for all the feedback on the assassin. Very helpful stuff. I'll try to make the yellow parts more gold and add an environment map, and Thanks for the avi, Thegodzero.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Wow! SEKNeox, looks good man! I'ts amazing to me in this industry of sequels, we still haven't seen Starcraft 2 yet. But this is awsome man. It' could be a screenshot from sc2 easily. Rock on.
  • gnomewerks
    [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty rough, but you get the idea.
    As I mentioned above, going for real Warcraft stylee.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never try to dump on the artistic efforts of a person and I mean no offense but...

    If you are going to draw a concept of "your" entry, then why not work off the best concept possible (for better 3d accuracy).

    In this case - why not just use this?

    That way there is no confusion on the part of "who's concept it is".

    Yes, I know the contest allows you to pull from all the Blizzard inspiration possible - even so far as blatantly recreating a final piece from an existing concept but your piece seems a bit shady...

    Either redraw the turtle to make it your own or fully admit and give credit by saying - "I am going to be modeling an exact concept from the World of Warcraft Art book."

    I'm way to huge of a fan of concept artists in general and Blizzard to allow someone to disrespect their work without giving it the due credit.

    AGAIN - If I misread something or that was not your intention in any way, then I apologize. Otherwise please put a "A CONCEPT THAT A BLIZZ EMPLOYEE MADE" is what I will be submitting.

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I'm confused... looks like he drew it himself.

    Obviously its based off of their concept... Thats kind of the point.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
  • Clint
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    Clint polycounter lvl 18
    Been startin to hover over these forums again. Did an Arthas concept that im currently movin to 3d. Gotta get movin with the deadline in 5 days.

  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    Feet are a bit too small to cary such a top heavy character Clint.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    You are probly right about those feet, but I likem, keep em, and if they look bad on the model, make em bigger. Either way, u better concentrate on finishign lol
  • gnomewerks
    Sectaurs and Aesir.

    As I said at the beginning of my post. I wasn't intending to start any negative thoughts or be harsh on the guy.

    The point is:
    I'm confused... looks like he drew it himself.

    Obviously its based off of their concept... Thats kind of the point

    It is not based off of their concept. It IS their concept..


    His concept is not BASED off of Blizzard. It IS Blizzards concept.

    As I interpret the guidelines of the concept, you either create an original piece of work or a replica of something they have already done. I'm just saying. Don't pretend that in the concept stages the work is yours. It is not in any way, shape or form. Give the credit, reference or inspiration. At least mention it. The comment at the bottom of his piece of "I was really going for Warcraft style" leads me to presume he thinks its his. Obviously its Warcraft style if it is exactly what is in a Warcraft book, drawn by a Blizzard employee. Personally even in a fan art contest, when you blatantly and basically exactly copy someone else's work and you don't credit that you lose all respect as an artist from me. EVEN IN A FAN ART CONTEST.
  • character
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    character polycounter lvl 18
    wow, some serious talent in here. pior, that's a rockin face texture. and struve, that assasin is rockin. kudos to everyone else as well. some of the work in here blows me away
  • Agent-X
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    Agent-X polycounter lvl 18
    Here is my latest work in progress. I hope people like it. smile.gifDragonUpdate07_by_ExtremeCreations2001.jpg
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Hurray, people are paying attention to me *Zoidberg Voice*

    Gnomewerks, I don't understand your issue. Everything in this thread is based on Blizzard's artwork to some degree. I make no pretensions that the Turtle Submarine is my own idea, I merely adapted the design from the concept that is in The Art of Warcraft book which was necessary for modelling purposes and because I wanted to make a few small modifications. You'll be well pleased to note that I'm not in fact submitting the concept but a 3d model of the turtle and even that is only a small portion of my overall environment.

    Anyway, I've got texturing work to do.
  • gnomewerks
    [ QUOTE ]
    Gnomewerks, I don't understand your issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I came across as though I was personally attacking you and a bit harsh. For that I am sorry.

    My logic was simple. The turtle piece is an obscure piece on a random page in an art book that people may never really see.

    I randomnly happened to be looking through the book a few days ago. I saw your post and after reading the "its rough, but you get the idea" and the "going for real warcraft style" I interpreted it as though it was your own. I looked back at the book and thought..."Its not a drawing he did that was inspired by the turtle. Its not his take on it. Its not his own design based on it. It is just about an exact copy of it." I didn't see any credit or mention towards that so I raised the flag and made a post.

    Nothing more. That is my explanation for my first 2 posts. Now that you have owned up to it I simply say I am sorry for being so forward. As I said in my first post, I kinda figured it was not your intention to blatantly copy with no regard to the original but that is cleared up now. I am happy that you now acknowledge it. So lets move on, keep working at it, as it is a good piece and again:

    I sincerely apologize to you or anyone else that I may have offended. Back on topic! Great work in here (yours too Jack)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Thats cool mate. Not mentioning the reference piece to begin with was an oversight on my part.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty rough, but you get the idea.
    As I mentioned above, going for real Warcraft stylee.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never try to dump on the artistic efforts of a person and I mean no offense but...

    If you are going to draw a concept of "your" entry, then why not work off the best concept possible (for better 3d accuracy).

    In this case - why not just use this?

    That way there is no confusion on the part of "who's concept it is".

    Yes, I know the contest allows you to pull from all the Blizzard inspiration possible - even so far as blatantly recreating a final piece from an existing concept but your piece seems a bit shady...

    Either redraw the turtle to make it your own or fully admit and give credit by saying - "I am going to be modeling an exact concept from the World of Warcraft Art book."

    I'm way to huge of a fan of concept artists in general and Blizzard to allow someone to disrespect their work without giving it the due credit.

    AGAIN - If I misread something or that was not your intention in any way, then I apologize. Otherwise please put a "A CONCEPT THAT A BLIZZ EMPLOYEE MADE" is what I will be submitting.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    sorry but I think blizzard stole my concept for a submarine turtle that I made in 1997

    don't go mental, it's hardly an original idea.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey glad you like it smile.gif Modelling after a texture appeared to be very efficient - fast and easy. You don't get annoyed by features not being in place because they simply fall into place hehe.


    Thats one of my first texture I paint on a LCD, its a bit annoying as it looks very dull on a CRT. I had to adjust brightness on that mugshut but now it looks TOO bright, arg.

    Got more stuff done-ish, but nothing showable tho. I had to take next friday off to be able to finish it on time, ouch!
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah nice one pior, really like the extreme asymetric action you've got going on there.

    I can see that texturing first is more efficient, if you are very confident with your vision and that your texture is final with the major forms, but that varies anyway laugh.gif, good idea.
    The mesh you've got there is not too effective imho, the cheekboneare seems a bit to dense to me fa. but you've got the mesh right where you really need it to describe the form proparly (great on the jaw).

    Kick ass anyways, and great your lead env. artist from stephko and phil, he'll remember, I hope he didn't forget to greet you laugh.gif
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    meh. i doubt i'll finish. poly110.gif
  • Clint
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    Clint polycounter lvl 18
    Got my base done and started workin on the armor. I havent modeled in a while and this is my first in 3dsmax. Im tryin to figure out what to do about the fur around the neck, on the sleeves, etc. Not sure how to use alphas and get it low poly while still lookin decent. Suggestions,please.
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    for the fur check out struve's assassin on the page before, the fur around the waistband of her pants looked pretty righteous.
  • RoachMXF
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    RoachMXF polycounter lvl 18
    haha i hear you about LCD my first job was at a startup company and all monitors were LCD haha so what looked awesome badass on ours looked like shit on a stick on a crt haha
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    SEKNeox: Dude, that looks awesome. The only problem I see with this image is that there is no Nexus. Kinda looks a little dodgy that the Probes are wondering around collecting minerals without a Nexus near by.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    there is no Nexus YET wink.gif
    i'm not finished and i still have some time to add a nexus, a gateway and a photon cannon, a zealot and a dragoon have already been build but i need to work more on the dragoons texture, but because paraworld is beeing released tomorrow i have to do plenty of other things first, but i'll finish that picture till sunday smile.gif
  • Agent-X
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    Agent-X polycounter lvl 18
    Here is my latest, I hope you guys like, I am going to try to finish the modeling today and get busy on texturing. I hope I finish in time. DragonUpdate08_by_ExtremeCreations2001.jpg
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Agent-X: i don't know if i'm the only one but i can't see any of the images you've tried to post. i don't think DeviantArt allows linking directly to the image. try just giving the link to the image on your DA page.
  • Agent-X
  • Agent-X
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    Agent-X polycounter lvl 18
    Let me know what ya guys think. smile.gif
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    All your critiques are starting to shine through. smile.gif

    Beauty Render…

  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    oh my lordy lord struve that is ass-kicking.

    only suggestions I'd want to make at this point would be about the eye whites being too bright in value, and also to try darkening and increasing the difference in diffuse color and specular color even more on your gold... so that the gold not being hit by the highlight is darker and cooler in color, and the highlight really burns it and gets warm yellow/white. basically just pushing what you have a little bit further, for that material.

    well done!
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