the demon hunters and i think Illidan all had a panda face on their weapons in Warcraft 3 (and probably the Frozen Thron but i haven't played that). it's a Panderan face and Samwise's trademark as he created the Panderan.
Hey guys, thanks for the input Ill make a pass over the face later, but for now Ive got a new update featuring, some anatomy. Have at it, haha. Cheers!!
That's a great looking model Struve. The only thing that catches my eye is the flow of the shoulder muscle into the pectoral. It doesn't feel quite right, but that's a really stong model you have there.
rockstar, i'll try, i have a few weeks of free time, hopefully i can make something happen. got really drunk tonight and decided to refine the concept some when i got home, i will probably hate everything i did in the morning. i might just try and figure the rest out in 3d.
Going low poly route like ghost_rider. Undead machine for making healing potions by sucking the life from humans about 3500 polys at the moment. Humans are 680 polys each, so i need to get them lower. Still need to add humans trappen in cages, torture devices and misc objects laying around.
Looks awesome, snowfly. Diablo's great too, Arsh. struve, I have to kinda echo what EQ and vahl are saying. Although I'm no authority on this by any means, something looks wrong to me about the cheekbones and the area around the lower lip.
dammit! i hate the ATL too many people force feeding me booze! hopefully i can actually get a few sober nights into this model. this is the base zbrushikins. all quadrinos..
*****on a side note*** Snowfly, haha yeah i think your attempt at 3d is way better than my attempt at concepting.. rock on, i am loving the silo as well...
wow, thats looking real nice arsh... nice concept too... but for the model, one thing i would suggest is that u make his mid-section a bit fatter. It looks too skinny at the mo. and his hips jut out too much. U probably noticed these already, but if not...
Looking really good dude, I wish I were at a level where I could do something for the contest but alas I am but a meer noob with an itch to learn. Looking forward to seeing it zbrushed
Arsh that model has some awsome flow to it. I really like where its going. I'm not sure if those are just temp hands but I think they look far to human and 'clawless' for diablo.
Anyways, here's my model so far. I'm gonna do the tentacle arm and asymetrical stuff last.
it's a good start cyber, but I think you would do well with addingsome more deffinition into the model possibly, and more than that some more contrast into the textures. The highlights need to be a lot brighter, that kind of thing.
Also, just in my opinion, the purple might be a bit too saturated.
The detail is mostly done, so I think I'm going to make a start on my rendermesh. Been finding it hard to work on this recently. I hope I can make some good progress next week.
Damn, that thing is looking awesome Tim. But erm... what's with the left hand? It's like some random ambiguous ball, and I just noticed it's the same on the concept... So erm... what's up with that?
Finally got the geometry down for my turtle, sitting at a smidgen over 2000 polys. The rest will go towards surroundings. He's not much to look at just yet, but I think he should look rather nice once I get the Warcrafty textures on him.
I think I'll strip the inner ring off the portholes and use the extra polys to bulk them up to 8 sides. Six sided "round" shapes do seem to pass spec quite frequently in the game but they aren't quite working here I think.
Suggestions/critiques/abuse? Hopefully this won't just get washed away in a tide of high poly normal-mapped awesome.
jackablade I think the 6-sided portholes are kinda cute the way they are. hexagons are nice to look at anyway and they have a fun nostalgic low-poly look. I would leave them.
Ok so i have the base mesh mostly finished. I'm not sure if i like the tenticle arm idea. I may just leave it like this or add so tenticles wraping around the arms. I'm still not sure what to do with all the chains and stuff.
Ok, here we go again.
Gonna try my hand at another entry.
This is a design I've always liked. Im drawn to big strong gentle creatures.
so here's a race I thougt might fit well into warcraft.
Maybe they take care of those big tree ancients or something, or maybe they are a race all unto themselves living on some remote tropical island that hasn't been touched much by the war.
ghost, love the character but I think it'd fit much better into Diablo then into warcraft. Warcraft seems to be much more about generic fantasy races. This reminds me more of those little diablo enemies that you'd find in the jungle that wore those huge masks and would jump up on eachother's shoulders.
really? I always thought that Diablo was all spikes and dungeons and demons.
Do you know what these creatures are called and maybe an image?
Plus I always thought of these guys as like ewoks, very wary of strangers, but once you gain their trust they'll die to protect you.
I dunno, the fetishes were shown as these nasty little minidemons. That whole section of the game was pretty sinister, especially with its racist colonial undertones. Or maybe it was just silly.
Ghostriders concept looks more like a big forest protector, I'm thinking of a giant version of the Deku people... seems more suited to the Warcraft style to me.
snowfly - sweet little panda face on his belt. shows that he has a cute and cuddly side. ha!
EDIT: DAMN! beat me to it!
Nice ornimental detail, struve.
Going low poly route like ghost_rider. Undead machine for making healing potions by sucking the life from humans about 3500 polys at the moment. Humans are 680 polys each, so i need to get them lower. Still need to add humans trappen in cages, torture devices and misc objects laying around.
Looking hot, I recognized the face as your work before seeing your avatar.
Done blocking in the figure, costume, and weapons.
Close up of the head. Note the jutting lower lip, Batman style.
Arsh, looks very cool, you going to finish this one?
Looks good though, looking forward to seeing it finished. I especially like the colored concept where he isn't carrying his weapons.
*****on a side note*** Snowfly, haha yeah i think your attempt at 3d is way better than my attempt at concepting.. rock on, i am loving the silo as well...
Regarding the 5000 polys - does that necessarily mean triangles, or do quads qualify? I'm new to game modelling.
Arsh, really looking forward to seeing him progress! some sweet stuff in this thread!
Anyways, here's my model so far. I'm gonna do the tentacle arm and asymetrical stuff last.
Not as cool as most other peoples but I'm still trying. Any crits would be most appreciated!
Also, just in my opinion, the purple might be a bit too saturated.
Anyways, good stuff.
The detail is mostly done, so I think I'm going to make a start on my rendermesh. Been finding it hard to work on this recently.
That Diablo is very exciting arsh!
Oh well, that's kickin some serious ass man.
Tulkamir - Thats his ANGEL CRUSHA.
Spacemonkey that is looking really awesome! Lots like it will be alot of fun to texture that!
Finally got the geometry down for my turtle, sitting at a smidgen over 2000 polys. The rest will go towards surroundings. He's not much to look at just yet, but I think he should look rather nice once I get the Warcrafty textures on him.
I think I'll strip the inner ring off the portholes and use the extra polys to bulk them up to 8 sides. Six sided "round" shapes do seem to pass spec quite frequently in the game but they aren't quite working here I think.
Suggestions/critiques/abuse? Hopefully this won't just get washed away in a tide of high poly normal-mapped awesome.
Here's my latest pics. Its about 4000 polys at the moment, a few more doodads i need to make. I managed to get the characters down to 440 polys each.
Just fix the smoothing on those edges! yikes!
here is a D-oblo update
oooh psuedo-fancy lighting!
Gonna try my hand at another entry.
This is a design I've always liked. Im drawn to big strong gentle creatures.
so here's a race I thougt might fit well into warcraft.
Maybe they take care of those big tree ancients or something, or maybe they are a race all unto themselves living on some remote tropical island that hasn't been touched much by the war.
and started blocking out shapes:
Do you know what these creatures are called and maybe an image?
Plus I always thought of these guys as like ewoks, very wary of strangers, but once you gain their trust they'll die to protect you.
I agree with aesir.
here's a gif of two of the guys standing on top of eachother (they're called Fetishes I think, they're in Diablo 2)
Ghostriders concept looks more like a big forest protector, I'm thinking of a giant version of the Deku people... seems more suited to the Warcraft style to me.