That's looking sweet ghostrider, however, it seems the hair looks very cartoony compared to the flesh. The flesh seems to have very minute details, while the hair seems to lack that same detail.I think you should make the hair look more fibery and stringy. More little lines coming off of it ,raher than jagged look you have like on the eye brows. Plus maybe it would benefit from stronger highlights as well. to give it that unkempt greazy look like an orc-tauren may have.
Don't get me wrong though, it looks fucking great.
mr_Rockstar, The raining champion steps into the ring. Hehe Sweet concept! There is so much great work in here, I feel inspired, i have to get in on this too
About that cathedral, it looks very nice, but something strikes me as wrong. In the original game there were a gloomy, misty dusk-like environment lighting, with red light from the cathedral shining to the outside.. Here you have very bright light coming through the windows, it doesnt strike me as very tristram-esque.
RoachMXF: I would definatley try and concentrate on a small scene if you're doing enviro work with 5k polys, anything that large is going to look horrible no matter how good of an artist you are. You just can't make a large complex environment with 5k tris.....
If you're sensible, you can fit loads of detail into 5000 polys, particularly if you're working on the sort of detail level that WoW generally has. You'll probably have to use a fair bit of alpha mapping the further back you go but it should be doable.
You guys have just been spoiled by all your fancy pants next gen consoles.
Ya, I know Earthquake,but I am so far in at this point that I dont know if I can afford to turn back. And this has been a test for me because its a problem I have when designing environments( something I am practicing as a hobby) that they have a foreground and a near background, but I want to make them much deeper and more believable so this difficult challenge, even if it ammounts to crap will help me to improve. However I have been playing with other ideas too so if that works out I will go with it.
Ghost_rider, I've got to agree with neo on this one too. Go grab poop's hair brushes and go to town. If you don't already have super custom hair brushes, that is.
Im shooting for, an existing Diablo character that incorporates your artistic twist on it. Heres what Ive got so far, front and back revised concept
Anybody know if you can use normal maps in this comp? I didnt see it anywhere in the brief.
woah, that's best. Just in BLIZZARD GAME ART STYLE=)
I know what rockstar and spacemonkey do somthing in doom style. But yours is truly blizzard like character!
P.S: on your avatar is your daughter? pretty cute=)
EQ knows about womens, please add more sexy, like this:
or this:
Seriously though, I think you're hitting your concept on the head, a strong african american type. No need to change her to a pussy-willow super-model-slut type if that's not your goal.
The head looks pretty good so far struve; just add in some sharper details and I think you have a winner. But umm yeah, manly? I don't agree.. certainly much better than someone who models the same female head over and over.. sorry can't help it
thats lookin awesome ghost, he definitely has that wow feel. the only thing that throws me off is his hairy legs. it looks more like pants compared to the rest of his hairless body. maybe show some green skin poking through in places?
i sketched this out the other night..originally it was gonna be a dark marine with alien technology infused in his armor, but now it kinda looks like a, whatever.
These entries are looking top-notch guys. I wouldn't be surprissed if someone from this board wins!
Anyways, i'm starting a little late but i still wanna give it a go!(not like i have too much of a chance anyways)
I'm gonna do one of my favourite races from wciii, the Faceless Ones. I really hope they get put into WoW(crossing my fingers fora northren expansion). So heres my interpretation of one, it's a little different from the wcIII version but i think it's pretty recognizable.
I'll try to get this done fast, cuz i tend to loose interest in pieces that i work too slow on .
O and could anyone give suggestions on how to make good looking low-ply chains?
PS. This is the first non-test picture i made with my wacom, woooo!
Regardless of your aspirations to break the horrible mold of actually having attractive woman as characters in game art i still stick by my comments.
I know you guys love to make fun of my typical attempts at modeling but it just comes down to one simple fact: Its eaiser to get a "cute" look than it is to get a "Defined and sex mature" look, that is very very hard and few people can actually pull it off. I challange anyone who rips on me constantly to actually show evidence of being able to do this(AND NO have the excuse "shes supposed to look stong, or scary" DOES NOT COUNT) and i will eat me words and completely shut up. Of course this comes down to something that is very subjective in the first place so its probably an unreasonable request.... Oh well fuck it, i'll just go down to poop's level of intelligence in that case.
even if poop's reply was a joke, I second EQ's comments, that face has big anatomical issues ( shape of the ears, cheeks, nose) that don't really make her look like an afro-american/african. You may want to get more african references if you're aming at that look, it's really hard to achieve a good looking african face.
As mentioned, this is highly subjective. I personally think the face looks both attractive and feminine, while looking strong and african. EQ and Vahl are welcome to disagree, but to say it "looks too manly" as a blanket, universal crit is what elicited the replies to the contrary. Clearly you have a penchant for impossibly young looking porn stars, so your sense of aesthetics for female faces is not a good yard stick for which to measure others work. Looks like from the replies in this thread, others agree.
Was it really that hard to simply type that in the first place? I would appreciate it if the next time you insult me you could atleast have the decency to come up with something original and not use the same joke you've used countless times before.
I know i may come off as a complete dick without a sense of humor but my tollerance for childish shit from you has worn out long ago.
[edit] And i am in no way calling for an end childish behaivor on a whole for these boards, nor claiming that i am not perhaps one of the most childish people here either. Just to make that perfeclty clear.
I'll have to go ahead and disagree with both EQ and poop on this one. She is neither manish nor beautiful. She looks vaguely off, which is more bothersome than were she just flat ugly.
I think the ears are a tad too high and small, and her nasal septum is rather wide, and flat. In fact, her nose isn't quite kosher if you ask me. Blocking off parts of her face, her mouth and chin look good and her eyes do as well, but her nose doesn't pass muster imo.
The way her nasal contours flow into the septum just doesn't look right. I'd add some more definition and volume there and she should look better.
Demon Hunter or an alternate Ilidian in better days, with a little bit of ninja, a little bandint, and a little Batman. Gonna go for 5,000 polygons and a subtle normal map.
love your work ghost_rider I have a question about your texture map, how many are you using and at what resolution. I'm thinking of entering but I always end up stuck on the texture end of things, cant wait to see you model done, cheers
very rough little doodle i did while thinking about the contest, i might go through with it, not sure if i would go for cinematic or game model..
diabmuthafukenblow! from diablo
Don't get me wrong though, it looks fucking great.
You guys have just been spoiled by all your fancy pants next gen consoles.
Im shooting for, an existing Diablo character that incorporates your artistic twist on it. Heres what Ive got so far, front and back revised concept
Anybody know if you can use normal maps in this comp? I didnt see it anywhere in the brief.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I tweaked the braids. Good call on that.
woah, that's best. Just in BLIZZARD GAME ART STYLE=)
I know what rockstar and spacemonkey do somthing in doom style. But yours is truly blizzard like character!
P.S: on your avatar is your daughter? pretty cute=)
or this:
Seriously though, I think you're hitting your concept on the head, a strong african american type. No need to change her to a pussy-willow super-model-slut type if that's not your goal.
minor update. starting to block in the armour :
Is this the face of a contract killer?
i'll be doing well if i can catch up to yours ghost. looking pretty tight man
EQ knows about womens, please add more sexy, like this:
or this:
[/ QUOTE ]
Is this the face of a contract killer?
[/ QUOTE ]
She could be a younger Mallory Knox
time to move on to the armor and finally the spear.
i sketched this out the other night..originally it was gonna be a dark marine with alien technology infused in his armor, but now it kinda looks like a, whatever.
great work everybody
Anyways, i'm starting a little late but i still wanna give it a go!(not like i have too much of a chance anyways)
I'm gonna do one of my favourite races from wciii, the Faceless Ones. I really hope they get put into WoW(crossing my fingers fora northren expansion). So heres my interpretation of one, it's a little different from the wcIII version but i think it's pretty recognizable.
I'll try to get this done fast, cuz i tend to loose interest in pieces that i work too slow on
O and could anyone give suggestions on how to make good looking low-ply chains?
PS. This is the first non-test picture i made with my wacom, woooo!
I know you guys love to make fun of my typical attempts at modeling but it just comes down to one simple fact: Its eaiser to get a "cute" look than it is to get a "Defined and sex mature" look, that is very very hard and few people can actually pull it off. I challange anyone who rips on me constantly to actually show evidence of being able to do this(AND NO have the excuse "shes supposed to look stong, or scary" DOES NOT COUNT) and i will eat me words and completely shut up. Of course this comes down to something that is very subjective in the first place so its probably an unreasonable request.... Oh well fuck it, i'll just go down to poop's level of intelligence in that case.
Was it really that hard to simply type that in the first place? I would appreciate it if the next time you insult me you could atleast have the decency to come up with something original and not use the same joke you've used countless times before.
I know i may come off as a complete dick without a sense of humor but my tollerance for childish shit from you has worn out long ago.
[edit] And i am in no way calling for an end childish behaivor on a whole for these boards, nor claiming that i am not perhaps one of the most childish people here either. Just to make that perfeclty clear.
I think the ears are a tad too high and small, and her nasal septum is rather wide, and flat. In fact, her nose isn't quite kosher if you ask me. Blocking off parts of her face, her mouth and chin look good and her eyes do as well, but her nose doesn't pass muster imo.
The way her nasal contours flow into the septum just doesn't look right. I'd add some more definition and volume there and she should look better.
Demon Hunter or an alternate Ilidian in better days, with a little bit of ninja, a little bandint, and a little Batman. Gonna go for 5,000 polygons and a subtle normal map.
The head, but I want to stylize it more.
diabmuthafukenblow! from diablo
hot damn snowfly nice