Why do you think the top 4 entries get to go have lunch with the Blizzard art team?
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hahaha i was thinking the same exact thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah and now add that to the strangely strict list of countries that can enter. As well as the fact that on almost every page for the type of entry, Blizzard mentions how their team handles their 2d and 3d stuff.
ChaosEidolon, Neo_God thanks, I can see what you mean they do both have teeth! But its all good!
caseyjones, hey no sweat, and it is definately a compliment, just leaves me with alot to live up to
mr_Rockstar, yeah I decided a big change in direction. The first one was very apoc/punk influenced.. and its something I have had great fun with, even creating more concepts of characters that would work in the same world. I didnt think that it was right for the competition.. so I decided to go for something a bit more obvious.. but with a nice twist.
In hell it would seem fitting that the loot would be demonically influenced and I am totally inspired by wayne barlowes brushfire and Inferno right now!
The long skirt.. is a little boring..I wanted a simpler area.. after the very busy armour.. so I will see how it works out. There are a few extra things I hope to add, that arent in the concepts that I will be adding!
Spacemonkey you made my day dude. Wasn't too sold on the concept, but that looks excellant. Especially all the skulls/suggestions of skulls within the armour.
well I might as well jump on this, it's worth it.
Im gonna make a half ork half Tauren, a Taurk.
I'll call him Taurk Blood Hoof, or Taurk Black Horn or something. I think of him not as a race but he's a one of a kind. So a character.
Bah, i gotta get my ass in gear or im gonna be left in the dust here!
Asherr: Cool man. Im a big Drenei fanboy, good choice. Do her justice!
Ghost: Cool concept man, fits the Blizz style perfectly. You should push his Taureness a bit i think, right now he still looks just like an orc until you notice the hooves. Give him some wolf-man chest hair, maybe a little bit of a hunchback, or maybe a mane?
The more i look at him the more I like him
Hey Tim, that's looking really cool, but I'm afraid I agree with katzeimsack (although in slightly less harsh terms) - I like it, but the amount of high-frequency detail is just overwhelming any larger forms, and it's ending up looking really busy.
However, that said, I think some blocked-in colour on parts would probably help a lot if they have large areas of nicely contrasting values next to each other. Is it possible to do a quick colour map or apply one in Mudbox?
I was going to say that too about the detail, but I do think colour will help a hell of a lot. if its used in decent chunks to contrast the fine detail, itll definately look sweet
edit: oh, I just realised I pretty much said the exact same thing
also, does anyone know of any other forums/threads where people are possting progress on their entries for this contest? I'm curious to see what other people are cooking up... hopefully be starting mine today
heh, I wasnt going to show anymore.. not until I had my high detail done.. however I think its good to question artistic decisions so I wanted to show the route that I plan on taking the character.
I totally understand the concern over the detail, however is secondary to value and colour. By using lots of similiar value and colours on the armour I can subdue the detail - but by adding stronger contrasting elements I can draw attention, and stop it feeling too busy
Thanks to the Yays,
vahl, I definately will
MoPerator, no colour painting in mudbox
Ferg, there are a few on cgtalk - but google to find more
i was thinking a bit more along these lines.. those legs don't look like they would hold her up at all. plus you can have some size and still look good.
scaled up the legs some. i wasn't happy with the legs either. i had the angles too severe, they should have been more vertical. you would think that after as many times as i've advised people about proper digitigrade leg anatomy that i would be able to actually model them.
sitting at 4274 polies. just the cloak to add then more optimizing.
legs still look off. She would fall forward. There needs to be more of a "crouched" look to them, thats how she would ballance Skizot has the right idea.
thanks guys for your comments. i fixed him up now, enlarged the head and as suggested also decreased the width of the body.
ill be working more on it all weekend so ill have lots to show.
hey rockstar .. i've been lurking for a long time :P. thanks.
spacemonkey, that's looking mindblowing...i'm loving it so far!
Hey, I am currently working on a world of starcraft entry, going to do environments and things, have more set up than I am showing because I am still working out what way I would like best to showcase it(what engine or program) but Ill have some up soon, anyway here is one character so far, the skinning is rough just for ideas.I decided to do it in a style as WOW as thats the inspiration, but higher polycount and more shaders, no normal maps as I have been doing too much of that at work :S just wanna paint a bit.
Nortisune, that's looking pretty damn cool! I can't wait to see it textured! I love cathedrals.
RoachMXF, That should make for a really interesting scene when finished.
So I've been a little lazy on mine. Here's a small update.
I also gave him a tome of the dead. It would be a little cheesy to make it the Necronomicon, maybe I'll just make ait a tome of Baphomet or something like that, I dunno.
as far as i know he's not an existing race / species of WoW. the brief gives room to create such. and the game has a bunch of hybrid types. so i thought this might be appropriate
Yep. So what sort of cultural background are you going for? Theres the whole Silithus Egyptian thing that you might be able to work with. One of thier dieties had a hawks head... Horus I think.
Looking pretty rad overall pseudo. The only problem I have with it right now is the tusk coming out of his face. First off, it looks like the tusks are two different sizes. Maybe Im missing something since Im only seeing it from one angle though. Secondly, the way that the tusk connects to the mouth seems wrong. Like its just running straight into the cheek bone and stopping there. It looks like it would snap off under its own weight as it is. I think it would look better if it ran back along the cheek rather than straight into it.
Also, the ears look a tad too cute for someone with heads around his waist
Thanks Aesir. I agree about the tusks looking weak, I'll have to find out how elephants get away with it and rob natures idea.
(The tusks are the same size, thats just the angle making them look off)
hehe I was also thinking to stick with the design of calling it "Worlds (of in the O) of Starcraft" and having the old planet blue with the green wireframe like starcraft I am using... a new game engine and the terrain editor is getting phunked up, anyone know a good way to make terrain in maya? like paintable? or how to setup displacement? then I could simply export my heightmap and continue, otherwise I gotta start it over again :S
So what's gonna happen when Blizzard realizes there's better artists playing their games than making their games?
[/ QUOTE ]
nerf them in the next patch XD
Why do you think the top 4 entries get to go have lunch with the Blizzard art team?
[/ QUOTE ]
hahaha i was thinking the same exact thing.
Why do you think the top 4 entries get to go have lunch with the Blizzard art team?
[/ QUOTE ]
hahaha i was thinking the same exact thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah and now add that to the strangely strict list of countries that can enter. As well as the fact that on almost every page for the type of entry, Blizzard mentions how their team handles their 2d and 3d stuff.
ChaosEidolon, Neo_God thanks, I can see what you mean they do both have teeth!
caseyjones, hey no sweat, and it is definately a compliment, just leaves me with alot to live up to
mr_Rockstar, yeah I decided a big change in direction. The first one was very apoc/punk influenced.. and its something I have had great fun with, even creating more concepts of characters that would work in the same world. I didnt think that it was right for the competition.. so I decided to go for something a bit more obvious.. but with a nice twist.
In hell it would seem fitting that the loot would be demonically influenced and I am totally inspired by wayne barlowes brushfire and Inferno right now!
The long skirt.. is a little boring..I wanted a simpler area.. after the very busy armour.. so I will see how it works out. There are a few extra things I hope to add, that arent in the concepts that I will be adding!
Freaking kicks ass Spacemonkey.
nice hellknight on the chestplate
I really love your first concept tho, and I hope you'll develop that kind of universe a little more in the future, I really dig
Im gonna make a half ork half Tauren, a Taurk.
I'll call him Taurk Blood Hoof, or Taurk Black Horn or something. I think of him not as a race but he's a one of a kind. So a character.
Great idea. You gotta' finish him!
Bah, i gotta get my ass in gear or im gonna be left in the dust here!
Asherr: Cool man. Im a big Drenei fanboy, good choice. Do her justice!
Ghost: Cool concept man, fits the Blizz style perfectly. You should push his Taureness a bit i think, right now he still looks just like an orc until you notice the hooves. Give him some wolf-man chest hair, maybe a little bit of a hunchback, or maybe a mane?
The more i look at him the more I like him
alright dammit, now you guys have me fired up...
there is no dominat definition, it's just one big detail!
However, that said, I think some blocked-in colour on parts would probably help a lot if they have large areas of nicely contrasting values next to each other. Is it possible to do a quick colour map or apply one in Mudbox?
edit: oh, I just realised I pretty much said the exact same thing
also, does anyone know of any other forums/threads where people are possting progress on their entries for this contest? I'm curious to see what other people are cooking up... hopefully be starting mine today
I totally understand the concern over the detail, however is secondary to value and colour. By using lots of similiar value and colours on the armour I can subdue the detail - but by adding stronger contrasting elements I can draw attention, and stop it feeling too busy
Thanks to the Yays,
vahl, I definately will
MoPerator, no colour painting in mudbox
Ferg, there are a few on cgtalk - but google to find more
draenei wire
4200+ polies so far. still unoptimized. the hair alone is about 425 polies. still need to add few things.
Otherwise its a great concept.
i was thinking a bit more along these lines.. those legs don't look like they would hold her up at all. plus you can have some size and still look good.
scaled up the legs some. i wasn't happy with the legs either. i had the angles too severe, they should have been more vertical. you would think that after as many times as i've advised people about proper digitigrade leg anatomy that i would be able to actually model them.
sitting at 4274 polies. just the cloak to add then more optimizing.
Otherwise I likey
ill be working more on it all weekend so ill have lots to show.
hey rockstar
spacemonkey, that's looking mindblowing...i'm loving it so far!
(that means her knees are damn near her ankles. they should be brought up of the calves lengthened)
Looks cool, I would love to see starcraft with better GFX, I loved that game.
big pic
RoachMXF, That should make for a really interesting scene when finished.
So I've been a little lazy on mine. Here's a small update.
I also gave him a tome of the dead. It would be a little cheesy to make it the Necronomicon, maybe I'll just make ait a tome of Baphomet or something like that, I dunno.
a few tweaks aside. i've finished the base of the manavian. he'll be all armoured up. submitting to the cinematic
I've still got a good amount of work to be done, but this is what I've got so far:
More mudboxing tomorrow!
Also, the ears look a tad too cute for someone with heads around his waist
(The tusks are the same size, thats just the angle making them look off)
And yeah, the ears havent been touched yet
Xaltar you should call it StarCraft Universe!
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Its RoachMXF's work, not mine
Xaltar you should call it StarCraft Universe!
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StarCraft Galaxies