I thought I'd start 3d sketching, to get a quicker idea of how the concept will work. Its rough and basic, but I can now push the concept a little further
I'll probally do some paint overs tomorrow and also re-skulpt my 3d sketch;)
I liked the shapes of the bones coming out of the back of the second itteration. the mud-sketch looks like he's got kray-zay hair, what with all the gooey spikes.
I've sort of painted myself into a corner as far as the arms go. I'm thinking he'll get no psy-blade... maybe a little keyboard to work his uber macros.
seen in the FAQ: Will I be able to use my artwork submission for other purposes than this contest? While your art submissions become the property of Blizzard Entertainment in consideration as part of your entry into the contest, you may use your entry materials to promote yourself and your business, including the right for you to be known as the author of your art submission.
So the only limit for low poly 3d is 5000 polys. Sweet, I wasn't planning to go over 5000 for my model anyway. I still get the feeling that this also is a talent search for their team. I mean, they are looking to hire art positions right now.
how many polys do you think most WoW characters are, say the NPCs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Note: This is a Warcraft 3D Character Contest and not specifically a World of Warcraft Character Contest. If you choose to model and texture a pre-existing race or character in WOW and are attempting to match WOWs poly counts and style however, focus on the armor and a weapon that the character might use to showcase your originality. Also avoid putting a helm on the character as a helm can impede your ability to showcase facial modeling skills. Keep in mind that WOW characters should not exceed 2000 polys. The hand-painted textures are also the key to getting the most out of your limited poly count.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like they're really after environment artists, given how many times they recomend entering them throughout the rules and FAQ.
oh shit Tim - thats really hot- a definate progression from the first sketches you did! Got that MR Rockstar last competition entry feel going on but that's definately not a bad thing.
Yeah, I guess you use whatever texture size you deam appropriate. Obviously try to keep it reasonable, since they seem to be looking for game asset-quality.
I'm thinking I'll just give mine a 1024, and see if that can't cover it.
Environment art is where its at. I'm working on my own version of the giant sea-turtle submarine for which theres a small, rough sketch in the "Art of Warcraft" book. I'm going to try for the impressionist typed palette and low poly art style of the actual game. None of this futzing about with normal maps for me.
SHHHIIITT Sectaurs, that's PIMP! Love your work man!
spacemonkey, great concept! Its reminding me a little of mr_Rockstar's Dom War entry. I think it just might be the teeth on the shoulder part of the armour, I also liked some of the early variations as well. But all in all, great stuff!
sec, the detail is nice.. but he feels like he is going to fall over immediately after shooting that shit from his hands. maybe its because he only has one leg :P
So...um...I WAS going to have something to share here today.
...and then Windows had a critical error...after 5 hours of not saving. Somebody shoot me...
*sigh* well at least now im warmed up.
Some sweet looking stuff here btw. this is gonna be a fun thread.
other shoulder armour
Erm, glad you guys like it but I did not intend it to look anyhting like Rockstars awsome dominace war char.. maybe when I added emis glows?
Sectaurs hot, but I do agree with M00se
vitala - great start!
haha Space, hate to say it, but I kinda noticed the similarities to the Dom war necro as well, though i thought id just leave it and see where you go with it. The right shoulder in particular is awfully close to Rockstar's piece Check his concept here
Regardless, its looking top notch. Specially liking the patchwork robe (human skin? demonhide?)
I don't know Tulkamir, I think the head vitor made looks fine at its size. It matches Blizzards dreanei concepts pretty well. Although Vitor, what's going on with that little bunch of polys in between the thumb and index finger?
Sectuars, I'm really loving the texture your putting on the protoss' skin. I hope you convey that well on the model as well. Are you planning on doing any normal mapping with your model?
Spacemonkey, I'm loving the evolution of this concept! I would say the only resemblence is the maw for a shoulder pad. and it's really just the teeth that look the same, because rockstar's model took on a more techno-arcane look. While yours is haveing a more classic organic arcane.
I think the final product will be sufficiently different from Rockstar's so as to not be a problem. There are worse pieces you could draw inspiration from.
Neo_God - You always spell my name wrong I'd really like to give this model a go in mudbox or zbrush, hopefully I'll be able to get my grubby hands on one or the other soon. If not, I'll do it the old fashioned way, in max. But yes, full normals are intended. Never really done that succesfully before, time to learn. Doubt I'll get it done in time for the contest, though. Can't wait to see where you go with yours.
Vitala - Your dreanei looks far too wide. I know the concepts show them as beeing stout fellows, but I think you've gone a wee bit too far, and thats whats making his head look out of place. As an aside, I hate what Blizzard did to the dreanei for the expansion... I thought they were much cooler in War3. Now they've got hooves and tails and look like 'good' demons. bah.
Some people already have a 1 year head start on this ( http://www.realtimecg.com/template.php?n=list&id=28 ). I'd like to see some follow-ups and hopefully a few new entries that never made it in time for the deadline. (Prototyp3s Zerg especially)
spacemonkey: I didn't mean anything bad by saying how your concept reminded me of mr_Rockstar's dom war entry. It was more of a compliment actually. I know it wasn't your intention to make it look like that, considering the initial concepts for that character were completely different and they've just slowly transitioned more to the darker side.
One question i couldnt find an answer to in blizzard's FAQ :
Do you think we can make several characters for an entry ?
I mean a team of characters, a small group, or are we limited to only one character at all ?
spacemonkey: cool stuff, but i think you went in a bit of a different direction than you were going into originally, like the original sketch had that sort of slightly post apoc look to it, which i thought would have been neat to explore, you know the worldstone blows up, but some people/demons still survive the cataclysm and becme sort of like scavangers in the wasteland, rogues. i thought that mixed up with fantasy would have been really cool. the stuff you got now looks more like traditional fantasy, its still cool though, if you wanted to go completely overboard maybe add wings? oh and i know legs are boring, but hehe maybe add some demonic hooves or something? the way he is now theres nothing interesting from the waist down at all.
vitala: where the hell did you come from? lol cool looking dudeman u got there.
couple rough (super mega rough) concepts of what I"m thinking of. I wanted to do a Diablo environment and settled on Tristram cathedral, interior. Also I wanted to do the same scene but with three variations in texture/lighting/details, since I always thought it would have been cool if the three linear difficulty levels in D2 had carried over into the visuals more.
so here are my super rough concepts for the cathedral in normal diff and hell diff. the idea was to go from a gloomy semi-busted cathedral (normal) to a much more dangerous/mordor look in hell with more intricate spiky iron ornaments, flames, chains, etc. nightmare will be somewhere in middle. sugestions much appreciated!
noritsune, thats a great idea. it would be fucking great if games did that. Pain in the ass doing every texture three times, but worth it, i think, in the end.
I might not be up on my genetics but I'm not sure biped + biped generally equals centaur. Never the less it should make for a neat concept. One possibility, based on the Warcraft mythos, might be the bastard progeny of a Centaur and Tauren. That would be one outcast child.
Though I've gotta say, he must have troubles sitting down.
Protoss don't need to sit down. They just use their superior minds to rotate the universe 90 degrees.
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, the protoss equivilant to a Chuck Norris joke.
Now, what sort of Necromancer would be complete without a bad ass demonic scythe?
I should just get you to model mine, too :P
I thought I'd start 3d sketching, to get a quicker idea of how the concept will work. Its rough and basic, but I can now push the concept a little further
I'll probally do some paint overs tomorrow and also re-skulpt my 3d sketch;)
I've sort of painted myself into a corner as far as the arms go. I'm thinking he'll get no psy-blade... maybe a little keyboard to work his uber macros.
[box backgrounds rule!]
I'm still debating whether or not to ender. I know there's no chance to win, but I'm a long time blizz fan so it'd be great to enter.
A question for everyone, if I did enter, would my submission be good to use in a portfolio as well?
And great stuff guys. Some amazing work already.
seen in the FAQ:
Will I be able to use my artwork submission for other purposes than this contest?
While your art submissions become the property of Blizzard Entertainment in consideration as part of your entry into the contest, you may use your entry materials to promote yourself and your business, including the right for you to be known as the author of your art submission.
Human females ftw btw
[/ QUOTE ]
Such a statment could easily be taken out of context.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like 'em cold and stiff, myself.
anyway, here's an update:
how many polys do you think most WoW characters are, say the NPCs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Note: This is a Warcraft 3D Character Contest and not specifically a World of Warcraft Character Contest. If you choose to model and texture a pre-existing race or character in WOW and are attempting to match WOWs poly counts and style however, focus on the armor and a weapon that the character might use to showcase your originality. Also avoid putting a helm on the character as a helm can impede your ability to showcase facial modeling skills. Keep in mind that WOW characters should not exceed 2000 polys. The hand-painted textures are also the key to getting the most out of your limited poly count.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like they're really after environment artists, given how many times they recomend entering them throughout the rules and FAQ.
i have a good idea of were i m going right now
Spacemonkey: Lookin' sweet!
I'm thinking I'll just give mine a 1024, and see if that can't cover it.
I need to stop fiddling with this. I'm calling it done.
In my imagination, Protoss step out of rifts. Naked.
and this is what I got so far. trying to model in as much detail as possible.
so germans arnt allowed to compete / submitt yeah thats a shame
[/ QUOTE ]
read properly :P
they changed the rules
Concept soonish.
spacemonkey, great concept! Its reminding me a little of mr_Rockstar's Dom War entry. I think it just might be the teeth on the shoulder part of the armour, I also liked some of the early variations as well. But all in all, great stuff!
Awsome contest... and GREAT work so far, im living those concepts spacemonkey and the protoss.. dam they are nice.
im modeling a high poly cinematic dreanei with custom high tier armour.
also if time ill do a low poly orginal one.
here some pics..
dont look at his back yet ! :P..
I will texture him in photoshop unwrap him in unwrap3d.
...and then Windows had a critical error...after 5 hours of not saving. Somebody shoot me...
*sigh* well at least now im warmed up.
Some sweet looking stuff here btw. this is gonna be a fun thread.
vitala - That head looks WAY too small to me. Well, that or the body is too big.
other shoulder armour
Erm, glad you guys like it but I did not intend it to look anyhting like Rockstars awsome dominace war char..
Sectaurs hot, but I do agree with M00se
vitala - great start!
Regardless, its looking top notch. Specially liking the patchwork robe (human skin? demonhide?)
Sectuars, I'm really loving the texture your putting on the protoss' skin. I hope you convey that well on the model as well. Are you planning on doing any normal mapping with your model?
Spacemonkey, I'm loving the evolution of this concept! I would say the only resemblence is the maw for a shoulder pad. and it's really just the teeth that look the same, because rockstar's model took on a more techno-arcane look. While yours is haveing a more classic organic arcane.
Neo_God - You always spell my name wrong
Vitala - Your dreanei looks far too wide. I know the concepts show them as beeing stout fellows, but I think you've gone a wee bit too far, and thats whats making his head look out of place. As an aside, I hate what Blizzard did to the dreanei for the expansion... I thought they were much cooler in War3. Now they've got hooves and tails and look like 'good' demons. bah.
As I mentioned above, going for real Warcraft stylee.
Do you think we can make several characters for an entry ?
I mean a team of characters, a small group, or are we limited to only one character at all ?
vitala: where the hell did you come from? lol cool looking dudeman u got there.
couple rough (super mega rough) concepts of what I"m thinking of. I wanted to do a Diablo environment and settled on Tristram cathedral, interior. Also I wanted to do the same scene but with three variations in texture/lighting/details, since I always thought it would have been cool if the three linear difficulty levels in D2 had carried over into the visuals more.
so here are my super rough concepts for the cathedral in normal diff and hell diff. the idea was to go from a gloomy semi-busted cathedral (normal) to a much more dangerous/mordor look in hell with more intricate spiky iron ornaments, flames, chains, etc. nightmare will be somewhere in middle. sugestions much appreciated!
concepts lookin good.
Still feel like i have to push the concept more though. right now its feeling a little vanilla for my taste
I'm going to find out what would happen if a troll and a tauren made sweet sweet love;