I pretty much went strait off the concept, so the lighting would be incorrect if the weapon were to be used in-game as a character item as opposed to it simply being a prop. Working texture was 256x512
Been off the boards for waaaaay too long. Fantastic work you guys. The recaps are slowly inspiring me to get back to doing some art here and there in my personal time.
Been off the boards for waaaaay too long. Fantastic work you guys. The recaps are slowly inspiring me to get back to doing some art here and there in my personal time.
Very cute. Little amused by the fact that the rear view of the legs looks like Wookie buttocks.
This is the sort of thing that'd make a cool 3d Print!
Been off the boards for waaaaay too long. Fantastic work you guys. The recaps are slowly inspiring me to get back to doing some art here and there in my personal time.
Oh my gawd Nate!
I soo want this as a little 3d-printed sculpture! great work man
I continue to render my old crap in 2days toolbag trial is over i guess it\ll be a good day to buy a license. here is a last thing from Come Midnight, and one of many to come from Bulletstorm
A couple of awesome fellows helped me with composition last night. Still a couple more things to do like add atmosphere, some sort of god rays. I feel like it is getting closer to what I want.
So I reopened my monkey sculpt I did a while ago and wanted to see if I could actually do a nice looking render from Zbrush renders and PhotoShop comping, but the render tutorial i was following was from like 3 years ago and I would really like to know if some one had any better Zbrush rendering reference. I also cant figure out how to do nice fiber mesh renders haha.
Hi all. Great work everyone. Here's what I'm working on. I'm using this project to try and teach myself how to hard surface model in zbrush. He'll eventually have a ton of techy stuff all over him.
Spent the past couple of days working on this. Still have to add a bunch of details including a magazine and sight. Hoping to get the high poly done by the end of the day so I can get to the low-poly and textures by later this week. I've never modeled a gun after real-world references, so this has been quite a learning experience.
I recently gave a 3D Coat Painting Demo for my Alma Mater, Here was the weapon I created to use in my presentation.
The model and texture are
Based on the art of Joshua Brian Smith
Main Images used as reference:
I pretty much went strait off the concept, so the lighting would be incorrect if the weapon were to be used in-game as a character item as opposed to it simply being a prop. Working texture was 256x512
This is the sort of thing that'd make a cool 3d Print!
1 of the screenshots:
Oh my gawd Nate!
I soo want this as a little 3d-printed sculpture! great work man
More pictures in the thread
this is my first effort in marmoset2 , hope I get time to actually finish the sculpt and hair properly at some point
pretty intuitive program, but I guess i still have lots to learn
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this!
A gun:
WIP Thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=130450
modeling low poly, texture practice and normal map creation exercise
so far, 3 hrs work
(View in 3D)
Laro.... always am in love with your work.
Check out my thread here, http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2010185#post2010185
Slowly making progress on this,
I'm hoping to make this the full body. Hopefully I have enough time!
Nice design man! I like it. :thumbup:
looking nice
Xpost from my thread. Any feedback greatly appreciated. Need a fresh perspective on that
Still working on materials/bump maps.
Shameless cross-post! Need Feedback
Main thread is here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129952
been playing HAWKEN lately so I'm in a mech-mood.
Thread - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=130372