this was a very basic blockout, hair was nicked from elsewhere
Ruz, you have GOT TO get a better setup worked out for rendering your characters. Marmoset 1 or 2, UDK, Unity... I don't care what it is; invest the time and money in getting your work into a better presentation format.
You have some really high quality work (especially that Bruce Willis model you've been working on for a while). The problem is that the shader and lighting setup you use is just destroying a lot of the detail and interest in your models and textures by washing out all the colors and making your models look like matte plastic.
You're obviously very good at doing likeness studies, so I'd love to see them rendered in a better environment that really caters to your needs as an artist. What you have right now (high quality viewport shading, by the look of it) is simply not getting that job done.
Heres something I am working on, a series of characters for a unity game. This is the warrior class, I posted him in my own thread but never thought to upload it here, so here it is.
Finishing this up, will take C&C. Would like to thank everyone who helped me along the way and the awesome polycounters on the hangout who made this project that much more enjoyable. Can't wait to see you all at GDC
So much good work from everyone! These are from some time ago. I did these environnement concepts last summer for a game project that is now having a kickstarter campain. I did the environnment modeling and texturing in this project too. If you want to check it out here's the kickstarter link:
So much good work from everyone! These are from some time ago. I did these environnement concepts last summer for a game project that is now having a kickstarter campain. I did the environnment modeling and texturing in this project too. If you want to check it out here's the kickstarter link:
@Guedin Thank you for the Hairs video!!! I struggled a lot when I tried creating hair last time. You showed lots of good techniques, that were new for me (mind blown).
GI-ing with many real time point lights is fun and looks cool (UDK). A script for placing them automatically on the grid, and getting color from the near object would be awesome. I'm wondering why there isn't a similar solution for real time using. I mean in any engine,not just UDK. Setting the density could be the option to optimize, but actually its not really expensive especially compared to the modern pcs.
isnยดt that just like using lightprobes, but less efficient and more expensive?
isnยดt that just like using lightprobes, but less efficient and more expensive?
As I know, light probe is the same (or really similar) as IBL. I tried using IBL, but it works good only on props, and not really good on environment pieces like walls/rooms, because the cubemap (environment mapping) is following the camera,and not standing in place. This is my experience about it. It is more expensive, and yes, it isnt too efficient if you dont have script, but it would be good if we have. I was looking at some really old (early 2000's) nvidia videos and there was many realy time point light (not casting shadows), and now we are in 2014 So pc's should be able to handle this, especially if just the necessary fill lights are enabled.
Do you think you could upload a version without the music? German youtube is blocking the video due to the ongoing legal rights struggle between youtube and the digital rights group in germany but would be really interested in this.
I'm working on a really simple mech, for a project in my game design class. I've run into a bit of a wall. I made a circular set of treads, then wrapped a NURBS circle around it, using the wire tool on the both of them, which allowed me to shape the treads according to the wheels. My problem is figuring out how to mirror the current mesh, while maintaining the physics of the treads. I tried combining everything, then doing Mesh > Mirror, but then the treads lost their ability to rotate. How would you guys suggest going about it? I've posted a screen cap of what I currently have.
Notes: This was a speed paint. I took chances on using various degrees of opacity, color variation, and brush sizes. I'm fairly pleased with the results. Approx 40 min
Also, makin it rain
Ruz, you have GOT TO get a better setup worked out for rendering your characters. Marmoset 1 or 2, UDK, Unity... I don't care what it is; invest the time and money in getting your work into a better presentation format.
You have some really high quality work (especially that Bruce Willis model you've been working on for a while). The problem is that the shader and lighting setup you use is just destroying a lot of the detail and interest in your models and textures by washing out all the colors and making your models look like matte plastic.
You're obviously very good at doing likeness studies, so I'd love to see them rendered in a better environment that really caters to your needs as an artist. What you have right now (high quality viewport shading, by the look of it) is simply not getting that job done.
I actually don't mind the look,but maybe working on my own a lot don't get a lot of feedback, so for me it looks ok:)
I am trying to get a semi diffuse look, without too much of the 3d lighting, but it seems that maybe that approach is not hitting the spot
Thanks for the crit I will take a look at this:)
More classes will follow which I will post too.
So much good work from everyone! These are from some time ago. I did these environnement concepts last summer for a game project that is now having a kickstarter campain. I did the environnment modeling and texturing in this project too. If you want to check it out here's the kickstarter link:
that looks really interesting.
color scheming fun-time, blue got more love.
Nice SG is that for anything?
Awesome stuff everybody, nice work KOSH.
Do you find if you do this and try to make a lot of smaller hair strands that max can sometimes struggle to bake them down accurately?
Feedback is crucial, thanks.
Textures only by me, model by Free_Fall.
isnยดt that just like using lightprobes, but less efficient and more expensive?
Still working on this... Anything to crit before I move on the low ? Fell free to shout here.
d4v1d - i love the blue colour scheme
As I know, light probe is the same (or really similar) as IBL. I tried using IBL, but it works good only on props, and not really good on environment pieces like walls/rooms, because the cubemap (environment mapping) is following the camera,and not standing in place. This is my experience about it. It is more expensive, and yes, it isnt too efficient if you dont have script, but it would be good if we have. I was looking at some really old (early 2000's) nvidia videos and there was many realy time point light (not casting shadows), and now we are in 2014
My current project, Hair is still a mess, gonna try some other technique for the hair
Did this guy last night, about 48 mins
thread here -
website here -
Holy Shnikeys that looks great, keep it up!
WIP thread here...
Here is something i've been working on.
thread here
The Judge Dredd piece is looking a million times better now but I thought I would show an earlier screenshot.
Steampunk Mask
Thoughts? It's far from done
Do you think you could upload a version without the music? German youtube is blocking the video due to the ongoing legal rights struggle between youtube and the digital rights group in germany but would be really interested in this.
cartoon turtle study
Royal Forest
A dark mist creeps among the timbers....
(2100x1200) pixels
Photoshop Painting
By Alex Grenlie
Feb 14'
Notes: This was a speed paint. I took chances on using various degrees of opacity, color variation, and brush sizes. I'm fairly pleased with the results. Approx 40 min