tsmith3d: incredible landscape work! I want to know more about how you are doing your clouds/fog/mist, I've never seen anyone make something like that in any engine, which are so close to the player and even block sunlight. Your landscapes and textures are just superb.
I'm working on a character of myself as an alter ego of Gordon Freeman, using a mix of hard surface modelling and organic sculpting to further improve my skills.
The Pelican (exterior) I'm working on for The Eridanus Insurrection ArmA 3 modification. Getting there. Lots of little details need to be in, considering the scale of ArmA.
The Pelican (exterior) I'm working on for The Eridanus Insurrection ArmA 3 modification. Getting there. Lots of little details need to be in, considering the scale of ArmA.
Looking hot! You MIGHT get additional detail ideas if you snag down screenshots from Blur's cinematics in the Halo 2 Anniversary edition.
This made me do a double take, the metal materials on this are really really good! Can we see a map breakdown?
Amazing cloth sculpting!
Thanks man!
Here is the breakdown:
I'm not sure I can take very much credit for the metals though.. PBR + Substance Painter/Designer make it almost unfair how easy it is to do... Thank you for the compliment though!
I'm working on a character of myself as an alter ego of Gordon Freeman, using a mix of hard surface modelling and organic sculpting to further improve my skills.
High poly head
the ears seem to be set a little too low. i would suggest to put them a bit higher. otherwise, nice work
cool design! looks like a cross between Megatron and Black Arachnia
I call it done for now but I will probably change it later.
Shelfing this for now.
@slava - that's amazing man. Incredible job.
High poly head
Low poly head with high body
And here's the ref sheet I made
I recently finished a PBR Half Life 2 combine vehicle too
more here
Character based on Whitney Pollet sketches
thanks for looking!
Ate the fuckin' grenade, eh?
Handed in my first animation test for university
Any feedback is much appreciated
Amazing cloth sculpting!
A Warjack drinking tea
Texelion, really liking the allods fanart, love the color palette ^___^
Awesome:D :thumbup:
Heres the thread
Looking hot! You MIGHT get additional detail ideas if you snag down screenshots from Blur's cinematics in the Halo 2 Anniversary edition.
I decided to not lurking anymore and start to post my PBR practice character.
Thanks man!
Here is the breakdown:
I'm not sure I can take very much credit for the metals though.. PBR + Substance Painter/Designer make it almost unfair how easy it is to do... Thank you for the compliment though!
Crosspost for those interested
@Xenier I love Warmachine! Looking great!
@Foxhead Looking really good
Wish I could comment on all these. Great work guys. Star Wars girl looking really good too!
Damn, good idea!
Updated, finalized materials from the Arc Gun have been passed onto the Rifle. Next stop, finalize the mech materials.
Spent 3 hours doing a quick head sculpt in uni today... any critique is appreciated
and quick video low resolution and wip...
and high res photo
the ears seem to be set a little too low. i would suggest to put them a bit higher. otherwise, nice work
First actual attempt at an in game model with maps. Please feel free to crit
Head model based on scan and rendered in v-ray.
Concepted by collab with Tomasz G