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The Monthly 'Noob' Character Challenge (01/14)



  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Looks quite solid there. How many tris have you gotten ?

    I gotta finish my sculpt and start on lowpoly now.
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Holy shit! I'm excited to see so many people participating. I have to apologize for the fact that I've been absent from this thread. 2014 has not been kind to me so far. On New Years I suffered a hand injury that had set me back about a week. As if that wasn't enough, a hardware failure has forced me to RMA my primary computer. The replacement is scheduled to arrive tomorrow (YAY!). I've started blocking out and proportioning a base mesh on my backup machine. I'll post up my progress tomorrow evening.

    In the mean time, I wanted to mention a common anatomical error that I've been seeing in this thread. Everybody check out your elbow joints. The particular feature I'm seeing incorrectly modeled is called the carrying angle of the elbow.

    When the elbow is fully extended (arm straight), the humerus and ulna do not make a straight line. The ulna is actually angled away from the axis of the humerus laterally (away from the torso). On average, this angle is about 10 degrees in men, and 15 degrees in women. This is actually a good, subtle way to achieve a more feminine form without resorting to a huge ass and huge boobs.


    Check out your own arms in the mirror. Arms straight, palms forward, elbows against your torso. Now if you completely flex your elbow, you should notice that your wrist does not end up perfectly in front of your shoulder, but is actually away, towards the outside.

    Because of the way the radius articulates, this angle becomes less apparent wen the hand is pronated (palms down).


    Everybody check those elbows! Except Pav3d, yours look great.
  • thepapercut
    @jstyles3d: really well done.
    @brandon.lafrance: Thanks for pointing that out about the arm. Also hoping luck changes around for you.

    I haven't really worked much more on mine, been looking at a lot of Zbrush related material before my next semester starts up again in a week. I'll probably work on the model a bit more tomorrow and post an update. I did though want to throw out a question relating to Zbrush for anyone to chime in on: When you need to build a medium res mesh (say 15k - 20k limit), how do you work Zbrush into your workflow?
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    @Brandon, hey, hope things turn around and get better for you. Thanks about the arm details. I gonna work on my now; I haven't put in any muscle for arms or legs at all. I just noticed my bunny has no kneecaps the other day... <_<"

    @papercut, ZBrush still remains the same in the pipeline whether you make a 10k or a 40k poly. Main idea of ZBrush is to add small details. That's when you get millions of polys in zbrush sculpt. Then you still have to make low poly for videogame engine (maybe 2k, 8k, 15k, or 40k poly), and you kind of take photograph of those small details and wrap it around the lowpoly mesh as texture. (that would be how I simplify baking process <_<' )

    Some people start with a zsphere in zbrush and move it to around to form shape of head or body, while some start with basemesh instead. Some also retopologize in ZB, while others use Topogun or 3D Coat. Just to name a few...
  • thepapercut
    @pyrzern: Thanks man for the reply. I guess a better word choice would have been to ask; is it proper to start with Zbrush or something else like maya or max first. It becomes confusing to see so many different approaches that it overwhelms the mind.
  • arcitecht
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    arcitecht polycounter lvl 6
    been sick this weekend so my plan of using the time to make progress on the model didn't pan out. Can't believe the month's almost half over and I haven't gotten much done since december, its ridiculous.

    @brandon, good tip, I'll be keeping that in mind going ahead
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    @thepapercut: It relies on this: Are you faster and/or more comfortable sculpting organic surfaces in Zbrush or constructing them in Maya?

    Personally for me, I rough sculpt more comfortably in Zbrush, and then I can just retopo with 3Dcoat or Zbrush. Even simple shape armor pieces, I'll usually do most of the mesh in ZBrush through retopo.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Alright, pretty much done with the sculpt. Went back and adjusted multiple areas as pointed during the last week :) Just a bit more on the sword.

  • Rafferty_Eggleston
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    Rafferty_Eggleston polycounter lvl 9
    stevston89 -- really love your body shape, hair, and accessories!
    Fnitrox -- your model is one of my favorites, but I the arms feel a little long yet
    Pav3d -- Definitely inspired by the direction you too your model.
    PyrZern -- Are you going to do any sculpting on the weapon? Really like the stalkier build you've got!

    Can't wait to see more from everyone and I vow to do better to keep up on the critiquing as the models come in so I can be more constructive haha.

    I'm late to the show and playing catch up like usual! Here is what I have so far. I'm going a slightly more realistic model, but still pushing the style. Looking at the screengrabs from zbrush, I may shorten the face a little. I was really trying to bring out the animal side with her nose. Her eyes are currently closed and I am having one hell of a time with her breasts! ..the hair will likely be the death of me ;) More to come tomorrow night!

  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    oh man, i missed this round! will def join in on the next one!

    looking through the thread, theres a lot of awesome work! well done folkes! cant wait to see the finished pieces!
  • FRiM
    I have just joined. :poly121:

    stevston89 You have excellent High Poly!
    Pav3d Very cute face!
    PyrZern You have really awesome model. Love it. :)
    jeebs You are my favorite. I look forward to your final work. I like your work because it's a low-poly, and I like how you stick to the concept.

    My model at the moment:
  • naturon
    Hey all,

    PyrZern: Looking good mate, still think those ears might be slightly too large but its looking tops overall :)
    Brandon.LaFrance: Thanks for the heads up, some useful info there
    jstyles3d: Solid low poly, a little dense in some areas maybe but good shapes.
    Rafferty_Eggleston: Good start mate, but I'd take a look at some of your proportions

    I finally managed to squeeze in some time to get the low poly and bakes done in between jobs now that everyone seems to be getting back to work. There's a few baking errors that need cleaning up and I'm not really happy with a few things.

    However I'm running out of time and I'll be away from my main computer for the next two weeks so I'll have to finish anything else I want to do for this on my laptop, and thats if no new jobs come up. I am however dedicated to at least finishing it even if it wont quite be in the state I want it to be by the end.
    So without further ado let me know your thoughts and thanks ! :)

  • arcitecht
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    arcitecht polycounter lvl 6
    Managed to get a block out of the sword done as well as some modifications and polish to the actual character.

  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    It's awesome to see so many people involved in here :) There has never really be a great place for Character artist to grown and learn, aside from open forum where they get their teeth kicked in daily.

    I like this thread.
  • tristanCarter
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    tristanCarter polycounter lvl 5
    Alright, so I decided to go ahead and join in, so I started working on it two nights ago and this is where I'm at so far. I still need to decide how I'm approaching the hair and fur whether with polycards or not. I also was not satisfied with the arm transition in the concept being just a color transition, so I wanted a texture transition as well. Anyway, I'd love to hear some feedback.


  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    Got sidetracked working on other stuff, but here's where I'm at now after cannibalizing another model. Not sure if I should just try and get by with a diffuse or take the hard road and actually try sculpting/normal baking after editing a few parts of the mesh to be more quad-friendly.


  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Ahhh, so many cool updates. I've been working on some Dota2 stuff for the spring submission but once I get it done I'll be back and working on this again.

    Pav3d - That is looking amazing. Great work.

    Naturon - check your bakes near the feet. It is looking pretty broken right now with some weird shadows or normal map errors.

    arcitecht - forearms feela tad bit long to me but toherwise it looks good.

    s6 - Jooooooooooooooiiinnn uuuuuusssssssss
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    naturon wrote: »
    Sonic: Haha I know what you mean, it's a daily struggle to come on polycount and see all these incredible artists and then try to get some enthusiasm going. I try to remember that the person I'm competing with the most is me :p

    Especially now that everyone seems to have finished the modeling part :D

    The competition with the others is always good, otherwise you can just give forfait with yourself and be the best at everything as long as you are pleased at what you're doing.
    Dimfist wrote: »

    SonicBlu, little too early to give you any critique. Keep at it!

    I didn't gave up :)


    I have to review the topology (the harms for example, and probably some optimization) before starting to put some clothes on her.
  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    @thepapercut, Dimfist: polycount is 11k and tris are 22k.
    Thanks Praetus and Krim
    @Jstyles: add more topology to the hair and less to the feet. Also a lot less (they can be simple boxes) on the swords metal plate parts.
    @naturon: Separate the earring from the body, it doesnt work baked into the ear.
    @darkmag07: have a look at Brandon.LaFrance pointer on the elbows. heres what I mean: MhBEuWq.jpg

    Usually characters I do are a lot more covered up, so was interesting having to deal with so much skin :P had to redo it about 3 or 4 times before being happy with it. skin was done in zbrush, the rest was done in 3d coat and tweaking done in photoshop.
    edit: woah imgur destroys image quality sometimes
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Pav: Looving rally good. I think that fur needs a little attention but other than that you are well on your way to an awesome piece.
    DarkMag: The cranium is huge! Don't mistake big hair for big brain! :D
    SonicBlu: The ears are way too big. I wouldn't worry about adding boobs like that. In the concept she is basically flat chested.
    Tristan: Interesting take. Some good stuff going on but I do think the face looks like a young man's face.
    Arctitecht: Looking pretty good! Don't have any feedback other than that.
    Frim: Keep cracking!
    Rafferty: It's got kind of a Bat Boy look going on. I don't seem feminine and the ears look like, well, bat ears. I feel like your hips are the only real part that feel female to me.

    Will update later tomorrow or Wed. Just wanted to give some feedback as I have been falling off on that a bit. Sowwies!
  • tristanCarter
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    tristanCarter polycounter lvl 5
    Dim: Do you have any recommendations/suggestions as to what is making it seem more male than female? Are the forms to harsh or is it something else?
  • naturon
    Hey guys,

    Thanks alot for the comments, I did realise the boots were a bit messed up like I said there's a few baking errors that need tweaking ... The earing as well shouldn't be in the bake, I'll be fixing these things.
    In fact I'm contemplating redoing the head, hair and ears completely as I'm not really satisfied with it all.
    Pav: I love it, you've got a great model there with your own spin on the concept. Good job, the only crit I could comment on is maybe the fur looks a little like teeth or bone imo.

    Anyway, I very quickly (very quickly) slapped on some colour to see if I'm heading in the right direction, theres are a few things that need changing (ie the head and hands, boot errors etc.)

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I made some tweaks and I think I will do one more texture pass before I call this final.
    Tristan The jawline is super square. The cheek bone seems to flow straight down into the jaw. I'd say its more androgenous at the moment then paticularly male. The shoulders seem a bit broad in fact they are further out then the hips, and the hips could use a little more curve to them (typically a womans hips are a bit wider then her shoulders). The legs could benefit from some curvature. Think of a stretched out S shape from the outside of the hip to the calf.
  • thepapercut
    @naturon: Really like the textures, colors work well with the model as a whole.
    @pav3d: Thanks, looks beautiful.
    @sonicblue: Nice continuation, ears seem a bit big though to me though.
    @arcitecht: That's a beautiful sculpt, no other words needed.
    @Frim: Welcome to the forum! So far it looks like your heading in the right direction, just keep at it!
    @pyrzern: Nicely done, has this living aura to it.
    @jadeeyepanda: You know that's the million dollar question I wish I could answer. I've been using Zbrush for a total of 2 days now, so that's an obvious no. On the opposite hand I have though been using max for about 2 years, and over that time I've been pushing myself to get better with the program. The biggest problem being I haven't produced anything I'd call good. So this creates a conundrum: I want to get better, at any means possible. It becomes a question of: What do you do?

    Ok so I worked a bit on my model today, but as usual the transition of the deltoid to the pectoralis always gets me. Still will continue the good fight on it.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    Pav3d wrote: »
    @darkmag07: have a look at Brandon.LaFrance pointer on the elbows. heres what I mean: MhBEuWq.jpg

    This makes Brandon's entire post make waaaay more sense to me. I spent a good 10 minutes reading it and trying to figure out what was exactly it was trying to say.

    I eventually stood up and looked in a mirror and tried standing the way I had modeled it which felt far less natural than the way you have suggested to change it in your paint-over.
  • Rafferty_Eggleston
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    Rafferty_Eggleston polycounter lvl 9
    tristanCarter -- I was feeling the same way with the arm transition of the concept! I will probably sculpt in some fur ruffles as well. I think you're having a little bit of the same trouble that I was with your model appearing a little more masculine. If you narrow the shoulders it will do wonders. I think it made all the difference in my silhouette! I would critique the face, but I like seeing the variation in everyone's faces! (looking back, Dimfist stole my feedback thunder :P ) Excited to see more
    darkmag07 -- Going with just the diffuse would be badass, but if the sculpting will push you more, I'd say go for that
    SonicBlue -- Glad you didn't give up! I like the emphasis on the ears you have. The topology could use some work, but you already said that. The proportions look pretty good so far
    Beautiful update Pav3d
    Dimfist -- His name is Batty! haha thanks for the feedback. The ears were definitely giving off the bat vibe. This is only the 2nd or 3rd female I've attempted and she's giving me some trouble haha. I changed the bridge of her nose, shortened her face, narrowed the shoulders quite a bit, and changed her torso. I think naturon's feedback falls under the manliness of my first post as well. Thanks!

    Here is my update! I'll probably start the accessories tomorrow night.

  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    @Dimfist You're right, the ears were too big:


    About the breast, she have some roundness, if you zoom in you can spot the shading that outlines it.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    praetus wrote: »
    s6 - Jooooooooooooooiiinnn uuuuuusssssssss

    Lol. A hard surface artists taking a crack at this would be a disaster.

    perhaps next month. Any thoughts on what the next character is going to be? If its less fantasyish and has some hard surface on it I might be inclined to dust of my zbrush skills and bust out a shitty character :D
  • FRiM
    Dimfist, thepapercut, thank you for supporting :)

    My progress at the moment:
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Lol. A hard surface artists taking a crack at this would be a disaster.

    perhaps next month. Any thoughts on what the next character is going to be? If its less fantasyish and has some hard surface on it I might be inclined to dust of my zbrush skills and bust out a shitty character

    That might actually be a great transition into the challenge for you :)
    BUT, dont come up with too many excuses! :D I am an environment artist, and I am trying this anyway! It's quite a nice break from tileables and modularity :)

    Thats a very nice body sculpt! I like how you made something almost anatomically realistic with toony proportions. Actually, I think you can push the proportions a bit more from the side view. Looks great from the front, but lacks some gesture from profile, I think
    Ok so I worked a bit on my model today, but as usual the transition of the deltoid to the pectoralis always gets me. Still will continue the good fight on it.

    If you solve it, let me know! Never understood it myself! :O
    It does seem, however, like you are missing the anterior deltoid a bit?
    Nice weapon, Dim!
    Before you do make it final, I think you should consider doing some adjustmen layers in PS, to tweak those overall colors and saturation of her textures.
    Weapon is looking great, though :)
    ..... Wow! :poly142:

    And thanks for helping us understand the arm angle!
    Getting there, Sonic! I do agree it is early, but one thing I can say, is I would love to see you push those volumes further, for more gesture :)
    Create some lines flowing through the body.
    Interesting perspective! I like you push the anatomy to read so well. About the face, I think you can get away from the "young mans face" by smoothing out some planes.
    The nose doenst have to be such a hard transition on the side under the eyes, it can be thinner in general, the mouth can also be less wide, for example.

    Really really loving this!
    Those arms and hands are imo the best in this thread so far! Great job on that! Would love you to push the gastrocs and quads a little further, though :)

    I am having a veeery rough time at work atm - 14-16 hour work days, as we have deadline soon.
    So I quickly rushed the weapon, as I hadnt even started that, and will hopefully get to bake it down and slap a texture on it, before the end of the month!
    I also repost the body, even though little was done since last time. But then you dont have to go back 4 pages to find it :)


  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    s6 wrote: »
    Lol. A hard surface artists taking a crack at this would be a disaster.

    perhaps next month. Any thoughts on what the next character is going to be? If its less fantasyish and has some hard surface on it I might be inclined to dust of my zbrush skills and bust out a shitty character :D

    Meh, my job is usually doing hard surface prop/vehicle stuff (milsim work for VBS2) but I thought this would be fun to break it up a bit. When it gets closer to the end of this month I think we'll be deciding on the next character. My opinion is to change it up each month from theme. If you look at the concept thread you'll see some of the variation as to what people were looking at for concepts.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Cool cool. Hopefully something mechanical esque goes up next month. I work in Milsim as well. Lil VBS2 and other stuff. I just break it up with more challenging hard surface :P
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I'd love to tackle a hard surface character.
    Spoon: I'd use the hard polish brush to define the flat surface of that sword a little. Its all feeling a little soft and mushy at the moment.
    I like how your foxy girl is turning out. She's definitely got her own attitude going on. Good progress!
    Rafferty: That's a big improvement. I think you could pull her chin towards the camera bit and it might help solve that flat broad jaw and cheek thing a little. It probably just needs a little finesse with the clay brush to give it some soft curve?
    Frim: looking like its starting to shape up!
    SonicBlue: Right on. Looking good!
  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    @Spoon: I suggest using the ref tristanCarter posted on the first page, the blade looks all wrong atm.
    @Rafferty_Eggleston: looking good! thighs and calfs could be slightly thinner

    Unless there is something Ive overlooked, I think Im done!
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    @ Pav3d It's looking good, but I wouldn't call it done. The area where the dark skin and light skin meet on the arm looks very unfinished/ sloppy, the back of the ear bearing light flesh feels really weird, the tattoos/ war paint look kind of sloppy they could use some clean up, the fur looks more like ivory than fur, and your spec maps could use some work everything looks like it is made of plastic.

    It's looking really nice, but I would really not rush to call this one done. We have another half of the month to work on this and you could make it look way more awesome.
  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    Thanks for the pointers stevston, ill look into those. How would you suggest making the specs look less plasticy? I run into that problem a lot.
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    Well it's all about studying the materials. Cloth will have very a very low spec value and a very low gloss value. Leather will have a low/ mid range spec and gloss value, but to really sell it you need areas of wear where the leather gets less glossy and less specular ( putting this around the edge wear and worn down areas sells it alot). Metal is really about having a really dark diffuse, high spec values, and mid - high gloss values.

    In specific to you I would say your leather needs higher spec and values in general. Make sure to break that up though and keep the rough/ worn areas in lower values. You metal could be darker and have a bit higher spec values. For your cloth I would reduce the gloss value a ton and tone back the spec value a bit. For your skin it is looking good I would just make sure to get some noise into the spec and gloss. Your skin is looking a bit to glossy so remember to keep the higher gloss values to the more oily areas. Hair looks pretty good though it would look better with and anisotopic shader on it. The fur I think needs softer painting and less harsh normals and it will look good.

    I am no expert on all of this stuff so if anyone can explain better or thinks I am wrong please chime in.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    To counter Stevston89, I like the "sloppy" look you have going. It looks more hand-painted to me than "sloppy". I think what kills it is the plastic-y rendering.

    Also for the ears making them similar to this rabbits might help. Tan inside, fully black on the outside is the more natural reference I think most people had for that area. (Side note, searching for "black rabbit ears" brings up a lot of not helpful results.)

    Finished my gear blockout today. Up next is *gulp* sculpting.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Side note, searching for "black rabbit ears" brings up a lot of not helpful results

    Lol, I'll take your word on that one. :D

    Pav3d: Looking very cool! I agree with the comments tho that you could put a little more love into it. I can see some small dots and things that are clearly not intended, and I think it has a bit too much of a standard hp bake vibe to it still. Pushing the texture just a bit further in Photoshop will make it a lot more polished imo. The sword looks awesome too man!
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    darkmag07 wrote: »

    Also for the ears making them similar to this rabbits might help. Tan inside, fully black on the outside is the more natural reference I think most people had for that area. (Side note, searching for "black rabbit ears" brings up a lot of not helpful results.)

    Finished my gear blockout today. Up next is *gulp* sculpting.

    Those are not bunny ears :D

    Judgin by the claws she's some kind of predator, someone suggested a resemblance with Anubis, so a jackal.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    her lips and nose could use more colour. interesting character :)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    A Jackal... Hmm, interesting.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    I didn't mean to suggest that her ears were rabbit-type, but more to reference the coloring on the image. Rabbits were just the first animal example I could think of. XD
  • Rafferty_Eggleston
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    Rafferty_Eggleston polycounter lvl 9
    FRiM -- Looking pretty sick so far! Midsection seems a little short, but I can dig it
    Spoon -- Thanks! I may have narrowed the shoulders, but I completely forgot to correct her thickness.. doh! Hope you're able to finish your sculpt dude
    Pav3d -- I felt pretty attached to the thick legs, but I slimmed her arms and her legs down and I think it helped quite a bit! That's why I shouldn't worry before I try something haha. How did you go about the weapon smoke? Eitherway looking slick! I agree with Ged and maybe add a little more color variation in the face
    darkmag07 -- The base looks sweet! Excited to see the sculpting phase

    Here's where I got tonight! I still need to finish the anatomy, but I started to block out the gear anyway. More to come tomorrow!

  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    @Rafferty_Eggleston: Looking good, the calfs and back of the knee need some attention though, have a look at this: 205540_343743859058103_319156524_n.jpg
    For the sword smoke I used a plane with an alpha and a slight glow map. (for whatever reason it looks like ass in the viewport but fine when you grabviewport it.

    After much editing:
  • FRiM
    I think in this thead is a lot of stunning works! Keep it up!

    Dimfist, Rafferty_Eggleston, thank you!
    Rafferty_Eggleston, Unfortunately, I am not native English speaker, so don't quite understand what you mean. :icon15: Midsection is short for a reson. But, I'll check it after i'll make her clothes. :)

  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    FRiM: Looking good to my eyes.

    Pav3d: The new render is much better! Also thanks for posting that image. That anatomy website is great and this is the first time I've heard of it.

    Well, I started some sculpting. I probably should look up a few more references of various parts of anatomy (mostly hips and below). I haven't actually touched those boots yet, but I've messed with pretty much everything else to get some sort of feel.

  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    FRiM wrote: »
    I think in this thead is a lot of stunning works! Keep it up!

    Dimfist, Rafferty_Eggleston, thank you!
    Rafferty_Eggleston, Unfortunately, I am not native English speaker, so don't quite understand what you mean. :icon15: Midsection is short for a reson. But, I'll check it after i'll make her clothes. :)


    I really like the slight smile built into the mesh.
  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    After much hesitation I finally decided to do this challenge and give it a try. Who knows I might learn something. I started on this a week ago. Thanks to jstyles3d and PryZern for encouraging me to join!

    @ darkmag07 The forehead looks too big and the ears are too wide. Tone it down just a tad bit

    Here is my feeble and noob attempt at the concept art :). Still a WIP and I think some parts of the anatomy is off :poly122:.

  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    Pav3d wrote: »
    really nice man :)!
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