Everyone looks to be hitting awesome notes! @praetus: nice details. @steveson89: Really like the ears, feels very real and animal based. @TAN: You got a really good start my good sir, but the ears seem detached to me. @darkmag07: Sorry for the mouse loss, also I don't mind your current sword.
This New semester is kicking my ass, so no real time to work now. Current plan is still to complete the low poly model. I'll try next time around to throw in textures and clumsily attempt sculpting..just got to keep hoping to get it done one day.
@praetus Glad you're back man. Always love the hair you gave her. Folds and creases are amazingly done IMO.
@darkmag07 Tell me about it :P I know some ppl can use zbrushg to make hard surface, I just can't so I use Maya to make her sword instead.
@thepapercut Getting there man ! You probably want to finish her head and her hair, then you can unofficially call her half done O o'
I would like to thank everyone been helping me getting this far! Love you guys.
First draft of texturing. I had to blur the pixelated details. Baking the polypaint was quite a breeze. I have yet to get in her shoelaces, and to color her armwraps...
Then I remember there's still her sword left "
@stevston89: The bake came nice, I love the cloth sculpting.
@darkmag07: Poor mouse. If you're gonna do hard surface sculpting make use of whatever flatten brushes you have. I try keeping all my hard surfaces as chiseled as possible and then softening edges where I need to.
So a little more from me. I addressed some of the proportion problems and I hope she looks a bit more feminine now. The knees might be a tad low and I just now realized I need to remove a finger from each hand.
- Eyes: Can you describe what is exactly strange with the eyes. I just cant figure it out by looking at it.
- Lumpy Head: You are right about it. But I noticed that if I use ZRemesher I am losing all previous prgress ( lips, nose) So if there is another wy you know, please tell me, if not I will make another try on it after I finish her sculpture.
- Detached Ears: I really thought the ears off as seperately drawn detached entities by illustrator himself/herslef. Am I wrong ? If so please tell me. I will change ASAP.
Okay then. I fifnshed hair. So here are a few screens as always:
PyrZern - I've found that when people start doing hard surface stuff in ZBrush they tend to forget about masking. If I need to make a hard edge, I lay down a mask first to define the edge, make whatever insets/dents what have you, then use a combination of the flatten and trim dynamic brush to give it that sharp edge. It works 60% of the time, every time.
@ TAN - sure. You don't really have a clearly defined eye lid and there is a crease from the corner of the leads into your nose. That is not how that area works. The edges of the brow lead into the edges of the nose. I did a paint over to show you. Also for smoothing out stuff good topology can help, but most of your errors can be fixed by dropping your subdivision and smoothing out the lumpy areas. I usually go down two subdivisions, smooth it out, and then step up a subdivision and smooth. Then I just repeat until the form isn't so lumpy. Also to avoid it in future only build up large forms on the lower subdivisions. Anyways here is the paint over.
@PyrZern: Looks like a good base. I'm looking forward to seeing where your textures end up!
@TAN: You're hair is starting to look pretty thin around the edges. You might want to go back in and add some thickness if you want it too look less melted.
Masking and flattening/polish brushes are what I have been using for the most part on my sword. Upon looking at it again today with fresh eyes, I'm not so upset at where I got on the sword.
Thanks man I will do these first thing tomorrow. The bumpiness is about topology you see. So going down and smoothing them doesn't work. But I'll find a way.
@ Dimfist - I don't think we should do that. For two reasons. First not everyone will be entering the comicon challenge. Second and more importantly the last thing that we want to do is let these challenges lose momentum. Taking a break like that could kill the whole thing.
Okay, I agree. I guess I will have to see if I have time for both. Let's try to get the voting started then. Do we just want to use another concept from the last thread?
@TAN, one thing that I usually do is to freeze subdiv levels, and zremesh it, when I unfreeze, the details of her nose and mouth will be projected back. (assuming you have enough subdiv lvls to support the change). Turn on 'backfacemash' sosmetimes also help to working with really thing stuff.
I vote that this Monthly Character Challenge must go on.
1. It's too good a learning experience. I have been learning so much stuff that helps my Comicon. I will also learn more and finish Feb's CharChallenge before Comicon ends.
2. It's still new, it needs momentum like stevston89 said.
So, where's BrandonLaFrance ? I don't have good concept arts to start the voting. Anyone ?
Hey! I vote to keep this going. I wont be able to join in until April because I got a new job and it's my last quarter of school. I would be sad if this died before then. Besides, even though I can't join right now I have enjoyed checking in on it. There are really nice improvements happening here
Voting will typically be done in a new thread as we don't want to clog this one with concepts. As for previous concepts; once the new thread is created, fell free to post them. We'll vote between whatever is posted whether it be a previously posted concept or not. You should be free to post anything that interests you.
Tan - some of the sculpting you have feels flat. I think you should remesh/dynamesh to a lower res and work on block out volumes better. The hair is especially guilty of this. Also it would help you block out a little bit easier.
You guys are too quick for me. I don't think its a good idea to postpone these. If you're too busy to participate, thats totally fine, take the month off, but as others have said, it is important to keep the momentum going.
I think it was Kapoff that made the last voting thread. We'll be kicking off the next one within the next day or so. I've got a couple of concepts bookmarked, and as last time, everyone will be free to post the concept they'd like to work from. I like how The Environment Challenge welcomes all of Polycount to participate in the voting, regardless of their participation in the challenge. For the sake of community, I think we should adopt that policy as well.
With all of that out of the way, I'll be posting up some more of my progress within the following days. I'll be spending a lot of time on the Polycount Hangout this weekend. I hope to see some of you guys there.
I didn't get a whole lot done, but they major thing I touched on was that she seemed to not quite line up with the concept, proportion wise. I think it was PyrZern who pointed out earlier in the thread that she is about 8-ish heads tall and my sculpt was only about 5 1/2 or so. I also took a first pass at sculpting in some hair detail, I will probably need to go over that again before I'm done
@praetus I really like the ears and hair, the hair especially. Just a few strokes and you really get a sense of the flow in it. Her legs seem a little bowed to me, but I might just be seeing things. overall, I'm diggin what you have.
@thepapercut Nice poly-flow, but the feet seem a little long, also there should be a little more slope from the ankle to the top of the foot.
@4f6f3b She looks a little thick in the hip, butt, thigh area in the 3/4 shot. I like where you are going with the hands.
@kapoff Her head in the side view looks a little like the Alien in Alien. It might be her hair throwing me off in the back tho. The hair on the top feels a little thin, maybe try pulling her hair line down.
Got my UVs in order (1x sheet for the body, 1x for the head/ears/hair) and my lowpoly model more or less finished. (I used my base meshes, except for the tufts which I had to create from scratch). I'm at around 7,700 tris.
Question for those who bake often, is it better to delete excess faces before baking? For stuff like the back of the head under the hair, where I'll probably just end up deleting the faces anyway. I know that it'd definitely save some texture space, I'm just uncertain as to what I want to do.
@atomicguppy The new proportion looks way better ! Her face looks a little off though. @stevston89 That looks so good, man. Looks so highres !! Great job. @darkmag07 As you can see I'm no good at baking, but I get rid of extra faces before baking.(to be precise, I do it before uv mapping.)
Not that 'done' done yet, though I do want to call this done already.
OK people this will be a double post because I just noticed that I took too many feedback and didn't give much back and ashamed of my greed. So this will be a feedback one. Let's go:
Has a good feeling. Fr feminization shrink shoulders vertically. 3D women has this "chicken" shape to them which has larger proportions to bottom and tinier at upper parts.
Lookin rock overall. If it is anything you may wish to "squint" eyes a bit more.
So. Here is what I did do. I finished clothing general. Tomorrow I will finish the weapon and start normal map activities tomorrow. Screenshots shuld be covering everyting I guess.
Wow, you guys have been way too busy for me to get to everyone.
Great to see some new entries coming in too. Hope you guys can make the deadline, I know I'm feeling the pinch.
@PyrZern, Your bakes are much nicer now. But you def need to work on getting your UV layouts tighter :P Play some tetris I think you could add some variation into your diffuse. It's all a little flat right now. @darkmag07, Shes got a bit of a bulbous cranium going on there. Maybe push her whole face up a little bit. If yo look at the concept, her eyes sit in line with the bottom of her ears. @Rafferty_Eggleston, nice looking sculpt so far. I'm diggin the ponytail vibe. If you are going to rock that silky type fabric for the front dangle cloth (yeah thats what I call it) you might need to add some more stress folds as if the weight of the ring is pulling it down. I'm bookmarking those matcap tutes too, cheers for the hookups. @Kapoff, she looks mean! I love it. Def wouldn't mess with her. Looks like her shoulders come real far back though, unless its some FOV warping that render. @Domenico92, love the hair, real wildchild vibe shes got there. @stevston89, so clean. So, so clean. I wish my car was as clean as your bakes. Looking ace man. Nothing to add other than I think you might wanna drop the normal bevel on her body paint down a bit. It's a nice touch but a little too strong.
Here's my texture progress. Still WIP, got a lot of cleanup to do. Also need to fix a few clipping issues on the low poly.
Hopefully start texturing weapon tomorrow.
Lookin' nice. Please notice that part of her belt that is holding the metal orb ( where the hole is) is şarger than where i is attached to her grain.
@TAN, I presume you meant the bottom is wider than the top of that loin cloth ?
I notice, in general, many of us don't really get the furs to look like fur That's a lesson learned for me there. (among many others :P )
What kind of texture sheet we be using ?
I heard the important ones are diffuse, normal, ambient, alpha, and specular ?
I have yet to try making a spec map. Anyone with great guide for it ?
I will work on her sword tomorrow. (I think I accidentally deleted the lowpoly sword I made ) Touched up on diffuse, and fix some polys.
ALSO, don't forget to vote on next month !! Even if you might not participate in it. Some late concept art came in as well, so if you voted already, check again !!! I'm super excited for next month guys!! (...do we have any lady ?) http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=130493
sorry guys, Im not reallly good at giving crits, but will try anyway. jstyles3d, lookin really good, you could maybe have added some more geo to the front piece to make it a bit more round.
TAN, I think you should go down in subdivisions and try to smooth out some lumpiness.
PyrZern, like jstyles said : add some more color variation . about spec maps, read this: http://www.manufato.com/?p=902 it helped me alot in understanding them.
stevston89, nice, model. will look even better when textures are done.
heres' where I'm at:
not much have changed, did some tweaking, started on the hands. should I shorten the forearms a bit?
@ jstyles3d - looking very nice! Something odd happening in the black part of her hands with the texture but her face is gorg!
I'm still around, just insanely busy... did work on the sword though! (glow is photoshop) Husband has made a couple of suggestions to improve it so will work on those. Also hopefully learning how to pose her today...
@Terminator2, +1 for that spec article. It is a gem. And good point about the front piece. I will sort that out tomorrow. @AllyAlbon, I haven't really touched the hands yet so there's nasty seam and some general funk there Your weapon is looking great. Good luck with the posing.
Thanks for the feedback. Can you specify targets for me ? ( Where exactly ? )
- Yes that was exactly what I meant. Sorry I was too sleepy to find the right words (I still am, actually )
- Bake a Diffuse, and an Ambient Occlusion map. Then combine these two in Photoshop by overlaying them on top of each other then select " Multiply" from drop down menu. Desaturate Diffuse Map and that will give you a basic specular map. Also bake a Normal Mp. These 3 are basic essential maps you need for almost every model.
If you want extra intel on maps I'll do what I can.
What kind of texture sheet we be using ?
I heard the important ones are diffuse, normal, ambient, alpha, and specular ?
I would assume, dif spec and norm. With gloss being either a separate texture, or in alpha of the spec. Or thirdly, You can have monochrome spec in either R, G or B, Gloss in another one, and then have a third channel for mask for different shader effects for example.
I have no idea what an ambient map is.
Also, in case of alphas, that would just be the alpha of the diffuse on the object you would have transparent. Remember to have that on a separate sheet, otherwise the entire texture is calculated transparency.
I work as an environment artist in unreal, so there might be other technical ideals for other engines or cases that I am unaware of.
@PyrZern - Textures looking a bit washed out. Might just be because of the spec. Keep going!
@jstyles - Face is looking nice. You seem to have a lot of clipping issues throughout you model watch out for them. The fur floating off of the shoulder pad feels really odd. I would go back and scale some of the fur up and try to close and gaps there. Also you have a pretty nasty seam on the wrist.
@Terminator2 - Looking good. I think the head might still be a bit big.
@Tan - Careful with that sword it is looking really mushy. I would go back in and clean it up with the TrimDynamic and Hpolish brushes.
Thanks fort the kind words everyone! I am still working on the textures. I added eyelashes and eye shadowing. I did alot to the cloth, skin, shoulder pad, and loin clothes. Still have a ton to do. Pretty happy with it so far. Might lower the eyes a bit though.
Actually, depends on the angle of the sword, the handle might be long to point out that far back like in the concept. (perspective too).
@Vital-ire The top of her hair looks a little funny to me. It appears like she doesn't have cranium, even though that's not the case. Maybe the top of her hair can be a bit more fluffy and cover a bit more of her forehead.
@stevston89 Spec looks beautiful. Just don't over do it especially around her arms. Looks like she's wearing latex gloves instead.
Sorry for my absence the last day or two! Lemme catch up on some critiques! (sorry if I repeat some other critiques. I'm going back a page or two!)
thepapercut -- Time constraints are a pain! Nice progress. It looks like her arm pits may be a little low as well as her anal region. The privates might be due to the vag area being too high? Can't tell from the angles haha.
4f6f3b -- Really nice progress! Digging your fur and cloth. Her torse is really thick from the side view still based on the 3/4. She looks almost as thick chest to spine vs shoulder to shoulder.
TAN -- I believe I recall someone mentioning this already, but her hair is really thin. Her fingers look like tiny spagetti noodles too! Don't be afraid to add some meat to the bone haha. Nice progress nonetheless! For the weapon, it looks like the blade is at a different angle than the handle. If anything, I think the area where she is holding the sword in the concept would be thicker. You have it skinnier at the moment, and if she hit anything with that sword, the blade would probably pop off!
Kapoff -- Looking really nice. Digging the loin cloth, boots, and those hands look wicked! Her head looks really stretched out from the side view (think alien). The ears should be a lot closer to her face/center of her head.
Domenico92 -- The toes of her boots are shaped pretty weirdly. It looks like her pinky toe area might have more volume than her big toe area.
Nika -- Nice work! The biggest thing that I see is her eyes are really slanted.
atomicguppy -- Really nice progress. The proportion changes made a world of difference.
jstyles3d -- Thanks dude! I changed from the silky type fabric for the dangly bits to a leather type material from someone else's critique haha. It definitely needed some more stress folds though! Nice update on your model as well! The main thing right now that catches my eye are the little pieces of fur that come out of the bigger clumps of fur. They don't really blend well atm and it just looks like they're slapped on top
Terminator2 -- Thanks for the link! That is some valuable info! She's coming along!
AllyAlbon -- I really like your take on the sword. I would add a little damage to the metal plates since the blade is pretty banged up!
Vital-ire -- Nice start, glad you joined in! She is looking really bulky for the concept! I would tone down here biceps and neck muscles! Right now she looks like she is trying to suck something through a straw. Where her pecs meet her shoulders has a really hard edge too. Her lower legs might be a tad longer than her upper leg. I really like the feel of your character so far!
So here is what I've been able to get done so far. I was having some issues with the dangly bit from her chest piece so I decided to shorten it up quite a bit and I like where it is at now. She has a bit of a frowning face. I'm thinking about starting the face completely over since it feels like I have been fighting it the entire month haha. Feels like there is so much left to do! I'll do my best to not just throw on a crap texture at the end haha. Late nights for the next few days!
I'll do my best to not just throw on a crap texture at the end haha. Late nights for the next few days!
Like what I am doing, lol ?
You might want to throw in eyeballs to see how it works, and adjust her face around that. Her torso looks so thin from sideway compared to her thighs. I'd beef up the depth of her torso a bit.
@TAN The sword is coming along now ! The angle of the blade to the handle looks bent a bit. I will adjust the position of her hair a bit to cover more of her forehead.
Been fixing the textures. I failed so hard at the sword <_<"
Well if I had to name names... haha jk! It is looking good so far dude. I always seem to stop models before the texturing process, so I am a little disappointed in myself that I didn't make more room for texturing. I'll get it done though!
I think the biggest issue with your sword right now is that it looks really flat and soft. I would go back and really sculpt in the hard edges and maybe add more geo to your low poly! For her body, I would maybe tone down the saturation of the red and it looks like more detail needs to go into her arm bands.
Thanks for the feedback on her width! I'll thicken her torso up tonight
@TAN: Good progress, sword hilt looks a little long.
@Rafferty: Hair looks great! Her loincloth is getting thin at the bottom instead of thicker like the concept. Shoulder pad is also looking pretty tiny.
@Vital-ire: Her face looks like it's pushing a bit too far forward from side view. Otherwise, great start!
@Steveston: Those leathery textures are looking good!
I attempted to bake some normal/ao maps today. Kind of an arduous process, if you want to avoid artifacts, exporting out each piece individually but I slugged through. Part seem a little off and will probably require cleanup (already did a bit on the face with Gaussian Blur).
So above we've got flat colors, ao, and normal. Gotta work on that spec map and everything else. And figure out how I want to render the final image as Blender won't do. Probably will end up throwing it into Unity.
....Here's just normals to see how the bake turned out.
Still need to adjust a lowpoly and bake stuff out for that sword.
@Terminator2: I like it man. Hope you can get the textures in before deadline! @PyrZern: Texture needs a lot of love but I think it's awesome that you have been able to work through and learn and get to this stage! @TAN: Need to learn about the smoothing when sub dividing in zbrush. You can keep your hard angles with crease, or turn off smoothing for the first couple divides. The grip where the handle/pommel meets the blade is looking really fragile. @Rafferty: Hope you can get some texture done. I'd love to see how your take looks. @Vital-ire: Thanks for joining. Very muscular take on the concept. She's a very smooth young thing but I like where you are going. Hair could use a little love. @Steveston: Looking good except the spec but I'm sure you are working on that as we speak! @AllyAlbon: Definitley a different take on the weapon than most. Could use some geon on the hilt.
DarkMag07: Its looking better with some colors. She seems very compact to me if that makes sense.
@praetus: Love the way you chose to shape those ears and the back of her hair!
Hardsurface sculpting is difficult. I'm probably gonna scrap this and try again tomorrow. ...And the right click button on my mouse broke today.
@praetus: nice details.
@steveson89: Really like the ears, feels very real and animal based.
@TAN: You got a really good start my good sir, but the ears seem detached to me.
@darkmag07: Sorry for the mouse loss, also I don't mind your current sword.
This New semester is kicking my ass, so no real time to work now. Current plan is still to complete the low poly model. I'll try next time around to throw in textures and clumsily attempt sculpting..just got to keep hoping to get it done one day.
@darkmag07 Tell me about it :P I know some ppl can use zbrushg to make hard surface, I just can't so I use Maya to make her sword instead.
@thepapercut Getting there man ! You probably want to finish her head
I would like to thank everyone been helping me getting this far! Love you guys.
First draft of texturing. I had to blur the pixelated details. Baking the polypaint was quite a breeze. I have yet to get in her shoelaces, and to color her armwraps...
Then I remember there's still her sword left
@darkmag07: Poor mouse.
@PyrZern: It's really starting to come together.
So a little more from me. I addressed some of the proportion problems and I hope she looks a bit more feminine now. The knees might be a tad low and I just now realized I need to remove a finger from each hand.
@ stevston89
- Eyes: Can you describe what is exactly strange with the eyes. I just cant figure it out by looking at it.
- Lumpy Head: You are right about it. But I noticed that if I use ZRemesher I am losing all previous prgress ( lips, nose) So if there is another wy you know, please tell me, if not I will make another try on it after I finish her sculpture.
@ thepapercut:
- Detached Ears: I really thought the ears off as seperately drawn detached entities by illustrator himself/herslef. Am I wrong ? If so please tell me. I will change ASAP.
Okay then. I fifnshed hair. So here are a few screens as always:
@TAN: You're hair is starting to look pretty thin around the edges. You might want to go back in and add some thickness if you want it too look less melted.
Masking and flattening/polish brushes are what I have been using for the most part on my sword. Upon looking at it again today with fresh eyes, I'm not so upset at where I got on the sword.
Thanks man I will do these first thing tomorrow. The bumpiness is about topology you see. So going down and smoothing them doesn't work. But I'll find a way.
@ darkmag07
Hair Thickness: Upgraded. ( Tanks for the warning man
So I completed the boots now. I plan on finishing her garment tomorrow.
@ 4f6f3b
Liked her Garments and ears
I vote that this Monthly Character Challenge must go on.
1. It's too good a learning experience. I have been learning so much stuff that helps my Comicon. I will also learn more and finish Feb's CharChallenge before Comicon ends.
2. It's still new, it needs momentum like stevston89 said.
So, where's BrandonLaFrance ? I don't have good concept arts to start the voting. Anyone ?
Tan - some of the sculpting you have feels flat. I think you should remesh/dynamesh to a lower res and work on block out volumes better. The hair is especially guilty of this. Also it would help you block out a little bit easier.
I think it was Kapoff that made the last voting thread. We'll be kicking off the next one within the next day or so. I've got a couple of concepts bookmarked, and as last time, everyone will be free to post the concept they'd like to work from. I like how The Environment Challenge welcomes all of Polycount to participate in the voting, regardless of their participation in the challenge. For the sake of community, I think we should adopt that policy as well.
With all of that out of the way, I'll be posting up some more of my progress within the following days. I'll be spending a lot of time on the Polycount Hangout this weekend. I hope to see some of you guys there.
Edit: Disregard, PyrZern's allready on it.
Still got to sculpt the fur on the boots and the shoulder piece.
And as far as the duckface goes, I'm not quite sure if it's really the case. Anyway there's a view from the side.
@Kapoff: How about something like this?
Here's my sculpt. I'm a bit late but I couldn't resist this concept
@praetus I really like the ears and hair, the hair especially. Just a few strokes and you really get a sense of the flow in it. Her legs seem a little bowed to me, but I might just be seeing things. overall, I'm diggin what you have.
@thepapercut Nice poly-flow, but the feet seem a little long, also there should be a little more slope from the ankle to the top of the foot.
@4f6f3b She looks a little thick in the hip, butt, thigh area in the 3/4 shot. I like where you are going with the hands.
@kapoff Her head in the side view looks a little like the Alien in Alien. It might be her hair throwing me off in the back tho. The hair on the top feels a little thin, maybe try pulling her hair line down.
@Domenico92 - The cloth in the back is looking really odd. It should be draping horizontally not vertically.
@Nika - Looks good. I think the head is too large though.
@atomicguppy - The proportion changes are looking much better.
Small update. Just been blocking in colors mostly, but here is some progress on my textures.
Got my UVs in order (1x sheet for the body, 1x for the head/ears/hair) and my lowpoly model more or less finished. (I used my base meshes, except for the tufts which I had to create from scratch). I'm at around 7,700 tris.
Question for those who bake often, is it better to delete excess faces before baking? For stuff like the back of the head under the hair, where I'll probably just end up deleting the faces anyway. I know that it'd definitely save some texture space, I'm just uncertain as to what I want to do.
@atomicguppy The new proportion looks way better ! Her face looks a little off though.
@stevston89 That looks so good, man. Looks so highres !! Great job.
@darkmag07 As you can see I'm no good at baking, but I get rid of extra faces before baking.(to be precise, I do it before uv mapping.)
Not that 'done' done yet, though I do want to call this done already.
Let's try what you said....
What magic would this be ! ? U know spells PyZer ?
@ PyrZern
Lookin' nice. Please notice that part of her belt that is holding the metal orb ( where the hole is) is şarger than where i is attached to her grain.
@ praetus
Proportions looks real good. Just don't forget to punch holes to her ear and belt ( which holds metal orb) It will look much nicer
@ 4f6f3b
Has a good feeling. Fr feminization shrink shoulders vertically. 3D women has this "chicken" shape to them which has larger proportions to bottom and tinier at upper parts.
@ Kapoff
Great silhouette. You may wish to shorten the ears.
@ stevston89
Lookin rock overall. If it is anything you may wish to "squint" eyes a bit more.
So. Here is what I did do. I finished clothing general. Tomorrow I will finish the weapon and start normal map activities tomorrow. Screenshots shuld be covering everyting I guess.
Great to see some new entries coming in too. Hope you guys can make the deadline, I know I'm feeling the pinch.
@PyrZern, Your bakes are much nicer now. But you def need to work on getting your UV layouts tighter :P Play some tetris
@darkmag07, Shes got a bit of a bulbous cranium going on there. Maybe push her whole face up a little bit. If yo look at the concept, her eyes sit in line with the bottom of her ears.
@Rafferty_Eggleston, nice looking sculpt so far. I'm diggin the ponytail vibe. If you are going to rock that silky type fabric for the front dangle cloth (yeah thats what I call it) you might need to add some more stress folds as if the weight of the ring is pulling it down. I'm bookmarking those matcap tutes too, cheers for the hookups.
@Kapoff, she looks mean! I love it. Def wouldn't mess with her. Looks like her shoulders come real far back though, unless its some FOV warping that render.
@Domenico92, love the hair, real wildchild vibe shes got there.
@stevston89, so clean. So, so clean. I wish my car was as clean as your bakes. Looking ace man. Nothing to add other than I think you might wanna drop the normal bevel on her body paint down a bit. It's a nice touch but a little too strong.
Here's my texture progress. Still WIP, got a lot of cleanup to do. Also need to fix a few clipping issues on the low poly.
Hopefully start texturing weapon tomorrow.
@TAN, I presume you meant the bottom is wider than the top of that loin cloth ?
I notice, in general, many of us don't really get the furs to look like fur
What kind of texture sheet we be using ?
I heard the important ones are diffuse, normal, ambient, alpha, and specular ?
I have yet to try making a spec map. Anyone with great guide for it ?
I will work on her sword tomorrow. (I think I accidentally deleted the lowpoly sword I made
ALSO, don't forget to vote on next month !! Even if you might not participate in it. Some late concept art came in as well, so if you voted already, check again !!! I'm super excited for next month guys!! (...do we have any lady ?)
jstyles3d, lookin really good, you could maybe have added some more geo to the front piece to make it a bit more round.
TAN, I think you should go down in subdivisions and try to smooth out some lumpiness.
PyrZern, like jstyles said : add some more color variation . about spec maps, read this: http://www.manufato.com/?p=902 it helped me alot in understanding them.
stevston89, nice, model. will look even better when textures are done.
heres' where I'm at:
not much have changed, did some tweaking, started on the hands. should I shorten the forearms a bit?
I'm still around, just insanely busy... did work on the sword though! (glow is photoshop) Husband has made a couple of suggestions to improve it so will work on those. Also hopefully learning how to pose her today...
@AllyAlbon, I haven't really touched the hands yet so there's nasty seam and some general funk there
Thanks for the feedback. Can you specify targets for me ? ( Where exactly ? )
- Yes that was exactly what I meant.
- Bake a Diffuse, and an Ambient Occlusion map. Then combine these two in Photoshop by overlaying them on top of each other then select " Multiply" from drop down menu. Desaturate Diffuse Map and that will give you a basic specular map. Also bake a Normal Mp. These 3 are basic essential maps you need for almost every model.
If you want extra intel on maps I'll do what I can.
I would assume, dif spec and norm. With gloss being either a separate texture, or in alpha of the spec. Or thirdly, You can have monochrome spec in either R, G or B, Gloss in another one, and then have a third channel for mask for different shader effects for example.
I have no idea what an ambient map is.
Also, in case of alphas, that would just be the alpha of the diffuse on the object you would have transparent. Remember to have that on a separate sheet, otherwise the entire texture is calculated transparency.
I work as an environment artist in unreal, so there might be other technical ideals for other engines or cases that I am unaware of.
So this is my take on her weapon as much as I could figure out from reference.
I'll finish her textures tomorrow. And if there is still tie left I'll also bake her maps.
Come on TAN you can do it. We are nearly there ( Oh man I am so sleepy
@AllyAlbon The sword looks great, man !!
@jstyles - Face is looking nice. You seem to have a lot of clipping issues throughout you model watch out for them. The fur floating off of the shoulder pad feels really odd. I would go back and scale some of the fur up and try to close and gaps there. Also you have a pretty nasty seam on the wrist.
@Terminator2 - Looking good. I think the head might still be a bit big.
@AllyAlbon - Sword is looking nice!
@Tan - Careful with that sword it is looking really mushy. I would go back in and clean it up with the TrimDynamic and Hpolish brushes.
Thanks fort the kind words everyone! I am still working on the textures. I added eyelashes and eye shadowing. I did alot to the cloth, skin, shoulder pad, and loin clothes. Still have a ton to do. Pretty happy with it so far. Might lower the eyes a bit though.
@TAN I'd take a look at the length of that sword, the handle looks really long, I'd try shortening down the whole thing.
@Terminator2 I think you may need to pull the back of her skull farther back it seems kinda shallow to me.
Here's where I'm at. I got a bit more to do and I 'll probably be cutting it close.
@Vital-ire The top of her hair looks a little funny to me. It appears like she doesn't have cranium, even though that's not the case. Maybe the top of her hair can be a bit more fluffy and cover a bit more of her forehead.
@stevston89 Spec looks beautiful. Just don't over do it especially around her arms. Looks like she's wearing latex gloves instead.
Let me try that:
HOT DAAAAMN ! This tread is full of wizards
thepapercut -- Time constraints are a pain! Nice progress. It looks like her arm pits may be a little low as well as her anal region. The privates might be due to the vag area being too high? Can't tell from the angles haha.
4f6f3b -- Really nice progress! Digging your fur and cloth. Her torse is really thick from the side view still based on the 3/4. She looks almost as thick chest to spine vs shoulder to shoulder.
TAN -- I believe I recall someone mentioning this already, but her hair is really thin. Her fingers look like tiny spagetti noodles too! Don't be afraid to add some meat to the bone haha. Nice progress nonetheless! For the weapon, it looks like the blade is at a different angle than the handle. If anything, I think the area where she is holding the sword in the concept would be thicker. You have it skinnier at the moment, and if she hit anything with that sword, the blade would probably pop off!
Kapoff -- Looking really nice. Digging the loin cloth, boots, and those hands look wicked! Her head looks really stretched out from the side view (think alien). The ears should be a lot closer to her face/center of her head.
Domenico92 -- The toes of her boots are shaped pretty weirdly. It looks like her pinky toe area might have more volume than her big toe area.
Nika -- Nice work! The biggest thing that I see is her eyes are really slanted.
atomicguppy -- Really nice progress. The proportion changes made a world of difference.
jstyles3d -- Thanks dude! I changed from the silky type fabric for the dangly bits to a leather type material from someone else's critique haha. It definitely needed some more stress folds though! Nice update on your model as well! The main thing right now that catches my eye are the little pieces of fur that come out of the bigger clumps of fur. They don't really blend well atm and it just looks like they're slapped on top
Terminator2 -- Thanks for the link! That is some valuable info! She's coming along!
AllyAlbon -- I really like your take on the sword. I would add a little damage to the metal plates since the blade is pretty banged up!
Vital-ire -- Nice start, glad you joined in! She is looking really bulky for the concept! I would tone down here biceps and neck muscles! Right now she looks like she is trying to suck something through a straw. Where her pecs meet her shoulders has a really hard edge too. Her lower legs might be a tad longer than her upper leg. I really like the feel of your character so far!
So here is what I've been able to get done so far. I was having some issues with the dangly bit from her chest piece so I decided to shorten it up quite a bit and I like where it is at now. She has a bit of a frowning face. I'm thinking about starting the face completely over since it feels like I have been fighting it the entire month haha. Feels like there is so much left to do! I'll do my best to not just throw on a crap texture at the end haha. Late nights for the next few days!
Coming up later tonaight: Her clothes and her body
Like what I am doing, lol ?
You might want to throw in eyeballs to see how it works, and adjust her face around that. Her torso looks so thin from sideway compared to her thighs. I'd beef up the depth of her torso a bit.
@TAN The sword is coming along now ! The angle of the blade to the handle looks bent a bit. I will adjust the position of her hair a bit to cover more of her forehead.
Been fixing the textures. I failed so hard at the sword <_<"
Well if I had to name names... haha jk! It is looking good so far dude. I always seem to stop models before the texturing process, so I am a little disappointed in myself that I didn't make more room for texturing. I'll get it done though!
I think the biggest issue with your sword right now is that it looks really flat and soft. I would go back and really sculpt in the hard edges and maybe add more geo to your low poly! For her body, I would maybe tone down the saturation of the red and it looks like more detail needs to go into her arm bands.
Thanks for the feedback on her width! I'll thicken her torso up tonight
@TAN: Good progress, sword hilt looks a little long.
@Rafferty: Hair looks great! Her loincloth is getting thin at the bottom instead of thicker like the concept. Shoulder pad is also looking pretty tiny.
@Vital-ire: Her face looks like it's pushing a bit too far forward from side view. Otherwise, great start!
@Steveston: Those leathery textures are looking good!
@AllyAlbon: I love your sword.
I attempted to bake some normal/ao maps today. Kind of an arduous process, if you want to avoid artifacts, exporting out each piece individually but I slugged through. Part seem a little off and will probably require cleanup (already did a bit on the face with Gaussian Blur).
So above we've got flat colors, ao, and normal. Gotta work on that spec map and everything else. And figure out how I want to render the final image as Blender won't do. Probably will end up throwing it into Unity.
....Here's just normals to see how the bake turned out.
Still need to adjust a lowpoly and bake stuff out for that sword.
@PyrZern: Texture needs a lot of love but I think it's awesome that you have been able to work through and learn and get to this stage!
@TAN: Need to learn about the smoothing when sub dividing in zbrush. You can keep your hard angles with crease, or turn off smoothing for the first couple divides. The grip where the handle/pommel meets the blade is looking really fragile.
@Rafferty: Hope you can get some texture done. I'd love to see how your take looks.
@Vital-ire: Thanks for joining. Very muscular take on the concept. She's a very smooth young thing but I like where you are going. Hair could use a little love.
@Steveston: Looking good except the spec but I'm sure you are working on that as we speak!
@AllyAlbon: Definitley a different take on the weapon than most. Could use some geon on the hilt.
DarkMag07: Its looking better with some colors. She seems very compact to me if that makes sense.