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The Monthly 'Noob' Character Challenge (01/14)



  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Mossbros: I started with a dynamesh sphere, shaped the head and ears, then I extruded the neck out with a mask and the move tool. I kept all the way down the body then just made sure I tweaked out my proportions as I worked. The cloth is masks that I extracted. The earring was a bit of dynamesh subtract (very similar to boolean in 3d programs but no fuss no muss).
  • naturon
    Hey Guys and Gals,

    I had a couple of afternoons free over Christmas so I thought I'd give the challenge a go, so I can try out some different styles than I'm used to.
    Heres my progress so far, just blocking out in Zbrush still -

    I'm on my laptop atm and Ill be doing all the little fidly bits in maya once I get back to my PC, I figure itll also give me a chance to try out the auto remesher in zbrush R6 I've been hearing so much about.

  • jeebs
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    jeebs polycounter lvl 11
    so many entries, so much fun!

    TheDarkKnight - thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
    lotet - thanks, fixed the face and ears, hope it looks ok right this time, just wonder why does the head must have more loops? I'm not going to make facial rigging, and won't be using zbrush at all this time, so not sure if the density is necessary at all. I can really feel your style in your work, everything looks good, maybe just the straps on her neck look a bit weird for me, doesn't feel like it's cloth, on the other hand the fabric on her hips looks ok to me. keep up the good work.
    praetus - thanks, I agree about the head being wider, but this time the hair will cover it so no need to do anything I think.
    MrOneTwo - I'm pretty sure you can pull this off, you have a good start there. I think here thumbs are a bit small though.
    Dimfist - that's a good start, but I think her ears are a bit too big, her neck is a bit too long, and her legs should be longer.

    more update from me, almost finished with her clothes:
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Naturon. I think it's coming along nicely. Some of the forms seem a little mushy at the moment but I am sure that is just because it's still in wip mode.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    naturon That looks pretty good. Her torso seems too skinny though. Like, she has no rib cage at all.
    jeebs Solid low poly there. Might wanna make her hair in the front comes down a bit further.
  • jeebs
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    jeebs polycounter lvl 11
    Pyrzern - thanks, yes I think you're right, I fixed it a bit, if there are other mistakes then I guess I can fix them later while texturing. I guess I already finished the model, hope I have missed anything.

    finished model:
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    That is looking sex-to-the i.e. jeebs!
  • jacob thomas
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    jacob thomas polycounter lvl 11
    @jeebs you are killing it man. That low poly is looking great.
    @naturon might wanna check the posi of those knees man. They look a little too low to me. Great start otherwise.
    @TheWildHunt man that new face is bangin. Love the little pout. Top form

    I had a few hours today to start roughing in some forms and some of her clothes.
    I've blocked in some hair strips (very wippy) but I've never tackled the sculpted style that most of you guys are using. I wonder if you have any pointers to pulling that off nicely.

    Anyway, less talk more art.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    jstyles3d I make hair by placing a sphere or something right under her cranium, then inflate stuff out. Move it into shape and pull it down for hair behind her back. I then insertsphere somemore and pull them around to make hair bangs around. Or you can use the CurveTube brush for this as well.

    I'm gonna remake her hands tomorrow. I think I pretty much finalized her hair now. A few more adjustment and that would be it. Will still put some more time toward her boots, though.
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    GUYPHILL polycounter lvl 10
    Hey guys , good beginning for the silhouette . I gonna participate to my first contest on polycount so I am excited . For this challenge I will try to keep it mid res.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Dimfist - The legs feel a bit short and the neck too long. I like some of what you're doing with the face but I think you need to work on some of the base proportions a bit more.

    - The shoulder pad needs to be bigger. Also, your ears are a bit flat and arked back a little too much I think. It's hard to tell because some of your coloring gets lost into the background. Hard to tell where some of your model ends.

    This is the progress I've made so far. Made a dynamesh of the hair to start toying with and got a little bit of work done on the chest sash.

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Well had a chance to block in the rest of the bits. Next stage is to refine the sculpt and finish the cloth.
    Having some major issues with my computer...hopefully i can get it sorted.
    Praetus starting to come together nicely. keep at it.
    jstyles digging her face. Nice take on it.
    Jeebs that's some low poly magic. good stuff.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    ok, so my max crashed and I lost basically all of my retop. sure, some of the parts are saved out as obj.s but it was kind of a moral kick in the nuts. So I dont think il finish this one up.

    happy new year everyone, see you next month....
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    That's a bummer :(
    But it does last till end of Jan. So, get back in here :P
  • Middnight
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    Middnight polycounter lvl 5
    thats wy you save over min 2 different file, that's a very big lesson i learned the hard way aswell :)
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    GUYPHILL polycounter lvl 10
    I got the proportion for my character now I gonna export it in Zbrush.
    lotet sorry for you but you got time to redo it
    Dimfist your fingers are a little bit big but you got nice silhouette
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Woa, just found this thread today, it's not even january, and half of you are almost done? :D

    Started from scratch, this is a couple hours into it.
    Unfortunately I have to go party now, but I bookmarked Fnitrox's video, so Will take a look at that tomorrow :)

    Really inspiring, guys!

  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    @ lotet do you not have autoback on? My autoback kicks out a save every 5 to 10 minutes I never lose a substantial amount of work anymore.
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Lotet You had a nice start. Hope you will continue.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator

    Not terribly happy with the back of the hair. I may try some variations of how the hair splits in the back. Also, looking back at the sash, I may tweak that a bit too.

    Lotet, don't give up man! You had some great progress, and while it may not be exact if you remake it, I'd still be interested in what your final piece may be.

    Spoon - She only has 4 fingers. You need to drop a digit. Also, you may want to edit your base pose. I can't see that rigging terribly well.

    - I like where yours is heading but some of your proportions still feel off. The legs still feel really short on that torso.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    praetus I actually really like how your hair looks from the back. It could improve from the sideview. But I love it from the back. And the hands, look really nice.

    Happy New Year y'all !!
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    thanks guys! il probably get back into it, I do have most of the stuff in OBJs here an there, so I can probably save like 50% of the retop. the sucky part is that I lost the backup file too :(

    but you guys are right, there is still another month to go, and stuff usually ends up better if you redo them anyways :)

    and happy new year everyone!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Adjusted her hands. Improved hair (still not happy). Sculpted in subtle ab muscle. (and oh-so-slight-subtly underboobs) ;P Have to finish the shoes. And start detailing the sword.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    praetus - Thanks a lot for the feedback. Why would it be bad for rigging? Because of the close areas in armpits etc?

    PyrZern - I think the haor works quite well! Haha, and the underboob is mandatory!

    naturon - Really liking this so far! Great work :) Remember the hole in the hanging cloth thing for the ring :)

    Fnitrox Thanks a lot for the video!!

    What are your approaches to the face? You only use this ref, or you find someone who reminds of her toget more references for other angles? From memory of aestethic shapes? What are your approaches? :)
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Spoon - The way I was taught the relationship of modeling/rigging/animation for arms was to find a natural midpoint. Since the shoulder is a ball and socket joint it has a very large range of motion. You don't want the geometry to collapse in on itself when you go to animate it. Having the arm in a downward position can be tough on your geometry if you go to move the arm all the way up.

    As for the face, I made a folder of concept art that had similar shapes or faces I liked. I used these as reference when sculpting the face. I tried to retain the overall shape from the concept while mixing in some styles of other art. Most notably I used these concepts from the movie Frozen. Someone posted these to reddit the other day right around the time I was making the face. It gave me a good idea on how to approach the nose and cheeks as well as the face silhouette in general. Hope it helps.
  • AllyAlbon
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    AllyAlbon interpolator
    @Jeebs - lovely basemesh! Are the fur clumps on boots/shoulder all individual meshes?

    @Lotet - don't give up! There is still a month to go!

    @GuyPhill - lovely and simple mesh, really nice.

    A bit more work, lots of tweaking to do! Discovered I have never really made a "proper" face before and had to take a break to do some learnin'. This challenge is very clever, makes you force yourself to actually learn and do things you might have put off before!

    Not entirely happy yet, I will be redoing her hands, and have already tweaked her face, pulled it out a bit to look less flat. Getting worried at the polycount but hoping to keep the clothes simple.

  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot, Praetus!
    You are right about the pose. I didn't give it thought, as this isnt going to be animated, but you are totally right that I should practice correct workflow anyway :)

    And thank for the link to the Frozen faces! Those are great!

    BTW, Fnitrox, I think you should consider makking the hanging cloth piece on the back coming from under the "skirt", as it does in the front. It might be a better design decision :)
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Today's update.

    Again, thanks for the help guys, and especially to Fnitrox for sharing his workflow! :)

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    nice challenge, love watching the progress here, subscribed! don't have the time to join this month, but maybe i will later

    alex: really? dude, this looks beyond unprofessional, makes you look like a total ass, this is your contribution to this fun challenge, really?
  • arcitecht
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    arcitecht polycounter lvl 6
    spoon: Shoulders are looking too broad, so watch those proportions. The waist is really tiny and pinched in in the concept, so dont be afraid to exaggerate and bring that upper body in and the hips out wider.

    I'm heading out of town for a few days so I figured I'd post what I've managed to get done so far. It's pretty raw as is but I feel alright about the overal proportions, but of course I'm looking for feedback on that here. Closer to the concept is better for my goals with this one.
    shit color block
  • jacob thomas
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    jacob thomas polycounter lvl 11
    @arcitecht that block in is looking really solid. Ears are taking great shape. I'd just check the knee position, might be a tad too high.
    Also watch the eyes around the iris. You should never see the white of the eyes under them except for extreme positions.
    Lastly as others have pointed out, the concept only has 3 fingers and a thumb. Might wanna kill the extra one.
    @spoon Your boots are also very cylindrical still. Might wanna drop down a few subdivs and push some shape into them.

    Here's my latest, some more blocking in. Will start hitting the face and ears next also try to figure out how the shoulder pad works with the strappings.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Spoon, Really digging the hair there, man. And shoes look good. I'm working on my shoes atm. You might wanna relax her hands a bit.

    Architecht, I think you got it very close to the concept. Especially her face.

  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Alex, Next challen......Wait a second....

    What the hell is going on here. Where are the environments, and what have you done with Alex!?!

    Cool idea though. Glad to see some character artists getting their shot at a similar platform.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    s6 wrote: »
    Glad to see some character artists getting their shot at a similar platform.

    I am actually an environment artist, trying a different platform :D
    Surprised how much I suck at it, tbh, but it is nice to not think about all the technical stuff :)

    PyrZern Thanks a lot! I cant take any credit, though. It was all thanks to Fnitrox for posting his workflow. Helped me so much! :)
    Thanks, you are right! I will get to the hands today!
    Cool looking wpn so far, but.. what's going on down there? :)
    How did you model this, btw? I am not quite familiar with the best workflow for creating something like this in Zboss, but would like to try to, instead of just model it in Max.

    jstyles3d You are right! Thanks for feedback!
    I really like your proportions, looks really good! I hope you get time to refine the furs a little more, though, as IMO they pop up as being the weakest point so far.

    arcitecht You are right, I was probably too scared. And thanks for pointing out the shoulder width!
    Really like your ears so far!
  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    Hi guys thought id join in, ears n hair are very much placeholder atm :P
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Pav3d - Great start! Be careful on the bottom of the stomach though. The way you have it so forcefully protruding makes her look kind of pregnant. I really enjoy the face you've made though.
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    GUYPHILL polycounter lvl 10
    arcitecht nice work you almost done :thumbup:,check your fingers I think she got only 4

    Allyalbon good start I like the silhouette :thumbup:

    I did some sculpting on the main body and the clothes .:)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Pav3D, Without a sideview, I can't tell if she's preg, or she's just arcing her lower back. Great sculpt though.

    GUYPHILL, I'm going to recommend you separate the head from the body as subtools. You can keep the neck with the head, or with the body, either is fine.
  • jeebs
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    jeebs polycounter lvl 11
    D4V1DC - thanks man, glad you like it
    jstyles3d - thanks, I think your model looks awesome, her face looks fine but I think her head is a bit small. or at least she should have more hair I think
    Dimfist - thanks man, that's a nice start, you have a good start there, but i thing her head is a bit big, I like her face, going in a good direction.
    lolet - I hope you still finish if you have at least something left, and you're right it's always easier to redo something, and it should look even better, good luck!
    AllyAlbon - thank you. everything in your model looks ok to me, maybe just her brests are a bit too big in my opinion, other than that great start.
    arcitecht - this looks so awesome, everything looks correct, have no crits for now
    Pav3d - very good start, want to wait until there more work on it before saying anything, but it's already an awesome work.

    started texturing, just a test for now
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Just making this highpoly strictly to visualize the proportions. I'll create my lowpoly accordingly once I get these shapes ironed out. But I'm planning on 2,000 tris or something low like that.

    Here is my base mesh and quick doodle in zbrush. Still figuring stuff out.


    Lots of good sculpts here btw, jeebs you are killing it!

    Pav3d: looking cool so far, a bit too realistic direction tho I would say. did you start with a real human female base mesh?

    edit/ I always notice a bunch of stuff right after I post something, lol. hips and thighs need to be smaller and little bit lower with the hips or something there.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Pav3D - Great start! Especially liking your upper arms. I agree with the stomach feedback.

    Guyphill - Did you model it all in max, or did you sculpt something as well? In case it was just modeling and not sculpting, I think you could benefit from getting her into a sculpting program, and knock some of the proportions more in place :)

    Jeebs - Great Look! :) Will you paint in all the lights, or just some main highlights?

    My update for this session:

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey spoon, nice job so far. The main thing I would work on with yours is getting some more fluidity to your forms. She looks very stiff atm, its particularly clear from the side view. Specifically, one thing you could do is turn the knees and feet out, make her stand forward more, so she is more balanced, and work on the hips and torso area a bit more.
    The details are looking cool, I would just put a little more love into the forms is all.
  • Mr-Hades
    This is an awesome challenge idea; I might join in on it! I'm loving the sculpts people are showing.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Everyone is progressing quite nicely :) Awesome.

    I think this is how my face gonna be like. Not exactly cocky looking like in the concept art. But, we will see.

    ANd this the sword I made. Most likely will remake it, again <_<"
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    GUYPHILL polycounter lvl 10
    PyrZern thanks I'll separate the head. your model looks good but your weapon is really BIG

    Spoon great job but the shoulder is a little bit small. I used Zbrush for scuplting then made some stuff in 3dsmax

    BradMyers82 nice start ,I like the head but I think the legs are a little bit big.

  • guenna
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    guenna polycounter lvl 5
  • SladeDigital
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    SladeDigital polycounter lvl 4
    One year has almost passed since i started using Zbrush and joined this forum, but there's so much learn yet i decided to join the Montly challenge c:!
    I've seen so much amazing work already kudos to you all! and best of lucks troughout the rest of your projects!

    here goes my work so far, alot stuff to do and stuff to fix, sadly the whole character isn't an exactly replica , it ended up looking abit more teenager then kiddy. "sigh"
    but i kept progressing with the anatomy and the way i made it.

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Jeebs - Looks neat. I would be careful on some of your colors on the cheeks. It looks like you're blowing them out a bit.

    SladeDigital - great start! Although I will say that the neck feels a bit long but it could be the color contrast throwing me off. Not sure. Also, she only has 4 fingers (including thumb) and by the looks of it you may have five.

    I worked on the hair which I am quite a bit happier with now. Currently I am working on blocking in the clothes. I plan on making the butt flap a replica of the front minus the hole or ball chain...thing. Hopefully I'll manage to get a bunch done over the weekend, but we'll see.

  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    I thought the first monthly challenge ended on December 31st? Is the first monthly noob character challenge extended towards the end of January?
  • jacob thomas
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    jacob thomas polycounter lvl 11
    @Inhert yeah the first one runs til 31 January, 2014. Still plenty of time if you want to jump in on the action.

    @SladeDigital Looking very much like a lady to me ;) Nice progress. The hair in the concept is much straighter than the curly type you have gone for, I dig it though. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

    @PyrZern Dual Wield FTW!! I read the concept as coming to an edge around the border of the weapon. Not quite a club and not quite a sword, something in between. Yours is feeling a little too clubby for me right now.

    @Jeebs Nice start on the texturing. Have you fully UVed her? If so how many sheets you planning on using?

    Here's my update, pushed the face around a lot, also raised her hair 'boof' as @Jeebs suggested. Kinda happy with it now. Did some work on her anatomy and fleshed out the fur a little more for @Spoon :P

    I think I'm pretty happy with the overall proportions now. Unless someone can point out something I missed, I think I will start detailing her tomorrow.

    EDIT: Forgot to add @Pav3d I absolutely love the body you have going on there. Looking rad to the maxxx!

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