@inhert: Nice sculpt and strong start. @darkmag07: Your sculpt looks to define the character correctly so far. @pav3d: You can't see my face right now, but my jaw opened slightly when I glanced at your final image. That is a nice piece, much jelly. @frim: Nice continuation, the face has a lot of character. One note is that loop under the arm. To me it seems to create more a gap, separating what should be a direct connection of the arm to the upper rib cage. It could just be me though.
As for my model, Tomorrow I'll post something. I got angry with how it was turning out yesterday so I scrapped it and rebuilt it today.
Okay, I've got my base mesh pretty much complete. I tried to pay careful attention to basic shape and proportion so that I won't have to make any drastic changes during the sculpt. The largest stumbling block by far was the face. This is the first time I've attempted such a stylized character. Getting something aesthetically pleasing from all angles has certainly been a challenge. Much thanks to BradMyers82 for providing that Ashoka reference, as that helped tremendously in this regard.
My next step is to get the sword blocked in and then move on to sculpting. I'm going to budget a week for the sculpt and then spend the last week of the month on the textures. I'll be away from my desk all this weekend, so I'll be playing catch-up all the way up to the 31st.
On to the critiques!
That retopologized mesh looks great. The mesh does look a bit dense in certain areas. I'd look into cutting some polys in some areas, particularly bikini top/sash thing.
Your sculpt is looking great, but looks a bit curvier than the concept. There are a lot of nice hard angles in the original drawing that don't quite come through in your sculpt.
The sculpt is coming along nicely, the face and hair look particularly well executed. Overall, the proportions look spot on. The fluffy bits around the pauldron and boots are looking a bit too uniform, watch out for that as you continue to sculpt. Cant wait to see your progress.
You final result looks great. Clean sculpt, clean mesh, clean textures. A+, man. The only major criticism I can offer is that the face is much narrower and rounder than in the concept. Is there any chance that you could show us your flats?
That leg reference you linked to is fantastic. I'll be bookmarking that website for future use.
Hey man, I'm glad your participating, keep it up. It looks like you might be getting way too caught up in details. Do not worry about deltoids and pectorals. Your first priority at this stage should proportion. Just block in the entire character with simple cylinders. Focus only on the size of each cylinder relative to the whole. Ask yourself, "does the length, width, and height of this particular cylinder match the corresponding form on the concept?" Do this over and over for each cylinder until the proportions are correct. Once you've got the large shapes where they need to be, move on to the smaller forms. Gradually work from broad to precise.
Anatomically, what you've got looks pretty good. But double check your proportions. The concept is about 6.5 heads tall, but your sculpt is nearly 9 heads tall!
@thepapercut: thanks! @Brandon.LaFrance: really liking those legs and arms, neck is maybe a bit thick near the base of the skull. You can have a look at the flats here: [SKETCHFAB]4368a14b3b8e4ac4a97f644d99800065[/SKETCHFAB]
darkmag07, Thank you! Waiting for your updates. thepapercut, thanks for the comment! I missed that part. Pav3d, congratulations on the completion of the model! Brandon.LaFrance, very nice, I look forward to your sculpt.
So I finally made some progress on this model. Havn't gotten much done lately but I'm getting into the swing of things again.
Hopefully in time to finish this off before January
Anyway more or less have the base down so now I just need to detail everything and also kinda forgot about the weapon so I got that too :poly136:
@FRiM - Looks good Are you doing a base for a sculpt or just a low poly version ?
@Pav3d - Congrats on finishing. Really love the style you went with.
@Brandon.LaFrance - Nice base so far. Her legs looks kinda squished though compared to her torso.
@Inhert - Try stepping down a few subdivisons and work on the proportions and form a bit. It's alot easier to get the base right when the poly count is lower.
Thanks for all feedback. I thinnen her calves and adjusted her torso a bit. Awesome to see Pav3d getting done, and a lot more progress around.
Starting my lowpoly now. This gonna be quite a feat. Taking down from 13 millions polys. Even the lowest subdiv of all subtools still totals at 90k polys :P
I will see if I can get it down to 16k. (since my comicon gonna be somewhere around 40k)
Thanks guys @PyrZern: Body/head/ears in one mesh is fine. @Echo0: looking good, tho id add some more metal plates to the back, its looking a bit bare atm. @zicoV: Great start, what did you use for that armband? Those legs could be a bit curvy-er
Brandon.LaFrance -- Thanks! I enlarged the head quite a bit. I really need to block in some hair so I can see the head with all the volume from the hair, but I think the enlarged head helped a lot!
Your model is looking awesome so far. The concept has four fingers compared to your five. I personally like the five, but I'm not sure how close you're sticking to the concept. Your model is very proportionate atm, but in the concept she has pretty long legs. Looking forward to seeing more!
FRiM -- Looking nice! I like how you're making the back of the skirt.
zicoV -- Your model looks very straight atm. Legs have no "S" curve and arms are fully extended, etc. It may help if you make it a little more relaxed of a pose. Mainly just slightly bent joints. I suppose this all isn't that important if you're going to pose her a little at the end
PyrZern -- I would probably have the accessories as seperate meshes. The arm wrap could probably be included in the body, but it is looking nice so far!
Pav3d -- Love your model dude. There is some funky business with the chest wrap clipping with the body on both sides of her back and there looks to be a little texture bleeding onto her armpit from the arm wrap. Other than that it is looking awesome!
@Rafferty_Eggleston: Oh yeah shit i forgot to fix that after topology, thanks though! Arms/hands are looking great, from the side the thigh looks huge compared to the lower leg.
Everyone looking good!
Frim: Loving the low poly dude!
ZicoV: Nice progress! Really starting to look good.
Brandon: I'm liking your low poly. Are you going to sculpt? Or are you doing a purely hand painted version? If so I'd work on those fur shapes. At least pull out some triangle shapes so you can paint in the form.
I'm done for now. I have to concentrate on my Comicon and some freelance work. This has been a blast and I definitely love seeing all the improvement from everyone. Thanks for all the feedback.
and a wireframe with turnaround.
Don't sweat the polycount. 4 k is really low now a days unless you are working on a strictly mobile platform and even then that's not too crazy for a hero.
@pyrzern: Really nice low poly model, the poly spread is nice. Makes me want to change mine again lol. @dimfist: Really expressive piece. Nicely done. @frim: Nice job! @bradon.Lafrance: Thanks man for the advice, I'll admit I do think I'm focusing on the small pieces way the more finished low polys I see. Your model looks fantastic btw.
So this is my current version. After seeing some of finished low polys here now, I now feel mine has to many polys and the spread in the torso is way to dense. Some comments and critiques from you guys would be the biggest help!
In my opinion, you don't need the extra loops around her breasts. If you'll decide to make breasts, it'll be easier to do it on her clothes. I wouldn't do the legs and arms bends at the stage of modeling, I'd make them with rigging.
The rest of it I've tried to correct on your screenshot. Hopefully this will help you somehow.
Wow, you guys have been busy. @Pav3d, well done. Looks great! @jeebs, that is so freaking close to the concept. You are kicking massive amounts of bum. @Brandon.LaFrance, that may be the best looking base mesh I have ever seen. @thepapercut, her pose seems a little awkward to me there. I'm thinking her knee is coming too far forward and her butt looks like she is pushing it back.
My low poly is done and unwrapped. She is weighing in at just over 15k tri and her weapon is 2.8k.
I'd really appreciate some critiques on mine. I have been making a point to give some feedback to everyone but somehow I'm lucky if I get one critique per wip update. Did I do something to offend? I want to improve and feedback usually helps with that process.
Pyrzern: Looking good!
Jstyles: from what I can see that is a great low poly.
Thepapercut: The knees are doing weird things...they flatten out to the shin. Could use some shaping there. Also where your shoulders meet your chest should be a smoother transition. Right now its very harsh and kind of looks like you just attached arms to a torso. A lot of improvement though! Keep it up.
@Dimfist, it's nothing personal. There is just so much activity here it's hard to get to everyone. I think you should be super stoked with your model. You managed to finish it! I think the textures on the weapon and her clothing seem a little unfinished though. They could use another level of detail pass.
Dimfist - thanks man, Glad you like it. about your work, I think it came out well, there are few things that bug me a little. I think the neck is a bit long and the head is bigger that it should be, also the ears are flat if I'm not mistaken, I kind of think it should have been concave. the texture is bit flat, would have used more color on it. the body is very well made, I like it's prportions. thepapercut - thanks, I'm using 1024x texture for it, diffuse only. you have a nice start there, but I think your models shoulders are a bit too muscular. PyrZern - thanks, I think you have a nice low poly there, and it's only 6k tris so far! mine has 13k tris )
jstyles3d - thank you , your low poly is also great, can't wait to see your work finished . FRiM - that is a great low poly, I like her face, can't wait to see more! Brandon.LaFrance - I like your models proportions and her face, looks real to me. Pav3d - that's a great work there! congrats on finishing it
Finally I have finished my work!
would be glad to get some critics
Thanks for the feedback guys. I agree on some of the textures needing more love. I think I am focusing on too many other things right now (job, freelance and comicon). I still have a bit of time to make another pass so that might happen.
jeebs: dead on to concept man. My favorite one so far. Did you mirror the model to get that reflection? Hehe
jeebs: it looks good but its pretty obvious you just used ripped the concept art for your textures. At least get rid of the painted-in lighting on the arms and legs and it'll look a lot nicer as a 3d model.
@Dimfist, Sorry, man. My bad. I think her skin color is a little off. Too yellow-ish and not enough tan. Her head might look better if you pull down her hairs to cover a bit more of her forehead and some part of her cheeks/sideburns. Hard to see the back of her hair, but it does look weird.
@jstyles3d, Looks pretty good there !! Can't wait to see her fully textured.
Thanks for all the critiques guys! Working on fixing issues right now, update will come later in the day.
@dimfist: sorry about the no feedback, looking at yours I thought it was done and therefore didn't give you one. If I had to say anything it would be that the sword texture looks like it needs a bit of tweaking. @jeebs: Nice and clean. Great job. @pyrzern: Just wanted to confirm, your saying to cut some loops from the underside and around?
@thepapercut, Sorry, took me a bit to find picture to show. Right now what you have is lower-back blending into her thighs. She doesn't have her bottoms. With an extra loop or two, you can shape her butt nicely. I orange-highlight the loops I think you should add in.
Dimfist -- A few others kind of touched on it, but your weapon is the weakest part. It looks soft and very flat. It may be due to the texture. Your material definition is off too. Everything has the same plastic sheen. I think tasking another pass at your texture details and spec map will solve most of this. Hopefully you can make the time to do another pass! PyrZern -- Looking really clean so far! I think it is coming along really nicely. Nice silhouette and edge flow. Jeebs -- nice update! Looking spot on with the concept. Would've been cool to see a little more of your own take on the concept imo, but you've done really well. I'm with arcitecht on the harsh highlights. Did you mainly just do projection? It looks like you mirrored the texture from the front of the legs onto the back as well. Maybe change up her body paint on the back of her legs? The hanging cloth on the hilt of the weapon is only displaying on one side. thepapercut -- Nice start! She looks like she is squating a little bit. I think it is mostly from the angle of the body. jstyles3d explained it a little better than I did. Right now her shoulders are pretty large as well. jstyles3d-- looking forward to some textures!
I'll be updating in the next day or two when I've got a little more done! Keep up the good work people!
I just got kinda lazy, so I let ZBrush handle the fur retopology ;P Result ? All furs combined make up for about 5k polys <_<" Yes, it's at around 11k Tris now, ROFL !!
Polys Breakdown --- >> Whole body plus clothing 6k + 5k Furs + accessories = 11k ?_?
Thinking back, I should have made the furs modular for texture...
@pyrzern: thanks man for the image/advice, it helped. Despite issues your having with your model, I think it looks really clean and sharp where it's at. @Rafferty_Eggleston: Thanks for pointing those out! Yea the legs and arms seem to be my biggest issue atm. Fixing and learning as fast as I can. @jeebs: Diffuse only? That's impressive. Looks spot on to the concept.
Current progress: Fixing stuff everyone is addressing. The arms connection still feels weird to me, not sure about what to fix to make it better..another loop under and around or restructure the whole front part of the chest?
Rafferty_Eggleston, arcitecht - thank you for the crits, I knew this would be an issue to some of you , for the texturing I only used Photoshop nothing else. this is something that I wanted to do from the beggining, I had similar freelance work before (turning 2d into exact 3d), and still do right now. I just wanted to train this way, as it's still is new side for me.
I did mirror the texture from the front of the leg to the back, thought it would look ok. and yeah I did use projection, but only on some parts, the face was drawn.
PyrZern -- Haha I think the fur turned out pretty good. Good point about making them modular though. I'm going to have to do that now! haha
thepapercut -- looking loads better already man. It is nice with everyone uploading their wires in the Sketchfab it is easy to get up close and personal with their topology and try to figure out why they did what. There are some pretty good topology tutorials that may help on the PC wiki too! Here is a forum thread that may help out with the shoulder topology here and here is just the wiki page for topology tutorials to check out too! here
jeebs -- You did a really awesome job of matching the concept. As long as you're learning something, more power to ya! I think it would be a good exercise to match the concept too no doubt. No problems with your workflow, I just like the artistic freedom The texture mirrored on the leg works well. Just for breaking it up I would maybe change the paint, but looks good how it is. Kind of personal preference thing haha
@Jeebs - My problem with it is it just feels like cheating. I can only think of 2 situations where it would be ok if a client specifically asked you to use that process or if you made the concept yourself. I just don't get what you are learning on this if you aren't painting the whole thing. It is especially off putting when everyone else here is working hard and doing everything themselves. I would rather see you paint the whole model by hand. I think it would look better and you would learn a lot more. My feelings on the matter.
Beyond that the model only works at one angle, because of the projection. The harsh highlights from different angles just stop working. Also the head is too big and the neck is a bit short.
@ PyrZern - I wouldn't really worry too much about tri-count. A lot of current gen characters went way beyond that. I am shooting for next gen so my target is around 30k tris. Keep it up!
@ tehpapercut - Looking good. I think the shoulders are too broad and the arms are a bit thick from the front and thin from the side.
@ Domenico - Good start. Be careful the torso is looking really tiny compared to the legs. The shoulder pad also looks way too big. The head looks a bit small, but it's hard to tell without the hair.
@ Dimfist - Congrats on finishing. Next time I would really take your time a bit more. I think the sculpt could have used some proportions adjustments and refinement. As for the textures they feel a bit flat and rushed (especially the sowrd). The spec and gloss maps could really use some refinement. The model looks like it is all one material. You got time I think you could still fix alot of the proportion and textures issues at this stage.
Keep up the good work everyone! I will be posting my low poly sometime this week ( hopefully tomorrow).
I made a simple study on sillhoutte and optimal lowpoly result. I had recently finished another character model ( and that is why I am late in fact , and if you wanna have a look here ) and from all the feedback I got from people there made me realize how badly I missed sharpness of figure, opportunities to make the model look more impressive and detail on textures.
That is why I wanted to make a pre-study first. Here is how I want lowpoly to look like at the end of work. Both for face and body:
Here is a pointer for how sillhoutte should look like. I must really stick to this during high poly work.
That one is for calculating the height of character according to head length.
I am starting to modelling right now. I will probably have something to show before today ends.
About comments:
Pav3d: Man I think you just nailed the face ( expression wise)
PyrZern: How the blood yhell you manged to make her look even cuter than she already is ? Man you should make a tutorial about it without question
PyrZern, I like how you did her face, very cute! Dimfist, congratulations on the completion of your model. You doing great! jeebs, I really like how you follow the concept. Great job! TAN, excellent start!
I finished the sword. Tried to retain the shape of roughly cut stone. I think i'm done with modeling, there are only texture and pose remains to be done.
Gotta admit, I have really no clue what I did right about her face. But my previous projects, Wonder Woman and Napoleanna, and Warlord Challenge, they didn't have pretty face. So I wanted to work on that... I did want my Comicon to have beautiful face though, so I worked on it. Too bad I screwed the concept art for it ;P
Anyway, quick question !!! I just realized I'm not sure how to properly do the UV Unwrap, lol !! My previous proj, I only had like 6 subtools or something, so it wasn't that bad. I mostly use 3D Coat and Maya for unwrapping. So do I unwrap each mesh one by one. And placing em on a UV space that they all don't overlap each other ? There are like... so many lowpoly pieces.
@ PyrZern I usually unwrap them individually and then attach them all together so I can pack them easier. Then I will separate them again to do the baking.
If your character is going to use a single texture map set ( Same UVspace) then you can combine these pieces at Maya. At max there is a Attach button allowing you to attach meshes together. When they are attached they use the same UV space. Then you can edit them however you like.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I did rush the textures I admit. I barely spent any time on the weapon and I know I did a crap job of rendering in Marmoset2...Still trying to figure it out.
I already fitted about with the proportions of the head a bit and made the ears more concave *didn't even notice that in the concept. I'll have an update before the end of the month.
FRIM: Weapon is looking real good. Looking forward to the texture.
PyrZern: Low poly looking pretty solid. The ears are huge though.
TAN: Good thought process for preparing. Keep updating!
Domenico92: Good start. I think it might be easier to work in a more relaxed t-pose where the arms are hanging down towards mid. It's easier to see the shapes of the muscles that way. It won't hurt your bake at all either and if you feel like the rays aren't hitting correctly you can always detach the arms and bake them seperately.
@darkmag07: Your sculpt looks to define the character correctly so far.
@pav3d: You can't see my face right now, but my jaw opened slightly when I glanced at your final image. That is a nice piece, much jelly.
@frim: Nice continuation, the face has a lot of character. One note is that loop under the arm. To me it seems to create more a gap, separating what should be a direct connection of the arm to the upper rib cage. It could just be me though.
As for my model, Tomorrow I'll post something. I got angry with how it was turning out yesterday so I scrapped it and rebuilt it today.
My next step is to get the sword blocked in and then move on to sculpting. I'm going to budget a week for the sculpt and then spend the last week of the month on the textures. I'll be away from my desk all this weekend, so I'll be playing catch-up all the way up to the 31st.
On to the critiques!
That retopologized mesh looks great. The mesh does look a bit dense in certain areas. I'd look into cutting some polys in some areas, particularly bikini top/sash thing.
Your sculpt is looking great, but looks a bit curvier than the concept. There are a lot of nice hard angles in the original drawing that don't quite come through in your sculpt.
The sculpt is coming along nicely, the face and hair look particularly well executed. Overall, the proportions look spot on. The fluffy bits around the pauldron and boots are looking a bit too uniform, watch out for that as you continue to sculpt. Cant wait to see your progress.
You final result looks great. Clean sculpt, clean mesh, clean textures. A+, man. The only major criticism I can offer is that the face is much narrower and rounder than in the concept. Is there any chance that you could show us your flats?
That leg reference you linked to is fantastic. I'll be bookmarking that website for future use.
Hey man, I'm glad your participating, keep it up. It looks like you might be getting way too caught up in details. Do not worry about deltoids and pectorals. Your first priority at this stage should proportion. Just block in the entire character with simple cylinders. Focus only on the size of each cylinder relative to the whole. Ask yourself, "does the length, width, and height of this particular cylinder match the corresponding form on the concept?" Do this over and over for each cylinder until the proportions are correct. Once you've got the large shapes where they need to be, move on to the smaller forms. Gradually work from broad to precise.
Anatomically, what you've got looks pretty good. But double check your proportions. The concept is about 6.5 heads tall, but your sculpt is nearly 9 heads tall!
@Brandon.LaFrance: really liking those legs and arms, neck is maybe a bit thick near the base of the skull. You can have a look at the flats here: [SKETCHFAB]4368a14b3b8e4ac4a97f644d99800065[/SKETCHFAB]
thepapercut, thanks for the comment! I missed that part.
Pav3d, congratulations on the completion of the model!
Brandon.LaFrance, very nice, I look forward to your sculpt.
Hopefully in time to finish this off before January
Anyway more or less have the base down so now I just need to detail everything and also kinda forgot about the weapon so I got that too :poly136:
@FRiM - Looks good
@Pav3d - Congrats on finishing. Really love the style you went with.
@Brandon.LaFrance - Nice base so far. Her legs looks kinda squished though compared to her torso.
@Inhert - Try stepping down a few subdivisons and work on the proportions and form a bit. It's alot easier to get the base right when the poly count is lower.
Here's my attempt at the sword thus far with a budget of 525 triangles.
Starting my lowpoly now. This gonna be quite a feat. Taking down from 13 millions polys. Even the lowest subdiv of all subtools still totals at 90k polys :P
I will see if I can get it down to 16k. (since my comicon gonna be somewhere around 40k)
@PyrZern: Body/head/ears in one mesh is fine.
@Echo0: looking good, tho id add some more metal plates to the back, its looking a bit bare atm.
@zicoV: Great start, what did you use for that armband? Those legs could be a bit curvy-er
Your model is looking awesome so far. The concept has four fingers compared to your five. I personally like the five, but I'm not sure how close you're sticking to the concept. Your model is very proportionate atm, but in the concept she has pretty long legs. Looking forward to seeing more!
FRiM -- Looking nice! I like how you're making the back of the skirt.
zicoV -- Your model looks very straight atm. Legs have no "S" curve and arms are fully extended, etc. It may help if you make it a little more relaxed of a pose. Mainly just slightly bent joints. I suppose this all isn't that important if you're going to pose her a little at the end
PyrZern -- I would probably have the accessories as seperate meshes. The arm wrap could probably be included in the body, but it is looking nice so far!
Pav3d -- Love your model dude. There is some funky business with the chest wrap clipping with the body on both sides of her back and there looks to be a little texture bleeding onto her armpit from the arm wrap. Other than that it is looking awesome!
Here is my smaller than desired update:
I think I finished my model, it's only the sword left.
Frim: Loving the low poly dude!
ZicoV: Nice progress! Really starting to look good.
Brandon: I'm liking your low poly. Are you going to sculpt? Or are you doing a purely hand painted version? If so I'd work on those fur shapes. At least pull out some triangle shapes so you can paint in the form.
I'm done for now. I have to concentrate on my Comicon and some freelance work. This has been a blast and I definitely love seeing all the improvement from everyone. Thanks for all the feedback.
and a wireframe with turnaround.
@dimfist: Really expressive piece. Nicely done.
@frim: Nice job!
@bradon.Lafrance: Thanks man for the advice, I'll admit I do think I'm focusing on the small pieces way the more finished low polys I see. Your model looks fantastic btw.
So this is my current version. After seeing some of finished low polys here now, I now feel mine has to many polys and the spread in the torso is way to dense. Some comments and critiques from you guys would be the biggest help!
In my opinion, you don't need the extra loops around her breasts. If you'll decide to make breasts, it'll be easier to do it on her clothes. I wouldn't do the legs and arms bends at the stage of modeling, I'd make them with rigging.
The rest of it I've tried to correct on your screenshot. Hopefully this will help you somehow.
I finally have some update, half of texture is done, next half is gonna be done soon.
@jeebs: Looks nice. What is your text map size?
So I reworked issues that where pointed out today. Expecting to have the rest of the body and clothes roughed out tomorrow. Comment and critique away!
@thepapercut, Coming along nicely. You might want to give her real butt. Give her extra loops between the butt-cheeks and her thighs.
5979 Tris now. Her hair like like; 1600Tris in total. Seems like I will have some extra polys left ;P
@Pav3d, well done. Looks great!
@jeebs, that is so freaking close to the concept. You are kicking massive amounts of bum.
@Brandon.LaFrance, that may be the best looking base mesh I have ever seen.
@thepapercut, her pose seems a little awkward to me there. I'm thinking her knee is coming too far forward and her butt looks like she is pushing it back.
My low poly is done and unwrapped. She is weighing in at just over 15k tri and her weapon is 2.8k.
Jstyles: from what I can see that is a great low poly.
Thepapercut: The knees are doing weird things...they flatten out to the shin. Could use some shaping there. Also where your shoulders meet your chest should be a smoother transition. Right now its very harsh and kind of looks like you just attached arms to a torso. A lot of improvement though! Keep it up.
thepapercut - thanks, I'm using 1024x texture for it, diffuse only. you have a nice start there, but I think your models shoulders are a bit too muscular.
PyrZern - thanks, I think you have a nice low poly there, and it's only 6k tris so far! mine has 13k tris
jstyles3d - thank you
FRiM - that is a great low poly, I like her face, can't wait to see more!
Brandon.LaFrance - I like your models proportions and her face, looks real to me.
Pav3d - that's a great work there! congrats on finishing it
Finally I have finished my work!
would be glad to get some critics
also made a gif:
jeebs: dead on to concept man. My favorite one so far. Did you mirror the model to get that reflection? Hehe
@jstyles3d, Looks pretty good there !! Can't wait to see her fully textured.
@dimfist: sorry about the no feedback, looking at yours I thought it was done and therefore didn't give you one. If I had to say anything it would be that the sword texture looks like it needs a bit of tweaking.
@jeebs: Nice and clean. Great job.
@pyrzern: Just wanted to confirm, your saying to cut some loops from the underside and around?
PyrZern -- Looking really clean so far! I think it is coming along really nicely. Nice silhouette and edge flow.
Jeebs -- nice update! Looking spot on with the concept. Would've been cool to see a little more of your own take on the concept imo, but you've done really well. I'm with arcitecht on the harsh highlights. Did you mainly just do projection? It looks like you mirrored the texture from the front of the legs onto the back as well. Maybe change up her body paint on the back of her legs? The hanging cloth on the hilt of the weapon is only displaying on one side.
thepapercut -- Nice start! She looks like she is squating a little bit. I think it is mostly from the angle of the body. jstyles3d explained it a little better than I did. Right now her shoulders are pretty large as well.
jstyles3d-- looking forward to some textures!
I'll be updating in the next day or two when I've got a little more done! Keep up the good work people!
Polys Breakdown --- >> Whole body plus clothing 6k + 5k Furs + accessories = 11k ?_?
Thinking back, I should have made the furs modular for texture...
@Rafferty_Eggleston: Thanks for pointing those out! Yea the legs and arms seem to be my biggest issue atm. Fixing and learning as fast as I can.
@jeebs: Diffuse only? That's impressive. Looks spot on to the concept.
Current progress: Fixing stuff everyone is addressing. The arms connection still feels weird to me, not sure about what to fix to make it better..another loop under and around or restructure the whole front part of the chest?
I did mirror the texture from the front of the leg to the back, thought it would look ok. and yeah I did use projection, but only on some parts, the face was drawn.
thepapercut -- looking loads better already man. It is nice with everyone uploading their wires in the Sketchfab it is easy to get up close and personal with their topology and try to figure out why they did what. There are some pretty good topology tutorials that may help on the PC wiki too! Here is a forum thread that may help out with the shoulder topology here and here is just the wiki page for topology tutorials to check out too! here
jeebs -- You did a really awesome job of matching the concept. As long as you're learning something, more power to ya! I think it would be a good exercise to match the concept too no doubt. No problems with your workflow, I just like the artistic freedom
I'm almost done retop the sword now. Then I can test baking ;P
Beyond that the model only works at one angle, because of the projection. The harsh highlights from different angles just stop working. Also the head is too big and the neck is a bit short.
@ PyrZern - I wouldn't really worry too much about tri-count. A lot of current gen characters went way beyond that. I am shooting for next gen so my target is around 30k tris. Keep it up!
@ tehpapercut - Looking good. I think the shoulders are too broad and the arms are a bit thick from the front and thin from the side.
@ Domenico - Good start. Be careful the torso is looking really tiny compared to the legs. The shoulder pad also looks way too big. The head looks a bit small, but it's hard to tell without the hair.
@ Dimfist - Congrats on finishing. Next time I would really take your time a bit more. I think the sculpt could have used some proportions adjustments and refinement. As for the textures they feel a bit flat and rushed (especially the sowrd). The spec and gloss maps could really use some refinement. The model looks like it is all one material. You got time I think you could still fix alot of the proportion and textures issues at this stage.
Keep up the good work everyone! I will be posting my low poly sometime this week ( hopefully tomorrow).
I made a simple study on sillhoutte and optimal lowpoly result. I had recently finished another character model ( and that is why I am late in fact
That is why I wanted to make a pre-study first. Here is how I want lowpoly to look like at the end of work. Both for face and body:
Here is a pointer for how sillhoutte should look like. I must really stick to this during high poly work.
That one is for calculating the height of character according to head length.
I am starting to modelling right now. I will probably have something to show before today ends.
About comments:
Pav3d: Man I think you just nailed the face ( expression wise)
PyrZern: How the blood yhell you manged to make her look even cuter than she already is ?
BradMyers82: Are you sure about the hands.
Good luck everyone.
PyrZern, I like how you did her face, very cute!
Dimfist, congratulations on the completion of your model. You doing great!
jeebs, I really like how you follow the concept. Great job!
TAN, excellent start!
I finished the sword. Tried to retain the shape of roughly cut stone. I think i'm done with modeling, there are only texture and pose remains to be done.
@FRiM, Nice shape of the sword there!
Gotta admit, I have really no clue what I did right about her face. But my previous projects, Wonder Woman and Napoleanna, and Warlord Challenge, they didn't have pretty face. So I wanted to work on that... I did want my Comicon to have beautiful face though, so I worked on it. Too bad I screwed the concept art for it ;P
But I think SladeDigital made the cutest of the most cute face. [<--Link]
Anyway, quick question !!! I just realized I'm not sure how to properly do the UV Unwrap, lol !! My previous proj, I only had like 6 subtools or something, so it wasn't that bad. I mostly use 3D Coat and Maya for unwrapping. So do I unwrap each mesh one by one. And placing em on a UV space that they all don't overlap each other ? There are like... so many lowpoly pieces.
If your character is going to use a single texture map set ( Same UVspace) then you can combine these pieces at Maya. At max there is a Attach button allowing you to attach meshes together. When they are attached they use the same UV space. Then you can edit them however you like.
I already fitted about with the proportions of the head a bit and made the ears more concave *didn't even notice that in the concept. I'll have an update before the end of the month.
FRIM: Weapon is looking real good. Looking forward to the texture.
PyrZern: Low poly looking pretty solid. The ears are huge though.
TAN: Good thought process for preparing. Keep updating!
Domenico92: Good start. I think it might be easier to work in a more relaxed t-pose where the arms are hanging down towards mid. It's easier to see the shapes of the muscles that way. It won't hurt your bake at all either and if you feel like the rays aren't hitting correctly you can always detach the arms and bake them seperately.
1024 x 1024 is the size for the texture, btw. How bad is my unwrapping