Inhert, the first Challenge is the January one. It just started early. So this one will run til 31st Jan. Then next one in Feb. Join us
SladeDigital, love her face and her hair already! You probably could move her eyes down a bit to appear more kiddy like in the concept art. If you want to, though.
praetus, something about her eyes throw them off a bit. I can't tell what. If you paint the facepaint, might help visualize a bit more. Not sure if shoulders are too wide or not. As in, too far from the torso.
jstyles3d, I'm having trouble loading up your image. It's either the image host you're using. Or my Internet is acting up on me again.
Hey all, figured I'd jump in on this. I haven't done many challenges, and there's already some great work being done, but I figured I'd toss my hat into the mix.
This is a couple hours of work today blocking the proportions and some of the key clothing/pieces.
First of all , my bad i didn't actually commented on peoples work in my first post, i was so shaky before joining this challenge and while i was writing my post, that i forgot most important stuff to grow as an artist. ugh Sorry guys my bad!
2nd! thank you for all the comments and oppinions toward my job!
( quick note towards the oppinions i received )
// Thank you for poiting me some stuff out! i'm alreay trying to test the Eyes idea, ended up cutting the 5th finger :'< i forgot she just had 4 ugh my bad! but thank you for poiting that out!
// i will try to give a look towards the neck! thank you for that oppinion
anyways here goes my criticism about other people work
@ Pav3d : i'm so happy to see this work style! you kinda made me go and make sure i stayed true to my workstyle insted of making a replica anyways! , i love her face, great forms for the hair you've there and same for the body,! only comment would be about her belly, she may give the impression she's pregnant, But once again this may be cuz she has no cloths added yet, things may change alot from there so! keep on!
@ GUYPHILL ] : try to devide the mesh in parts, you've some solid work on the cloths folds there, wich is so pleasent and great to see!
@ Jeebs : Already working on the lowpoly ? wow;! anyways! man great job on the lowpoly forms, and that textures looks pretty good! looking towards this
@ BradMyers82 Kudos for making such a low poly version of the model! i'm really interested in seing where you're gonna take this, also really cool doodle in Zbrush.
@ Spoon : wo! nice work mate!, really solid stuff you've here, probably will wait to see how things get after the next post you make.
@ Pryzern : the face is really cute!, i was inspired by your work, to give some neat details in my work, in terms of hair sculpting. i really like the anatomy, only thing i would say, is probably give a look into the Hips making them come out a bit , maybe! just maybe!
keep your work
@ Praetus : That hair ! is shapping so amazingly ! great job on that!, i will wait for the next pic you post!
@ Jstyles3D : Amazing Work so far Just tweak abit the fur on the boots and shoulder pad" wich i can see thei're W.I.P" :< but i really wanna see those done! gj with the forms of the hears and anatomy
@ Gurtperk : Really good start! c: the only thing i would say, it for you to check the forhead, from here , it looks like it was pushed inside, insted of outstide, not sure if i'm being explicit .-.
@ Iniside ! i can see that you're adding abit of your own style! and touches, wich is always a pleasent thing!, only thing i would actually try to give criticism ATM, is the Shoulders, their form is abit unregular, and the top part of the arm, other then that, Solid start! go for it!
Sorry for the long testament,!But i really owned this to everyone here, and specially to those who also gave an oppinion to my work!
So kudos to all of you! and best of lucks!
A bit more work on clothing today, and I have built the sword too. Mesh a bit messy, but working out placement before tidying it up. I am thinking of doing polys for the fur around her shoulder and boots but debating that now, seeing as how so many people are using zbrush....
Gurtperk - I'm not sure if it's the lighting or what but the forehead seems to dip in a bit. Otherwise it's shaping up nicely.
Inside - I would focus on hitting the basic forms before detailing things like the clothes. Until you get the anatomy squared away, that cloth can change. Focus on the core shapes first.
Pav3d - That face is beautiful. I really like it. Cloth sculpting is really ace as well. the only thing that I don't care for is the hands. The kind of feel like someone stepped on them the way they are arching.
AllyAlbon - As far as "accepted" goes I would say "whatever gets the job done efficiently." With ZBrush 4R6 and dynamesh it is really easy to lay down some base shapes or a mannequin basemesh and start scultping, dynamesh, and retopo until you get a starting point. It really just comes down to what gets the job done.
As far as the mesh goes, you need to fix the forehead. Right now it's dipping inwards. Also, the hands feel a bit smushed. Good start though.
Very interested to see that most people have started straight out in Zbrush, is that generally the "accepted" workflow?
[...] I am thinking of doing polys for the fur around her shoulder and boots but debating that now, seeing as how so many people are using zbrush....
Just quickly chiming in here, to comment on this.
Why would you think ZB isnt accepted? Why would you change your own workflow to avoid it, even if you do like it?
In the industry, you get paid to get the job done. If they want a zombie that looks like X, you do a zombie that looks like x. No one cares if you use Max or Maya or ZBrush or Coat or anything else. It has to be legal, not to infringe copyright etc, but if you deliver what the company/client wants, your creative process and tools are irrelevant.
This, however, is a polycount challenge, so there are even LESS rules than that. We ONLY do this to have fun and learn from each other.
It's funny, I remember feeling exactly like you Like people were cheating somehow. Reality, when I got into the industry, was just the opposite. No one wants to pay for something that takes longer, if you can get the same result faster using a different method.
Especially in games, where you have to retopologize anyway. The high poly sculpt is therefore not "used" in production, but is only there to create textures for your low pol, so the only thing that matters is speed + quality.
@ Pav3d - Looking good! i like the interpretation. The only thing I would say is the torso is looking a too long.
@ AllyAlbon - Good start. Check your proportions again. The neck looks too thick and the legs look too long ( especially the lower leg). Also the top looks too bulky. I usually start from a base mesh in Zbrush and then move to max to build base meshes once I am happy with the proportions and look of the body.
Been working on this the past couple of days. Just block in stuff so far.
Inside - I would focus on hitting the basic forms before detailing things like the clothes. Until you get the anatomy squared away, that cloth can change. Focus on the core shapes first.
What's wrong with it ? I can't really fix anything if I don't know what's wrong, and I personally like the general proportions I got this time.
Hi everyone! I'm back from the holydays and to the sculpting!
I finally finished my high poly today, complete with swords and full clothing. Tryed to put in some of the comments i had gotten. Smaller eyes (will probably make them a bit more angular) and hanging cloth in the back separate from the other piece of the "skirt".
I also rendered a small turntable video and will upload it later . I'm calling the high poly done for the time being, will go back to it if anyone has some major crit to point out.
stevston89: Looking pretty good so far, but the face is a bit strange imho. The eyes go far too back in the side of the head and probably a bit too high. Also even if the concept gives her a quite squared head i think you put in too much jaw and cheekbones.
iniside: I agree praetus on not putting in clothes before you've narrowed down the basic forms of the body. To me the major point is that it lacks definition in transitions area, everything is like cylinders linked toghether and smoothed, like a sausage man .
I'd advise to look at Haikai's tutorial series on It's awesome and damn cheap too! He goes over the common mistakes and the theory behind form and transitions in sculpting.
For some example if you look at my model and many of the others you can clearly see areas where the transitions are harder. (I exaggerated the ribcage/external oblique/pelvis fold for example) Places where something meet something else usually show these interactions on the surface creating the famous transitions and plane changes, which can be softer or harder depending on what's below the skin.
Hopefully you'll find this helpful, but fear not it's something everyone goes through , and once you start grasping the concept and your anatomy knowledge gets better everything will click and you'll see!
PyrZern: I like where it's going, the face reminds me Final Fantasy style characters, which is good! The arms tho, they might be a bit too muscular.
Allyalbon: I'm a bit biased here because I just love Zbrush. I don't think that there's any fundamentally right or wrong workflow to follow, and as Spoon said everything that gets the job done is good.
I personally started with a dynamesh sphere in zbrush and kept adding things like I would with real clay. I kept it pretty low (around 32 dynamesh resolution) untill I was happy with proportions and form, then a quick Zremesher and reproject is everything i needed to get the high done. With tools like dynameshes and Zremesher i think zbrush is powerful enough to get thing started on its own, untill I actually need the game res mesh for which I don't think zbrush would suffice.
Pav3d: Dude! Dat cloth! awesome progress and nothing to crit, just stopping by to say I love it! It's clean and defined, and a pretty good compromise between realism and stylization, kudos to you!
Praetus: nice progress, but I personally find the pose a bit awkward. Also the lips could probably be a little less pushed out, as they look like pasted on (specially from the side)
SladeDigital: I'm liking your take on it, she looks a bit more mature and it fits the character quite well imho. keep it up!
Loving the model, but I can't stand the ears. Something about that level of detail on the geometry of the inside of the ear creeps me out. Like, I'd feel really squeamish if I touched it. But that's probably just me.
I'm a curious about your workflow, though. Why is the texturing so far along?
You might want to try making the transition from the upper arm to the lower arm a little more dramatic. The super thick arms are a pretty unique feature of the character so it helps make the model more memorable if it stands out.
thepapercut You should totally join us now. There are like 28 MORE days till this is over !
iniside I think you could add mass to the arms so they are not just tube. The knee caps appear too low; causing her thighs to be too long. You probably can pull in her waist a bit more, and create ribcage.
Fnitrox Welcome back, man ! You keep blowing me away with your updates. I'm quite ok with her ears. Still wouldn't want to touch the inside part of it though ;P However, I think you got her neck a tad too long.
Do anyone feel like sharing their approach to her cloth? It seems like everyone is just dominated the sculpting on it, especially Pav3d, but I really have a hard time getting it to work.
Anyone mind sharing their workflow for the waist cloth, please?
@SladeDigital: Thanks for the (fore)heads up on that spot! I went ahead and checked it out and yeah, the forehead was much flatter than I expected. I guess I didn't really spend that much time on the head/face at the time.
@PyrZern: Thanks for also bringing that to my attention on the forehead as well.
I like your rendition of the concept, but largely I think you might want to check some of the proportions. Her arms and body have a general uniform thickness.
I'd consider giving your model a good look again, thinking about where you can play more with the thick-to-thin relationships. Starting from the shoulder going a bit thicker, thinning at the arm, bulging at the base of the forearm, than tapering down into the wrist as a quick example of a quick fix.
@Fnitrox: Really like how you blocked in the hair. Was that from zspheres or insert meshes?
I think the arms feels a tad too long to me. I also think the face could benefit from being a bit wider/broader too. She has a cute face in yours though, just make sure to retain that!
Only got a couple shy hours polypainting and cleaning up some bits. Will work a lot more on this the next few days.
Spoon I haven't really sculpted my cloths yet, but I made basemesh for the loincloth in Maya. Added extra loops to make the edges sharp. Then I imported that into ZB and softened the edges, then started sculpting the wrinkles.
You also probably can Mask out her waist area like a belt shape, extract that, shape it into the right form, then add volume to it(Deform-> Inflate, or Panel Loop), ZRemesh it before sculpting.
gurtperk Oh hey thanks ! I just realized I didn't really pay much attention to that at all... or the silhouette <_<"
thepapercut You should totally join us now. There are like 28 MORE days till this is over !
iniside I think you could add mass to the arms so they are not just tube. The knee caps appear too low; causing her thighs to be too long. You probably can pull in her waist a bit more, and create ribcage.
Fnitrox Welcome back, man ! You keep blowing me away with your updates. I'm quite ok with her ears. Still wouldn't want to touch the inside part of it though ;P However, I think you got her neck a tad too long.
Ok I'm confused, why does the thread list it as ending on the 14th? (Also after some self deliberation, I am joining this round. Model should be mid range poly wise, and 1024 textures.)
PyrZrn:looking solid just think that your anatomy is a little more stout than the concept. GurtPerkLooking awesome already. I don't have much crit on it. BacnI feel like anatomically you have having some issues. The face doesn't look like the concept at all. It looks more like a soft human face. The boots are really fat and deformed. Overall you have made a lot of progress and improvement! Fnitrox love your style! I just think the forearms are a bit weird/lumpy.
arcitechtlooking really good already.
Jeebs looking great! Spoon you have made a large improvement! The eyes are weirding me out a bit but looking great with progress.
Spoon - for cloth I use the dam standard brush to block in most the folds. It basically combines the pinch brush and the standard brush into one stroke. You can actually achieve the same effect by adjusting the Brush Modifier in the positive direction on the Brush submenu. It can be hand when used with other brushes as well. (Positive adds a pinch effect while negative values add an inflate to the stroke.) Pretty handy overall. Anyways, I block in my folds using this method. I'll also usually use lazy brush for even more control. If I like a stroke, I'll hit Ctrl+1 to redo the stroke as many times as I feel like. One I get some forms I like laid out I'll go back with the Flatten brush and the Trim Dynamic brush to clean up the folds.
Bacn - Some things I notice right off the bat. You have the ears coming out of the top of the head like a rabbits. hers are a little more off to the side. Also, your arms need to slender up after the elbow. The curve on your arms bows out where it should have a nice inward slope from the flare to the wrist. It is hard to critique some of your forms because of the camera perspective you use. Try to take some shots that are more straight on.
I didn't get to mess with some of the critiques I had gotten for the face and shoulders. I've been focusing on getting some of the cloth blocked out, as I'm happy with the major forms of the body. Although I will probably go back and redo the "butt cloth" as I like the folds but they don't really look like they belong.
Do anyone feel like sharing their approach to her cloth? It seems like everyone is just dominated the sculpting on it, especially Pav3d, but I really have a hard time getting it to work.
Anyone mind sharing their workflow for the waist cloth, please?
Its a mix of claytubes/masking for making forms, Orbs cracks brush (a must have brush!) for doing small wrinkles and accenting edges (sometimes you can get away with just using orbs cracks and a bit of smoothing) and masses of Hpolish for finishing it off, also split things like knots into separate subtools
@Fnitrox: great work on the shoulderpad fluff (or whatever its meant to be) but id make them bigger.
@ Praetus - Looking good. Glad you are going to re-work the " butt cloth". I would watch your posing, she looks kinda of stiff and awkwardly crouching especially from the side.
@ GYUPHILL - Take a look at the proportions again before you do anything else. The head and face are way to small, the neck is too long, the torso is way too big, the legs look short, and the pelvis area looks too tall.
Been sculpting a bit today. Got the cloth almost done and fixed up the arms and face.
Everyone's coming along so nicely This is awesome.
Pav3d, hey thanks for the Orb Crack brush. I just tried it a bit, pretty handy thing.
stevston89 Nice form you got there. Love it. Loin cloth looks very nice.
Got a chance to spend more time on mine progress. I beefed up her thighs a tiny bit, and thinned out her forearms and lower legs a bit. I did try further, but it ended looking weird with too thin arms and legs. So I guess this will be the style of my piece now. Oh, also reworked her sword as well. Will try coloring it a bit next to see how it will look.
PyrZern - Looking good! Perhaps the perspective, but the forarm looks a little squashed here. Also, remember there is a piece between the sphere and the ring attaching it to the cloth, down near the boots. Good job on the shoulderpad and really like the weapon block!
stevston89 - Wow, that waist cloth is super awesome! How did you approach it?If you just started today, I cant really give crits on it
Pav3d - Thanks a lot, Pav3d! Got the brush, it's really nice in some cases, where the Dam wouldnt quite work. And thanks for the tips on the cloth. Didnt quite get it to the level you have, but I feel I was getting the hang of it. Maybe I will get time to improve it further
GUYPHILL - You have some nice cloth wrinkles! I agree you should step down to the lowest subd, and really get those proportions and general volumnes in there, before you step up agian. You seem to have a good understanding for detail, but it is held back by the lack of gesture and proportion.
praetus - Awesome, man! The legs in general and the entire hip area is inspiring! I agree with the butt cloth, you can probably get away with smoothing out the detail you made, in the areas where it would be the tightes to the body.
Also, thanks for the tips on cloth! CTRL + 1, is that a custom made hotkey? Seems to do nothing here. I do have ReplayLast on a custom popup menu, though. Is there any way to get it to ignore camera moves?
jstyles3d - Thanks, will look at this tomorrow!
Dimfist - That's a bigass weapon! Coming along nicely! I think you can exagerrate the curves on the legs a little more, especially the lower leg, to get a more interesting silhouette there
This is my progress so far.
Totally forgot about that weapon thing. Guess I will block that out next!
What do you guys think is the top 3 worst things about this model so far?
EDIT: By the way, I see a lot of people commenting on pose. Why is that important? Dont we pose the low poly in the end? Any specific reason it is better to have it in a specific pose in the Highpoly?
@ Spoon - For the cloth I used Slash 2 to create the large creases and Orbs Crack brush for all the small sharp folds. I also used alot of smoothing especially to taper off any folds or creases.
As for posing. It's important to have a natural looking stance when sculpting. It's something that can carry through all stages. If your sculpt looks stiff and unnatural chances are your posed model will as well.
Wow! i've been trying to develop further more, certain details on my character! as i said before i really took all the oppinions and criticism towards the whole character, and made some big adjustments using those oppinions. ended up recreating a whole new face
Stuff left to do
Add the Details on the boots.
Creat the shoulder pad and it's fur.
Tweak and fix some minor things on the model
Oppinions towards other people's work!! LOVE THEM ALL !
@Pav3d : ah yeah! you tweaked the belly, and it looks fricking amzing,! her face is still superb! gj on the cloths folding, my only advice is, hum, Finish your work ? c: i love the way you're doing it. so yeah, no real oppinions involved
@AllyAlbon : solid mesh!, my advice, is pull her face out in the nose area, it seems pushed inside , when it should be pushed out. again not sure if being explicit enough.
other then that!
@PyrZern] athe hips look so well atleast in my honest oppinion! only thing i would actually go for is, try to make her arms abit thinner. you will get alot more "beuty" and impact!
i really like her face! and her hair :< gorgeous job!
@Fnitrox : lovely work! i like your style alot!, my only critic/ oppinion, you should try to mess abit more with the upper cloths, specially the one arround the neck, it usually doesn't stay like that in real life, it ends up wrapping arround the neck abit more "just an oppinion :'<
@Bacn : i would recommend you to try to give the face abit of tweaking in terms of size, the head seems abit to big compared to the rest. " in my oppinion"
You could also try and push the hips alitle bit out, so it can define the character.
and lastly, try to push the knees alitle bit up, other then that, keep up the work! i will be looking towards the next submissions!
@GurtPerk : ah! now it seems like my " (fore)heads up" actually worked better thne expected! and i'm pretty happy to see this character going!, my oppinion atm, would be. try to tweak a little bit the fur on the boots, and that "black thing on the middle near the straps arround her body, you should try to tweak a little bit with the form, other then that, go for it!!!
@Dimfist wow man, gj so far! my only oppinion would go for the fur on the shoulderpad! and the one on the boots, and that's it! good job
@Praetus : lovely style work so far, and solid stuff my oppinions would go for
Hair ontopof the head, try to make it alitle bit larger to get more space ontop of the head, it will make you face shine in a much special way.
and push you wait abit up,! other then that, lovely shapes you've got going on there, specially on the hair and cloths
@GUYPHILL : stuff really improved since the first post you insted here! but here goes my sincer oppinions, you should try to make the neck alitle bit less longer, and try to separate more the subtools, other then that, if you keep doing your best, you will achieve it!
@Zicov] : really neat start you've there! i will just comment on the fur of the shoulderpads, you can try to go abit more dynamic in terms of forms and curve, but still everything's a W.i.P so! no real critics here! go go go!
@Steevston89 :love the work you're doing wit the folds on the cloths, my only oppinion "critic" thingy! would be to try to tweak alitle bit with the fure on the shoulderpad, you can make it alot more dynamic and pull some reall great forms on it
@Spoon : try to mess with her wait, pulling it abit up, you'll get a much more interesting form! so far that's my only real critic! great job ;D
@iniside you should really try to nail the base forms before detailing. Start with trying to get your pose as anatomically correct as possible. While it can help to start blocking in some of the clothing to see where everything falls you should wait until the body takes shape before detailing them. This page has some really nice examples of stylized female body shapes. If you can nail these the rest will follow. @Fnitrox welcome back. I agree with PyZern, the neck is just a tad too long for your proportions. Loving your take on the concept and the weapon is looking great! @praetus coming along nicely. The only thing really standing out to me atm is the tie knot on her chest piece. It's still very boxy in shape, I think you need to get in there and bust it up a bit. @GUYPHILL you should have a loot at the link I posted above as well. Really try to nail the anatomy and be careful with how thin you let those fingertips get. @stevston89 really great start. Looking forward to your updates.
Latest from me - Started the fur, man it is tedious. Also hair and head updates. More cloth work etc. etc.
I think her feet might be too big?
I was working on my comicon all day today " Will work on this tomorrow.
Spoon Thanks for reminding me about the sphere connector ! I almost forgot already ! Gonna work on the forearms some more then Your character's face looks great from sideview. But her eyes seem a bit weird off from the front. Looks like she's panic :P
zicoV I think you got her face down right there! Glad you could join us
SladeDigital I keep falling in love with her all over again already !! Lovely face and beautiful hair. You also just remind me I could work on her eyelashes as well I will work more on her arms. No promises :P
jstyles3d Yeah, I think her feet are a tad too long there. Unofficially, for human proportion, length of feet equals the distance between thumb and pinky finger of a stretched-out hand, or from forehead to her chin. Aren't the furs a little too... excessive ? They form nice shape though.
I think everyone has done a great job matching the body to the concept!
I have some thoughts about the face. Common among entries are huge eyes, different shape of the head, and the mouth has a different characteristic. My question is if this has happened because of artistic interpretation or because it's hard to get the face similar to the concept? Is the exaggerated eyes a result of misinterpreting the makeup? Many are doing a great job on the face, it's just that it feels like a different person which is why I'm asking.
I see some are doing human teeth on the character. Would it be possible that sharp teeth would be a good match? Seeing as she has animal influences I think that would be appropriate. Just trying to give some friendly feedback.
A bit more work on her yesterday. She really needs a name!
@SladeDigital - nice looking sculpt! Thanks for the comment on mine, I have been bugged that something is off with her face, will try pulling the nose area out a bit more.
@Spoon - Loooovely face and ears! Very, very nice indeed. My only thought is there is something not quite right with the shoulders, a bit rigid?
@Pav3 - Love those hipbones! And thank you for the information on cloth in zbrush and brush suggestion. Have not tried cloth in zbrush yet but will need to for next "project" - thanks.
I hope I didn't bug anyone with my comment about starting in Zbrush; It was just an observation i found interesting/exciting as I thought it would be more starting in maya/max and then into zbrush. That's the fun of these challenges - you learn so much about other peeps processes.
Hullo, sculpting section is finished I think. Not entirely sure about the hair on the back, interesting to see everyone has taken a very different approach to it.
@jstyles3d: Yup the feet are way too long and the heel is too, bring in the heel and shorten the front of the foot by about a quarter.
@Slade: great face, the front hanging red cloth needs more work, the red waist cloth looks a lot better than it. the big ball holder thing needs to be thinnner towards the top.
@Spoon: Top 3 worst things?
Overall its a bit too soft, sharpen up those planes with some Hpolish.
Feet are a bit off and a bit big.
Hair at the back could be wider
Wow, so much great work everyone! so awesome to see all these fox girls
WARNING, long text about why I´m out this challenge this month.
well, you guys convinced me to keep going, so I did, kept working on the lowpoly, but now I ran into a new problem, for some weird reason the unit setup has gone batshit crazy so stuff inst aligning at all, so I spent like a few hours trying to reverse engineer everything, but Im really starting to feel the moral dropping, and im not in the mood of aligning everything by hand. plus I really need to start working on my comicon challenge. might finish to this one someday, but its not today
AllyAlbon I call mine 'project Badass Bunny' ;P You know... cuz why not. Also, her lower legs, kneecaps and down, look a little off. Proportion and form.
Denny Kind of both, I guess ? I'm sure I could tweak my face lots more to match the concept art, but I quite like how she looks right now...
Pav3d I think her hair on the back looks really good. Not sure about the back of her loincloth though. Totally not what I had in mind at all. Looks like... short skirt made of mummy cloths O o;
lotet Noooooooooooooo ! What happened to it o O' Is it the scaling ? (have you been freezing transformation, and setting the pivot points ?)
Come back !! Comicon you have until 2nd week of March !!! And you still have more than 3 weeks for this !!!!
Thanks for the kind words guys A lot of awesome work in here so far.
Pav3d - Love this one One crit I have would be the back of her hair as you said. Feels kinda flat compared to the front.
Also arent you missing a flap on the back of her skirt or is that intentional ?
jstyles3d - Really nice work on the face. Her butt seems to be protruding a bit much and her feet are a little too large though. But overall nice work so far.
SladeDigital - Her thighs seems to be bulging out a bit much at the top. Maybe try making a smoother curve from her hip to her knees. Just my opinion. Nice work anyways.
Spoon - I love the style of this one. Looking foward to seeing the high poly done As for the pose I guess the closer you make the default pose to the final pose the less time is spend rigging if your not going to do any proper animation on your character.
Gotta to get back to fleshing out the proportions of my character soon.
Been spending way too much time playing DayZ :poly122:
I just spent more time on her hair. Inspired by you guys to keep pushing my work I'm gonna zremesh her hair strands so they have nicely poly density. Seems I can still do more with her arms. Also tried painting her sword as well WTF is it made of, lawl.
Today I started the lowpoly after getting some of the changes you guys suggested on the high.
Bigger hands (I had actually made them smaller in the last update xD), longer arms and shorter forearms. Also a shorter neck and puffier cloth around the neck.
Also fun fact: for the ears I've been referencing my cat and dogs and it seems I got the exact result i wanted... something you wouldn't want to touch
The head isn't going to change as it's a matter of personal preference and I love it.
head closeup
It's currently sitting at around 4700 Tris and I'll probably shave some off the arms and useless places when more stuff is in. I also need to add loops for animations and generally get rid of some tris in awkward areas.
also @gutperk: the "texturing" is just some polypaint i did while sculpting to get some landmarks and a better feel for the final model. I'll probably bake it out too. I found it actually quite useful to have it during sculpting and I rarely turned it off.
Actually, Fnitrox, or anyone who can answer, I have a question or two for you.
Baking procedure is something quite new for me. How do I know if a certain zbrush subtool should have its own lowres mesh or not. Or should it just be a part of another lowres mesh. Like, say, should all the loincloths be made into 1 LowRes mesh. Or into multiple separated lowres meshes ? Or her her arm wrap at her bicep; should that be its own lowres mesh, or just baked into the body mesh ? Or, *gasps* her hairs ? O o'
SladeDigital, love her face and her hair already! You probably could move her eyes down a bit to appear more kiddy like in the concept art. If you want to, though.
praetus, something about her eyes throw them off a bit. I can't tell what. If you paint the facepaint, might help visualize a bit more. Not sure if shoulders are too wide or not. As in, too far from the torso.
jstyles3d, I'm having trouble loading up your image. It's either the image host you're using. Or my Internet is acting up on me again.
This is a couple hours of work today blocking the proportions and some of the key clothing/pieces.
My progress for now.
All of you amazing job. At least far better than mine
2nd! thank you for all the comments and oppinions toward my job!
( quick note towards the oppinions i received )
// Thank you for poiting me some stuff out! i'm alreay trying to test the Eyes idea, ended up cutting the 5th finger :'< i forgot she just had 4 ugh my bad! but thank you for poiting that out!
// i will try to give a look towards the neck! thank you for that oppinion
anyways here goes my criticism about other people work
@ Pav3d : i'm so happy to see this work style! you kinda made me go and make sure i stayed true to my workstyle insted of making a replica anyways! , i love her face, great forms for the hair you've there and same for the body,! only comment would be about her belly, she may give the impression she's pregnant, But once again this may be cuz she has no cloths added yet, things may change alot from there so! keep on!
@ GUYPHILL ] : try to devide the mesh in parts, you've some solid work on the cloths folds there, wich is so pleasent and great to see!
@ Jeebs : Already working on the lowpoly ? wow;! anyways! man great job on the lowpoly forms, and that textures looks pretty good! looking towards this
@ BradMyers82 Kudos for making such a low poly version of the model! i'm really interested in seing where you're gonna take this, also really cool doodle in Zbrush.
@ Spoon : wo! nice work mate!, really solid stuff you've here, probably will wait to see how things get after the next post you make.
@ Pryzern : the face is really cute!, i was inspired by your work, to give some neat details in my work, in terms of hair sculpting. i really like the anatomy, only thing i would say, is probably give a look into the Hips making them come out a bit , maybe! just maybe!
keep your work
@ Praetus : That hair ! is shapping so amazingly ! great job on that!, i will wait for the next pic you post!
@ Jstyles3D : Amazing Work so far Just tweak abit the fur on the boots and shoulder pad" wich i can see thei're W.I.P" :< but i really wanna see those done! gj with the forms of the hears and anatomy
@ Gurtperk : Really good start! c: the only thing i would say, it for you to check the forhead, from here , it looks like it was pushed inside, insted of outstide, not sure if i'm being explicit .-.
@ Iniside ! i can see that you're adding abit of your own style! and touches, wich is always a pleasent thing!, only thing i would actually try to give criticism ATM, is the Shoulders, their form is abit unregular, and the top part of the arm, other then that, Solid start! go for it!
Sorry for the long testament,!But i really owned this to everyone here, and specially to those who also gave an oppinion to my work!
So kudos to all of you! and best of lucks!
Spoon: Personally I work from general face reference and features of animals that look like some features of the concept. (like dog ears for instance)
I will post some wips soon, but first I got to find a concept for the Comicon Challenge.
Update! hair is going to be totally re-done, just playing with it atm.
@Pav3d. That's a gorgeous face!
A bit more work on clothing today, and I have built the sword too. Mesh a bit messy, but working out placement before tidying it up. I am thinking of doing polys for the fur around her shoulder and boots but debating that now, seeing as how so many people are using zbrush....
Inside - I would focus on hitting the basic forms before detailing things like the clothes. Until you get the anatomy squared away, that cloth can change. Focus on the core shapes first.
Pav3d - That face is beautiful. I really like it. Cloth sculpting is really ace as well. the only thing that I don't care for is the hands. The kind of feel like someone stepped on them the way they are arching.
AllyAlbon - As far as "accepted" goes I would say "whatever gets the job done efficiently." With ZBrush 4R6 and dynamesh it is really easy to lay down some base shapes or a mannequin basemesh and start scultping, dynamesh, and retopo until you get a starting point. It really just comes down to what gets the job done.
As far as the mesh goes, you need to fix the forehead. Right now it's dipping inwards. Also, the hands feel a bit smushed. Good start though.
Just quickly chiming in here, to comment on this.
Why would you think ZB isnt accepted? Why would you change your own workflow to avoid it, even if you do like it?
In the industry, you get paid to get the job done. If they want a zombie that looks like X, you do a zombie that looks like x. No one cares if you use Max or Maya or ZBrush or Coat or anything else. It has to be legal, not to infringe copyright etc, but if you deliver what the company/client wants, your creative process and tools are irrelevant.
This, however, is a polycount challenge, so there are even LESS rules than that. We ONLY do this to have fun and learn from each other.
It's funny, I remember feeling exactly like you
Especially in games, where you have to retopologize anyway. The high poly sculpt is therefore not "used" in production, but is only there to create textures for your low pol, so the only thing that matters is speed + quality.
Did I make any sense at all, there? :O
Everyone not using basemesh gets big kudo from me
I made some refinement around. And looked up heroic pose online ;P So I pushed her hips a bit forward. And made her look more grounded.
Side Note; I'm also in Comicon 2014
I'll be making Raven.
I wouldn't give him such a hard time. Character Art is a very difficult craft. Let me see if i can lend a hand.
You forgot the one reason people get into Character art! To look at tits and not get bitched at by employers and girl friends.
Second. ACTION POSE. No one likes a stiff rig, if you get what i'm sayin.
Third, feel free to exaggerate portions of your character to compensate for your own short comings.
Its 3d, You can be the BEST you, That you can imagine.
@ Pav3d - Looking good! i like the interpretation. The only thing I would say is the torso is looking a too long.
@ AllyAlbon - Good start. Check your proportions again. The neck looks too thick and the legs look too long ( especially the lower leg). Also the top looks too bulky. I usually start from a base mesh in Zbrush and then move to max to build base meshes once I am happy with the proportions and look of the body.
Been working on this the past couple of days. Just block in stuff so far.
What's wrong with it ? I can't really fix anything if I don't know what's wrong, and I personally like the general proportions I got this time.
I finally finished my high poly today, complete with swords and full clothing. Tryed to put in some of the comments i had gotten. Smaller eyes (will probably make them a bit more angular) and hanging cloth in the back separate from the other piece of the "skirt".
I also rendered a small turntable video and will upload it later
stevston89: Looking pretty good so far, but the face is a bit strange imho. The eyes go far too back in the side of the head and probably a bit too high. Also even if the concept gives her a quite squared head i think you put in too much jaw and cheekbones.
iniside: I agree praetus on not putting in clothes before you've narrowed down the basic forms of the body. To me the major point is that it lacks definition in transitions area, everything is like cylinders linked toghether and smoothed, like a sausage man
I'd advise to look at Haikai's tutorial series on It's awesome and damn cheap too! He goes over the common mistakes and the theory behind form and transitions in sculpting.
For some example if you look at my model and many of the others you can clearly see areas where the transitions are harder. (I exaggerated the ribcage/external oblique/pelvis fold for example) Places where something meet something else usually show these interactions on the surface creating the famous transitions and plane changes, which can be softer or harder depending on what's below the skin.
Hopefully you'll find this helpful, but fear not it's something everyone goes through
PyrZern: I like where it's going, the face reminds me Final Fantasy style characters, which is good! The arms tho, they might be a bit too muscular.
Allyalbon: I'm a bit biased here because I just love Zbrush. I don't think that there's any fundamentally right or wrong workflow to follow, and as Spoon said everything that gets the job done is good.
I personally started with a dynamesh sphere in zbrush and kept adding things like I would with real clay. I kept it pretty low (around 32 dynamesh resolution) untill I was happy with proportions and form, then a quick Zremesher and reproject is everything i needed to get the high done. With tools like dynameshes and Zremesher i think zbrush is powerful enough to get thing started on its own, untill I actually need the game res mesh for which I don't think zbrush would suffice.
Pav3d: Dude! Dat cloth! awesome progress and nothing to crit, just stopping by to say I love it!
Praetus: nice progress, but I personally find the pose a bit awkward. Also the lips could probably be a little less pushed out, as they look like pasted on (specially from the side)
SladeDigital: I'm liking your take on it, she looks a bit more mature and it fits the character quite well imho. keep it up!
@to anyone else i forgot, gogo guys keep at it!
Loving the model, but I can't stand the ears. Something about that level of detail on the geometry of the inside of the ear creeps me out. Like, I'd feel really squeamish if I touched it. But that's probably just me.
I'm a curious about your workflow, though. Why is the texturing so far along?
You might want to try making the transition from the upper arm to the lower arm a little more dramatic. The super thick arms are a pretty unique feature of the character so it helps make the model more memorable if it stands out.
iniside I think you could add mass to the arms so they are not just tube. The knee caps appear too low; causing her thighs to be too long. You probably can pull in her waist a bit more, and create ribcage.
Fnitrox Welcome back, man ! You keep blowing me away with your updates. I'm quite ok with her ears. Still wouldn't want to touch the inside part of it though ;P However, I think you got her neck a tad too long.
Anyone mind sharing their workflow for the waist cloth, please?
@PyrZern: Thanks for also bringing that to my attention on the forehead as well.
I like your rendition of the concept, but largely I think you might want to check some of the proportions. Her arms and body have a general uniform thickness.
I'd consider giving your model a good look again, thinking about where you can play more with the thick-to-thin relationships. Starting from the shoulder going a bit thicker, thinning at the arm, bulging at the base of the forearm, than tapering down into the wrist as a quick example of a quick fix.
@Fnitrox: Really like how you blocked in the hair. Was that from zspheres or insert meshes?
I think the arms feels a tad too long to me. I also think the face could benefit from being a bit wider/broader too. She has a cute face in yours though, just make sure to retain that!
Only got a couple shy hours polypainting and cleaning up some bits. Will work a lot more on this the next few days.
You also probably can Mask out her waist area like a belt shape, extract that, shape it into the right form, then add volume to it(Deform-> Inflate, or Panel Loop), ZRemesh it before sculpting.
gurtperk Oh hey thanks ! I just realized I didn't really pay much attention to that at all... or the silhouette <_<"
Ok I'm confused, why does the thread list it as ending on the 14th? (Also after some self deliberation, I am joining this round. Model should be mid range poly wise, and 1024 textures.)
I just got back from my holiday vacation back home so I'll get started on my model as soon as I can and get back for more crits and eye candy!
GurtPerkLooking awesome already. I don't have much crit on it.
BacnI feel like anatomically you have having some issues. The face doesn't look like the concept at all. It looks more like a soft human face. The boots are really fat and deformed. Overall you have made a lot of progress and improvement!
Fnitrox love your style! I just think the forearms are a bit weird/lumpy.
Jeebs looking great!
Spoon you have made a large improvement! The eyes are weirding me out a bit but looking great with progress.
I didn't get to mess with some of the critiques I had gotten for the face and shoulders. I've been focusing on getting some of the cloth blocked out, as I'm happy with the major forms of the body. Although I will probably go back and redo the "butt cloth" as I like the folds but they don't really look like they belong.
Dimfist nice work , I like the base shape of the weapon
I made the hair and made some changes with transpose, move brush and clay builder.
Its a mix of claytubes/masking for making forms, Orbs cracks brush (a must have brush!) for doing small wrinkles and accenting edges (sometimes you can get away with just using orbs cracks and a bit of smoothing) and masses of Hpolish for finishing it off, also split things like knots into separate subtools
@Fnitrox: great work on the shoulderpad fluff (or whatever its meant to be) but id make them bigger.
Thanks to everyone for feedback btw!
@ GYUPHILL - Take a look at the proportions again before you do anything else. The head and face are way to small, the neck is too long, the torso is way too big, the legs look short, and the pelvis area looks too tall.
Been sculpting a bit today. Got the cloth almost done and fixed up the arms and face.
Pav3d, hey thanks for the Orb Crack brush. I just tried it a bit, pretty handy thing.
stevston89 Nice form you got there. Love it. Loin cloth looks very nice.
Got a chance to spend more time on mine progress. I beefed up her thighs a tiny bit, and thinned out her forearms and lower legs a bit. I did try further, but it ended looking weird with too thin arms and legs. So I guess this will be the style of my piece now. Oh, also reworked her sword as well. Will try coloring it a bit next to see how it will look.
PyrZern - Looking good! Perhaps the perspective, but the forarm looks a little squashed here. Also, remember there is a piece between the sphere and the ring attaching it to the cloth, down near the boots. Good job on the shoulderpad and really like the weapon block!
stevston89 - Wow, that waist cloth is super awesome! How did you approach it?If you just started today, I cant really give crits on it
Pav3d - Thanks a lot, Pav3d! Got the brush, it's really nice in some cases, where the Dam wouldnt quite work. And thanks for the tips on the cloth. Didnt quite get it to the level you have, but I feel I was getting the hang of it. Maybe I will get time to improve it further
GUYPHILL - You have some nice cloth wrinkles! I agree you should step down to the lowest subd, and really get those proportions and general volumnes in there, before you step up agian. You seem to have a good understanding for detail, but it is held back by the lack of gesture and proportion.
praetus - Awesome, man! The legs in general and the entire hip area is inspiring! I agree with the butt cloth, you can probably get away with smoothing out the detail you made, in the areas where it would be the tightes to the body.
Also, thanks for the tips on cloth! CTRL + 1, is that a custom made hotkey? Seems to do nothing here. I do have ReplayLast on a custom popup menu, though. Is there any way to get it to ignore camera moves?
jstyles3d - Thanks, will look at this tomorrow!
Dimfist - That's a bigass weapon!
This is my progress so far.
Totally forgot about that weapon thing. Guess I will block that out next!
What do you guys think is the top 3 worst things about this model so far?
EDIT: By the way, I see a lot of people commenting on pose. Why is that important? Dont we pose the low poly in the end? Any specific reason it is better to have it in a specific pose in the Highpoly?
As for posing. It's important to have a natural looking stance when sculpting. It's something that can carry through all stages. If your sculpt looks stiff and unnatural chances are your posed model will as well.
Definitely needs some more proportion work before I start detailing. Really fun concept to work from so far though.
I'll hit up this thread tomorrow and try to throw some feedback at you guys but I gotta get some sleep first
Wow! i've been trying to develop further more, certain details on my character! as i said before i really took all the oppinions and criticism towards the whole character, and made some big adjustments using those oppinions. ended up recreating a whole new face
Stuff left to do
Add the Details on the boots.
Creat the shoulder pad and it's fur.
Tweak and fix some minor things on the model
Oppinions towards other people's work!! LOVE THEM ALL !
@Pav3d : ah yeah! you tweaked the belly, and it looks fricking amzing,! her face is still superb! gj on the cloths folding, my only advice is, hum, Finish your work ? c: i love the way you're doing it. so yeah, no real oppinions involved
@AllyAlbon : solid mesh!, my advice, is pull her face out in the nose area, it seems pushed inside , when it should be pushed out. again not sure if being explicit enough.
other then that!
@PyrZern] athe hips look so well atleast in my honest oppinion! only thing i would actually go for is, try to make her arms abit thinner. you will get alot more "beuty" and impact!
i really like her face! and her hair :< gorgeous job!
@Fnitrox : lovely work! i like your style alot!, my only critic/ oppinion, you should try to mess abit more with the upper cloths, specially the one arround the neck, it usually doesn't stay like that in real life, it ends up wrapping arround the neck abit more "just an oppinion :'<
@Bacn : i would recommend you to try to give the face abit of tweaking in terms of size, the head seems abit to big compared to the rest. " in my oppinion"
You could also try and push the hips alitle bit out, so it can define the character.
and lastly, try to push the knees alitle bit up, other then that, keep up the work! i will be looking towards the next submissions!
@GurtPerk : ah! now it seems like my " (fore)heads up" actually worked better thne expected! and i'm pretty happy to see this character going!, my oppinion atm, would be. try to tweak a little bit the fur on the boots, and that "black thing on the middle near the straps arround her body, you should try to tweak a little bit with the form, other then that, go for it!!!
@Dimfist wow man, gj so far! my only oppinion would go for the fur on the shoulderpad! and the one on the boots, and that's it! good job
@Praetus : lovely style work so far, and solid stuff my oppinions would go for
Hair ontopof the head, try to make it alitle bit larger to get more space ontop of the head, it will make you face shine in a much special way.
and push you wait abit up,! other then that, lovely shapes you've got going on there, specially on the hair and cloths
@GUYPHILL : stuff really improved since the first post you insted here! but here goes my sincer oppinions, you should try to make the neck alitle bit less longer, and try to separate more the subtools, other then that, if you keep doing your best, you will achieve it!
@Zicov] : really neat start you've there! i will just comment on the fur of the shoulderpads, you can try to go abit more dynamic in terms of forms and curve, but still everything's a W.i.P so! no real critics here! go go go!
@Steevston89 :love the work you're doing wit the folds on the cloths, my only oppinion "critic" thingy! would be to try to tweak alitle bit with the fure on the shoulderpad, you can make it alot more dynamic and pull some reall great forms on it
@Spoon : try to mess with her wait, pulling it abit up, you'll get a much more interesting form! so far that's my only real critic! great job ;D
This page has some really nice examples of stylized female body shapes. If you can nail these the rest will follow.
@Fnitrox welcome back. I agree with PyZern, the neck is just a tad too long for your proportions. Loving your take on the concept and the weapon is looking great!
@praetus coming along nicely. The only thing really standing out to me atm is the tie knot on her chest piece. It's still very boxy in shape, I think you need to get in there and bust it up a bit.
@GUYPHILL you should have a loot at the link I posted above as well. Really try to nail the anatomy and be careful with how thin you let those fingertips get.
@stevston89 really great start. Looking forward to your updates.
Latest from me - Started the fur, man it is tedious. Also hair and head updates. More cloth work etc. etc.
I think her feet might be too big?
Spoon Thanks for reminding me about the sphere connector ! I almost forgot already ! Gonna work on the forearms some more then
zicoV I think you got her face down right there! Glad you could join us
SladeDigital I keep falling in love with her all over again already !! Lovely face and beautiful hair. You also just remind me I could work on her eyelashes as well
jstyles3d Yeah, I think her feet are a tad too long there. Unofficially, for human proportion, length of feet equals the distance between thumb and pinky finger of a stretched-out hand, or from forehead to her chin. Aren't the furs a little too... excessive ? They form nice shape though.
I have some thoughts about the face. Common among entries are huge eyes, different shape of the head, and the mouth has a different characteristic. My question is if this has happened because of artistic interpretation or because it's hard to get the face similar to the concept? Is the exaggerated eyes a result of misinterpreting the makeup? Many are doing a great job on the face, it's just that it feels like a different person which is why I'm asking.
I see some are doing human teeth on the character. Would it be possible that sharp teeth would be a good match? Seeing as she has animal influences I think that would be appropriate. Just trying to give some friendly feedback.
@SladeDigital - nice looking sculpt! Thanks for the comment on mine, I have been bugged that something is off with her face, will try pulling the nose area out a bit more.
@Spoon - Loooovely face and ears! Very, very nice indeed. My only thought is there is something not quite right with the shoulders, a bit rigid?
@Pav3 - Love those hipbones! And thank you for the information on cloth in zbrush and brush suggestion. Have not tried cloth in zbrush yet but will need to for next "project" - thanks.
I hope I didn't bug anyone with my comment about starting in Zbrush; It was just an observation i found interesting/exciting as I thought it would be more starting in maya/max and then into zbrush. That's the fun of these challenges - you learn so much about other peeps processes.
@jstyles3d: Yup the feet are way too long and the heel is too, bring in the heel and shorten the front of the foot by about a quarter.
@Slade: great face, the front hanging red cloth needs more work, the red waist cloth looks a lot better than it. the big ball holder thing needs to be thinnner towards the top.
@Spoon: Top 3 worst things?
Overall its a bit too soft, sharpen up those planes with some Hpolish.
Feet are a bit off and a bit big.
Hair at the back could be wider
WARNING, long text about why I´m out this challenge this month.
well, you guys convinced me to keep going, so I did, kept working on the lowpoly, but now I ran into a new problem, for some weird reason the unit setup has gone batshit crazy so stuff inst aligning at all, so I spent like a few hours trying to reverse engineer everything, but Im really starting to feel the moral dropping, and im not in the mood of aligning everything by hand. plus I really need to start working on my comicon challenge. might finish to this one someday, but its not today
Anyways, good luck everyone!
Denny Kind of both, I guess ? I'm sure I could tweak my face lots more to match the concept art, but I quite like how she looks right now...
Pav3d I think her hair on the back looks really good. Not sure about the back of her loincloth though. Totally not what I had in mind at all. Looks like... short skirt made of mummy cloths O o;
lotet Noooooooooooooo ! What happened to it o O' Is it the scaling ? (have you been freezing transformation, and setting the pivot points ?)
Come back !! Comicon you have until 2nd week of March !!! And you still have more than 3 weeks for this !!!!
Pav3d - Love this one
Also arent you missing a flap on the back of her skirt or is that intentional ?
jstyles3d - Really nice work on the face. Her butt seems to be protruding a bit much and her feet are a little too large though. But overall nice work so far.
SladeDigital - Her thighs seems to be bulging out a bit much at the top. Maybe try making a smoother curve from her hip to her knees. Just my opinion. Nice work anyways.
Spoon - I love the style of this one. Looking foward to seeing the high poly done
Gotta to get back to fleshing out the proportions of my character soon.
Been spending way too much time playing DayZ :poly122:
Today I started the lowpoly after getting some of the changes you guys suggested on the high.
Bigger hands (I had actually made them smaller in the last update xD), longer arms and shorter forearms. Also a shorter neck and puffier cloth around the neck.
Also fun fact: for the ears I've been referencing my cat and dogs and it seems I got the exact result i wanted... something you wouldn't want to touch
The head isn't going to change as it's a matter of personal preference and I love it.
head closeup
It's currently sitting at around 4700 Tris and I'll probably shave some off the arms and useless places when more stuff is in. I also need to add loops for animations and generally get rid of some tris in awkward areas.
also @gutperk: the "texturing" is just some polypaint i did while sculpting to get some landmarks and a better feel for the final model. I'll probably bake it out too. I found it actually quite useful to have it during sculpting and I rarely turned it off.
Baking procedure is something quite new for me. How do I know if a certain zbrush subtool should have its own lowres mesh or not. Or should it just be a part of another lowres mesh. Like, say, should all the loincloths be made into 1 LowRes mesh. Or into multiple separated lowres meshes ? Or her her arm wrap at her bicep; should that be its own lowres mesh, or just baked into the body mesh ? Or, *gasps* her hairs ? O o'