Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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A little environment piece that I've made for a moba game test.
Diffuse only - 2048x2048
Marmoset Viewer here:
Calling it finished but would still love critiques to take with me to my next project.
@felipealves Thanks dude ! Appreciate it !
You should try it.
Generate some generic, non tiling uvs on a separate uv channel, bake an AO map to those uvs, colorize the AO texture in photoshop so it's not just black and white, apply the AO map as a diffuse map and bake it to vertex color.
That would look realy nice.
So much awesome in this thread!
Below is just a simple levels, and isn't THAT great, but it already feels a lot more vibrant. Maybe the hand painted pros can elaborate more.
Great job, love it!
The second point to make, is that some of your shadows feel too dark. This might be from kicking the contrast up a bit, but some of the details don't seem to be either deep enough or occluded enough to warrant the darker colors. I noticed this on some of the bone shadows as well as the purple area near the hammer. Also the stock gets pretty dark towards the bottom
Agreed with @praetus
I would only suggest you to add noise on your background to remove these odd "waves".
Other than that, I loved this gun, great work
I love this! great work, I agree with Praetus though, youll really make it pop/bring it to the next level if you refine some of those textures
praetus thanks for the paintover..It makes a lot of sense, the only problem is that texture size is 1024 so I have kind of limitations for fine detail or it will be too pixelated..I'll see what I can do.
Dear mother of polycount... I love the style of work on that character! Nic-ou! xD
Great work! But I have to ask...
was it your reference by any chance? :poly142:
/ps sorry, but no matter what I'm totally seeing platypus in that helmet design
A few hand painted medieval props that I've made for a freelance work.
I'd love to receive some feedback
Marmoset Viewer:
@linkov: Oh man. The Platypus cannot be unseen.
@felipeaves: Looks good! Reminds me of the stuff in Twilight Town in Kingdom Hearts 2.
Recently finished this cart:
Color + Normal map
How are you doing your shadows?
They're coming across as grey. Perhaps adjust the color of your ambient light or colorize your shadow / ambient occlusion maps before applying them to the texture.
I painted the shadows in myself, it's all flat lit. I gave the AO a blueish tint but I guess it isn't coming through very well
I do detect a little blue in the shadows and I think it goes really well with the relatively muted colors you've used. I followed its progress on your thread. Nicely done. Good to see someone not going the "crazy eye-popping saturated colors" route.
Hand-Painted Home (based on concept) by therealmarkehlen on Sketchfab
my color texture
made a second set of UVs for light mapping. baked from blender, mixed in Ps
I still like a lot things on yours original better, notably your nice large and crisp roof tiles.
any c&c would be super appreciated, (esp by you!) haha.
(x-posted from 'what are you working on 2015')
What image format for you texture did you export and use on the 3D Model?
jpegs I think? I just wanted fast reliable compression that would be compatible with everything. should I have taken them lower or left it higher? would .tiff or .png or .targa be worth it?
the main texture should probably only be 512 or 1k if it were used in a game, but I think my use of tiling/repeated elements would lend well to that anyways.
the more I stare at the model, I'm realizing bits of repeated elements on the light map that could have been UV stacked and then duplicated after baking... with just a little extra temp modeling scraps for a clean bake. it just sounds complicated though.
also, not sure if its relevant to your question, but on the light map I've since toned down the bit of added noise from when I uploaded it here..
but yeah. to answer your actual question... jpeg!
Still WIP but almost there. Natch Knife, one of the great Jaggi swords from the game. Cross posting here. C&C would be appreciated. Thanks!!
About the general shape, I have nothing to say, it's really nice. Thanks for liking my stuff and keep it up!
dude thanks so much for those paint-overs! it looks so good man, I'm in love with how you treat all those corners and did that wood junction. this will be a huge help to me going forward
From my experience with working on game assets is that jpeg is never a good idea.The problem with jpeg is that it creates all these unwanted noise and colors like in the example bellow.
Yes formats like .png and .targa are a lot better but they are most of the time pretty big due to the fact that they get almost no compression.
If its for a game there is a lot to take into consideration, your choice of compression will depend on which hardware your planning to run the game on and what format the GPU of that hardware can read.
If its for Portfolio work its alright to use .png or targa because you don't need to worry about Frame Rate and all these kind of factors that games have. :poly121:
Tiled Version
Made a WOW inspired tower and imported into UDK. Just need to make my own sky and grass textures to go with it.
Sorry for the lack of anti-aliasing
Artstation :
Cross posting. Calling it done. Any comments and crits still appreciated. Thanks!!