Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Tim! Jessie here
Stormwind mailbox by Oleg Linkov on Sketchfab
I was inspired by a concept made by Rafael Zanchetin so I decided to model and texture it.
Here is how it turned out:
My sorcerer apprentice I posted a long time ago. I still have't gotten around to repainting him.
An isometric toy robot guy:
...who also shoots lasers.
This one was based off some Torchlight 2 concept art. I learned AFTER I made it that it is actually an in-game boss. Oh well.
Did these busts recently.
Another Hand-painted MH peice i finished. What's a dude have to do to get some feedback 'round here?? I MUST GET BETTER!!!
Working on mixing traditional mediums into my models.
Mediums used:
0.7mm Lead Pencil
Colored Pencil
Acrylic Paint
The Owlkar
some stuff i did for a dota set. weapons are like 450 tris, book is 350.
@flamedidea Nice diorama, I like the theme about pirates
@MadGunslinger very nice work man
@linkov I remember this model as a static image, now in 3D I can see very well... amazing details, your textures are very clean
just want to share with you the my environment
Updated puppy textures!! Also, concepted a sword for the little guy. A bit too rugged for him I think, so I will tone it down when I model it!
Tree In The Dark by Desktop Metaphor on Sketchfab
Based on Paul Kwon's concept. Inspired by his collaboration with Jon Troy Nickel, the Remi 7 figurine.
Diffuse Only. No Light.
Character Concept by Paul Kwon:
Made a girl:
Tried to do a paint over for you. I usually like to place a sun some where to remind me where I want the sun light to come from. then take the base color and then pick a color above and below that. Depending on the angle of my sun I will paint light areas where i think the sun would hit and darker areas where the sun wouldnt hit. I like using hardness all the way up..Once i define the shape first, ill then go with a fade around 20 percent and add more values...When I look at yours I dont see that defined begining shape, it gets lost in your values.
Turnip by Desktop Metaphor on Sketchfab
So this is a sword/shield that I made (wowstyle with an edited Wildstar concept) Somehow my textures end up like this where I struggle to capture depth and material information.. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong so any feedback is appreciated.
And oh, really good work from everyone here!!
I've been following this thread myself and it's really filled with great content.
I find that when I'm trying something new it always helps to copy/reference a lot before jumping into making something from the ground up even partially.
Don't get discouraged look at weapons/shields with a similar style/material and maybe try to copy them as they are a few times to get the hang of the look.
This is how the actual WOW axe looks.
Marmoset Viewer:
Here is my first attempt at hand painted textures. Definitely a fun challenge! Still a lot to learn though, so I would of course appreciate some critique.
344 tris.
Thanks! May I ask what you mean by refining? You mean compared to the source material or like giving it more "polish"?
Thanks for the feedback!
I'm really liking this texture style. I can't wait to see more!
@skankerzero Thanks for liking, here is more
Current state of my Owlkar.
It's not done yet but I need some help. I'm working on a low poly dungeon door at the moment and I'm struggling to paint the stones. Don't know how to make all of them look like stones... If you could help me out or advise me I would be so thankful
Any other feedback is always welcomed.
Right now it seems a little blurry, the metal could do with some highlights; might make it pop a little more, and the runes on the cheeks of the axe need more definition I think
Wow! It looks Awesome! :thumbup: May I ask how you made the green glowing light? I can't make things glow in sketchfab.
My little investment:
Playing around with brush strokes and just layering things.
Hey, awesome model. I noticed that you've got planes for the eye lashes but they are just flat black and then you've got the sort of classic clumped eye lash shapes painted onto the brow. What's the reasoning for not doing that with transparency on the planes?
If you want to see the models in other views and close up I will be posting all of these on my sketchfab later this week at
And I will continue to post my hand painted stuff in the future as I am already working on the next batch of these little robo's.
Thanks all, cheers!
Antstation linkz
Here's some cartoony ballons I made recently:
I Have to say big thank you to Katia for giving me some serious feedback while i was working on these.
You can check more images and models in marmoset viewer here:
@Deoce : really cool work, I love your colors !
Here is my last work (more view on my Artstation) :
Crits appreciated