Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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This is looking great. I can't wait to see how this ends up.
Feedback is welcome!
done I guess.
Perhaps you could do something more interesting with the ham like this:
My first try of painting textures and first post on Polycount.
been told that I need to do some more color variation and I do feel a bit defeated at the fact I couldn't get the brush strokes to look right and like the concept from (they were pretty bad and feedback was remove I did)
But and learn I guess
This is actually the topic I was trying to find when I was posting this...
Here is the breakdown incase anyone is interested.
My blog
Few more days of texturing woo!
Crate texture I did the other night.
That was fun
Working on the windows at the moment.
Work in progress of a 3D asset. I wanted to try and redesign one of the older props in WoW as an exercise in increasing my level of detail. This is meant to be a Soulwell, which warlocks summon for consumable healthstones. The fx are currently 2D images on planes. I'm hoping to use this project as a means to learn some vfx as well.
crit is welcome!
Great stuff in this thread as always!
damn. I thought this would be way easier. It's not.
It's a study from a WoW prop, supposed to be made of wood..
What am I doing wrong..?
tris: 272
diffuse: 512 x 512
I'd say your wood misses some "curls" you know, the parts where branches have been in the grain of your wood. Wow, this is so complicated to explain xD The planks would also read better if the AO between the planks was darker.
In my opinion it also misses some saturation and a bit of color variation. Wooden planks don't always have the same color either.
This isn't mine, but it demonstrates what I mean:
I'm frustrated by a 3D character I'm having trouble making, so I did a quick cake.
Here are some other props from my scene that I have adjusted (still nothing is final yet)
Dennispls I said it before but I can't wait for the finished work *_* I just love your style
@Dennispls: Solid updates!
@Sourdough: That looks pretty darn finished to me. I think you've really nailed the WoW Art style.
@FrancoisK: Nice work on that armored guy. It has a nice comic quality to it.
Figured I should share this lady from the March Handpaint Art Jam here as well.
Something I've finished some days ago, a birch tree for a project I'm currently working on.
Tiny question, Does anyone here have any hand painted stylized ( wow-ish) metal tutorial?
I need it in my life, im struggling a lot with painting stylized metal xD
@Mallaria: I'm pretty sure the Tyson Murphy tutorial is the go-to for WoW styled weapons.
@Synnoid: Lovely! I really like the light planes and the bleed from the window to the walls of the shack. I feel like the bricks on the base of the lighthouse are a little weak compared to the rest and the seam on the back is pretty apparent.
Concept by Kuzinskiy titled as Our Shore.
Here are mine, I did them some time ago.
I absolutely love that!
Great job with those colors!
Same to you. Great choice of shadow colors. The stone looks great!
Besides the point, my education so far hasn't included any formal teaching of 3D modelling or texturing at all, I'm self-taught so far, so I need some help from the pros.
I've started this dwarven-style dagger, which is iron and bronze/gold. I'm working on developing the bronze material at the moment and am struggling to make it look more metallic, any tips?
Check it out at for further information!
Joshua, your image does not load?
What it lacks right now is a clear lightsource. The texture itself looks a bit blobby too. It does not compliment the shape. On the gold parts try to introduce a second color for the darker shades. Perhaps even a teint of green.
If you have some coin to spare I would suggest the tutorial by Tyson Murphy. This guy knows how to paint and shows it pretty well.