Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
- Don't upload PNG, use JPG
- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
Love handpainted stuff.
A V P by ejeet espiritu on Sketchfab
E N R I by ejeet espiritu on Sketchfab
Quick question, if I may, I am having problems with metal textures. They come out quite porly and with really unconvincing material. Been googling handpainted metal texture tutorial and so no help. Anywhere I can find a good tut or some good examples?
They aren't amazing, but everyone starts somewhere right?
(Also my first time doing low poly modeling.)
League of Legends Fan art piece of Aatrox
Costume Designed by me
Based off
This is really simple but I really like this. Great work!
Finally finished a personal project I've been working on!
More images on my website: Link
getting hooked to hand paint more models
Puppy WIP, or should i say Ruff Draft! ;D Working on the fur right now. And it's hard!! Watching Kelvin Tan's tutorial and staring at the Molten Corgi alot. But dang!
And your picture is missing, flamedidea!!
AntonioNeves, aww thank you so much, and nice job on this, loving the wood and the rug!
no problem Tim, you did a great job on him!
Matabus, that's a pretty neat tesla spaceship!
Jesse, those are awesome, you guys did an amazing job with the models and animation
ejeet31, love that barrel and nice job on the red folds!
Van, Andarius is coming out great! can't wait to see him finished!
bcarter, that is a super pretty scene, love the colors!
glad Kelvin's tutorial is helping out Esther, can't wait to see it done
this is a tutorial of my texturing process and my captain fortune fanart, was trying to figure out which colors to go with on her, more stuff upload to my patreon
More views on my artstation
Still need to work on wood hand painting skills, but here it is ( any critique is very welcome )
Haven't posted much here so I thought I'd start here at least; I made this at school some month ago, while I'm proud of it, I can see so many faults my fingers are itching.
I must say, this thread is motivating me like crazy
I seem to have missed this one, but goddamn that's really sweet! Incredible job dude!
Learning hand-painted textures and wanted to implement my knowledge so far in this asset.
This is old stuff now but I might as well share. A lot of it is downloadable too, if you want to open it up in Max/Maya etc.
@flamedidea nice cute ballista
Awesome stuff here guys! Can't get enough of it
Here is mine:
And here is thread:
I recently finished this:
Textures are not finished but they'll do for Sketchfab.
Dragon Slayer - Mechknight Chronicles - Idle by whiteboxninja on Sketchfab
Here is my last personnal work :
Acid Barrel by LaryKummer on Sketchfab
Hireling V1 by MMKH on Sketchfab
Hireling V2 by MMKH on Sketchfab
Swordsman by MMKH on Sketchfab
I'm really REALLY proud of this.
E: Now With Video!
Here is a texture pack I've been working on for a while ! It was really fun to do !!
It's available for pre-order on Gumroad !
I just wanted to share with you guys my project that I'm working on.... I created a thread to post everything, feel free to take a look!
Frost Horn by Nikolay_Tsys on Sketchfab
YBourykina : Thanks alot for shield tutorial! and for information about this thread=) Your works is amazing and inspirational!
Kumator : Awesom style dude! Love your metal work
praetus : Table looks wery cool! cant wait to see complete scene.
Perzik : Tiles! wow! It is one of hardest work to create tile that woldnt look like tile=D in one style and so cleen.
AntonioNeves : Its a danm good looking tree! and it is only WIP=D I cant amagine what it will looks like in final
Matabus : your tesla shipe is SO COOL! love your specular work, its so nicely accenting metall shapes and add to overal volume, reminde me about Raynor or Tychus armor from HOTS.
So much good stuff here!
I am currently working on a stylized hand-painted environment. I just wanted to share with you guys my props and tileable textures!
Unfortunately i lost my obj files, so i was unable to tweak few things in this model... emblem on pads is totally bad..
2,845k triangles
2048x2048 diffuse only
Finally finished this lowpoly set. Really fun learning for me especially on hand-painted textures
this looks awesome, I think the only thing is that around the top and bottom edge of the wood it would be nice to see a highlight/shadow of a beveled edge, like you have on the top of the axe head. right now the wood looks super jagged without it. otherwise I think its beautiful.
(You can also check him out in 3D over here: )
And the Masterskin version
(You can check it out in 3D over here: