My first actual post on Polycount which includes a render of something I've made, woohoo! Currently getting together a games asset portfolio which will be focusing on hard surface models, vehicles, guns etc. This Jagdpanther model is the first one that's starting to look like it might be portfolio worthy by the time it's completed. This is obviously a high poly model, I'll use it to bake out Normal Maps and AO for a low poly model.
Finally got the wood to a state where I'm happy with it. This will be the last time I revisit this model, haha!
I also started texturing this RPG by Drew Watts again.
There's still plenty of work to do, and so far I have only really touched the rocket head. (Which I might end up re-doing.)
And sorry for the tiny images, these are the ones from my temporary portfolio, and I forgot to save them in higher resolutions...
Here are some shots of a few weapons I did on Rising Storm. I did everything ( high, low, bakes, textures...). Maybe I'll post some high poly renders soon!
So yea actually did something tonight blocked this guy out to some extent still heaps of stuff to fix and pretty much every things a place holder going to try making the arms a tad smaller just as a test but yeaaaaaaaaa here he is
Just reminiscing on my old school work. Heres Something I worked on in 2010, I might have taken the Amazon Japan box robot concept a bit to far... I feel a bit dark for this.
Tehsplatt:I'm somewhat disturbed and yet very much loving that character, I agree with Apostolon, I'd love to see him lumbering about
@odd_enough: Awesome stuff! I need to start doing the same. I'm too set in my 3DS Max sub-d ways. Going to be trying some of 4R5's hard surface tools soon probably.
Calling the high pretty much done... now I gotta think about working on a low
Cross-posted in my sketchbook for those that wanna help!
This heavy craft is in the lockdown position ready to fire the main cannon. Main mesh for final game project for my game dev school.
Designed by myself, so it would be awesome to get some design critiques as well. Still new to this, thanks much.
As you asked for some design critique, here are my two cents:
Personally I think the design is pretty weak for various reasons:
1. Without further explanations I would have no idea what I'm looking at. The general form seems to suggest a kind of spacecraft or hovercraft. But I barely can tell which parts of the vehicle have which purpose. Where is the engine? The cockpit, is there any?
In my opinion good design cummunicates its function. It should be clear without any explanation what you are looking at. Especially in videogames where mostly there is usually no time for long discriptions.
2. The whole thing looks very cluttered. There is no spot to rest your eye on. Everything is filled with cables and details. Different parts point in 100 different directions. Design is not only the decision where to put things and details but also where to not put them and leave room for larger shapes and intentional crafted forms.
3. Purpose. This point is pretty subjective I think. Some people seem to love overly cluttered designs. For me in scifi-design every or at least most design elements should be there for a reason. It is not necessary that each cable perfectly communicates its purpose but the most elements should have nameable functions on your craft. In this case for example I can see no reason why all the vulnerable machinery is so unprotected on a military vehicle. There could be at least some parts covered with armor or a thin chassis to keep it clean and operational or shield it from micro-asteriods.
So much from me. There are many other things one could name which don't work in favor of your design. But designing is also a very hard job. You have to be creative to create something new and interesting and at the same time you have to present something that the audience will be able to identify and understand without major guidance.
It's something that takes much practice and skill. Maybe have a look at the Feng Zhu - Classes on vehicle design. Try to understand and implement those guidelines when designing. It will be a good start.
@Xelan101 - Thanks! And yeah, I was also set into 3ds max sub-D. I realized that I needed to learn ZBrush for a multitude of reasons. Figured doing hard surface studies with it would be a good idea. Still on 4R4, but the R5 features do look awesome. Will wait for the next iteration to upgrade.
still enjoy looking througn 'waywo' every day. too many great pieces to even make comments on these days.
Anyhow enough butter and jam, here is my latest update
having a nightmare with his arms, muscles are a pain. might design some new kneepads as these suck a bit
I try to use all of the advices from great texturing artists out there, that I really respect. I hope it'll lead me to something at least watchable
Anyway thank you for all the advices on the forum.
I also started texturing this RPG by Drew Watts again.
There's still plenty of work to do, and so far I have only really touched the rocket head. (Which I might end up re-doing.)
And sorry for the tiny images, these are the ones from my temporary portfolio, and I forgot to save them in higher resolutions...
new concept
wip of my next figurine - Esmy's younger sister Bliss for the RPG Cryamore
Update from my thread(UDK Ancient Hall Of Worlds):
I think the feet look a bit small though? i know it's high heels but it looks a bit strange to me.
Unity Player TurnAround:
Update on my Mech
Here's a new concept!
front light
back light
@odd_enough: Awesome stuff! I need to start doing the same. I'm too set in my 3DS Max sub-d ways. Going to be trying some of 4R5's hard surface tools soon probably.
Calling the high pretty much done... now I gotta think about working on a low
Cross-posted in my sketchbook for those that wanna help!
As you asked for some design critique, here are my two cents:
Personally I think the design is pretty weak for various reasons:
1. Without further explanations I would have no idea what I'm looking at. The general form seems to suggest a kind of spacecraft or hovercraft. But I barely can tell which parts of the vehicle have which purpose. Where is the engine? The cockpit, is there any?
In my opinion good design cummunicates its function. It should be clear without any explanation what you are looking at. Especially in videogames where mostly there is usually no time for long discriptions.
2. The whole thing looks very cluttered. There is no spot to rest your eye on. Everything is filled with cables and details. Different parts point in 100 different directions. Design is not only the decision where to put things and details but also where to not put them and leave room for larger shapes and intentional crafted forms.
3. Purpose. This point is pretty subjective I think. Some people seem to love overly cluttered designs. For me in scifi-design every or at least most design elements should be there for a reason. It is not necessary that each cable perfectly communicates its purpose but the most elements should have nameable functions on your craft. In this case for example I can see no reason why all the vulnerable machinery is so unprotected on a military vehicle. There could be at least some parts covered with armor or a thin chassis to keep it clean and operational or shield it from micro-asteriods.
So much from me. There are many other things one could name which don't work in favor of your design. But designing is also a very hard job. You have to be creative to create something new and interesting and at the same time you have to present something that the audience will be able to identify and understand without major guidance.
It's something that takes much practice and skill. Maybe have a look at the Feng Zhu - Classes on vehicle design. Try to understand and implement those guidelines when designing. It will be a good start.
A bit practice
7900 triangles and 2048*2048 texture maps
More views:
Zbrush 4
Mental Ray
A rough first pass on the texture. Still some areas I haven't worked on at all but it's a start.
Working on the HP. Still very VIP. Its a Smith and Wesson Knife.
Anyhow enough butter and jam, here is my latest update
having a nightmare with his arms, muscles are a pain. might design some new kneepads as these suck a bit