Have to start a thread for this, but a character I've been creating on and off whenever I got sometime. Protagonist for a game idea I had. Still a lot to do, but descent enough to show.
Here are more updates on my Android 16! I gave him a slightly bigger jaw, finalizing the textures, I think its getting close guys! I'll have to give him a pose this weekend!
as a dragonball fan I must say this is one of the best fan art ive seen, my only crit whould be the "human" hand is a bit weak and girlish.
Enjoy these huge size images that I'm too lazy to down-res. mwahah.
This is an update on my custom M4 that im working on, and no... I am not just posting the same damn gun, been working on this guy for too long, about to hit the lowpoly stage soon.
Self-made shotgun, which is raised from the bottom of the lake. I hope it really looks like damaged and old.
Hey man, good work so far! I'll just throw out some quick suggestions and you can take what you want from it!
- What kind of materials are these? Steel, Copper ect. I would suggest going through your model and separating out each individual part and researching what these kind of materials surface details look like. Build that up first and then start building your layers of detail on top of that.
-What kind of decay are these materials experiencing? It almost looks like kinda moldy, which makes me guess you were going for rust, I would suggest looking into specific details of rust and starting out with hints of it in specific areas before saturating the entire piece with it.
-last little critique, I did some research on the effects of long term rubber exposure to water, and although most rubber is resistant for the most part, there are some cases where the pores harden, and begin to flake away or expand and crack. I would suggest instead of having a grey overpaint on the grip, that you throw some hints of dried, caked mud, with a touch of cracks and flakes.
I really do hope I was helpful, as I do love this concept. Especially the fact that theirs no saftey on the weapon. who uses those anyways.
Cheers, good luck, and cant wait to see this guy flushed out a bit more!
Detail/Noise pass on a lot of the big elements. Apron, bags, additional folds and dynameshed the shirt and sleeves. Created the folds and threading on the boots. Collapsed the bag on the sides of the backpack out of laziness and polygon count. This guy is pushing 15 million points, and my rig is crying. Maya as well, with these renders. Dings on the metals, adjustments on the turbine casing. Think I'm getting close to calling this done and starting retopo.
Maybe i'll finally finish something for real :O.
I've never gotten this far with any of my models before.
This is 890 Tris and was thought of for a TPS game!
So i decided to go easier.
1. HP
2. LP
3. UV
4. xNormal (bake TP and AO)
5. Handplane
6. Texture phase.
Learned alot doing this (Well it's not finished, im not able to make the blade look like a matte black metal finish )
lildragn - love the style of that guy, nice piece - he just needs a cigarette dangling out the side of his mouth:)
zicoV - coming along, but maybe you should be a bit bolder with the cloth shapes
and they look a bit made up in places.
I've take this about as far as I need for now, though I haven't used shave & haircut, I assume the controls are similar.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TGtm6Lf_N8"]Comb Curves Context Tool - YouTube[/ame]
So much rads going on here at the moment everyone.
Started my Moviefest character entry. Re-sculpted this about 1 million times... Just trying to get the likeness. I go on holidays in a week or so, so I will probably not finish this in time for the comp but it will still be good fun.
So much rads going on here at the moment everyone.
Started my Moviefest character entry. Re-sculpted this about 1 million times... Just trying to get the likeness. I go on holidays in a week or so, so I will probably not finish this in time for the comp but it will still be good fun.
He looks a bit like mega mind with that head. Nice facial likeness, though! Very awesome.
This is a piece I did for a class assignment based off a concept by Andrew Ryan. Although I dont necessarily consider myself or claim to be a character artist I decided to make this just for some fun and practice. Critiques would be much appreciated
So much rads going on here at the moment everyone.
Started my Moviefest character entry. Re-sculpted this about 1 million times... Just trying to get the likeness. I go on holidays in a week or so, so I will probably not finish this in time for the comp but it will still be good fun.
Man, throw some glasses on him and you have a dead on realistic Dr. Venture.
It is for an upcoming game I have great time working on.
As mentioned in the description, face is inspired by Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: TNG.
I'd like to make a series of these TNG characters - with clothes - at one point.
as a dragonball fan I must say this is one of the best fan art ive seen, my only crit whould be the "human" hand is a bit weak and girlish.
WIP thread
Grest work! Looking to see her with clothes on haha!
I almost finished my first weapon model, it still needs polishing but it's time to move to another piece for now.
And sorry for the size
This is an update on my custom M4 that im working on, and no... I am not just posting the same damn gun, been working on this guy for too long, about to hit the lowpoly stage soon.
Here's a link to my thread if you have any awesome critiques! http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1868103#post1868103
Hey man, good work so far! I'll just throw out some quick suggestions and you can take what you want from it!
- What kind of materials are these? Steel, Copper ect. I would suggest going through your model and separating out each individual part and researching what these kind of materials surface details look like. Build that up first and then start building your layers of detail on top of that.
-What kind of decay are these materials experiencing? It almost looks like kinda moldy, which makes me guess you were going for rust, I would suggest looking into specific details of rust and starting out with hints of it in specific areas before saturating the entire piece with it.
-last little critique, I did some research on the effects of long term rubber exposure to water, and although most rubber is resistant for the most part, there are some cases where the pores harden, and begin to flake away or expand and crack. I would suggest instead of having a grey overpaint on the grip, that you throw some hints of dried, caked mud, with a touch of cracks and flakes.
I really do hope I was helpful, as I do love this concept. Especially the fact that theirs no saftey on the weapon. who uses those anyways.
Cheers, good luck, and cant wait to see this guy flushed out a bit more!
Item for an upcoming Dota 2 set
Model, rigging and baking by me, concept, texture and presentation by Stefco!
Detail/Noise pass on a lot of the big elements. Apron, bags, additional folds and dynameshed the shirt and sleeves. Created the folds and threading on the boots. Collapsed the bag on the sides of the backpack out of laziness and polygon count. This guy is pushing 15 million points, and my rig is crying. Maya as well, with these renders. Dings on the metals, adjustments on the turbine casing. Think I'm getting close to calling this done and starting retopo.
Anyone have any critiques?
Shameless crosspost from my WIP thread:
Maybe i'll finally finish something for real :O.
I've never gotten this far with any of my models before.
This is 890 Tris and was thought of for a TPS game!
So i decided to go easier.
1. HP
2. LP
3. UV
4. xNormal (bake TP and AO)
5. Handplane
6. Texture phase.
Learned alot doing this (Well it's not finished, im not able to make the blade look like a matte black metal finish
I bet you know this already but....this is amazing.
Oh and a bit on a separate portfolio project still in the works...
zicoV - coming along, but maybe you should be a bit bolder with the cloth shapes
and they look a bit made up in places.
Started my Moviefest character entry. Re-sculpted this about 1 million times... Just trying to get the likeness. I go on holidays in a week or so, so I will probably not finish this in time for the comp but it will still be good fun.
More pics here:
Been working on a game called Chronoblade.
Check out the game and let us know what you think. Open Beta started today. Play here ---> https://apps.facebook.com/chronoblade
we also have a demo at OUYA.
Here's the gameplay trailer:
duncan you've got red on you
Did a female head study, nothing too exciting:
If you would like to see the entire project please feel free to check out the thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1868402#post1868402
Here is a turntable of it:
continue working on my first female sculpt
Need to quote this again because this is so fucking awesome, man. You must be proud of yourself!
Anyway, here's my newest work.
Gonna add a lot of detail later.
And Good job everyone, keep posting your work, because they keep me motivated!
lurv this so much!!
this is awesome! very clean work.
Posting a scene for an ipad game:
The engine only supports binary alpha and diffuse, so this is diffuse only.
I'm back from my month of fever and started drawing again!
Here's from the last 2 days;
Man, throw some glasses on him and you have a dead on realistic Dr. Venture.