This one needs a repost on this page! Nice work. Only thing to mention is, that you kill your sense of scale a bit with these plates on the side. These look too large to be plates, they are as big as whole buildings.
hey guys
i am start working on my personal project / maybe a artbook or graphic novel one day/. Here is the first work/idea/ about the arch style maybe some environment mood too.
I still need to reworked some part of the texture, then start to work on the spec map. It should be quick
I'm going to hack into your computer and steal this so I don't have to model it for my D9 mech!
I keed. It is looking great, nice attention to the detail. My main suggestion would be to push the wear and tear with more medium and large details. Looking at their physical model in the book, it has larger wear detail that sells the weapon as being well used.
The only other suggestion I have, and it's too late to fix this but, your support edges are SUPER sharp. If you were to look at this from a distance of a few feet alot of that detail is going to be lost.
Messing around with Manga Studio 5. I turned my girlfriend into a shadow version of herself. Don’t worry, I’m not projecting anything; she asked me to do it. XD
Current WIP on my Necromancer Altar. Need to finish the chains and start on the rock spec maps. Rendered in marmoset with some DoF. Also played around with the colours a little bit.
Nice work again. Do you plan on making a whole scene in this style? Would look nice if you did.
Working on a custom M4 this summer. Magpul UBR stock that is only about 30% complete, with a Ballista Front rail system and Upper/Lower receiver that I finished today. This is a WIP so critiques are always welcome!
acapulco thanks man .Yes the plates are bigger actually giant pieces.That is part of the style that i am trying to establish. Maybe not exactly plates maybe some giant steel pieces.Thats why i put some birds flying around for scale.On next one ill work more on them for sure.Thanks again
Here's my Harry Mason model for a remake of the first Silent Hill that I'm building upon Max Payne 1 engine (as a mod).
Bear in mind before commenting that this model was modified from a crappy one that I made previously, so there's still some triangulation deriving from modelling it in milkshape.
Thanks, the extra rings around the centre would indeed be a cool touch I think. I'll see if I can clear some uv space in order to change this :P
I'm on a bit of a tight schedual as I'm applying for internships for after this summer though. Writing a cover letter is a big hassle for me though, got some tips there as well?
the body is looking good man, i think you could move one of the details you have ont he insides of the elbows somewhere else, its a little strange with it almost symmetrical like it is now. also the orc looks good for warhammer, but i think the gear is way more warcraft than warhammer. Warhammer orcs tend to have gear that is sort of thrown together from junk. they dont really craft things. also their armor tends to be much more square and less rounded. gl with updates!
the body is looking good man, i think you could move one of the details you have ont he insides of the elbows somewhere else, its a little strange with it almost symmetrical like it is now. also the orc looks good for warhammer, but i think the gear is way more warcraft than warhammer. Warhammer orcs tend to have gear that is sort of thrown together from junk. they dont really craft things. also their armor tends to be much more square and less rounded. gl with updates!
Hey man thanks a lot for the crits and kind words I will of course do more asymmetrical details on the body but when it comes gear I am taking it from a concept from warhammer online but your right about the gear that they normally have like trashy gear. So dunno maybe I should take gear from another concept or maybe destroy the gear I have already have on him more so it will look more of a warhammer orc xD.
I love this. Just some thoughts here, But if this is Raph, make him HUGE, like beefcake. I think if you really chunk up the upper body and deltoids/arms you can get more Raph out of this. And while appreciate the nose you have going on, it's kind of weird. you have some great forms in the face, I love the cheek bones. I would get rid of the nose and pull more of a turtle beak on that upper lip area. Great work man!
I love this. Just some thoughts here, But if this is Raph, make him HUGE, like beefcake. I think if you really chunk up the upper body and deltoids/arms you can get more Raph out of this. And while appreciate the nose you have going on, it's kind of weird. you have some great forms in the face, I love the cheek bones. I would get rid of the nose and pull more of a turtle beak on that upper lip area. Great work man!
No bakes or anything it is just some placeholder mesh with a few lights and a quick Maya mentalray render.....then the usual glitter sprinkle. Just trying to get my head around an idea.
I really want to do more but GA has a comp just about to start that I might have to jump on. maybe......if it's a good one
mother of...
incredible work.
Solid Snake, wip~
Link to the Workshop Page
I'm going to hack into your computer and steal this so I don't have to model it for my D9 mech!
I keed. It is looking great, nice attention to the detail. My main suggestion would be to push the wear and tear with more medium and large details. Looking at their physical model in the book, it has larger wear detail that sells the weapon as being well used.
The only other suggestion I have, and it's too late to fix this but, your support edges are SUPER sharp. If you were to look at this from a distance of a few feet alot of that detail is going to be lost.
Thanks for some inspiration!
Messing around with Manga Studio 5. I turned my girlfriend into a shadow version of herself. Don’t worry, I’m not projecting anything; she asked me to do it. XD
Inspired by Vitaly Bulgarov.
Nice work again. Do you plan on making a whole scene in this style? Would look nice if you did.
Still finding Mudbox to be pretty frustrating. I think I'm getting a better idea of the workflow for it though.
This character is really cute, I checked out your thread and I think that the eyelashes of the previous version looked better, this one:
Also a more saturated hairs, like in your other mockup looked nicer. I really want to see more of her
thank you:)
Dimsane great stuff. My favorite movie.
Bear in mind before commenting that this model was modified from a crappy one that I made previously, so there's still some triangulation deriving from modelling it in milkshape.
Shield I designed and sculpted as part of father time's armor (if he had one)
Feedback would be lovely
The scythe shapes are a nice design touch!
Could be more interesting if the back of the shield was all clockwork, not wood.
And in this design sheet I see that a lot of these designs, have a second ring or 2 around the centre circle and use bolts to secure this to the wood.
I'm on a bit of a tight schedual as I'm applying for internships for after this summer though. Writing a cover letter is a big hassle for me though, got some tips there as well?
That looks interesting, what did you bake it in?
Hey man thanks a lot for the crits and kind words
Okay i'll call this one done, meet the Bludgeon of the Aquatic Steed!
and because some people asked for tutorials I captured everything from blockout to retopo, not the boring final ingame bringing stuff but oh well
I love this. Just some thoughts here, But if this is Raph, make him HUGE, like beefcake. I think if you really chunk up the upper body and deltoids/arms you can get more Raph out of this. And while appreciate the nose you have going on, it's kind of weird. you have some great forms in the face, I love the cheek bones. I would get rid of the nose and pull more of a turtle beak on that upper lip area. Great work man!
Thanks, man, glad U liked it.
( )
Im kinda stuck on it now, I dont know where to go from here.
Ahhh thanks for the advise dude I will definitely apply them
No bakes or anything it is just some placeholder mesh with a few lights and a quick Maya mentalray render.....then the usual glitter sprinkle. Just trying to get my head around an idea.
I really want to do more but GA has a comp just about to start that I might have to jump on. maybe......if it's a good one
I'll be updating here:
Hope you like it.