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Phantom Pain/ Metal Gear Solid 5



  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand the purpose of comparing resolutions of console games. I always thought the comparisons of 720p screenshots and 1080p screenshots didn't mean much simply because most people sit far away from their TVs and when the game is actually being played nobody really focuses on thinking that the resolution could be higher than it actually is.

    Still, the game looks pretty great on every platform. Definitely going to pick it up for PS3 since I currently lack a next-gen console.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    NegevPro wrote: »
    Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand the purpose of comparing resolutions of console games. I always thought the comparisons of 720p screenshots and 1080p screenshots didn't mean much simply because most people sit far away from their TVs and when the game is actually being played nobody really focuses on thinking that the resolution could be higher than it actually is.

    Games will always look better and sharper the higher resolution you go. It also minimizes a lot of artifacts and makes noisy textures and details look a bit better. Playing a game on a monitor you can easily tell 720p from 1080p. If you have a big enough TV and sit sufficiently close to it, it'll be pretty easy to tell if the game is running at 720p or 1080p.
  • glottis8
  • mats effect
    Honestly really looking forward to it even if its really short. I am so dazed by the constant 1080 vs 720, frame rate how, long is it, how big are these textures in games converge that I just don't care anymore. Just give me some metal gear lol.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Its out! got it this morning.. download... then preview the main screen on my vita before going into work. So excited to play this later today :D
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    it's not out here until friday =[
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    I'm picking it up this weekend. There's a lot of hate in reviews about how short it is, but cmon, everyone knew this going into it, and it's not like it's a full priced game. I'm just excited for a little bit more Metal Gear to hold me over til Phantom Pain.
  • mats effect
    it's not out here until friday =[

    I know all this Europe can only launch on a Friday really sucks.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea.. most reviews praise the mechanics, the gameplay, but all complain about how short it is. I am just excited to get to play it. I think it'll be great. and it'll get more hyped for the Phantom Pain.

    Edit:Well.. the game is just amazing. Controls are more responsive, teh animation flow is just so good, making gameplay tighter. I love the control scheme, and now using items i never thought of using i do. Like the binoculars. Love the presentation, look, fidelity and weather effects. Guess this is one of the first titles where it truly feels like its exceeding my expectations. Minimal cutscenes, no codec and just use request of info as you are on the go is awesome. Have been just playing around and having a blast. Any other peeps playing this? Can't wait for Phantom Pain.

    Man.. more on my exp so far... so i love how everything is seamless... from cutscene to gameplay it just feels like a 1 shot movie. That camera really gets close and personal, and its just so badass.

    Love the music... and usually in mgs i would reload getting caught...here i just improvise and go with the flow. Really, the game compensates for all kind of situations. Its really good so far. Best demo ever, and i have not even finished the main story part haha Would like to see what other people think.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    One of the questions in the trailer should be "Why have they fitted a can opener to my arm?" I bet Snake will be pissed off now, he was hoping for a secondary career doing sock puppets.

    At least if he ever happens to ride on the London underground that claw will come in handy for hanging on to the railings.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Phantom. Biggest cash grab in history. Pay 40$ for something that is barerly demo of game. You must be desperate.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Well.. with money back i have got from psn the game came out to be 5 bucks. So i am not complaining. Digital is 30, if you want to just try it get it on 360 or ps3 for 20. Dunn wanna spend the money, then go play something else. Or watch a stream.

    The game is really full of goodies and hidden stuff. The map might not be the biggest, but all the mission types are fun and show different style of gameplay that will be fun when Phantom Pain comes out. Also.. so many events and things that you encounter as you play in different areas, or your timing. Put like 4 hrs into it last night and had a blast. Plan on playing that until Second Son comes out. Then i will still play more of this until i 100% it.

    So i am getting my moneys worth. :D
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Excellent review... agree with a lot of this to gameplay, to how it feels.


    Things like.
    it successfully weaves an intensely authored experience into an open world. Wherever you go, it’s as if the developer got there first, always one step ahead of how the player’s mind works.

    The AI is so orderly in its pursuit of Big Boss and its responses so seemingly designed that it makes every retry a story.

    Ground Zeroes works because its systems are so carefully designed and well executed that they become toys with which to tinker. The AI is smart, yet it’s also predictably unpredictable, with guards tending to follow their eyes and ears, but inclined to suddenly glance over a shoulder without warning. They can be choked, held up at gunpoint – interrogating them reveals ammunition stashes and hidden items – or they can be made to call a nearby friend to lure them over. Guards can be disabled with a shot to the knee and their wailing can lead other guards into a classic sniper’s trap. Their reactions don’t bear the same hallmarks as Assassin’s Creed’s bumbling dimwits or Far Cry 3’s chaotic confusion; Ground Zeroes’ AI is precisely as smart as it needs to be to make its missions work.

    Still, if it’s a demo, Ground Zeroes is the best demo ever; if it’s a prologue, it sets up the story so well you’ll spend the next year thirsting for revenge; and if it’s a tutorial, the systems it teaches are so intriguing that the prospect of spending an entire game with them is irresistible. Ground Zeroes is a resounding success in every respect bar its price tag, but value is relative. Fourteen hours in, we’re still learning.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Got the PS4 version this morning, they weren't kidding about it being short, but I feel the production values and level of polish do make up for it somewhat.

    It looks great, plays great and sounds great. The haptic feedback is probably some of the best I've felt as well, despite me wanting to use a M&K.

    Really good looking game too, finally a game that uses proper contact-shadowing, although I did notice the shadows don't seen to respect alphas on things like the net fences.
    The animation stands out to, nice blending on Snake and probably the best implementation of IK I've seen in a game, the way he can crawl over rocks and stuff and his body still hugs the ground is quite amazing.
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    iniside wrote: »
    Phantom. Biggest cash grab in history. Pay 40$ for something that is barerly demo of game. You must be desperate.

    Isn't it $20 digital and $30 retail?
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    So I was going to pick this up digitally on PS3, but happened to walk by a RedBox that was advertising it and rented it instead.

    The gameplay is fantastic, it's Metal Gear, but the most refined controls they've ever had. Still tons of fun to play. Even on my PS3 the game still looked and sounded amazing. There's a lot of stuff to do after the main mission (which I beat in a little under two hours), and the gameplay keeps it exciting and fun.

    I'm probably just gonna leave it as a rental though. I feel like in a weekend I was able to do most of the things I wanted to do, and don't feel the need to pick it up for full price.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    It seems like it could be a great game but I'm not sure if I'd pick it up solely due to the length. Somebody posted a youtube video of beating it and getting an S rank in 7 minutes.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO-pBfQLOs4"]Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes 7-minute speed run and S Rank - YouTube[/ame]
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    You posted a video of a "SpeedRun", the purpose of such is to "speedily run through the game(as fast as possible)" ;).
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Sure it's short, but I'm still having fun.

    The deja vu mission was utterly stupid though, not touching that one again.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I picked it up and absolutely no regrets. Having fun running through missions multiple times, just screwing around with the engine, seeing what it can do. I've been pretty pleased so far.

    I don't equate worth with completion time.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    Guess Kojima is looking for feedback from GZ to revise on TPP! Didn't expect that, but it makes sense. From my point of view.. there is very little i can think of right of the bat to make the game better. Except for less cheesy lines of dialogue, amm... and the game to come out sooner than later.

    But its awesome! can't wait for TPP!

    EDIT: and i guess there is a thread with people thoughts on this.

  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I can think of a few things that would make the game better.

    -You can't hide bodies in the back of vehicles.
    -You can't drag bodies while crawling (would help with hiding bodies).
    -No lockers to hide in or hide bodies.
    -Can't throw knocked out or dead bodies off cliffs, this was something you could do in the tanker level of MGS2.
    -Can't knock on the wall you wall pressed against, this was a great way to attract a guard over to you without having to throw cartridges around.
    -Lack of a knife, metal gear solid had it's shocking knife which could be used for partially non-lethal attacks without having to waste tranquilizer ammo, now it seems like you need to grab people from behind or hold them up and then choose a way to attack which doesn't flow as well.
    -Fix the bug or setting where enemies disappear in fps mode when they are too close. First time I tried holding someone up using fps mode I couldn't tell if their arms were up or not, they ended up turning around and shooting me, couldn't see him the whole time.
    -Diving off a tall ledge transitions into standing up halfway down and into the running animation, without looks really really odd.

    Overall I thought it was fun, but I felt like they took so many options out that the new ones they added don't make it feel like a big step up compared to older MGS games, it's just different and in many ways I feel like I have less options on how to deal with a situation than in previous games.

    One thing I did think was cool though was the connection with the iDroid app thing. I could play the game and my friend could basically play as the Otacon where he could check the map for stuff and give me waypoints to follow or call in the chopper for me.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I can think of a few things that would make the game better.

    -You can't hide bodies in the back of vehicles.
    -You can't drag bodies while crawling (would help with hiding bodies).
    -No lockers to hide in or hide bodies.
    -Can't throw knocked out or dead bodies off cliffs, this was something you could do in the tanker level of MGS2.
    -Can't knock on the wall you wall pressed against, this was a great way to attract a guard over to you without having to throw cartridges around.
    -Lack of a knife, metal gear solid had it's shocking knife which could be used for partially non-lethal attacks without having to waste tranquilizer ammo, now it seems like you need to grab people from behind or hold them up and then choose a way to attack which doesn't flow as well.

    Overall I thought it was fun, but I felt like they took so many options out that the new ones they added don't make it feel like a big step up compared to older MGS games, it's just different and in many ways I feel like I have less options on how to deal with a situation than in previous games.

    One thing I did think was cool though was the connection with the iDroid app thing. I could play the game and my friend could basically play as the Otacon where he could check the map for stuff and give me waypoints to follow or call in the chopper for me.

    I have thrown bodies from cliffs... i just used R2 when carrying someone. I have even knocked out enemies by throwing people at them. You can get them to land on some funny places too. I've had soldiers that are knocked when i throw them they scream. So you sure about this one?

    The vehicles stuff did annoy me. Wanted to make a getaway in a truck but was spotted right away. There should be more variables there.

    The knock on the wall Kojima confirmed is being replaced by something else.

    the iDroid thing was fun.. but it was a big letdown when my vita did not connect as a second screen. You would think that that would be a good option to show your menu and what not.

    Also, when going into the objectives and stuff on the iDroid it would sometimes lag and leave you hanging there while it loaded. Not very frequent but enough times to annoy me.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I havent had any iDroid lagging yet, When I tried throwing people off ledges it was when I was dragging them over, if you try to run off the ledge with them they hit an invisible wall and sort of get pushed back to the ledge while you grab the ledge, trying to drag them and dropping them off the ledge also pushed them back as if they were pushing against an invisible wall. Though I didn't try an actual throw action, it was more of picking up and putting down, I didn't know there was an option to throw, but it seems odd to me that you could throw people off cliffs and not through any other way. I also added a few more things to that list too after you post.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea man.. R2 will throw whom ever you are carrying around. I actually threw a lot of people before actually using circle i think to put them down. Got me into a lot of trouble here and there. Pretty funny stuff.
  • glottis8
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Also.. new gameplay and interview with announcements.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RlKSegcO-0&feature=share"]?????10?? ?MGSV:TPP? ?????E3 2014 ???????????????? etc ???????????? - YouTube[/ame]

    For the clip only... waiting for high res.


    small clip
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pPXuFNGEr8"]METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN | E3 2014 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Amazing can't wait!!
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9


    selected press has been able to attend a lengthy gameplay demonstration showing off the new mechanics and the open world stealth. Several websites have published their impressions, providing some interesting new details.

    Game sounds amazing! things that i thought was awesome.
    Your horse will defecate. That’s a feature.” As explained by the producer.

    Aside from humans you can use Fulton Recovery to recruit crates, vehicles and even sheep to be used for your base. You can also go to the base at any point to customize it and walk around in it.

    GN concludes by saying that based on the gameplay, TPP is ‘undoubtedly a highlight at this year’s E3′.

    There is also dynamic weather when you’re at Mother Base.

    Relationships you make (either enemies or allies) in the field also affect Mother Base’s evolution.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    aaaand.. another pic to show some draw distance.

  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Just saw the demo from E3... game is glorious.







  • glottis8
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    something about seeing Big Shell like that makes me really happy... i'm not even sure why as i didn't like MGS:2 all that much heh.
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    Man, I cannot wait to play this game!! Awesome looking demo!

    MeshModeler: Me so jealous ;)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor

    I'm so excited, holy crap. Peacewalker like basebuilding, lots of new steath moves & tricks, kiefer sutherland... Will be buying a PS4 finally for this.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Im a huge mgs fan and this game looks like my wet dream <3
  • MeshModeler
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    DashXero wrote: »
    But Solidus died during MGS4. If it's a fourth clone, that would be yet another retcon of the Les Enfants Terribles debacle. If memory serves, Big Boss had the use of both of his arms during the first Metal Gear.

    I love Kojima, but it's getting harder and harder to watch this man take a piss on everything he's worked so hard to build. MGS4 was excruciating... Peace Walker just a little bit less so.

    I mean, what's next? We find out that Solid didn't die of Verner's Syndrome and was somehow cured of it, but got effed up in a car accident and lost an arm? That they've been using Boss/Ocelot's umbilical cord to make clones of either Ocelot or the Boss? That everything we know about LET is a lie and that there were tons of Big Boss clones running around (hell, that there's a Big Boss clone mowing my freaking lawn right now?)?

    For all the effort they're putting into squeezing every last single cent out of Metal Gear as a franchise, they could probably do much better just making something else. Good heavens, I hope this is something else...

    EDIT: The only way I could get past all this is if the fellow we follow during this trailer is Otacon. Where after Snake's death, he takes up the mantle and screws up royally. THAT would be entertaining.

    EDIT2: ErichWK, that is freaking hilarious.

    I'm not sure what you mean. Even though I'm not a huge MGS fan, I do think some of it's pretty cool. And one aspect about the game is that it's based on a lot of super strange stuff. I can respect that becuase Neon Genesis Evangelion was similiar in that way. If this is a 4th clone or something that would be pretty cool.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
  • glottis8
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    That changes a lot of things.
  • glottis8
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    hell, its about time
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtVWAQ34S2Y&quot;]Metal Gear Solid V - Mother Base Infiltration Multiplayer Off-Screen Footage - YouTube[/ame] holy batman mincraft tactical castle defense MGS, they gonna make a lot of money! good job Kojimapro
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Ground Zeroes released on Steam! It's on sale too :)

  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Time to spend money I don't have :D
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Release date is out. Sept 1st on all consoles. Sept 15th on PC.

    There is a PS4 theme.



    Even tho the CE in japan has a full scale Hand.
    The MGSV collector's edition comes with tons of extra physical and digital content. The tangible goods are listed below.

    Half-scale Replica of Snake's Bionic Arm
    Collectible SteelBook
    Behind-the-Scenes Documentary and Trailers Blu-Ray Disc
    A Map
    Exclusive Packaging

    The collector's edition's digital goods include weapon skins, different cardboard boxes, point boosters, and more. Here's the full list:

    Weapon and Shield Pack (Windurger S333 Comba Special Weapon, Adam-ska Special Weapon, Maschinen aktische Pistole 5 Weiss Special Weapon, Rasp Short-Barreled Shotgun Gold Special Weapon, and a Personal Ballistic Shield in Olive Drab, Silver, White, and Gold)
    Cardboard Box (Rocky Terrain, All-Purpose Dryland, and Wetland)
    Snake Costume (Fatigues in Black Ocelot, Gray Urban, Blue Urban, and All-Purpose Dryland)
    "Venom Snake" Emblem
    Metal Gear Online XP Boost
    MGO Items (Metal Gear Rex Helmet, Golden AM MRS-4, and Golden WU S.PISTOL)
    If you don't pick up the collector's edition, you can still grab the "Day One Edition." It includes a physical map, as well as the following DLC items:

    A Map
    Adam-Ska Special Weapon
    Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)
    Cardboard Box (Wetland)
    Fatigues (Blue Urban Snake Costume)
    Metal Gear Online XP Boost
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