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Phantom Pain/ Metal Gear Solid 5



  • Hellmouth
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    Hellmouth polycounter lvl 11
    I'm sure people are all forgiving because nostalgia goggles and Kojima-knows-what-he's-doing, but that is fucking disgusting and lazy. Honestly there's no excuse. He's just a sleazy asshole and can get away with it. That makes me pretty mad.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    So yeah from the Man himself:

    KojimaCasualCloseUp_normal.jpgHIDEO_KOJIMA @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN

    (Cont) But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.

    Photosynthesis or something like it seems to be the reason for her showing as much skin as she does. So yeah... xD
  • Hellmouth
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    Hellmouth polycounter lvl 11
    Because they still need to use actual bodysuits by the time of MGS4 and he's saying they had BETTER tech way back then? Sure. Totally.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    the body suit is for soldier who are not genetically engineered to have photosynthesis ability,
    the skin camo is not as advance as body suit which can actually bend light in any position.
    it serve different function in ovreral

    but thats ok,
    he warned that he will emphasize MGS V on controversy since last year

    (Cont) The response of "Quiet" disclosure few days ago incited by the net is exactly what "MGSV" itself is.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Hellmouth wrote: »
    I'm sure people are all forgiving because nostalgia goggles and Kojima-knows-what-he's-doing, but that is fucking disgusting and lazy. Honestly there's no excuse. He's just a sleazy asshole and can get away with it. That makes me pretty mad.

    Wow, way to accuse someone like that without even knowing everything about the character.
    Knee jerk reactions from impotent rage-folk high on their own ignorance is really starting to get annoying.

    And does not benefit sexism in games even slightly, in fact it does the opposite.
  • Hellmouth
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    Hellmouth polycounter lvl 11
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    I think the character looks great. A women in a bikini. Ohhhh, how sinful.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Kojima probably didn't get the memo about all videogame women having to be fully clothed, coloured, obese, disabled in some way, feminine but not too feminine, masculine but not too masculine, well written but not appearing to be a woman written as a man, can say no lines that might be construed as sexual and most importantly be a prominent warrior against the patriarchy.

    I do wonder if he'll release similar model reveals for other characters, I hope he does, really want to see the quality of the characters.
  • xalener
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    xalener polycounter lvl 5
    This game makes me really want Marvelous Designer 2.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys, whats up! Have you seen the latest news about MGS5?

    *reads a few posts*
    OK then...seems like you peeps have, erm, quite some free time...

    *backs away slowly*
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Considering the overall tone of the trailers it seems very likely that her character might be a long abused child prostitute who just escaped. Of course there is no way to know for certain. But one thing for sure : the MGS games are often awesome at not being what they look like (almost always in awesome ways!)

    Interestingly, she is nowhere near Yoko from Gurren Lagann as far as overly sexualized characters go. But Yoko being anime is "awesome" yet Quiet being photorealistic makes her "offensive". Interesting things to think about :)
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    pior wrote: »
    Interestingly, she is nowhere near Yoko from Gurren Lagann as far as overly sexualized characters go. But Yoko being anime is "awesome" yet Quiet being photorealistic makes her "offensive". Interesting things to think about :)

    This is true, for some reason TV and books get it easy yet games have to go through constant scrutiny.

    Then again both of the former had their initial hardships before being accepted, I guess eventually games will be treated with the respect they deserve.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Metal Gear has always been super sexy. I like her design. I am curious to see how she is in the game. Maybe she inspired the OctoCamo?

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    pior wrote: »
    Considering the overall tone of the trailers it seems very likely that her character might be a long abused child prostitute who just escaped. Of course there is no way to know for certain. But one thing for sure : the MGS games are often awesome at not being what they look like (almost always in awesome ways!)

    Yeah, with no context, its easy to immediately jump to the worst, or most on-the-surface conclusions about a design. OMG she cant fight in that! Why not? OMG its disgusting a man made this design, what a perv! How are girls supposed to relate to her? Dunno.

    Bikini rage is so 1950's puritanism :) Hilarious how occasionally, this industry and its fans, will clamor over the instant someone wants to censor our games (omg vidja games r violent!). Yet when someone does something risque or realistically "sexy," there are cries from the heavens against it, and in some cases shout to censor them for being sexist.

    She was being tortured (electrocuted, water boarded) in a trailer, I was wondering if she escaped while being tortured - sans clothes, and she's enacting her revenge. I hope she is a strong character, and judging how Kojima chose to show her off, she may be.

    So stoked for this game, everything looks so damn good.
  • xalener
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    xalener polycounter lvl 5
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Maybe she inspired the OctoCamo?[/IMG]

    I've been hearing that theory thrown around.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It's also very likely for the disappearing smeared makeup to be highly metaphorical... just like most of the MGS3 character were. Fan theories often take such material way too literally :)
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    i always thought that everything is MGS universe is more or less random stuff that the writers just make up as they go with some loose connections here and there for people to speculate all the different theories, sort of like "let the players' imagination do the rest of the work"...

    RandomGamer: Hey Kojima, what is the real story behind this ?
    Kojima: I just write random shit, and you people buy it up trollolollloolloool......
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    pior wrote: »
    It's also very likely for the disappearing smeared makeup to be highly metaphorical... just like most of the MGS3 character were. Fan theories often take such material way too literally :)

    The thing is though, is that the universe of MGS is always like that. There's a whole lot of metaphor events in every single MGS and as you say, 3 especially, but also in every single MGS these metaphors are never outed to be just that and can be assumed as literally happening. In fact I like it that way.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    I'll be lazy and just repost what I said on Facebook.

    Pretty gross costume design. Although it should be pointed out that apparently her deal is that she can change her skin color like camoflage, so in that regard it makes sense she shows a lot of skin. But the execution of that concept? Trashy, and feels very lazy. Plenty of interesting ways you could have explored that idea, like how a traditional sign of vulnerability like nudity is in this case her greatest strength. But I digress. Pretty irked that a series that has produced some really interesting female character designs like Meryl, Eva, and the female Haven Soldiers (the "frogs") went for such a lazy and ham handed design.

    And to elaborate a bit. The issue is not that she is a sexy female character, the issue is the way she is being sexualized. Thong and ripped fishnets? Pretty much the simplest and most low brow way to sex up a girl. She honestly looks like they picked up someone turning tricks off the side of a motorway and shoved some military gear in her hands.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Everyone's picking on the ripped stockings which I find funny. Being a stripper is not the only way to rip some stockings. I'm sure they didn't start out that way and that they're ripped by being a sniper in harsh conditions that needs to sometime crawl and roll around on rough ground. Why wear stockings at all? Probably because she wants something covering her legs, but is also transparent enough to show the effects of her skin powers.

    Actually if there's anything really out of place, then it is that lack of scars, cuts, abrasions on her upper-body.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i think, just like previous entries in the series. i will play through the game before i pass judgement on any of the characters.

    too many preconceptions are shattered by the game itself when it comes to MGS.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    It easily becomes an excuse to have a highly sexualized character in a game, and kojima productions aren't exactly strangers to that when it comes to characters in the metal gear series.

    If she does appear to have the camo that will make her appear as some kind of desire to people it will only become even more problematic as it will just be a message that the game is primarily made for people who have a female preference.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    eld wrote: »
    it will only become even more problematic as it will just be a message that the game is primarily made for people who have a female preference.

    How is that problematic? Every piece of media has a target demographic. Some are made to appeal to everyone, some are made for a specific genre or age, it may not even be conscious or it may just be that the author of the media belongs to that demographic.
    It's in no way problematic.
    People who don't have a female preference will simply not notice it and play the damn game. The only offended people will be for the sake being offended or because they wanted to have the equivalent of that character as a male, which can't be defended either.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    eld wrote: »
    it will only become even more problematic as it will just be a message that the game is primarily made for people who have a female preference.

    be right back. I'm going to hop on the twitters and complain to the makers of "Catz & Dogz" that their games don't appeal to me, so they better go about changing them so they do.

    You know what I like? To play games. I like to relax in front of the tv or pc and play games and relax and not get worked up over design choices. Could it have been done different;y? Yep, you bet. But I didn't get worked up when Saints Row 3 let you beat pedestrians (male and female) to death with a dildo bat. So, I'm not going to worked up over a bikini.

    It is amazing to me that in a game which involves a war zone with you shooting people in the face the thing that people get bent out of shape about is a bikini. Maybe it's because I grew up in Daytona Beach and saw girls wearing less than this every summer but I just can't bring myself to care.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Jerc wrote: »
    How is that problematic? Every piece of media has a target demographic. Some are made to appeal to everyone, some are made for a specific genre or age, it may not even be conscious or it may just be that the author of the media belongs to that demographic.
    It's in no way problematic.

    Because the metal gear solid demographic goes beyond the adolescent male, the problem is when one as default will assume that females will be that tiny unaccountable extra.
    Jerc wrote: »
    People who don't have a female preference will simply not notice it and play the damn game. The only offended people will be for the sake being offended or because they wanted to have the equivalent of that character as a male, which can't be defended either.

    That works the first and second time, but we're beyond counting now, it's pretty much a per-game default.

    But again, these are the reasons the discussions began at all, and why they're needed.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    If she does appear to have the camo that will make her appear as some kind of desire to people

    I don't understand what you're meaning here.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    moose wrote: »
    Bikini rage is so 1950's puritanism :) Hilarious how occasionally, this industry and its fans, will clamor over the instant someone wants to censor our games (omg vidja games r violent!). Yet when someone does something risque or realistically "sexy," there are cries from the heavens against it, and in some cases shout to censor them for being sexist..

    I'm not a fan of the series, a friend subjected me to watching all the cutscenes of Metal Gear Solid like a movie so I have some exposure to it. He could have made created another female character dressed sensibly for combat like Meryl but he took a "risk" and made bikini girl game character number 4,599 to sell figurines.

    I'm sure it wouldn't have raised so many eyebrows if he didn't make that tweet acting like he was doing this for the ladies.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Snacuum wrote: »
    I don't understand what you're meaning here.

    Kojima style twist, if her appearance is a bit misleading and overly erotic as he has said it might be because of some such effect, psychic effects, the players/bigboss's desire.

    The whole thing is about kojima doing very weird tweets about it such as:


    It's not a very classy tweet in any way.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Kojima style twist, if her appearance is a bit misleading and overly erotic as he has said it might be because of some such effect, psychic effects, the players/bigboss's desire.

    The whole thing is about kojima doing very weird tweets about it such as:


    It's not a very classy tweet in any way.
    If she does appear to have the camo that will make her appear as some kind of desire to people it will only become even more problematic as it will just be a message that the game is primarily made for people who have a female preference.

    Oh ok. Actually still kinda don't understand. I shouldn't have looked at it out of context, and I'm probably a bit dumb right now - no sleep.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    eld wrote: »
    The whole thing is about kojima doing very weird tweets about it such as:


    It's not a very classy tweet in any way.

    Context is everything, that tweet was a response to cosplay makers and artists asking what she looks like from behind.

    But I guess he should have blurred it out or placed a big black bar over it to remain classy.

    I also don't remember people bitching this much about Vamp and his escapades in MGS 4.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    eld wrote: »
    It easily becomes an excuse to have a highly sexualized character in a game, and kojima productions aren't exactly strangers to that when it comes to characters in the metal gear series.

    If she does appear to have the camo that will make her appear as some kind of desire to people it will only become even more problematic as it will just be a message that the game is primarily made for people who have a female preference.

    Is your problem that they've sexualised a character, or that the character they did it to is female?
    This is the series that pulled a bait and switch and made the star of MGS2 a character that was designed specifically to appeal to women. Oh, and he spends a chunk of it naked.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    It's always great to see how imature this whole industry still is.

    i guess it's time for a metal gear beach volleyball game

    i can't get over this

    the combination of bad gamma, greasy hair, tired facial expression, the half naked body with those concrete boobs the bra has no influence on. pure gold

    That budget, so much hightec and this result/presentation - this is about as sexy as a mid40ies ladyboy, retired german sex tourists nail because a hole is a hole.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Observing the social media reaction to this reveal is quite fascinating. It really goes to show that no matter how hard we try, people are always going to think of video games as something that is by default for kids, and the masses are always going to be offended by things they do not research the context of.

    Maybe there should be another name given to this media as a whole so that people finally understand that no, not every video game character exists as a literal fantasy or as the expression of the fetishes of its creator. And by the way - most MGS games are rated 18+ anyways ...

    Leia as slave does NOT mean that Georges Lucas was into bondage. She was the pivotal point of the rescue mission to get Han back, sneaking in as a bounty hunter and eventually strangling Jabba with the slave chains. But of course, there is always going to be people offended by that picture alone, not doing any research and taking it out of context. And of course this costume becoming such a huge popular icon appropriated by women fans everywhere makes the matter even more complex.

    And then similarly, there's this character. But since it's HBO, people understand that there might be more to her than what it seems based on stills alone.

    And it also could be argued that even if these controversial characters were just vapid fantasies, then, so be it - an author has every right to create shitty, dumb and sexist stories, as long as the rating of such works is carefully regulated.

    From there, it might be wise to sit back and wait to see what Kojima has to offer. He obviously recently decided to become a massive troll, and I think it is hilarious to see how so many people are falling for it. I personally have no idea of what the Quiet character is about, but given the track record of the series, chances are she will be another awesome female character, just like Naomi, Eva, The Boss and many others.
  • equil
    Neox wrote: »
    bad gamma
    feminism has gone too far.
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    Man, Pior, you bring up good points. I always enjoyed George RR Martin's quote:

    “I can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off,” he said.

    “To my mind this is kind of frustrating, it’s madness. Ultimately, in the history of [the] world, penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; axes entering skulls, well, not so much.”

    I feel like appealing to a wide audience will water down your subject matter or intended message, and growing up a minority often wondered why people were so worried about catering to everyone. If I am offended by something, I simply leave and that is that. To be quite honest, the only reason I heard about Quiet and Kojima's tweets is because of the publicity people gave it by pointing out how offended they are by it. I understand people's outrage, but let it die down and let it be. No one is being oppressed here, and there are bigger fish to fry when it comes to demeaning women.

    You are offended by beautiful women in bikinis? Why are you attacking games, go to the beach and yell at all the women there! Go yell at Victoria Secret or the women in the porn industry! They reach a far larger audience. I am glad that people are passionate about games, the industry, and the state it is in, but why waste your breath in giving something you despise free PR and more exposure. Point me to something that YOU like and enjoy, not something you hate.

    We have no context for this character, and so I find it odd that people are up in arms about her without knowing anything about her. Should we not give Kojima a chance to prove to us that she is really a strong female? Should we not give this character a chance to show us she is more than boobs and a thong?

    (I know that is less than likely but hey, it is his game and his vision, let the man do his thing)
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    For me the problem with her is that her design and boring, bland, and lazy. The MGS series has always had sexualized characters for both genders which have always fit in with the over the top military fantasy universe. This goes beyond sexualizing the character, and into an excuse to have tits and ass on the screen for boys to gawk at. Her design is out of place, even in the MGS universe, and she looks like she should be working in a strip club instead of being a military sniper. How the fuck is she going to crawl around the ground with that outfit on? Also her boobs are so big that if she had to run she would be in serious pain.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    Neox wrote: »
    concrete boobs the bra has no influence on. pure gold


    to be fair, you have to think in Kojima's logic - ie. the breasts are there only to support the bra/bikini and not the other way around...

    duoxan wrote: »
    You are offended by beautiful women in bikinis? Why are you attacking games, go to the beach and yell at all the women there! Go yell at Victoria Secret or the women in the porn industry! They reach a far larger audience. I am glad that people are passionate about games, the industry, and the state it is in, but why waste your breath in giving something you despise free PR and more exposure. Point me to something that YOU like and enjoy, not something you hate.

    i think you are missing the point a bit. comparing to Victoria Secret and porn industry means that video games are now suppose to have porn ? porn isnt bad but porn in video game is bad taste. it just smells of desperation to sell copies only by lowering standard of decency, like a B-grade movie will add some nudity to sell more. it just lacks creativity and shows lazyness.

    all that being said, MGS universe is anything but lazy as a whole and has LOTs of creative thinking going on, so it is surprising to see them lower their standards to that of porn. may be the bad economy has finally had an effect on them to get desperate.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    ^ porn in video games do exist,check out eroge, there is tons of them

    sexual content in video games is everywhere. you are blind if you don't recognize it ( and mgs or even Dragons Crown is not a porn)
    MM wrote: »

    like a B-grade movie will add some nudity to sell more. it just lacks creativity and shows lazyness.

    as bad taste as violence, many of them just pure fan services, so ?

    but apparently here in west, violence is even more accessible for all ages. :)
    which one is more harmful?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    duoxan wrote: »
    Man, Pior, you bring up good points. I always enjoyed George RR Martin's quote:

    “I can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off,” he said.

    “To my mind this is kind of frustrating, it’s madness. Ultimately, in the history of [the] world, penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; axes entering skulls, well, not so much.”

    I feel like appealing to a wide audience will water down your subject matter or intended message, and growing up a minority often wondered why people were so worried about catering to everyone. If I am offended by something, I simply leave and that is that. To be quite honest, the only reason I heard about Quiet and Kojima's tweets is because of the publicity people gave it by pointing out how offended they are by it. I understand people's outrage, but let it die down and let it be. No one is being oppressed here, and there are bigger fish to fry when it comes to demeaning women.

    You are offended by beautiful women in bikinis? Why are you attacking games, go to the beach and yell at all the women there! Go yell at Victoria Secret or the women in the porn industry! They reach a far larger audience. I am glad that people are passionate about games, the industry, and the state it is in, but why waste your breath in giving something you despise free PR and more exposure. Point me to something that YOU like and enjoy, not something you hate.

    We have no context for this character, and so I find it odd that people are up in arms about her without knowing anything about her. Should we not give Kojima a chance to prove to us that she is really a strong female? Should we not give this character a chance to show us she is more than boobs and a thong?

    (I know that is less than likely but hey, it is his game and his vision, let the man do his thing)

    This is called missing the point, What you're talking about here is another group of upset people who think sex is best kept in the bedroom and inside a marriage.

    This discussion is about females who grow up playing games and always having been told that games are not for them, and then 10-20 years later still being told that games aren't for them,

    or such as in this case: having their favorite series once again take that stance of "it's fine if you like to play our games, but remember, these are games for guys!"

    It's not the best time to use a highly erotic female character in your pr-machinery with these discussions going on.

    George RR martin has a much healthier view on women and equality and manages to make his creation very raw with that in mind.

    Kojima however doesn't entirely get the point and does feel that when he does the things he does it is largely harmless.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    equil wrote: »
    feminism has gone too far.

    i guess there is no need to pointing out this (to me) very obvious flaw of her design again and again. But okay, it's a cheap, slutty, oversexed poor design which is not even well executed. Maybe the backstory/context will help - still i think this is a very bad decision they made. No matter what the context is you could still make it something different - but maybe i'm too old for that shit.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Whoa guys. Do we want this thread to turn out like the tropes one? I hope we can keep a civilised discussion here.
    or such as in this case: having their favorite series once again take that stance of "it's fine if you like to play our games, but remember, these are games for guys!"

    Apparently MGS2 didn't happen then? It was the one where Kojima controversially changed the main character of the game for almost entirely the sole purpose of appealing to women. Albeit the effectiveness and appropriateness of their tactics may be in question, I do think it's relevant to this discussion wherein half the debate is about equal representation, and half is about effectiveness.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    pretty good free advertising this is getting so far. In the end those who where going to buy the MGS game will do so anyway and maybe they reached some more interested people.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15

    *throws wood on to the fire* xD

    In all seriousness I dislike her design, regardless of whatever elaborate backstory they conjure up for her, I disapprove.

    That said the game looks good.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Snake wears it better, ditch the bikini top and I'd play as him
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Have you guys noticed what she does with the skin around her eyes?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    What is this context and backstory bullshit? This is clearly horribly disgusting, demeaning to women, promoting of rape and objectification and most likely the cause of domestic abuse.

    Everyone knows the female body is the most hideous thing you can look at and everyone knows an outfit that shows it off is horribly wrong and terrible and awful.
    Because games are not allowed to exist within the context vacuum they are created in no no, they have to take into account everyone's tastes and look at the designs and art direction of every game ever so they can get a better understanding of what is "right" and not follow their own vision, because god knows if they do it might offend someone.

    What's going to be hilarious is when Kojima reveals why she dresses like that and makes it make complete sense, having it shown that her revealing choice of clothing is a perfect match for her powers.
    Then again someone will disregard that too because fuck good technical execution and trying to use revealing skin in a way opposite to what it usually is.

    Also here is a HILARIOUS thing that might just be what this character is about, note how she is a mute. But it would be better if it was a guy right?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I also don't remember people bitching this much about Vamp and his escapades in MGS 4.

    or the Beauty and the Beast Unit :)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well, since then ... people got access to Facebook. It's pretty much as simple as that ...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The second point is totally understandable - implausible indeed (just like Big Boss having the option of being half naked in Peace Walker and MGS3 hehe)

    However I think that the first point doesn't hold ; MGS5 is 18+, making it not appropriate for kids anyways - just like porn or violent movies.
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