I keep getting low grades on missions, despite tranquilizing most everyone and having minimal if any alerts. Is it because I'm taking too much time? or maybe not doing all the "tasks"? I mainly just do the primary objective, then head out.
too long might be your issue for sure.
Also. there are extra objectives that help you stack up to get a better ranking.
For the most part. Just go for speed, even if you kill people.
Or, you can just ignore the grade and enjoy a fully stealthy, careful run I got an awful grade for my first playthrough of GZ because of that (no kills, no alerts, almost all soldiers sent off by chopper) but it was still a lot of fun !
And I hear that soldiers captured in GZ transfer over to TPP. I sure hope that's true !
I tried to transfer my GZ save but i got a "No save detected" error. Sad panda, especially considering I had a run in GZ where I extracted every solider on the base
I tried to transfer my GZ save but i got a "No save detected" error. Sad panda, especially considering I had a run in GZ where I extracted every solider on the base
Did you use the 'upload save' option in the main menu of Ground Zeroes?
Yeah, the people you saved from GZ will be able to join mother base over time after you complete certain missions
I tried to transfer my GZ save but i got a "No save detected" error. Sad panda, especially considering I had a run in GZ where I extracted every solider on the base
Yea.. you need to save the GZ save file through GZ first.
Few things weren't included that I wish were, liked that Eli was there, but wish David made an appearance. I got all excited when they talked about a second child army with a strong commander... but no.
The "A Quiet Exit" mission was fucking awesome. That cinematic with Quiet was amazing, holy fuck. People should be sharing that one, not the rain scene! Sad that she is no longer a buddy you can choose after completing that mission.
Be sure to listen to all of the Truth recordings too! good stuff!!
Few things weren't included that I wish were, liked that Eli was there, but wish David made an appearance. I got all excited when they talked about a second child army with a strong commander... but no.
The "A Quiet Exit" mission was fucking awesome. That cinematic with Quiet was amazing, holy fuck. People should be sharing that one, not the rain scene! Sad that she is no longer a buddy you can choose after completing that mission.
Be sure to listen to all of the Truth recordings too! good stuff!!
Now, 47% more to go for 100%!
Search for the video that shows
Mission 51, but even that doesn't show a real ending.
I've read today, after giving up on the 100% completion, that Quiet could have been kept with you if you change your emblem to the Butterfly, and also that Quiet could break your game saves if you deploy her in Mission 29 and 42.
For me the Second Chapter felt really rushed, most of the stuff were retakes of the same mission, but with increased difficulties, I'm at 69% and I don't see the sense of continuing playing it as the story is "over", there's nothing more to unlock. I really think that KONAMI cut the fundings for the project and we got an incomplete game.
The story was not that great, unfortunately, the presence of Skull Face as a villain was very weak and the Metal Gear was not a real threat in the story, they see it, but it's like they are not alarmed of its presence. The battle against it was the most epic moment in the game though.
Everything was explained with parasites, like in MGS4 with nanomachines, the old man explanations of how they work were quite annoying.
As a game it was really fun and challenging, D-Dog is just awesome, but as a Metal Gear doesn't really hold up to the previous games standards of narration, in the end the game doesn't tell too much about what happened after Peace Walker and before the original Metal Gear on MSX. We already know that Big Boss was gathering people to form a Nation.
The Boss wills are still unclear, everyone seems to be working for Zero, while fighting against it, again Skull Face reasoning for his revenge are weak and possessing or not the Metal Gear (with that absurdly long name) doesn't change the fact that he could have accomplished the spreading of vocal cords parasites. You just need to infect many people.
Huey seems to have become a sociopath, trying to kill everyone, unless I'm missing something, these changes in him are not explained.
They almost shown the full game with the pre release trailers, I shouldn't have watched them.
I'm rewatching the first two Metal Gear, the first doesn't tell too much about the characters, but the 2, as for now, already tells you about who Big Boss is, and probably you, as Solid Snake
I mostly agree Sonic. I didn't care too much for the Vocal Chord parasite plot, it felt like a smaller plot device to push to a bigger one. Maybe that was Kiefer's fault, which is what always happened on 24! hehe. It's a cool idea that was done in a poor way. I did, and didn't like Chapter 2. Definitely did not feel as well-put-together as chapter 1, and like a bunch of Epilogue content.
I don't know if Kojima had this planned all along, but after re-watching the end of MGS4, re-reading mGS3, and MGS2 plots... this game does tie everything together pretty well, even if you have to dig through tapes to listen to stuff.
The only thing that doesn't make a lot of sense is Solidus. I personally want to believe that the Medic from PW who you play as in MGSV is George Sears, and at some point he reassumes his name as George Sears, becomes president, does MGS1, later becomes Solidus, finally dying for real in 2, and being mourned by the real Big Boss/Naked Snake at the end of 4. It doesn't jive with what's been written about Sears, but dunno, feels more complete that way.
There were some amazing mission designs and story telling going on. Between the child prisoner mission, child soldier missoins, quarantine platform, and quiet's end... there are some awesome moments in the game to experience.
Part of me thinks Heuy knew that the Big Boss was not the real Big Boss all along, and his actions were the start of the split that Ocelot and Miller talk about after the credits. His character was really weird and not very satisfying. I kept hoping he'd change his tone of voice to be more serious and pull some major twist, but hey kept to the whining and lying. Don't know what to make of it yet.
Been playing this nonstop since I bought it a couple of days ago, I literally haven't felt this much enjoyment out of playing a new game in quite a while. Scoping out an enemy position, sneaking in, and getting to the mission objective without alerting the guards never felt so great. And I usually don't even like playing stealth in stealth games!
I sincerely enjoyed feeling like Rambo galloping through Afghanistan on my horse shooting down Russian helicopters and Tanks like a badass as well. Stealth and Action both being great and making sense together? Insane!
I mostly agree Sonic. I didn't care too much for the Vocal Chord parasite plot, it felt like a smaller plot device to push to a bigger one. Maybe that was Kiefer's fault, which is what always happened on 24! hehe. It's a cool idea that was done in a poor way. I did, and didn't like Chapter 2. Definitely did not feel as well-put-together as chapter 1, and like a bunch of Epilogue content.
I don't know if Kojima had this planned all along, but after re-watching the end of MGS4, re-reading mGS3, and MGS2 plots... this game does tie everything together pretty well, even if you have to dig through tapes to listen to stuff.
The only thing that doesn't make a lot of sense is Solidus. I personally want to believe that the Medic from PW who you play as in MGSV is George Sears, and at some point he reassumes his name as George Sears, becomes president, does MGS1, later becomes Solidus, finally dying for real in 2, and being mourned by the real Big Boss/Naked Snake at the end of 4. It doesn't jive with what's been written about Sears, but dunno, feels more complete that way.
There were some amazing mission designs and story telling going on. Between the child prisoner mission, child soldier missoins, quarantine platform, and quiet's end... there are some awesome moments in the game to experience.
Part of me thinks Heuy knew that the Big Boss was not the real Big Boss all along, and his actions were the start of the split that Ocelot and Miller talk about after the credits. His character was really weird and not very satisfying. I kept hoping he'd change his tone of voice to be more serious and pull some major twist, but hey kept to the whining and lying. Don't know what to make of it yet.
The problem with Solidus is that the eyepatch is on the wrong eye ;P
Also I think he was part of the same cloning project as Liquid and Solid, that happens in the '70s, so he can't be the medic.
Yeah, the first part was very cool, and some of the part of Chapter 2, like the second infection at Mother Base, but the retakes of older missions felt too strange, there was no sense in it, a part from budget and time constraint during the development.
At the end of Chapter 1 I was OMFG there's more, but no, the kids leave, Quiet leave, Huey leave, the Metal Gear too, it's like you are starting the game again. While it explains what Big Boss was doing before the first Metal Gear, it doesn't explain why he built another Mother Base in the ocean after the Peace Walker one got destroyed, and then decides to move to South Africa with Outer Heaven.
The split was added because Master Miller helps you infiltrating into Zanzibar Land, and was going to help you in Metal Gear Solid, fighting against Ocelot, probably after Outer Heaven they took different paths.
I was wrong about Big Boss being good in the other MGs, while fighting him in MG2 he says that he saved all those orphans and war victims just to train them and send them again to the battlefield, a never ending cycle of war.
This V is really confusing, at the end of MG you heard offscreen Big Boss that says that is not over, leading to think that he was not dead, and after MG2 he was killed with a rudimentary flame thrower, burned to death. How they recovered and healed the body to the perfect shape you see in MGS4, is unknown.
I really wanted answers in this game but I only got more questions.
Finished it this morning, not much to add that hasn't been said but I do have a question for anyone who knows the lore. Why is the technology so stagnant? Aside from the introduction of nanomachines, there doesn't seem to have been a whole lot of advancement in the two decades between TPP and MGS2.
Maybe because MGS2 was released 14 years ago ? Just saying
More seriously : I actually feel like while convoluted and fun, lore in MGS games is always kind of secondary to whatever main theme (and/or influence) is being tackled.
Speaking of which, for those interested : MGS2 is said to be quite inspired by Paul Auster's City Of Glass. It's a pretty fun read indeed, and the parallels between the book and the game are quite interesting.
So i'm going pretty slow, about 16% complete, and I recently stumbled into the duel with Quiet. I was beating her and about 1 shot away from taking her out, but Ocelot or someone kept telling me to move on, go find Emerich. So... whatever, I leave the area. Then my heroism decreases, and when I come back to the ruins she's not there. Can I fight her again?
Finished it this morning, not much to add that hasn't been said but I do have a question for anyone who knows the lore. Why is the technology so stagnant? Aside from the introduction of nanomachines, there doesn't seem to have been a whole lot of advancement in the two decades between TPP and MGS2.
Keep in mind that's only like ~20-30 years (i forget the exact year MGS2 happens in) and by that game, they're mass-producing metal gears, building massive AI-driven submarines that house entire battalions of soldiers along with multiple metal gears, training soldiers with VR, rolling out genetically modified genome soldiers by the batch, using nanomachines to control both sides of a battlefield, and even controlling which words people can and cannot say.
You mean the nonexisting one?
Or generaly, the end to the Big Boss Saga?
I can feel it, but its not really there. :thumbdown:
To see the potential of what could have been is painful.
Fu...i mean Failed Masterpiece.
A damn Shame Konami.
In short and without spoilers.
I did not like it.
Interesting that they will continue under the Kojima Productions banner. Makes me wonder if he will be joined by other MGS big names. As much as I was disappointed with MGSV, I'm looking forward to seeing what they cook up next. Now that they are no longer bound by Konami and previous Metal Gear games, they can start with a completely clean slate.
Which is great, because MGSV was fantastic when it didn't try to be a Metal Gear game.
too long might be your issue for sure.
Also. there are extra objectives that help you stack up to get a better ranking.
For the most part. Just go for speed, even if you kill people.
And I hear that soldiers captured in GZ transfer over to TPP. I sure hope that's true !
Did you use the 'upload save' option in the main menu of Ground Zeroes?
Yeah, the people you saved from GZ will be able to join mother base over time after you complete certain missions
Yea.. you need to save the GZ save file through GZ first.
Now, 47% more to go for 100%!
Search for the video that shows
I've read today, after giving up on the 100% completion, that Quiet could have been kept with you if you change your emblem to the Butterfly, and also that Quiet could break your game saves if you deploy her in Mission 29 and 42.
The story was not that great, unfortunately, the presence of Skull Face as a villain was very weak and the Metal Gear was not a real threat in the story, they see it, but it's like they are not alarmed of its presence. The battle against it was the most epic moment in the game though.
Everything was explained with parasites, like in MGS4 with nanomachines, the old man explanations of how they work were quite annoying.
As a game it was really fun and challenging, D-Dog is just awesome, but as a Metal Gear doesn't really hold up to the previous games standards of narration, in the end the game doesn't tell too much about what happened after Peace Walker and before the original Metal Gear on MSX. We already know that Big Boss was gathering people to form a Nation.
The Boss wills are still unclear, everyone seems to be working for Zero, while fighting against it, again Skull Face reasoning for his revenge are weak and possessing or not the Metal Gear (with that absurdly long name) doesn't change the fact that he could have accomplished the spreading of vocal cords parasites. You just need to infect many people.
Huey seems to have become a sociopath, trying to kill everyone, unless I'm missing something, these changes in him are not explained.
They almost shown the full game with the pre release trailers, I shouldn't have watched them.
I'm rewatching the first two Metal Gear, the first doesn't tell too much about the characters, but the 2, as for now, already tells you about who Big Boss is, and probably you, as Solid Snake
I don't know if Kojima had this planned all along, but after re-watching the end of MGS4, re-reading mGS3, and MGS2 plots... this game does tie everything together pretty well, even if you have to dig through tapes to listen to stuff.
The only thing that doesn't make a lot of sense is Solidus. I personally want to believe that the Medic from PW who you play as in MGSV is George Sears, and at some point he reassumes his name as George Sears, becomes president, does MGS1, later becomes Solidus, finally dying for real in 2, and being mourned by the real Big Boss/Naked Snake at the end of 4. It doesn't jive with what's been written about Sears, but dunno, feels more complete that way.
There were some amazing mission designs and story telling going on. Between the child prisoner mission, child soldier missoins, quarantine platform, and quiet's end... there are some awesome moments in the game to experience.
Part of me thinks Heuy knew that the Big Boss was not the real Big Boss all along, and his actions were the start of the split that Ocelot and Miller talk about after the credits. His character was really weird and not very satisfying. I kept hoping he'd change his tone of voice to be more serious and pull some major twist, but hey kept to the whining and lying. Don't know what to make of it yet.
I sincerely enjoyed feeling like Rambo galloping through Afghanistan on my horse shooting down Russian helicopters and Tanks like a badass as well. Stealth and Action both being great and making sense together? Insane!
technical analysis of metal gear solid the phantom pain
and here is a first contact technical analysis if you fancy a bit more
and its all spoiler free
Also I think he was part of the same cloning project as Liquid and Solid, that happens in the '70s, so he can't be the medic.
Yeah, the first part was very cool, and some of the part of Chapter 2, like the second infection at Mother Base, but the retakes of older missions felt too strange, there was no sense in it, a part from budget and time constraint during the development.
At the end of Chapter 1 I was OMFG there's more, but no, the kids leave, Quiet leave, Huey leave, the Metal Gear too, it's like you are starting the game again. While it explains what Big Boss was doing before the first Metal Gear, it doesn't explain why he built another Mother Base in the ocean after the Peace Walker one got destroyed, and then decides to move to South Africa with Outer Heaven.
The split was added because Master Miller helps you infiltrating into Zanzibar Land, and was going to help you in Metal Gear Solid, fighting against Ocelot, probably after Outer Heaven they took different paths.
I was wrong about Big Boss being good in the other MGs, while fighting him in MG2 he says that he saved all those orphans and war victims just to train them and send them again to the battlefield, a never ending cycle of war.
This V is really confusing, at the end of MG you heard offscreen Big Boss that says that is not over, leading to think that he was not dead, and after MG2 he was killed with a rudimentary flame thrower, burned to death. How they recovered and healed the body to the perfect shape you see in MGS4, is unknown.
I really wanted answers in this game but I only got more questions.
More seriously : I actually feel like while convoluted and fun, lore in MGS games is always kind of secondary to whatever main theme (and/or influence) is being tackled.
Speaking of which, for those interested : MGS2 is said to be quite inspired by Paul Auster's City Of Glass. It's a pretty fun read indeed, and the parallels between the book and the game are quite interesting.
(skip to 1:20ish)
pretty awesome
Keep in mind that's only like ~20-30 years (i forget the exact year MGS2 happens in) and by that game, they're mass-producing metal gears, building massive AI-driven submarines that house entire battalions of soldiers along with multiple metal gears, training soldiers with VR, rolling out genetically modified genome soldiers by the batch, using nanomachines to control both sides of a battlefield, and even controlling which words people can and cannot say.
I thought it ruled :thumbup:
Or generaly, the end to the Big Boss Saga?
I can feel it, but its not really there. :thumbdown:
To see the potential of what could have been is painful.
Fu...i mean Failed Masterpiece.
A damn Shame Konami.
In short and without spoilers.
I did not like it.
Interesting that they will continue under the Kojima Productions banner. Makes me wonder if he will be joined by other MGS big names.
As much as I was disappointed with MGSV, I'm looking forward to seeing what they cook up next. Now that they are no longer bound by Konami and previous Metal Gear games, they can start with a completely clean slate.
Which is great, because MGSV was fantastic when it didn't try to be a Metal Gear game.