Guy that looks like Snake, with his left arm missing, and the Union Jack in the background when he wakes up. If only there was a character in MGS that linked all those three things together and who hasn't been in the series in nearly 15 years.
It's right there, but I can't quite grasp it, it's like trying to grab a liquid
yeah..saw this last night on the VGAs. I was actually really intrigued by this...until I put the MGS connection in there. I was all delighted that maybe there was *actually* a new IP that looked this good from a studio no one had ever heard of premiering at an event as mainstream as the VGAs...the sheer impossibility of all that really got me interested. Now...not so much.
Haha, definitely looks like a sequence from MGS! And with the hijinks Hideo Kojima pulls in the MGS trailers it's hilarious they decided to make it a "fake" trailer for a new IP!
Yes, this looks like it has to be MGSV. Excited like I always am, hope Koji doesnt let me down like he almost always does. Hope to see Liquid back and some interesting mechanics and story elements regarding amputees and prosthesis. I dont care so much for flaming unicorns and flaming whales.
Wait. If it IS Liquid... That doesn't make any goddamn sense. Liquid died of FOXDIE. Snake and Otacon used his body to fake Snake's death after the Tanker Incident.
The only way that could be Liquid is if he were resurrected Frank Jaeger-style. Where are his freaking cybernetics?
Could be Solidus? Who knows. Maybe Liquid never died..maybe it's a 4th clone. Maybe it's Big Boss and it's paralleling the fact that this Snake has his left arm missing, when Liquid was missing his right. SO MANY QUESTIONS. Is this Kojima's game he has been wanting to make his entire life? His White whale?
But Solidus died during MGS4. If it's a fourth clone, that would be yet another retcon of the Les Enfants Terribles debacle. If memory serves, Big Boss had the use of both of his arms during the first Metal Gear.
I love Kojima, but it's getting harder and harder to watch this man take a piss on everything he's worked so hard to build. MGS4 was excruciating... Peace Walker just a little bit less so.
I mean, what's next? We find out that Solid didn't die of Verner's Syndrome and was somehow cured of it, but got effed up in a car accident and lost an arm? That they've been using Boss/Ocelot's umbilical cord to make clones of either Ocelot or the Boss? That everything we know about LET is a lie and that there were tons of Big Boss clones running around (hell, that there's a Big Boss clone mowing my freaking lawn right now?)?
For all the effort they're putting into squeezing every last single cent out of Metal Gear as a franchise, they could probably do much better just making something else. Good heavens, I hope this is something else...
EDIT: The only way I could get past all this is if the fellow we follow during this trailer is Otacon. Where after Snake's death, he takes up the mantle and screws up royally. THAT would be entertaining.
Could be all a hallucination, too... I mean what with the Flaming Horse, the Flaming Whale...and that scene when all those soldiers shoot everyone surrounding Snake, yet miss him, or shoot right through him. Once again, do you see that child? Might be a young Mantis.. Screaming or Psycho.. Could all be in Snakes head.
I know people like to trash on the Metal Gear franchise and everything, but this kinda stuff is exciting to me. Kojima is a freaking genius, very well done.
While I think it looks interesting, I just don't see the game play. One of my issues with MGS4 was the lack of game play or very weak game play elements. Felt more like an interactive movie then a game. If the story wasn't so convoluted I might have enjoyed it. I fear the same with this. Very nice production quality though!
that looks great! love the fire unicorn. the crawling bit went a little long, but the whole thing oozes style, excited to see what this pans out to be.
I wont doubt much about gameplay in MGS franchise , it always offer lots of variation for stealth genre.
what most people complain in MGS gameplay is the length , it hard to judge from trailer
If I'm not mistaken, Big Boss was in coma in '72 right? that's when the clones were made. So, we can probably expect that he lost an arm back then, probably the scientists "cloned/grew" him a new one.
This whole thing reminds me of Johnny Got His Gun... in that book reality is distorted by the medication and his pain into weird trips and nightmares... It would be awesome if MGS5 explored that... and had a more psychological approach to it.
Whatever it is... it does look like Kojimas work... and that mullet...only snake and kurt russell can rock that without shame :P
I still want to see a The Boss centered MGS. That would be so badass!
It looks to me the story could be around big boss recruiting the future members of FOXHOUND. We can already quickly see what appear to be a young psycho mantis in this trailer, and in my opinion, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game : Metal Gear Solid 5. And in the MGS:GZ trailer we can see some soldiers throwing badges with a FOX logo upside down. Since FOXHOUND was originally created to take down the rebel FOX members, that could make some sense
Ah man, only Kojima can play with us like this ! I can't wait to put my hands on this game
Kojima said that Ground Zeros is a prelude to MGS5. The thing is.. Phantom Pain may not be Metal Gear Solid 5...but Metal Gear Solid V. Kojima does weird shit like this. Maybe Phantom Pain is a vita game? Maybe it's 5? It's hard to tell. Maybe Ground Zeros is the opening chapter to MGSV?? Kinda like the tanker mission in Metal Gear Solid 2..ugh. I LOVE THIS STUFF. MORE INFO PLZ.
But wait.. The boss is ready?? THE BOSS DIED IN THE END OF MGS3!! gaaaaaaaaaah!!!! What could this mean.. The youtube videos also mention the Fury..and the Sorrow..
this is brilliant freaking marketing. one semi-ambiguous trailer and the interwebs pick up on a big stinkin ol' ARG within hours. freaking awesome.
say what you want about MGS - more games should go public like this.
Wait a minute.. did I miss something? Is there any hard reason why we think this is related to Metal Gear Solid, or just wild speculation at this point?
Wait a minute.. did I miss something? Is there any hard reason why we think this is related to Metal Gear Solid, or just wild speculation at this point?
"Dissected: The Phantom Pain trailer - and its 21 significant Metal Gear ties
1970s dashboards, banded blue lights and cast iron proof Phantom Pain is linked to MGS: Ground Zeroes"
Y U MAD? that's what call of duty is :P
**edit** the quote button is right next to the edit button. d'oh!
It's right there, but I can't quite grasp it, it's like trying to grab a liquid
and that's why I don't play CoD either. ;D
Is that Psycho Mantis as a kid in the background?
I love this shit. Kojima you god damn magnificent bastard.
**edit The gaf thread is super long so I am going to keep throwing in the most interesting clues.
Here is another theory. Of the man helping snake, possibly being the Burnt Man..
The only way that could be Liquid is if he were resurrected Frank Jaeger-style. Where are his freaking cybernetics?
Fuck it. It's This.
I love Kojima, but it's getting harder and harder to watch this man take a piss on everything he's worked so hard to build. MGS4 was excruciating... Peace Walker just a little bit less so.
I mean, what's next? We find out that Solid didn't die of Verner's Syndrome and was somehow cured of it, but got effed up in a car accident and lost an arm? That they've been using Boss/Ocelot's umbilical cord to make clones of either Ocelot or the Boss? That everything we know about LET is a lie and that there were tons of Big Boss clones running around (hell, that there's a Big Boss clone mowing my freaking lawn right now?)?
For all the effort they're putting into squeezing every last single cent out of Metal Gear as a franchise, they could probably do much better just making something else. Good heavens, I hope this is something else...
EDIT: The only way I could get past all this is if the fellow we follow during this trailer is Otacon. Where after Snake's death, he takes up the mantle and screws up royally. THAT would be entertaining.
EDIT2: ErichWK, that is freaking hilarious.
This is definitely big boss chronology, 70s or 80s. And I'm SO HYPE ABOUT IT.
yesss !! now I knew that the entire story in MGS 4 was just a dream!
j/k slightly better quality video trailer ( 720p )
what most people complain in MGS gameplay is the length , it hard to judge from trailer
Whatever it is... it does look like Kojimas work... and that mullet...only snake and kurt russell can rock that without shame :P
I still want to see a The Boss centered MGS. That would be so badass!
Ah man, only Kojima can play with us like this ! I can't wait to put my hands on this game
Theres some morse code in there, my friend said they decoded it:
- .... . - ... - - - ... ... .. ... .-. . .- -.. -.--
"The Boss is ready"
But wait.. The boss is ready?? THE BOSS DIED IN THE END OF MGS3!! gaaaaaaaaaah!!!! What could this mean.. The youtube videos also mention the Fury..and the Sorrow..
1 Pretty serious question:
Now that he's missing his hand. Does that mean he has to get a girlfriend?
say what you want about MGS - more games should go public like this.
I wonder if the story will involve the Turkish invasion. Happened in the 70's, it's plausible.
Near the top supports theory.
"The electrical plug sockets in the hospital are the British standard BS 1363 - also used in Cyprus. "
It's like a game before the game
"Dissected: The Phantom Pain trailer - and its 21 significant Metal Gear ties
1970s dashboards, banded blue lights and cast iron proof Phantom Pain is linked to MGS: Ground Zeroes"