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  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Just thought I'd come in here and say that.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    ...and so it continues :)
  • bounchfx
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    i need to watch a recap, don't remember the last ep

    Nine ‘Lost’ Questions We Need Answered
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    FOURTY FIVE MINUTES until the recap starts up. ZOMG HELL YES
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Favorite part: When Ben Startles Hurley and he chucks his hot pocket at him. Hahahahah. Dude getting knifed in the back then Locke coming out of the woods like a badass, comes a close second.
    The whole time travel thing is going to kick ass. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of old Losties coming back.... to life.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    did Ben say Mrs Locke at the end of the premiere? Those looked like ww2 soldiers on the island during "i'll cut off her other hand" scene. Great episode! we were happy that the annoying guy finally got the fire he wanted.

    It will be interesting to see where this whole time travel is going, I hope it doesn't turn into the same fate as Enterprise.

    I have to watch the premiere again so many things to absorb!
  • bounchfx
    holy shit that was awesome.
    obvious spoilers abound:
    I think the lady at the end was the same one from the jewelery stop and desmond, where he bought his ring - is she not? the crazy bitch that told him all kinda of crazy stuff. for a second I thought she was going to wind up to be Faraday's mom too that she's sending desmond to see, but I don't think ben flew all the way out to oxford for that.. then again, if it IS indeed the same woman she was in england to begin with right? maybe I'm mixing this up.

    also, I had no idea they would take the whole moving island thing this direction - it's so awesome! I thought the move would be a one time thing, not recurring until the survivors return. there's so much potential for cool happenings.

    oh, and locke is totalllyyy not dead.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Cool episode...have a feeling we are going to have lots of different angle flashbacks

    Hurley Hot Pocket defense for teh win
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Spoilers! (duh)

    Faraday is just awesome, the time traveling fool. Something tells me that him back in the Orchid with Dharma is going to be returning in the future.

    Good call about the woman bounch. I was thinking it was his mom also until Ben showed up. Obviously not.

    I think that the people who wanted Claire's baby in the first season are the ones who hired the lawyers. They want that baby for a reason.

    Sun is gonna become a villain. (also - will her baby need to go back to the island also? She is in Seoul!)

    Which brings me to a nagging question. If the 6 need to go back (7 with baby), what about all the others? Like Walt. Does he need to go back? And Desmond of course. And if they need Locke's body, what about the bodies of all the others on the ship?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Locke is not dead.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoyed this episode, I loled a few times.

    I think I pooped my pants when that annoying ass was crying about fire, then he got an arrow in is fucking neck, that was just YES THANK YOU lol

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    b1ll wrote: »
    I enjoyed this episode, I loled a few times.


    Jin died on the boat, when it exploded last season.. as far as 'we' know..

    So, who was shooting the fire arrows? I doubt it was the soldiers.. Possibly the crew of the Black Rock?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Great episodes. As with everyone else, I loved the fire in the chest. I was just starting to think, "Damn, did they introduce another annoying character?" Then BAM... arrow to the chest.
    I actually liked the second episode more than the first. What I was wondering was if someone has to go down and turn the switch back off ;) Ben turned it clockwise, then he was thrown into the desert. Maybe it just keeps popping timelines until the switch is turned back off. I think they are going to play the 'anchor' bit instead though. The island needs everyone there to anchor it in time.
    Oh, and Sun's kid can't go back. Time will try to correct, and kill the baby (since she didn't exist on the island) in their timeline. That's why that red-head is dying.

    Couple final thoughts: Faraday may actually be from the past, thus the reason we saw him with Dharma. He may be like Richard, and doesn't age because of the time jumping of the island.
    I think Widmore may be tied in with these WWII guys. As in, that's how he initially got on the island, as part of that team. If not, I'll fall back to my thoughts that he was on the Black Rock.
    Locke is dead (in current time), but will come back to life when they get him on the island... just like Jack's dad.
    I don't think Jin is dead either. They really kept hinting away that he didn't die on the ship. If he somehow floated back into the island's 'bubble', he'd be back to life.

    How long until someone makes Hurley throwing the hot pocket into an avatar? ;)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    The red head is supposedly dying from the time traveling. It happened to a few people already and the rabbits. You lose your memory and need to have a contact in the future from your past so you can remember. Faraday's is Desmond.
  • Mark Dygert
    I 2nd the hot pocketing incident as best moment of that episode. So far Hurley, Ben and food make for some great moments.

    Faraday: "You can't change anything in the past, if you try you will fail"
    Desmond: "I think I had a dream, no it was a memory"

    So did Faraday tell James that because he thinks he's a meat head, so he would stop trying and just go along for the ride. Or are there specific rules he can work in?

    What would happen if they travel forward or back in time and they just so happen to be sharing the same space as another object? Is that the reason why the others went to the ruins, because it should be a more stable structure on the island?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Ms._Hawking <--Ben's boss...

    Also on that page:

    Not being able to change the future is one of the "rules" of time travel, and according to Faraday, the rules don't apply to Desmond.
  • bounchfx
    I'm not so sure alpert and them can live forever anymore type of thing.

    with the ability to travel through the island's timeline who says that's not what alpert is doing to appear the same age at all these different moments?

  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Great episode. I'm really starting to like Faraday's storyline, although as a character I find him really obnoxious.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    I 2nd the hot pocketing incident as best moment of that episode. So far Hurley, Ben and food make for some great moments.

    Faraday: "You can't change anything in the past, if you try you will fail"
    Desmond: "I think I had a dream, no it was a memory"

    So did Faraday tell James that because he thinks he's a meat head, so he would stop trying and just go along for the ride. Or are there specific rules he can work in?

    Faraday was correct when he said you can't change things. That's why Locke was shot (so he couldn't interfere with the plane). It's also why no one answered the door when Sawyer knocked. Somehow these rules aren't applying to Faraday.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    also Desomond is "Special"..and he has been unglued from time once or twice already
  • Mark Dygert
    Ahh that makes sense, kind of... Faraday is somehow immune from the rules also? Or he already knew that what he was about to do, happened to Desmond already and thereby knew he couldn't get out of doing it even if he tried.
    Slum wrote: »
    Great episode. I'm really starting to like Faraday's storyline, although as a character I find him really obnoxious.

    Agreed, I like his storyline too, especially when he's not in it.

    "I couldn't possibly explain it to a physicist let alone meat sacks like you people! I just don't have time to explain it all"
    (As they take a long walk through the jungle).
    "Flash of light, we go ZOOM in time! oh and BTW, go ahead and step on butterflies it doesn't matter."
    Woa-boy that would be a mouthful...

    Also I never put it together until last night watching the recap, that the guy who was in the hatch with Desmond was the same guy that forced Sayid to interrogate people during the Gulf War. Freaky...
  • bounchfx
    see now, farady said that you couldn't change anything AND that there was only ONE timeline. this is very important the fact that he says theres only ONE (as opposed to the string theory of infinite timelines for every decision or whatever),

    what bothered me about that was yeah sure locke couldn't touch the plane, but wtf he met ethan? don't you think ethan would have recognized him in ethan's future when they saw each other again?

    anyone care to go back and watch the season one episodes with ethan to see if he responds strangely to locke?

    otherwise that kinda irks me considering ethan would know him since locke saw him there, and that would definitely be in the future.

    or else there are different timelines.

    and yeah the survivors had to be at the camp when they went back there if their stuff they built returned and the hatch was back. unless they can only be in one place at one time, which makes sense, but then at that time they would have not been there... unless this is just a part of the further along timeline, their own, so that doesn't count as 'past' to them so they wouldn't have to necessarily be there.

    does anyone get what I mean? I'm starting to confuse myself but I know the message I'm trying to convey heh
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Congratulations, you've been mind-fucked by lost ;)
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Couple of things...
    1) The Chinese Doctor introduces himself in the interview as Marvin Candle. Yet when the workman interrupts him, he calls him Dr. Chang.

    2) I suppose when the survivors have the encounters with things/people that couldn't possibly be taking place, they are really interacting with skipping time travelers (though they appear as ghosts to people in their own present). Perhaps there are other folks (perhaps Whitmore and Linus) who need to get certain folks (or themselves) back to the island to correct their own time lines. Maybe if someone like Whitmore gets back to the island, if his time line is in a "skipping" state, it will correct and cause the other time line to no longer exist...a time line in which Ben and the the survivors never reach the island (hence the wreckage of the Oceanic airline and the bodies). Maybe the big picture, is a battle for the existence of the "true" time line that the island (or perhaps the world) ultimately settles on?

    Just some thoughts...
  • bounchfx
    very interesting, miles!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I like that thought Miles. And I totally missed that doctor reference. I knew that these episodes were just PACKED with new clues that you had to watch for. Did you notice how often they showed numbers and maps during these two shows? I think they were trying to keep fans busy ;)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Well, we know it 'wasn't' them in the water because the pilot was missing a portion of his finger or some shit (cant recall now) that they showed on tv, and lapidus was the original pilot of 815, but was bumped from the flight and he knew the the new pilot and when they showed the hands underwater that's why he knew it wasn't them. So lapidus, then got involved because he smelled a coverup.. but he's a drunk so you never know for sure with the losties... :D
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Good call, Dekard. (Entirely too much to keep up with at this point. LOL)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Luxury wrote: »
    I think that the people who wanted Claire's baby in the first season are the ones who hired the lawyers. They want that baby for a reason.

    The 'Others' were the ones who wanted Claires baby in the first season. I can't see it being them now...considering most are on side.

    I enjoyed the new episodes. Nothing spectacular, and I do think they are playing with fire by introducing time-travel (narrative suicide in any story IMHO) but I am really glad Lost is back!:)

    EDIT: Saw this posted someplace else, and I thought it was a very good point.

    "I thought they wanted to train the bears to turn the island's frigid wheel, so that a person didn't have to do it and risk getting ejected off the island. Hence the polar bear in the desert in that season 4 Charlotte flashback"
  • bounchfx
    whoa that's an awesome quote blenderhead - however the path to the wheel was not clear, remember just to get to it ben had to blast through the metal room - unless there is an alternate way in which it didn't seem.. either way, I really like that theory.

    also, I love time travel and yes it's been used poorly before but I'm liking the direction lost is going with it considering they could show us and answer SO many of the shows questions with it... as long as they don't go overboard, and stick to their own rules.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, some people think about this stuff too much! :D

    Yeah I think the time travel think won't last very long anyway. They just have to find a way to stop the 'skipping'. Hopefully it'll be done within ten episodes or so. I think this might explain why Locke seemed to 'know' so much about the island, or at least understand it, from the very beggining.
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    we better god dam find out who that smoke monster is
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Hey could someone explain something to me. When Ben was little, and he ran into the forest. At that time he met 'the hostiles' right. And that dude that he met when Ben was little, is still around in season 5, and hasnt aged at all. Now im not a die hard lost watcher so I may have missed something. I kinda thought he was Jacob at first.
  • Mark Dygert
    He's also visited lil' Johny Locke and asked him "which of these objects belongs to you?".
    The writers also talked about his mysterious non-aging when they did the last seasons recap just before the season opener.

    But he was pretty rough looking when he ran into Ben, but still roughly the same age...
  • Talbot
    Vig wrote: »
    I did catch the season opener from the start of this season and it felt like the second matrix movie did, "oh crap its a hit we need to make more... What do we do!?".


    It's on again tonight... should be interesting to see how long it can hold my attention before I say "fuck it! I don't understand anything that just happened. Time to go back to a show that I can always understand what is going on, 30 Rock. :P"

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    YEAH BITCHES. Gonna get some beers in meh with the pcount crew, then watch Kate get all h0t!
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    sorry have to wait, no kate this week. :D But there is a bomb.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Charlie is and was Desmond's son.

    Awesome, huh? Time travel FTW!

    Desmond couldn't die, because he had to live so charlie could be born.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    Man oh man, this is getting crazy! Was the woman holding Daniel at gunpoint his mother? He said she looked very familiar and she was about the same age as young Charles Widmore.

    I thought Desmond named his kid after Charlie, not that his kid WAS Charlie.

    Have they ever explained anything about how the others got there in the first place? I started watching later into the series, and I'm about halfway through season 2 right now.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, they intended to show that his son was just named after him.

    I'm just saying, I totally call it as him actually being his son. Just a shot in the dark
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    *Richard was wearing the same shirt when he removed Ethan's bullet from John's leg...as he was tonight in the WWII era "others" camp.

    *From last episode when Richard says "what goes around comes around" (in reference to Ethan shooting John), sounded like a silly quip last week. This week, when I heard it, it sounded more intentional on the writer's part...because this time travel stuff is turing into one giant endless loop of connections.

    *A little disapointed that Widmore turned out to be a little prick and not a former pirate or something a little cooler/mysterious.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    lost is getting lost it is own time traveling script. Why can't lost be as well written as Torchwood and BattleStar Galactica.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Good writing doesnt get you 5 seasons, does it!? (oh snap).

    Faraday: Two things.

    First off, try speaking without tilting your head to the left or to the right. It's fucking annoying and makes me want to punch you in the face to straighten things out.

    Secondly, try speaking in a regular tone you whispering douche.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Since the shows only got a set amount of episodes left, they are wrapping stuff up IIRC there's only something like thirty episodes left. Seventeen for this season in total, and 17 for the last season.

    I'm waiting on them to jump back to the dinosaurs.. :D
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    When the person explaining the show to the audience is a Time Physicist or whatever that's when I get confused. That's like having a Nuclear Physicist explain the Office to me. They need to make the show watchable for dumb people again. It's getting confusing, using time traveling as a crutch to tie up lose ends is no better than having Hiro jump around Heroes fixing the continuity. BAD LOST, BAD!!!

    That said this week felt like filler. I'm anxious to see where they take it and how long it takes for the Gilligan Six to get back on the Island.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    Why can't lost be as well written as BattleStar Galactica.[/sarcasm]

    Fixed. Don't scare me like that again! Almost gave me a heart attack!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I thought it was a good episode..
  • bounchfx
    I thought it was a great episode. very entertaining. can't wait to see more. I don't think they should dumb it down. that would suck.
  • Pedro Amorim
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