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release the heads!



  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    Good stuff qube.
  • avalean
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    avalean polycounter lvl 18
    ^^^ that reminds me of some actor, cant put my finger on it!
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    well, i havent skinned in like 5 months, so i think im gonna give it a try
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    awesome work everyone!

  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    cool stuff. here's mine:


    i guess this is probably the first face texture i've ever made that doesn't suck. i'm pretty happy about that haha. if anyone has any suggestions i'd love them.

    btw- cube, that's amazing.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    nice qube, that kicks ass.

    the only thing id comment on would be her lips - the upper lip seems lush, but it doesnt seem to work very well. the corners of the mouth look like the drop off to much, and that her mouth may be slightly open with that harsh angle. Im guessing you're going straight from the model, but id suggest giving the lips a little bit more life and lushness - if not now, somethin later smile.gif i love her experssion and the form of the mouth, it just feels a little akward.

    some cool shit here everyone, i think i may give one of these a go.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
  • Warhawk
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    Warhawk polycounter lvl 18
    Well here is my atempt at MoPs chick . It took me longer than I expected . What can I say . I am a freak when it comes to detailes . cool.gif

    Great work everyone . Keep them coming .


    qubism : Holy shit . You are getting better and better . THe metal is awesome .

    Equinoxx : Looking good so far . Just try to go into more detailes . Use smaller brush around eyes , nose and mouth . You should also work some more in the hilights and shadows . The more time you will put into her the better she will be .

    mr_Rockstar : Good stuff . I would give hime some improfections to the skin and some more colors , especialy to the hilights .

    mr.toast :You managed to catch the cold look . Some more colors to the face and it will kick ass , I really like overall shading .

    John_Warner : Great head . Remember the more faces you will paint the better they will be . I would suggest to tone done his nosetrils , they are too dark . You should also paint the hilights like they are coming form above , not like a bump map . Some more contrast to the face would also help . Again define the hilights abit more . Make his mout darker in the corners . Also did you forget the eyebrows . For hair I suggest to use smudge with 1px brush and 80% hardness to make individual strands of hair . After that try overlyaing the same texture and add some more colors to it . In the final you should add some more hilights to his hair . use gradient layer or paint black and white and than adjust its oapcity so that it will bring up more contrast .
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    lots of great work in this thread. Obviously Qubes texture is very tasty, good werk.
    Killing people I like your pasty faced girl allot, I'd like to see more work done to that texture, heh I like characters who look worn out/ sick.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    I've been reading this forum for a long time but never posted.
    Now, I decided to give a try to skin this heads.
    I'm new to skinning so every comments and critics are really welcome.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Vitor, good start for sure! Your shading on the faces and woman's helmet shows good knowledge of light and form.
    The highlights all around the man's eyebrows look odd, though - they make it look like his eyebrows aren't part of his face.
    The woman's eyes in general are too bright, I think, a little more strong, sharp dark lines around her eyes would help I think - like what you did with the guy.
    Keep it up, can't wait to see more!

    Here's what I managed for my "Hood" head ... I'm sure I could have improved it (the eyes I really don't like), and the expression is weird, but I just wanted to finish it.


  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    ahaHAHAH rock on thread, Very sexy stuff
    Im back from vacation, Im soooo joining this. anyone want me to jump on a particular head!?!

  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    EDIT: update below :]

    I find it done, haven't had any crits in the thread, but I hope you guys dig it a little smile.gif
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    oi jelmer. pictures do the best discribtion i think.
    i made a lil overpaint. the model happens to distort the whole
    expression abit but anyhow. u got some issues with the nose forehead eye area. hope that overpaint help a tiny lil bit.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    crits u say!
    why i dont see what this board has to do with crits
    mostly just some blank babbling and bad english
    or bad humour,
    depends how u look at it..

    but anyways!
    ur skin tones a fine,
    u r obviously able to handle that and all the techniqual mumbo jumbo,
    id pay more attention tho to ur very-darks, they seem too desaturated to me. if, by mistake, u r shading with black, my suggestion would be never to do that

    the hair looks very nice i think,
    like in most skins for this head tho i believe his hairline should be more visible at some parts under the "long" hair

    some shading where his nose starts, defining his pretty prominant brow, seems legitimic to me

    on the more interesting yet often neglected side of design your guy isnt very exciting, thats where i would pin the, eh, pin. a barcode tatoo around the eye.. hmmmm... how does that work with the helmet?

    the design and color choices on the helmet are pretty "passive", they dont *do too much..

    overall i think he's looking pretty sweet, if somewhat unremarkable

    mop - looking great, u deffinately seem to find ur little nich
    or however u say that in english
    he looks like such a heart breaker!
  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks a ton for the ideas qube and shotgun.

    EDIT: I've put the eyes back in, now I'm really done with this..haha laugh.gif

    -I really like the small highlights under the upperlip corners (you knnow what I mean) very cool, thanks a lot for bringing that up.
    Thanks bud.

    -I've removed the cheesy barcode tatoo, it looked like shit ten minutes after I posted it anyway, weird eh :P
    -Edited the helmet colors a little to make it more interesting. I give qube full credit for the colors, I really like them on his spacechick skin, so the white, red and yellow are from now on the official qubescheme. props
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    heres update, i need to practice more on texturing metals

  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    hehe jelmer. that was just meant to be a lil help. i wasnt really up to put eyes in cuz i thought i just do a quick one. now what do u do. a ripp off lol. wink.gif he still needs something.
    well maybe u cant really make alot out of it. i think the model is rather... cough... errr simple. actually i started wondering why a head should be locked in that metal collar and how it was supposed to move. well well designer did not think. user is the ass hehe.

    im glad u kicked the tattoo out.

    mr toast. whats that with that hitler mustache. a new trend?
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    mr toast. whats that with that hitler mustache. a new trend?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    damn straight, thats how i like my girls trimmed, hitler style grin.gif
  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    well give him some worn off nazi color scheme then. Refer to Return to castle Wolfenstein!
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    actually i started wondering why a head should be locked in that metal collar and how it was supposed to move. well well designer did not think. user is the ass hehe.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you should read the explenations hm? ;-)

    great work so far guys. Im currently doing a more stylized head. Will realse it tomorrow...
  • Crystalmesh
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    Crystalmesh polycounter lvl 18
    Been awhile since i've done anything around here and this looked like fun.....i got bored and didn't finish the metal parts tongue.gif

  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    Really nice work jason. Glad to see that you are still kicking! smile.gif
  • Badname
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    Badname polycounter lvl 18
    Wip, dont look at the hair :P
    I could use some tips ;/ specialy having problems with the eyes and the area around them. Also i came to realise it with non 100% opasity realy was a bad idea, next time better.

    Realy loving all the stuff in the topic smile.gif That hitler remind me of wolfenstein 3d :P with the big robot suit ^^
  • Marine
  • Slaughter
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    Slaughter polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome works in this thread!

    Third head i skinned:


    I´m not really sure if he´s on drugs or just tired...anyway can someone give me a tip on howto improve the skin? smirk.gif
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    mhmhm yummyworks there hehe. christal mesh shows us a good example kids. if u see a guy like this dont go with him before he hasnt offered sweets.

    slaughter i think it looks really good. rethink the hair line a bit. to the sides u could put in a bit hair or make it a shaved look there. something like that. also some lighter values to the skin. u know the highlights. also tiny colorvariations. nothing harsh.

    mhm i really like the oily feel of the hair scott did.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I tried to keep it as loose as possible and get a sort of speed-texture kind of thing going.


    I definitly like the idea of this thread. It gives me a fast easy way to work on texturing, I can download the sdk and jump right into it for an hour then put it down and move on. No time to get bored with my work!
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    spent 2 hours on this one, was gonna make a hardass looking thug like guy, but with my skills he ended up looking like a crack fiend frown.gif, i might go back and finish the hoodie and maybe add some yayo around his lips like tyrone from chappelle show

  • Slaughter
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    Slaughter polycounter lvl 18
    Funny coincedence...i just did a similiar skin for a friend of mine.

    Yours looks alot better tho laugh.gif
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    we need more models.
    i got one big helmet chick pretty much done.
  • Slaughter
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    Slaughter polycounter lvl 18
    Fifth skin:

    Till Lindemann, frontman of Rammstein


    Hope someone can recognize him :]

    Skinning this model is fun...tho a change wouldn´t hurt.
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    looking good, IMO, i think you should maybe add more contrast, like smaller stronger highlights, and give the skintone more saturated colors (like reds blues and purples), changes like that should make your texture stand out a lot more, keep it up though
  • Bloody Vampire
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    Bloody Vampire polycounter lvl 18
    Hi guys,

    thats my first post and my first try at a human face texture, comments and crits are very welcome.

  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Finally got to work on this chick again. Not much of an update. Just did a lot of tweaking. Still not sure what to do with her helmet yet. Like I said before, this is my first attempt at a more normal type skin. I would like some crits on her. smile.gif

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    pseudo, thats awesome smile.gif
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    The hair looks more like very unhealthy veins or something like that
  • Badname
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    Badname polycounter lvl 18
    C&C would be very welcome
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    here is my contribution! (hope it works! first SDK i've made blush.gif hEh!}

    *** SDK HERE! ***
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    That's an awesome head killingpeople. Dammit! Now I have another one I just have to do a skin for. tongue.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, cool model indeed. Although you can see through it in some places (the inside of the eyes and mouth from a few angles), that's hardly a fault.
    The UV's for his lips are a bit weird (the lower lip has a lot of stretching, but it seems to work out ok if you accept it).

    I did a quick sketchy skin, trying some weird colours (fairly saturated purple for a base colour - not done that before!). Turned out pretty well for a 30 minute effort, I think. The forehead shading looked really bad, so I spent 30 seconds right at the end scribbling over it, a marginal improvement.


  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Wow moppy I love that head great idea using the purple, and really cool stylised paintjob.. would make a cool "look" for a game
  • old_man_funk
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    old_man_funk polycounter lvl 18
    Small update, metal is teh suck.


    -- funk
  • Michael Knubben
    Funk: try shading the face with an orangy red, instead of white, it'll improve it alot, i think.

    here's mine, it's the first skin i've done in roughly 3 years or so, and the first time using my wacom in a long time as well... i allready tried yesterday but gave up out of frustration, but this time i stuck to it, and i must say it's allready more like what i had in mind:
  • Makk
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    Makk polycounter lvl 18
    wow, some awesome work here guys smile.gif
    I finished these guys yesterday-
    compare to the older one I posted before-
    For mops robin hood model

    And finally, a small update on the space chick-
    Dont know waht to do with the helmet

    Oh and might have to do killingpeoples model aswell! smile.gif
  • Michael Knubben
  • Crystalmesh
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    Crystalmesh polycounter lvl 18
    Alot of cool stuff here laugh.gif

    Qubism i really like your colour choices!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    *sniff* i love you guys frown.gif *bawl* awesome work everyone, very inspiring!


    i cheated and added a smooth in that image. i liked this one - i made him the fat biker from akira, if you couldn't guess. i love that movie. wink.gif

    mop, i'm really sorry about the unwrap and mesh issues they are dreadful to work around, so sorry. i should created flat surfaces rather than seperate geometry, gah-ohwell.

    here is a pic of the biker clown from akira

    freak'n badass work from everyone!
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    U guys are mad. Soo many people improve lately its sick.
    Mop yaaaa, Ur faces are getting Awsome.

    and haaaaaaaaaaaarrr Killingpeople, Dude keep at it man, I already told u, u would be a great asset to a game company.
    Fix thoses seams tho, DEEEP PAINT MAN! smile.gif, msn me fucker!

    and yo qub fucker, neat skin.!

    I started one, well, not realy, i just rough out 10mins Aahha, shame. Ill post this week or something smile.gif
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18

    This got me a 50 minutes break from the normal mapping hell.
    I should really spend some more time on the colors and contrast. Anyways.. This was fun. Maybe Ill uppdate it tomorrow.

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