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Information About Polycount & New Member Introductions


  • Youssef_Adel

    I am Youssef ... I currently work as a Junior 3D Environment & props artist, a freelancer ... I have a 3 years of experience in modeling, a year in making materials from scratch and one year experience in lighting. I love learning, I have flexibility at learning and i love to improve myself
  • Deborah_Flannagan
    Hello everyone! I'm just a begginer and only start learning game design. I enterd the univercity last year. I'm here because I want to improve my skillset, learn new techniques and to share my works to get feedback on them

  • Denny94
    Hi, i'm an aspirant game developer, i started study 3d modeling and sculpting as self-taught student a year ago and i'm so happy to be part of this great community
  • holdmynormals
    Hi everyone, nice to meet you! I'm Kat, a recent games art graduate. I am focused on creating 3D environments and props. I am at the beginning of my journey and trying to learn as much as I can to one day find myself a place in the gaming industry. By joining the polycount community, I hope to connect with great people who can help me become a better artist.
     I am planning to create a WIP thread about a project that I'm currently working on.
    Thanks all!
  • Timmiehay3
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    Timmiehay3 polycounter lvl 2
    Nice to meet you all!
    I'm mostly an aspiring hobbyist who's hoping to make some small side money for doing my favorite pass time via commissions. I aim to make digital figures and hope to have some of them 3d printed one day. 
    Even though I'm not cut out for the general art industry, I hope to be good as a professional one day. 

    I often avoid posting WIPs because I'm one of those people that get 'demotivated' into finishing my projects. I'll try to be active on the forum where I can. 
  • SCSquiggles

    Wazzap m’fellow 3D wizards!

    My name is Sadé Collins but you can call me Squiggles. I am a digital illustrator turned budding 3D artist with a growing passion for creating stylized 3D art and environments; aspiring to one day forge a promising career for myself as an Environment Artist working in either animation or games. 

    When asked about where would be a great community for me to join to receive good critique and feedback about my work while I hone my 3D skills, Polycount was recommended to me as the go-to place to be so here I am =) .

    I hope my time on this site would be one of growth and continuous improvement with an opportunity to hopefully meet new peeps and make new friends.

    Looking forward to having a good time here :3

  • Posterity3d
  • Rosehaven11
    Hello everyone,
    This is my first post on this forum. I am aspiring 3D artist looking to improve my skills. I am currently working on a project in Blender at the moment and its not finished yet, but I would like to post a work in progress build log and i was looking for a place to share that. So i will post that soon and anyone that wants to take a look is more than welcome.

    Thank You Everyone
  • AFlowv
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    AFlowv polycounter lvl 3
    Hi everyone! 
    This is my first post, even though this is not my first time in the forum (I've been watching from the shadows). My name is Alejandro, but you can also call me Mowgli. I'm a 3D artist from the south of Spain currently looking for my first job in the game industry. My interests are all about stylized characters, hand painted stuff, koalas and videogames. Lastly, I hope to be able to share my progress with you and have fun creating and sharing 3D art in this community.
  • Commiesaur
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    Hey all, never actually introduced myself but figure I might as well. 31 and from the SF Bay Area but currently living in Argentina, actually been the last 6-7 years in South America (first Brazil, than Buenos Aires). Earlier this year finally got a real desktop computer setup and was diving a bit into 3d art as part of going through some game engine tutorials. Led down the rabbit hole into seeing just how amazing the tech is now. Everything that can be done with Zbrush, Substance Suite etc. When I was first looking at the area as a teenager seemed like a lot of painful manual work in photoshop, blown away by all the procedural aspects and been diving deep into 3d art.

    Currently working a job I'm not a huge fan of (recruiting for tech companies), Not a bad situation overall but just very unsatisfying clocking in to move more people from X SaaS company to Y SaaS company. Want to get good enough to do this as a career
  • Iwazaruk7
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    Iwazaruk7 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi, another new soul here :)

    Many years ago i had a hobby with mapping for Half-Life. Also had some brief experience with Maya during school.
    Nowodays i'm coming back to 3D, learning stuff again. Hopefully will find ton of helpful information and discover interesting creators here.

    On a side note, i also do a bit of 2D (vector graphics) and my huge passion is music and synthesizers.
  • Scullder
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    Scullder polycounter lvl 5
    Hi, I have account here for a year now, and I have never introduced myself, so here it is.

    I'm 27 year old 3D artist from Croatia. I started my career in 3D right after finishing university where I studied multimedia art. I gathered some of my experience in a small studio that was doing post production for commercials and movies. There I learned how to rotoscope, composite and do 3D for commercials and movies. After doing that for 3 years, studio decided to try something new where we got a deal with foreign studio to do light, render and composite for a kids Youtube show Talking Tom & Friends. I was one of few light artists and we did amazing job. We stepped up the game and put a series on a new level from season 4 and 5. Mostly regarding the lighting and mood of the show.

    Now I just try and do 3D modeling and texturing for myself. I'm currently working in a multimedia studio that is doing VR installations for museums and I'm not really satisfied with the job, but it is what it is. Gotta accept the situation that I'm in and that's it. Constantly looking for jobs in the industries. I'm planning on opening a sketchbook so I can show my progress regarding the 3D modeling and texturing.

  • PoorlyTimedJump
    Hi all, I'm a career web developer from Ontario Canada, looking to pivot to game development and 3D art. To that end I've been learning all I can to make my own games using Blender and Unreal Engine. I recently started uploading on Sketchfab and I hope to have a lot more to share in the future.
  • mermorte
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    mermorte polycounter lvl 2
    Hello! Im Ammer currently a 3D prop/environment artist. :D
  • samanthadrawsstories
    Hi there my name is Sammie I was recommended to post my work here by an industry mentor to help e develop my work in games art and in general :) look forward to engaging with the community.
  • Wilkozox
  • glawlis
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    glawlis polycounter lvl 2
  • AJ25

    Hello! My name is Alex and I am currently enrolled at College for Creative Studies! Adam is my teacher for Game Art I and as he says I will be sharing my work in here. Looking forward to being a part of the community!

  • ampt
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    ampt polycounter lvl 2
  • laurenmillerarts


    I am an artist currently in my final year of college for both Illustration and Game Design! I have been starting to add 3D work to my portfolio as I feel it would be a great asset to learn for the industry, it's also rather fun! I think this platform will be a fun and cool way to share my work with other members of the community! It will also be a great way to learn and get feedback from others! I would like to make my first post soon that is a environment diorama I have been working on!

    Thanks! :D

  • DigiGhost

    Hiya Polycount, I’m new and excited to meet you guys. I’ma character artist experienced with Blender and Unity whose looking to grow and network. Happy to be here!

  • Alexis_Battle

    Hello, I like 3d modelin and lookin at artworks

  • Jessi_Hong

    Hey just joined polycount :)

  • Ghostly_Zenn

    Hi! My name is Zoe and I'm looking forward to seeing all the cool stuff people make and improving my own art :)

  • ieojwf
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    ieojwf polycounter lvl 2


    I'm Chang Gue, I am recently graduated with my Digital Media diploma and I have been improving my skillsets to improve my 3D skills.

    My main 3D modelling tool is Maya but I like to touch base on any tools I can get hands on. I would like to get a job in the Game industry eventually.

    Thank you!

    Artstation: https://changgue_kim.artstation.com/

  • CloakedStarship


    I've been developing my skills as a 3D Artist for a little while now and I'm here to continue to improve with the help of the Polycount community by giving/receiving feedback, asking questions, networking, etc.


  • DimaRus
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    DimaRus polycounter lvl 2

    Hello Polycount!

  • johnbradley
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    johnbradley polycounter lvl 8

    Hello, I'm John, I'm a 3d modeler been in the 3D industry for a while. I took a hiatus to travel and do soul searching (which got paused by the pandemic) and are back. Currently looking to further my skills in game design and catching up with web3 and NFTs

  • harley30

    Hi everyone I am new here. Decided to join this forum after reading some posts. So excited to take part in healthy discussions.

  • okidoki
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    okidoki polycounter lvl 2

    Okay my first (real) post after rejoining.. did a register back in.. but forgot it.. silly me.. reported my own double register.. faithfull hobbiest for some years..

  • Volerium
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    Volerium polycounter lvl 7

    Hey folks, my name is Carl. I'm a Junior 3D Artist/Senior QA at Bossa games.

    I started learning the 3D pipeline and making assets for games back at the start of 2020. I was lucky enough to get my assets into two shipped titles whilst I've been at Bossa.

    Now I've got a taste for 3D, there's no going back to QA for me. Which I suppose that means I'll be working towards becoming a 3D artist at a different studio!

    I primarily use Maya/Substance, and really enjoy creating hard surface assets. My next challenge is battling with Zbrush to make some lovely gothic environment pieces!

  • balazscsordas
  • SimonKl
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    Hi everyone!

    I'm Simon and have so far only been lurking on this forum.

    I am an aspiring 3D Artist from Germany - right now starting to specialize in creating props and environments.

    I studied Game Design and Development for 2 years in Munich and for 1 year in Bradford, UK.

    Fun fact: I started creating assets in 3D looooong ago (using 3dsmax' liltte brother called Gmax if I recall correctly) at the young age of 14 when I created total conversion mods for the old Gothic/Gothic II RPGs by Piranha Bytes (back when their games were still actual good games...).

    Nice to meet you all!

  • doodlebats


    I'm Adam, I'm an aspiring VFX artist, looking to grow my network and possibly find a mentor. I also enjoy some 3d modelling when the need arises.

  • Raina_Fuson_Art

    Hello all :3

    My name is Raina and I'm a Game Design Major at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit MI. I'm particularly fond of creating weird and creepy creatures and creating new characters and stories.

  • Aaro

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Aaro, and I'm from Los Angeles. I'm just starting my path with some online school I'm a total beginner. I've been browsing the forum and it's already been really helpful with the amount of information I've been able to find!

    I worked in photography (mostly part-time) before and as an art preparatory(art installation, packing, etc at museums/galleries) but got like a second lease on life and can finally afford(time/financially) to go to school and train for a real career change for something that holds true interests on multiple fronts.

    I'm still narrowing down whether I want to go into being a character artist or character animator, but expect to figure that out in the coming months.

  • GiaDeMi

    Hey! I am a Game Design student just starting out with Unreal. I have a couple of years experience with Blender, and about a year on Maya.

    Really excited to learn! :)

  • ac001


    I'm A.! I'm currently majoring in Animation, but I've been interested in learning how to make 3D game art for a while now. I'm happy to be here and excited to learn more about 3D art!

  • MusicDrawer123

    Hello everyone!

    I am currently a 2D animation student who is learning more on the 3D side. Have touched Maya and Substance Painter before, but I'm willing to learn more and critiques are welcome!

  • CamilaAA09


    I'm a Game Design Student with a focus on 3D environments, I'm very excited to learn as well as to see y'all work.


  • Crffin

    Hi ya'll! I'm Nico, an aspiring game writer and designer. I'm currently a Sophomore in a Game Design major and Creative Writing minor at The College for Creative Studies.

    I love telling stories and I think one of the best ways to do that is through interactive gameplay. I already have so many ideas about the stories I want to tell through games, and I hope one day I will be able to make them a reality.

    I currently prefer 2D art, but because of the classes I am in right now, I'm getting acclimated to 3D as well. With 3D being the future of most gaming, I can't wait to learn more :)

  • kumquatt_tea

    Hi all!

    I'm Kate, a studying Game Design major at College for Creative Studies. Despite being a game dev student, I'm pretty new to the whole 3D modeling business, but I'm very eager to learn; painting textures and high-poly sculpting are especially interesting to me. I'm excited to share my work and hopefully make good progress with my 3D work over the next few years.

  • hazelmcintosh


    I'm currently a game design major with most of my art experience in painting and crafts, so I'm just trying to learn as much as possible :)

  • LasagnaNova


    My name is Bri, I'm in my sophomore year for Game Design! I'll be posting my work when I finish something. :)

  • metaeevee


    My name is Rae and I'm a college student studying game design. I'm currently working on my skills in 3D modeling, texturing, sculpting and much more! I don't have any industry experience (yet), but I'm hoping to develop skills while I'm in school to obtain an internship. I also do a lot of digital painting and 2D art. I'm hoping to end up with some sort of prop or character design job.

  • saski13

    Hi! The name is Saskia! I am studying Game Design and my future goals are to be an Environmental Artist for 3D/2D, Character Designer mainly 2D but also in 3D, and a story writer/developer of video games.  I am excited to join the community!

  • RUX
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    RUX polygon


    I'm a 3d environment and prop game artist and I'm excited to join this awesome community!

  • LouiseR2
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    I'm a 3d environment game artist last year at uni. I'm excited to see people's work for inspiration and to get feedback from the community.

  • Cl3m
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    Cl3m node

    Hello ! I'm self-taught prop artist and happy to be part of this community for learn every day.

  • Jomperr
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    Jomperr polycounter lvl 10

    Hello! I'm a hard surface artist, turns out I totally missed that you're supposed to introduce yourself here and have just been lurking the forums since 2014 heh

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