been working on this batman model, influenced more by frank millers batman, also wanted him to have a brawler look to him, hence the hand wraps and damage to his suit,this is just some early progress of the low poly, still lots of parts to bake down, including his boots etc, Normals and AO applied here
Something I've been playing around with from time to time in the hangout. Didn't get to work on it for a while though, waiting till I free up a bit and maybe get back to it. Still a ways to go but I got to like this little dude
Some amazing stuff folks, I should really hangout more often.
omg, that's awesome! Great style and so detailed! I hope you'll get some spare time to work on this soon!
Working on a character for school. This guy is keeping me from ragequiting my main school project (mostly environment).:polytwitch:
The briefing said that it has to be under 15k tris, max 2*2k² maps, one arm naked, the face gotta visible. It had to display leather, metal, skin and hairs too.
So there he is:
12906 tris
2 x 2048² Diffuse/Normal/ColoredSpecular (one for the body, one for the head)
It's still a WIP on the textures here. I still need to trow on some dirt layers and some material definition here and there.
This was also a test of the dx11 shader in maya and boy I love this thing! I'm mostly a Max guy but since Maya 2014 and all the improvements made I will seriously reconsider my pro Max alignement.:poly142:
Hey everybodyyy!! Here's my final sprite creation for Trunks!! I did some research over the week and really focused on shape, timing, and color this time around I hope you guys like it!!! !!
I finally printed a larger version of Aleysha on Shapeways. The details came out much better at this size... but they are still a bit rough... and now I see that I SHOULD SMOOTH OUT THE PLINTH MORE!
Hey everybodyyy!! Here's my final sprite creation for Trunks!! I did some research over the week and really focused on shape, timing, and color this time around I hope you guys like it!!! !!
Been working a lot so progress on my stagecoach has been at a standstill for a while. Finally got a chance to put some more time in on it though and finished up textures for the luggage on the roof.
(stagecoach high poly model)
Next up, unwrapping LP and baking the rest of the stagecoach.
but wheres his chain though?
omg, that's awesome! Great style and so detailed! I hope you'll get some spare time to work on this soon!
Best forum ever, so much inspiring work!!!
Here a high poly I did on zbrush for my next scene!
It's inspired by a concept from Halo (here).
You can see the moodboard and some concepts I draw, there :
Still WIP :nerd:
Working on a character for school. This guy is keeping me from ragequiting my main school project (mostly environment).:polytwitch:
The briefing said that it has to be under 15k tris, max 2*2k² maps, one arm naked, the face gotta visible. It had to display leather, metal, skin and hairs too.
So there he is:
12906 tris
2 x 2048² Diffuse/Normal/ColoredSpecular (one for the body, one for the head)
It's still a WIP on the textures here. I still need to trow on some dirt layers and some material definition here and there.
This was also a test of the dx11 shader in maya and boy I love this thing! I'm mostly a Max guy but since Maya 2014 and all the improvements made I will seriously reconsider my pro Max alignement.:poly142:
X-Post from my thread. Webley Mk VI! Looking for all the feedback i can get.
Hey Thanks! For sure dude, there has been a few people who asked me, I look forward to everyones interpretation
@cg-sammu Gj on the sprite, its pretty dope
Fanart from "D The Vampire Hunter - Blood Lust"
it's the gun of Leila Marcus
i also captured the process, hope you like it!
thanks for the compliment!!
Thanks m8, glad u like it
Peace n out
Amazing like always dude!!! Love it!!!
This is awesome. LOVE IT!
forum post with more renders
this is badass
Work in progress:
A little harbor house
Wepon concepts, props for one of my enviros
That's so cool!
(stagecoach high poly model)
Next up, unwrapping LP and baking the rest of the stagecoach.