Artofjin - Nice to see you posting around these parts jimmy-chan!
Gav - Lookin forward to seeing more of that char. Maybe ill do some substrata stuff eventually....
Garriola83 - I dig that character, but I think you could really push the folds on her upper arms so some of them break the silhouette a little bit, they're all the same size, which makes em look a bit odd.
ICHII3d - damn, that is one sexy prop.
OrganizedChaos - you and allison are a dream team! Such sick creatures.
Neox - glorious. truly truly glorious.
Retleks - I dig how that that vampire guy is comin
This is the process for a digital painting I'm currently working on.
The first image was the initial sketch, the second is an oil painting and the third is the current WIP of the final digital painting.
Feedback and critique on the digital painting is much appreciated!
First time post, long time lurker. I figured this would be a good place to start. Just made a little crystal base for a hand painted sword I made a while back.
Troy: i'm looking forward to see the anime shading you'll put on her!
Okay, lets call this done for now. enough time spent during lunches, baking and well freetime i currentöy don't really have
I am so disgusted at seeing this all the time and I want it to go away so badly
I just want you to know that behind all of the disgust I get when looking at this, and whenever I browse this thread and see it when I'm at work and look over my shoulder to make sure no one saw it, it's awesome
with that said, my God make it go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Thought it'd be fun to try something different, so for the last few weeks i've been having a go at doing something for the steam workshop...and now its done!
@guedin: very cool likeness, instantly recognizable. however i dislike the cloth - besides looking like cool generic cloth it feels overall very soft very much like MD does it and also kind of feels slightly like a boy in the clothes of his bigger brother
First time post, long time lurker. I figured this would be a good place to start. Just made a little crystal base for a hand painted sword I made a while back.
First time post, long time lurker. I figured this would be a good place to start. Just made a little crystal base for a hand painted sword I made a while back.
This is lovely man, checked out your Tumblr, stunning stuff!
Really nice Les Paul! But....the B and high E strings shouldn't have that texture since they're straight up unbanded wires. Also, I wrap my string around the tuning pegs at least 2 times before looping it through. But still great nonetheless.
First time post, long time lurker. I figured this would be a good place to start. Just made a little crystal base for a hand painted sword I made a while back.
Wow, i love the base! The rock and crystals are awesome, also is the sword with all it's details! I think I have to go and take a look at your tumblr! So much pretty stuff! Keep on posting here.
same except with some Nyx Assassin from Dota2 in there as well. awesome work joymepls!
Wow! This is awesome! :thumbup:
I wish there were more games with creatures like this!
Little more progress on my guy:
my thread
Gav - Lookin forward to seeing more of that char. Maybe ill do some substrata stuff eventually....
Garriola83 - I dig that character, but I think you could really push the folds on her upper arms so some of them break the silhouette a little bit, they're all the same size, which makes em look a bit odd.
ICHII3d - damn, that is one sexy prop.
OrganizedChaos - you and allison are a dream team! Such sick creatures.
Neox - glorious. truly truly glorious.
Retleks - I dig how that that vampire guy is comin
Daven - mmmm, sweet dragon!
The Siren for Art Jam Fridays.
Those textures fucking suck. Jk man, that's fucking awesome.
I adore this! What a wonderful style!
Some progress!
2000 tris
512 maps.
This is the process for a digital painting I'm currently working on.
The first image was the initial sketch, the second is an oil painting and the third is the current WIP of the final digital painting.
Feedback and critique on the digital painting is much appreciated!
all crit welcome
Okay, lets call this done for now. enough time spent during lunches, baking and well freetime i currentöy don't really have
First time post, long time lurker. I figured this would be a good place to start. Just made a little crystal base for a hand painted sword I made a while back.
I am so disgusted at seeing this all the time and I want it to go away so badly
I just want you to know that behind all of the disgust I get when looking at this, and whenever I browse this thread and see it when I'm at work and look over my shoulder to make sure no one saw it, it's awesome
with that said, my God make it go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Votes on the workshop would be appreciated too
p.s. animation not by me - i concepted/modelled/textured etc etc etc...
@guedin: very cool likeness, instantly recognizable. however i dislike the cloth - besides looking like cool generic cloth it feels overall very soft very much like MD does it and also kind of feels slightly like a boy in the clothes of his bigger brother
Jack O'Neil or it's just my imagination(missing stargate show)?
this is really cool man
Watched K-On!
(everybody gets 1 Polaroid render right?:poly122:)
This is lovely man, checked out your Tumblr, stunning stuff!
dube! awesome work, including portfolio
Cross posting from my thread:
and link
Cross Post from here:
Wow, i love the base! The rock and crystals are awesome, also is the sword with all it's details! I think I have to go and take a look at your tumblr! So much pretty stuff! Keep on posting here.
@jord-tron wow,amazing stuff there!
A couple of things from me.
i got me some o dat substrata too