Hello!! This is my first WIP, it's rendered in the cryengine
Great job man! Very solid!
The only thing I can nit pick is that the diffuse on her upper back doesn't seem to match everything else. Other than that great job!
Some updates! This is my first time doing sprite vfx by the way.. and I gotta say, making these frame by frame the traditional way is A LOT of work!!! XD really makes me appreciate all the old school stuff anyways, I'm just gunna leave this first pass here for you guys to check out lololol.. I might remake this again, and use the lasso tool more to get those abstract shapes in there..
Some updates! This is my first time doing sprite vfx by the way.. and I gotta say, making these frame by frame the traditional way is A LOT of work!!! XD really makes me appreciate all the old school stuff anyways, I'm just gunna leave this first pass here for you guys to check out lololol.. I might remake this again, and use the lasso tool more to get those abstract shapes in there..
Some updates! This is my first time doing sprite vfx by the way.. and I gotta say, making these frame by frame the traditional way is A LOT of work!!! XD really makes me appreciate all the old school stuff anyways, I'm just gunna leave this first pass here for you guys to check out lololol.. I might remake this again, and use the lasso tool more to get those abstract shapes in there..
I made a little group rendering of my micro monsters.
Crazy Neox is Crazy.
Here's a couple of things sketchfabified.
Current WIP project:
A guy that was painted by Justin Holt for his CGWS here: http://cghub.com/images/view/494439/
And my old hulk
Doing a armor set for Dota, Phantom Lancer. Yellow wires are to be ropes.
But I grew tired of it and realized it wont work with the specs dota requires.
Almost ready to call the highpoly done, just need to add some details to the suit, redo the cape and figure out how I'm going to do the hair as I've never sculpted proper hair before, but should be fun.
Looking good darkknight, I think he could probably go heavier up top, if you check the topless shots of him you can see how massive he got for it. I'm doing a cavill likeness piece at the moment and its so hard haha, he's got such a weird face!!!!
Dude these are sweet! I LOVE the color scheme and their design
Why do they look so familiar? Maybe it has similar features to your standard insectoid alien and thats why it feels familiar or something? What is it based off of? Your own design or someting known? They look fantastic
Absolutely gorgeous, you really nailed the design. Don't suppose there's any chance of you actually modding this into FO3/NV?
color test:
Great job man! Very solid!
The only thing I can nit pick is that the diffuse on her upper back doesn't seem to match everything else. Other than that great job!
Working with new brushes.
Thanks dude. I downloaded the tools a month back but havn't taken a look yet :P
Here is the Cooler redesign i am working on for the DBZ facebook group comp
haha this one is great...!
I made a little group rendering of my micro monsters.
Here's a couple of things sketchfabified.
Current WIP project:
A guy that was painted by Justin Holt for his CGWS here:
And my old hulk
Pew pew, character is done (aside from those pesky eyebrows)
On to his gear and rig!
funny thing is, there is a slight de-saturation layer on him too :P
Salmon dragon concept by Allison Theus
Note to self: Finish this already
But I grew tired of it and realized it wont work with the specs dota requires.
This so floats my boat, love it!
Here my character still in wip
thread here
finishing this sofa:
Almost ready to call the highpoly done, just need to add some details to the suit, redo the cape and figure out how I'm going to do the hair as I've never sculpted proper hair before, but should be fun.
Too much?
A shameless crosspost from my newly created thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1846669
A small house from a Fable 3 concept, still very much WIP.
Feedback always welcome.
image hosting imgur
and started shoes for one of my characters . Thats it for today
screenshot windows
spent part of the day getting started on a Cossack sculpt, maybe he will get a thread later
Dude these are sweet! I LOVE the color scheme and their design
Why do they look so familiar? Maybe it has similar features to your standard insectoid alien and thats why it feels familiar or something? What is it based off of? Your own design or someting known? They look fantastic