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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread


  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    vlad_the_implyer: I turn my viewport background to a intense green and just use the magic wand.. I will clean it up more next time:)

    update :

    Skywrath staff using the concept that doubleleaf gave me :

    link : http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577863206939284865/F8AE7840283A011742E5A235B8AA04CA3DE73FB5/200x200.resizedimage


    medussa bow using a concept from a friend :

    link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145156332

  • MechBgum
    wip texture

    Looks too tf2-ish.
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    Yeah man, those warbanners are really nice =]
    btw, who is igddota? this is official or just a suggestion he made?

    I doubt he is an official, cyborgmatt tweeted about this and how much he likes the idea. i think it got a good chance of making it in the game then

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Spudnik wrote: »
    O.o Isn't that ward in the game ?!
    It is, that's the point :D

    mihalceanu wrote: »
    vlad_the_implyer: I turn my viewport background to a intense green and just use the magic wand.. I will clean it up more next time:)
    Either your magic wand needs tuning, or there's antialiasing when you're rendering which leads to the color bleeding. Just render image 2-3 times bigger without the AA.
  • Kraken
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    Kraken interpolator
    Thanks for your support guys!
    I've finally finished with Clinkz!


  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    @Kraken Ok thats first Clinkz set that I am 100% will make into game and will probably trigger more creators to think about this Hero.

    As for problem mentioned above with masking models from viewport I always take a screen grab after my beauty shot with viewport background changed to black and model to flat white so I could apply that as a image mask instead of using magic wands.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Damm that clinkz set! :) Grats on the finish!
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    love the clinkz set Kraken , looks 100% polished;

    Can some one share the chaos knight files ? (smd/fbx) , I am hopeless on the decompyling stuffs:D
    I would love to make a shield ..

    thank you .
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    love the clinkz set Kraken , looks 100% polished;

    Can some one share the chaos knight files ? (smd/fbx) , I am hopeless on the decompyling stuffs:D
    I would love to make a shield ..

    thank you .
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    mihalceanu wrote: »
    love the clinkz set Kraken , looks 100% polished;

    Can some one share the chaos knight files ? (smd/fbx) , I am hopeless on the decompyling stuffs:D
    I would love to make a shield ..

    thank you .
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Vlad, that's the 'official' link right? Are you seeing a page for him cause I'm not.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Kraken, that Clinkz set is wicked!

    Updated some texture, materials and rigging stuff of this guy, as well as giving it a bit more presentation love. Going to continue with the CK items I started a while ago tomorrow. Thinking about making a full set.

    As a test I fully reuploaded this to see if it does any better this time around, where I'd usually just submit a change.


  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Vlad, that's the 'official' link right? Are you seeing a page for him cause I'm not.
    Ayup, i guess they just added the files and got carried away with something to actually add the page.
    Frump wrote: »
    Kraken, that Clinkz set is wicked!

    Updated some texture, materials and rigging stuff of this guy, as well as giving it a bit more presentation love. Going to continue with the CK items I started a while ago tomorrow. Thinking about making a full set.

    As a test I fully reuploaded this to see if it does any better this time around, where I'd usually just submit a change.

    oh man, cmon, jsut look at it.

    It looks like a toy gun from the ingame view! I love the texturework, but the overall shape is something i would've worked on.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    oh man, cmon, jsut look at it.

    It looks like a toy gun from the ingame view! I love the texturework, but the overall shape is something i would've worked on.

    The original shape was much more realistic and maybe interesting, but as I am sure you know having made a sniper weapon, his poses are pretty specific. I had to re-proportion it heavily to fit his hands and animations, mostly due to bad planning on my part. If you have specific ideas to improve the shape, I would love to see a paintover or something to that effect.

    I could perhaps extend the barrel out longer to compensate for how much taller I had to make it. The original idea was for it to be longer than the ones currently in-game, but I think it could cause issues with the bullet particle attach point if I do that.

    As far as looking like a toy goes, I think most of his in-game rifles do. The shapes have to be big and chunky to read at all. I don't mind it being a bit cuter.
  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 18
    very early WIP of flying death, but would really appreciate some feedback before we progress any further.

    [ame="http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=excqo9nyX4U"]Flying Death WIP[/ame]

    As its composed of 2 parts that separate, i was wondering if anyone thought that might cause any issues?

    Any other concerns or things i should change to make it more effective in game?

    Just thought i'd ask - cheers!
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Frump wrote: »
    The original shape was much more realistic and maybe interesting, but as I am sure you know having made a sniper weapon, his poses are pretty specific. I had to re-proportion it heavily to fit his hands and animations, mostly due to bad planning on my part. If you have specific ideas to improve the shape, I would love to see a paintover or something to that effect.

    I could perhaps extend the barrel out longer to compensate for how much taller I had to make it. The original idea was for it to be longer than the ones currently in-game, but I think it could cause issues with the bullet particle attach point if I do that.

    As far as looking like a toy goes, I think most of his in-game rifles do. The shapes have to be big and chunky to read at all. I don't mind it being a bit cuter.
    I think you can close your eyes on some clipping during animations(because you never see it ingame) and the particle effect (because it can be changed) in favor of better design. After some crude reshaping i concluded that you want the rifle to be long, but the barrel/forend ratio turns this gun into sort of a snubnose.
    This combined with the cylinder makes me think that it's some kind of mutated snub that grew up to be a rifle. I realise you'll have to redo big chunk of the thing for the edit to work.

    As for the toy gun, i meant sniper body to gun ratio, but as i said that's because it makes an impression of a completely different gun.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I think you can close your eyes on some clipping during animations(because you never see it ingame) and the particle effect (because it can be changed) in favor of better design. After some crude reshaping i concluded that you want the rifle to be long, but the barrel/forend ratio turns this gun into sort of a snubnose.
    This combined with the cylinder makes me think that it's some kind of mutated snub that grew up to be a rifle. I realise you'll have to redo big chunk of the thing for the edit to work.

    As for the toy gun, i meant sniper body to gun ratio, but as i said that's because it makes an impression of a completely different gun.

    Thanks for the hot crits, those look good, but rather similar to the silhouette of some of the guns he already has.

    Thanks for making me rethink it though, I gave the barrel extension a try. I was able to unsquish the scope and make the front end more narrow as well. I like it a lot better, has the sort of personality and shape I wanted from the start. It works fine with the default particle. Good thing I wasn't planning to go to bed or anything...

    It looks a bit huge up close but works from game cam.

  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Guys, awesome stuff in here, i had to go back a bunch of pages to catch up. Now that the escape challenge is done iv been chomping at the bit to get started on a new set. Im going to make a set for Ursa, iv really enjoyed playing him recently. I have two concepts i like the most, let me know what you think, thanks!

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Frump wrote: »
    Thanks for the suggestions, those look good, but rather similar to the silhouette of some of the guns he already has.
    Woo, it looks way better now and has more character, good job!
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    very early WIP of flying death, but would really appreciate some feedback before we progress any further.

    Flying Death WIP

    As its composed of 2 parts that separate, i was wondering if anyone thought that might cause any issues?

    Any other concerns or things i should change to make it more effective in game?

    Just thought i'd ask - cheers!

    I tried downloading this video so I can watch it frame by frame but had no luck. Its a very solid start, but there a few things I noticed. Focusing on the Helicopter Staff first, two things stuck out, there is no rotation on the blades on the way down, it comes across that the blades weren't moving when he died. Also the impact of the helicopter feels a bit forced and unnatural. The Baboon looks pretty solid, but one thing that I noticed, and was a bit difficult to see since I couldn't watch it frame by frame is that the feet and hands hit at the same time. If you add some offset to the hand and feet so one hits before the other you'll have a more 'interesting' animation. But I could be mistaken since I couldn't watch it frame by frame.

    As far as the two separate pieces, as long as all the joints are connected you won't have a problem.

    Coming along great dude! Can't wait to see the final animation set.
  • pear
  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 18
    Its a very solid start, but there a few things I noticed. Focusing on the Helicopter Staff first, two things stuck out, there is no rotation on the blades on the way down, it comes across that the blades weren't moving when he died. Also the impact of the helicopter feels a bit forced and unnatural. The Baboon looks pretty solid, but one thing that I noticed, and was a bit difficult to see since I couldn't watch it frame by frame is that the feet and hands hit at the same time. If you add some offset to the hand and feet so one hits before the other you'll have a more 'interesting' animation. But I could be mistaken since I couldn't watch it frame by frame.

    As far as the two separate pieces, as long as all the joints are connected you won't have a problem.

    Coming along great dude! Can't wait to see the final animation set.

    thats some great feedback - i'll be talking to my friendly neighbourhood animator tomorrow, so i'll go throught these points with him. Cheers! Always good to have another set of eyes on the problem :)
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    I really wonder if I should carry on making content, it's damn hard to get noticed on the workshop. >_<
  • pear
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    pear polycounter lvl 8
    @vertical haha yeah it is and some of the comments are really harsh
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    pear wrote: »
    @vertical haha yeah it is and some of the comments are really harsh

    I should persevere, I guess. :D
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    pear wrote: »
    @vertical haha yeah it is and some of the comments are really harsh
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓█░ Valve Add This░░░█
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░░█
  • Rubus
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    Rubus polycounter lvl 5
    If Valve wants to encourage people on buying sets, they should fix that über sluggish Shop browser, damn, it took me almost 2 minutes to load a freaking Doom tail and it kept loading the checkout page forever.

    Why are you so slow, Steam services?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Rubus wrote: »
    If Valve wants to encourage people on buying sets, they should fix that über sluggish Shop browser, damn, it took me almost 2 minutes to load a freaking Doom tail and it kept loading the checkout page forever.

    Why are you so slow, Steam services?

    System overload due to Internationals. You'd think they learn by now!
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓█░ Valve Add This░░░█
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░░█

    As far as I'm aware that "this" is just copy/paste spam, not as bad as the vimeo scam, or am I just missing something?
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    vertical wrote: »
    As far as I'm aware that "this" is just copy/paste spam, not as bad as the vimeo scam, or am I just missing something?
    You can block vimeo scam pretty easily(just go to the profile, press "Block all communications" and then delete the comment), the thumb are annoying and flattering at the same time.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    thats some great feedback - i'll be talking to my friendly neighbourhood animator tomorrow, so i'll go throught these points with him. Cheers! Always good to have another set of eyes on the problem :)

    I downloaded the video from youtube at work and was able to breakdown the animation frame by frame. I was right about the hands and arms all hitting at the same time. The animation will feel much more natural just by offsetting those appendages. Also, I also noticed around when he hits the ground, I suggest that your animator have him squash him down a bit more, right now he hits the ground and just rolls, there is some weight, but I feel if you push it a bit you can give him a much more forceful impact. But that's a bit nitpicky, honestly, it's practically unnoticeable when played in real time. :poly124:

    Its looking great and shaping up to be a very awesome courier, I really can't wait to see the final product. I'm very excited to see the flying animations especially. The pose on the Heli-staff is just way too awesome. :thumbup:

  • Rubus
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    Rubus polycounter lvl 5
    System overload due to Internationals. You'd think they learn by now!

    Don't think so, it's always like that for me, be it in the main store page, community, workshop, etc.

    Anyway, I was really bugged when I posted it, I definitely shouldn't, it's not relevant to this thread at all.
  • AndrewHelenek
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    I can has invite pretty please :D
  • Paskie
    Working on another wep for CK.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Spudnik wrote: »
    I can has invite pretty please :D

    When I get some, you're first on the list!
  • Chaemirix
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    Chaemirix polycounter lvl 10
    New profiles and trading cards eh? Interesting.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Chaemirix wrote: »
    New profiles and trading cards eh? Interesting.

    And its easy as hell to make money off of!
  • Zaphk
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    Zaphk polycounter lvl 7
    Kraken: Love your set! Already upvoted :)

    I'm painting the textures now, but I don't know if I should change the color palette to something similar to the original... crits welcome! ^^

    And Onilolz just finished the bow
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    Love the set, Zaphk! Some criticism for you, however: Your values need some work. I've taken the liberty of doing a side by side comparison of your set and the default set:

    See how the default set contrasts with the model whereas your set almost matches the value of the model in places. Push that contrast to break things up a bit and draw the eye to key areas on the model.

    Hope that helps!
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    And its easy as hell to make money off of!

    Don't say that! You should only be in it and motivated by the love and passion of collecting and trading cards! [/sarcasm]
  • Hawkseye
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    Hawkseye polycounter lvl 4
    Finished a set for Skywrath. Critique is welcome :]

  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Spudnik wrote: »
    I can has invite pretty please :D

    dafuq, invites again?

    invites plox! =]
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Hudston wrote: »
    Love the set, Zaphk! Some criticism for you, however: Your values need some work. I've taken the liberty of doing a side by side comparison of your set and the default set:

    See how the default set contrasts with the model whereas your set almost matches the value of the model in places. Push that contrast to break things up a bit and draw the eye to key areas on the model.

    Hope that helps!

    that is a great suggestion, Zaphk set is really good and will be amazing with some more contrast on the values =]
  • Sandcoat
    The Medusa set is gorgeous!

    I don't know where else to post so I'll take a shot here, forgive me if I got it wrong. I'm a 2D artist and lately I'm having fun designing things for DOTA 2. I'd like to know if anyone is interested in collaborating on this idea for PA.


    I feel like she'd look super cool with a double katana and a sugegasa. The knife design is loosely inspired from House of the Flying Daggers.

    I'd like to know where can I get a back view of the model (can't find it on Google!), that picture was the only one I could find. Do you feel like this concept is limited by polygons, especially the belt slot? Sadly my knowledge of 3D is zero.
  • Paskie
    Adding some glowing cracks for flavor, need to add some more contrast to them of course.
    Looking good or bad?

  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    Sandcoat wrote: »
    The Medusa set is gorgeous!

    I don't know where else to post so I'll take a shot here, forgive me if I got it wrong. I'm a 2D artist and lately I'm having fun designing things for DOTA 2. I'd like to know if anyone is interested in collaborating on this idea for PA.


    I feel like she'd look super cool with a double katana and a sugegasa. The knife design is loosely inspired from House of the Flying Daggers.

    I'd like to know where can I get a back view of the model (can't find it on Google!), that picture was the only one I could find. Do you feel like this concept is limited by polygons, especially the belt slot? Sadly my knowledge of 3D is zero.

    It's a good design but in my opinion, people might be confused between Storm Spirit and Phantom Assassin with that hat. I suggest something other than the sugegasa. Also another reason where confusion might add up, the 2 heroes general colors are almost the same.
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    Paskie wrote: »
    Adding some glowing cracks for flavor, need to add some more contrast to them of course.
    Looking good or bad?


    In my opinion, I surely think others will agree. Where the red glow touches on the darker metal area looks a bit flat.
  • Zaphk
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    Zaphk polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you, guys!
    Hudston: Thank you veeery much! It helped a lot :) I changed the contrast. Still working on it, but looks much better already.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    hawkseye - i love most of the set, but i feel like the belt is really plain and the chunky head in the front is a little awkward. I also feel like the helmet is a little too wobbly and soft looking to read as metal - the shape over the face also reminds me a little too much of adam west's batman for comfort :D

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