Part 2 of the array. The tower goes really, really high too. Like at least 10 stories and the body of it looks similar to what you can see at the bottom there. 4ish hours.
Please don't judge any of the following image too harshly, it's all in a state of work in progress. Just sharing the evenings work.
-Skin shader currently sucks
-Skinning is terrible and super fast (Thus the pose is laughable :P )
-Textures are all work in progress
-No real shader work done yet either.
Whatever floats yer boat but dayum that's some strange shit...
Curious question would be what on earth you would use it for? Work/personal/game hahaha
Firstly I just wanted to make something I haven't seen before...
Secondly I believe a character artist should be able to make anykind of character being it realistic human, monster, anime, cartoonish, anthropomorphic ( furry ) etc.
Also seeing Hazardous awesome half naked big breasted female models time and time again in these forums, I wanted to see how people would react to the opposite.... Which I now have seen,,,,,
Zelly: You're totally right, as an artist you should be able to make anything you want and props to you for doing so, you did a good job
It's just not really the opposite of a half naked big breasted female. The opposite to that would be a sexed up half naked wolverine or something. The opposite to what you've made would be something like this:
Well I didn't wanted to frighten everyone on this site with such an image, so I tried to keep it as feminin as possible.
Hehe who knows, that might be a project in the future
Haha! Feminine features on a male body are definitely easier on the eyes that's for sure :')
Good job though once again zelly, reminds me of 'Loveless'
Cross-posting from my WIP thread Still working on a base HP model. Almost done with it though. A few more details/fixes and I'll be ready to start ZBrushing
You've gotta love this thread There is something from evrey style and genre!
Little update on my Torchlight 2 pack.
Mate the painted metal looks so slick !
I'm really curious how you got that look, did you paint it in a 3d app, or just straight in PS ?
Tbh I feel the wood is a bit bland and doesn't do justice to the rest of the piece.
Wood I feel is a bit bland, I usually like to break it up with a few dark-red & bright-yellow, reddish shadow underneath, and yellow highlight on top.
Did this on commission for a 3d print... took me ages, far longer than I had hoped to get through it, but it was the first time doing work for printing and I did SO much wrong.
I built it as a game character pipeline and had so much trouble with posing and merging for prints.
Learnt tonnes though and I hope the next will be quicker/better
overall I'm really pleased, I just dont wanna look it it for a few weeks haha
Made a sci fi drone
Here is the thread - ,my site contains an fyp blog of the project.
Lots that need fixing, time to take learning to a new smaller environment
Well duh, but it's not a female character, it's a crosdressing barely clothed kid.
Calling this done, feel free to give some feedback -
I'am working on a little Bioshock Infinite fan art and wanted the logo for the base so I recreated it. Rendered in Marmoset.
-Skin shader currently sucks
-Skinning is terrible and super fast (Thus the pose is laughable :P )
-Textures are all work in progress
-No real shader work done yet either.
Firstly I just wanted to make something I haven't seen before...
Secondly I believe a character artist should be able to make anykind of character being it realistic human, monster, anime, cartoonish, anthropomorphic ( furry ) etc.
Also seeing Hazardous awesome half naked big breasted female models time and time again in these forums, I wanted to see how people would react to the opposite.... Which I now have seen,,,,,
Felt like doing something different to what I've been doing for the last few months, started this.
It's just not really the opposite of a half naked big breasted female. The opposite to that would be a sexed up half naked wolverine or something. The opposite to what you've made would be something like this:
Well I didn't wanted to frighten everyone on this site with such an image, so I tried to keep it as feminin as possible.
Hehe who knows, that might be a project in the future
Good job though once again zelly, reminds me of 'Loveless'
Cross-posting from my WIP thread Still working on a base HP model. Almost done with it though. A few more details/fixes and I'll be ready to start ZBrushing
Mate the painted metal looks so slick !
I'm really curious how you got that look, did you paint it in a 3d app, or just straight in PS ?
Tbh I feel the wood is a bit bland and doesn't do justice to the rest of the piece.
Wood I feel is a bit bland, I usually like to break it up with a few dark-red & bright-yellow, reddish shadow underneath, and yellow highlight on top.
Anyway just my 2 cents, good stuff !
this looks great! Only thing that bugs me are the strands on the torn jeans...I really think they would look better being white.
Current WIP
Current WIP
Very impressive level design Finalboss!
I mean, IM NOTHING compared to you guys from polycount! Onde day i`ll be good!
Some Elk Bone Blade that im doing for a kickstarter (game for PC btw) project!
Just the Oc Map with the Normals and Low-Res Mesh. This is 1k Tris mesh with 2048 Map ( going to low down the text resolution when is finished, etc )
Thank you all!
So, doing some
Click for bigger
Nice one!
Good Job!
Been working on this for Zbrush Club's super hero contest at uni.
Been working on this for Zbrush Club's super hero contest at uni.
I saw a baby turtle on the internet so I obviously had to spend 4 hours modeling it :P
Love this. Great style. Excellent palette.
Work on TF2 things.
Cross-post from my thread.
I built it as a game character pipeline and had so much trouble with posing and merging for prints.
Learnt tonnes though and I hope the next will be quicker/better
overall I'm really pleased, I just dont wanna look it it for a few weeks haha
did a podium for the mech players will build...
for more info check out
Low poly models for our mobile game project hope you like him
412 tri's
256*256 diffuse texture size
Another model with wires and whole rig
first pass on the face texture...
keep killing it guys!
Here's a prop I just finished up.