Welcome to our forth monthly unofficial dota 2 workshop friendly competition (because huge names are cool)
This month we decided to go for the newly added heroes on the workshop list

Skywrath Mage

The competition
the idea of the competition is to create items in a friend environment and with the feedback of the other participants get the best result possible
there is no prize, is just and excuse to work and get everyone motivated
everything that is accepted by the workshop could be part of this competitions: solo items, sets, couriers, wards, HUDS and announcers?
at the end of each month we will be compiling all the thumbnails for advertising
The items will be separated on the following categories
-Solo item (dont need to be part of a set)
Getting your item displayed on the first post
[/php]or this one for 2 creators
set_name - name of your set, use equal as on the workshop
workshop_user_link - your workshop page, so people can browse your other items easily
Username - the name you think its easier to people find you, can be the one from polycount or the steam
item_link - the workshop page of your item
thumbnail_img - the image link of the thumbnail that is INSIDE your item page on the workshop
- open for teams of any size
- open for every acceptable item on the workshop
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
- the final submition need to be based on one of the heroes on the list or be a wearable item for that hero
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59
Inspiring quotes
Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart (Valve)
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game
the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.
If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used
Divine Ascension by Anuxi
Wolfsden's Pride by Chiniara and Mango
Aetherial Arcane Staff by Andyk125 and DoubleLeaf
Azure Shroud by MdK
Axe of the Endless Tundra by MdK and DoubleLeaf
Wings now Vengeance Bound by Anuxi
Goldwing Staff by 7thBattery
Veteran Viking by Crowntail and Robo
Forsaken Beauty by Don Don
Arctic Hunter Set by Zaphk and Onilolz
Almighty Gorgon Vestments by Zaphk and Onilolz
Heirloom of the Sea by Sylei
Falcon's Rise by Vextrakt
Eye of the Eyrie by Scuba Cat
The Gorgons Revenge by prophet9
Ice Star by Zoja
Twin Serpent Bow by 7thBattery
Staff of the Vengeful Eagle by Taz
As a side note... Medusa has no item information on poly counts, textures, bone linking etc. I suppose one could infer from the downloaded file... but...
I'm totally in. Good luck and creative inspiration to all the competitors.
super rough and speedy - i wanted to get down to blocking out asap. Going to go a different method then last month, finish one slot completely then move on to the next instead of doing all at once in blockout, sculpt, texture steps like i did last month.
the back portion of the shoulder slot may have to be adjusted to accomodate the wing insertion point.
I've got wings in mind but I don't know if i'll do them...we'll see how fast everything else on this set goes and if i'm completely burnt out on the character by the time these parts are done. More or less the same idea as the tail, though...wings bound in ornate straps.
also...the staff concept is a super-duper-ultra speed painted doodle i did when i was discussing it with a friend on skype...but i think it works for now.
/shakes head
Seriously though, I like the design, the only thing I'd note would be the helm and the belt buckle, they're a bit on the nose with the owl theme. Maybe something more abstract/subtle would be better here? Not saying that it's bad or doesn't work, just nitpicking ^^
Also, are you planning on using transparency for that staff? If you don't it'll eat tri's for breakfast.
As per the staff...yeah...i need to doublecheck the tri limit. it's up in the air - it'll likely be the last piece i do (less the wings) so i'll see what comes to me as i work on the rest. feathers would definitely be using transparency though. 4 whole tri's each.
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 500
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 300
Going to be interesting to see what people can do with those limitsI definitely want to do a set this month now that I've got the hang of things with a single item. I'm thinking I'll do one for Medusa, though I'm a little sad that the snakes aren't available to customise so we're not able to give her a new do.
I want to do something for Tusk too but having seen what's been done so far I think I need to brainstorm some more original ideas first!
Maybe Tvidotto can work his magic and talk to Valve about it?
Ah ok thx for that!
If so - is it limited on an item-by-item basis, or the entire character?
If any default item has transparency, the entire character has transparency enabled.
Valve said they'll eventually be enabling transparency for every character, but who knows when that'll be.
This is an older list from the polycount contest but it may help: http://www.difficultyunlimited.com/images/Dota2_contest_charAlphaList.jpg
Only in japan would a show about racing in the future end with a guy punching someone with enough force to cause an explosion bigger than a few thousand suns.
We will start a Medusa set soon!
I'm pretty sure it's allowed
I farted around with some SWM ideas today. Will probably end up building both wing ideas
Here is my staff that I started a few days ago and halted due to not be able to test it in the game:)
link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142946635
I've started working on a Skywratch staff, concept is made by DoubleLeaf and Spudnik was so kind to let me work on it! Will need to add some more detail, the textures are still WIP, also no masks used yet.
ty!!! i really wanted to see the original =]]]
ok guys, first test with the images for the first post (i save more 10 posts so you guys can produce a lot =])
this is a test with onilolz item, see if you guys like this way to be on the first post
Artic Hunter - Ice Axe by Onilolz and Zaphk
its the name of the item on a bigger size followed by the creators and linked to their workshop
them the thumbnail that is inside the item page with the link to the item page
@Jalcober - yeah...I was a putz and accidentally saved my Mask1 as a 24 bit...so it's all self illunmating. Here's a shot with proper shaders (i have since changed the blue portions to reflect more of the material properties underneath.)
I think a nice dark gradient would work well from the eyes on the white part of that cheek. Be careful of too much contrast in tight areas, it can look like noise from far away. (eg blue bits next to white bits)
I finished the Armour and wings blockout for SwM.
anuxiamoon : love those wings
I decided to make a skywrath mage set ,but sadly my shitty tablet-pen just broke and I'm to lazy to buy another one this weekend .
So here is my epic mouse progress:D.
WOw I really dig this, think it's a great concept!
I made some progress with my staff, not sure if Il stay this direction, I might try some other things out. comments are alwasy welcome. Offcourse everything is still wip.
Here is my basemesh for a Skywrath staff.
I'm worried about the shaft and how I can break up the silhouette without making it overall too busy. Please let me know what you think. I'm loving everything everyone has posted so far...you guys are too good
Needs a slight color adjustment to match his other blues, but I've already taken care of that...just didn't get pictures
Slow going on the shoulder slot...trying to get the hang of these curve tools in Zbrush. I'm hoping to get it at least ready to texture before the end of the weekend. we shall see.
unfortunately I made the mistake of trying to learn how to PLAY the game a couple of weeks ago...and have gotten much less done FOR the game ever since. it was a momentary lapse of reason that i will continue to pay for with noobishness.
Imo you should try a white/gold only for the helm ; I think it would go really nice
update: I finished the sketch of my skywrath set:)
mihalceanu-- liking your shapes and designs so far! the hood looks really cool on him
anuxi-- the silhouette on those wings are awesome, that'll look great with his animations
Heres more progress on Skywrath's set