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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    My theory is this show will end and I'll have to watch something else.
    I also think in the final episode, right at the end, there will be credits and then I'll change the channel.

    your theory is wrong...i know this cos in series 4... oh hang on

    bet you finish watching it but in another timeline you carry on watching it and you have to go back to series 2 and start watching it again to get yourself out...oh hang on

    ...oh hang on
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I hope they'll answer questions they never answered in the other seasons like what the deal with the numbers and Walt is. Are the numbers candidate numbers or something? Walt could make birds die just because he didn't want to do his homework... He probably also summoned those polar bears by reading those comic books with polar bears in them, right? What's the deal with him? Why does he have magical powers?
    There are probably alot more things that just got passed by and I doubt we'll get answers to those questions.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Goraaz wrote: »
    I hope they'll answer questions they never answered in the other seasons like what the deal with the numbers and Walt is. Are the numbers candidate numbers or something? Walt could make birds die just because he didn't want to do his homework... He probably also summoned those polar bears by reading those comic books with polar bears in them, right? What's the deal with him? Why does he have magical powers?
    There are probably alot more things that just got passed by and I doubt we'll get answers to those questions.

    What season did you stop watching?

    1. Yes, the numbers represent candidates.
    2. The polar bears were brought to the island by Dharma, and used in numerous experiments. Presumably, because the island was once located very far north.
    3. Walt (and probably Michael) were probably touched by Jacob at one point (ooer) or maybe walt naturally has the power Jacob and his mom seem to possess.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    What season did you stop watching?

    1. Yes, the numbers represent candidates.
    2. The polar bears were brought to the island by Dharma, and used in numerous experiments. Presumably, because the island was once located very far north.
    3. Walt (and probably Michael) were probably touched by Jacob at one point (ooer) or maybe walt naturally has the power Jacob and his mom seem to possess.

    Most kids have special powers on the island that's why they kept collecting them.
  • bounchfx
    Most kids have special powers on the island that's why they kept collecting them.

  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Also cause they generally make good workers...

    Which reminds me, did they ever cover what the others were digging for that time they put Sawyer and Kate to work? Was it the bomb?
  • glib
    What season did you stop watching?

    1. Yes, the numbers represent candidates.

    This still hasn't been explained. They relate to the valanzetti equation, and they were beside the candidates names in the cave, but that's just because "jakob had a thing for numbers".
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I think if you are expecting much more of an explanation to that you are going to be sorely dissapointed...
  • bounchfx
    glib wrote: »
    This still hasn't been explained. They relate to the valanzetti equation, and they were beside the candidates names in the cave, but that's just because "jakob had a thing for numbers".

    I'm pretty sure that's all we're gonna get.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Which reminds me, did they ever cover what the others were digging for that time they put Sawyer and Kate to work? Was it the bomb?

    I believe that they were digging out a runway? Possibly for a plane to land? I remember Julliet telling one of the losties that. In fact I believe that it was the very same runway that they crashed landed on when coming back to the island.

    I wounder if Jacob told them to build the runway? lol
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Okay hold on. I thought the erin thing was clearly explained as the Ben team of others working for years with juliet on every child on the island being stillborn. Wasnt that clearly explained and deadended in season 2 or 3 or something?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    people cannot get pregnant and give birth on the island. However, people pregnant can give birth on the island see rousou and claire, etc.. Sun gave birth off the island.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Most kids have special powers on the island that's why they kept collecting them.

    But Walt had special powers long before their visit to the island :S
    I thought they collected adults too? Like the australian air hostess. They said something about only taking "good" people.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Goraaz wrote: »
    But Walt had special powers long before their visit to the island :S
    I thought they collected adults too? Like the australian air hostess. They said something about only taking "good" people.

    The air hostess was with the other others at the temple, the new dharma folks were the ones taking the kids..(like Juliet was she wasn't part of the temple others, she was part of the dharma station folks.)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    The air hostess was with the other others at the temple, the new dharma folks were the ones taking the kids..(like Juliet was she wasn't part of the temple others, she was part of the dharma station folks.)

    naw, we've seen the air hostess taking care of the kids/being at dharma stations other than the temple.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Just a reminder after tonight, the finale is on SUNDAY NIGHT.. NOT NEXT TUESDAY...

  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Anyone else think momma was a smoke monster? I can't imagine she killed that entire camp in her human form. And she looked pretty strong when she sent MiB flying against the cave wall, kinda like when Ben got man-handled by the manifestation of his daughter, below the temple.

    I suspected that when Locke said "I looked into the eye of the island and what I saw was beautiful," he was referring to the bright light was was revealed last episode. But if I recall, wasn't he looking upward? So perhaps he was looking at the smoke monster? And why did he want the smoke monster to take him way back in Season 2 was it? I guess he was just a curious fellow and wanted to know where the rabbit hole lead.

    Lots of fun stuff still to know...can't imagine they even clear half of it up in only two weeks.
    Was Jacob really the one in the cabin? Or was that the smoke monster confined to the cabin by the ring of ash....which looked to have been broken at one point? My guess is, if it was Jacob, Ben wouldn't have been so terrified about taking Locke to see him. Furthermore, why did the cabin appear and reappear when it wanted to be found. Probably time-line stuff, but couldn't Ben find the cabin easily enough?

    Seems water ran to or from the light source....I wonder if drinking the water is what helped to heal people of their ailments, which the stronger source being at the temple. Maybe the temple was built above the light source. Then again, we saw the light go out when the smoke monster appeared (after MiB went sailing down to it). But we also know the water changed in some way with the death of Jacob. So somehow Jacob has got to be connected to the water...maybe even the light.

    It might have been cool if the light was like an angler fish light...and you go towards it thinking it's pretty and then this big ugly black smoke gobbles you up. :)

    (lots of rambling...sorry)
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    Just a reminder after tonight, the finale is on SUNDAY NIGHT.. NOT NEXT TUESDAY...


    this is going to piss off a lot of people. lol
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    drink the koolaid jack
  • bounchfx
    that shit was awesome. I am so pumped for the finale now.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    really..did I miss something ? I love this show...but come on..these last couple episodes have been bad...lets introduce a plot element that had nothing to do with anything in the last five seasons (the light)..I think they really dropped the ball on Richard Albert too..this guys has been around for a couple hundred years and he is just as clueless as everyone else. Everyone seems to be clueless. Even Jacob and the Smokeman are clueless...and I find myself wondering wth the flash sideways have to do with anything..it all seems like redundant filler to get to the season finale...I'm going to watch it...and I hope I am completely wrong and it kicks all kinds of ass..yeah my 2 cents
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    low odor wrote: »
    really..did I miss something ? I love this show...but come on..these last couple episodes have been bad...lets introduce a plot element that had nothing to do with anything in the last five seasons (the light)..I think they really dropped the ball on Richard Albert too..this guys has been around for a couple hundred years and he is just as clueless as everyone else. Everyone seems to be clueless. Even Jacob and the Smokeman are clueless...and I find myself wondering wth the flash sideways have to do with anything..it all seems like redundant filler to get to the season finale...I'm going to watch it...and I hope I am completely wrong and it kicks all kinds of ass..yeah my 2 cents
    This. Agree with every word.

    I'm also a bit confused as to why Jacob and Smokey didn't have much airtime previously, if they're so integral to the main plot - They finally have an entire episode 4 hours from the finale, and I'm supposed to care about them and their murderous, surrogate mother?

    If the woman was already there protecting the glowing cave, what was she protecting it from? The clan that lived over the hill that didn't seem to give a crap about her? Didn't she kill most of them before Jacob flushed his bro down the glowy toilet?

    It's looking like the last 2 hours is going to be JJ standing infront of a greenscreen, reading out explainations to a clueless and bemused audience.


    "...then Jack woke up and realised it was all just a terrible nightmare. OOooOOOOoooh.".
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    they best not have killled richard tonight and made jack the new "king." moose get angry , moose terrorize villages.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    low order / glyn> I pretty much agree, but in all fairness, the series took a serious trip off the deep end a long time ago. It hasn't been the same series mainly because questions have been answered. The best part though, was not knowing crap. That's why the first season rocked so hard.

    This show works on mystery, and the more the fog was lifted, the less we projected what we wanted to be there. Thus, the disappointment that things have turned out so... I dunno. Underwhelming I guess. Or maybe, just... pretty good?
    The plot holes have been decently covered over a bit, but it's hard to keep up with 6 seasons of wtf is going on anyways.

    The character arcs are pretty much already over too. Everything is just going through its paces, until the big reveal; which will probably completely satisfy mostly nobody . I still like this show, and will see it to its conclusion. But nothing will beat that first season.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    the flash sideways 'is' the ending...
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    the flash sideways 'is' the ending...
    They'll do a crossover with Flashforward.

    What? They still have time!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    the flash sideways 'is' the ending...

    Doubtful. It looks like an alternate timeline that has been constructed for some reason, but the people savvy to it are trying to destroy it. What Juliette and the nuke have to do with it, I don't know.

    It was an alright episode I guess...not that many surprises in it though. I really wonder what the hell is up with that blood on Jacks neck again.
  • e-freak
    Due to the fact that my flat mate wanted to know what I was watching 3 weeks back I had to watch all of Lost again with him... Personally the last few episodes (esp. across the sea) were pretty meh, but the latest one (What they died for) is awesome (apart from that I'd have expected some more flashes and talk when
    Jack becomes Jacob - which btw was soooooo obvious
    ). Looking forward to the Finale especially since every actor on the show is like "this is so awesome" (and I still hope they are not all talking advertisment).
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Everything is just going through its paces, until the big reveal; which will probably completely satisfy mostly nobody

    I have a gut feeling that I am trying to deny, that you are right.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    So who do you think pulled Desmond out of the well? My guess is it was Claire. She kinda just vanished and it would make sense if she did it because of the way she looked at flocke after he sank the sub.

    Looking forward to whats ahead.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    So who do you think pulled Desmond out of the well? My guess is it was Claire. She kinda just vanished and it would make sense if she did it because of the way she looked at flocke after he sank the sub.

    Looking forward to whats ahead.
    Sayid, when he was supposed to be off killing Desmond?
  • Mark Dygert
    That's what flocke said when he checked out the well with Ben.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It seems that everyone needs to get together in the side time, while Locke is trying to get everyone together in the original timeline. I'm curious if that's required, so that timelines meet back up somehow.

    I guess the overall question I still have is why MiB is stuck on that island. I'm starting to give up on ever expecting answers for most of the other shit. We know how he arrived there, but it isn't clear why he can't leave, and why everyone believes he'd be so dangerous if he got off the island. He wasn't 'world domination' dangerous before he became smokey, so why was it necessary for him to stay?

    I think they wasted too much time when they didn't have an end date to the series. Then, when they finalized a date, it wasn't enough time to close things up. Now they're trying to shove shit together and just ignoring many of the questions that they created in the first damn place. Especially since they decided to open more questions when they should have been closing them in this final season.
    For instance, why introduce that whole group in the temple? Where the fuck did they come from? What was so important about that temple? MiB went in, killed everyone, and then wanted nothing to do with the place.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    all I want to know, Is where the hell is Vincent!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    notman wrote: »
    For instance, why introduce that whole group in the temple? Where the fuck did they come from? What was so important about that temple? MiB went in, killed everyone, and then wanted nothing to do with the place.

    They were Dharma. Probably introduced because the temple had already been introduced. I agree, that didn't really go anywhere, so they might as well have left it abandoned in the story. It's important though, because it seems to be a spring of the water by the light...hence why sawyer was brought back to life, but empty. Once MiB went into the light, the water may have become impure.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    the water only went unpure after jacob was dead, the people there were surprised by its failing/miscoloring when the Losties/Candidates were brought there - and the mib-diving-into-the-heart of the island bit happened may thousands of years prior.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    good point moose I was actually unsure about what I wrote as soon as I posted it hehe :D
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That's sort of the other part I didn't like last night. Ben just starts killing people. So, I guess now we won't know anything more about Widmore, like why he left (unless I missed it in an old ep), or why he returned, or knew to return. Why he never returned previously? ... whatever... magic
  • glib
    luke wrote: »
    gotta love ben, he'll never change

    More like he'll change repeatedly and sporadically with no motivation each time.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    iim still confuse as to why mister smokieboy cant get the fuck out of the island, sure now hes mean and kill people ( then again all losties have kill people) but before when he was just jacob turd bro, he was allright, BUT NO DENIED ACCESS, i hate this show

    that fucking light, Fuck me with their fucking alien magic. so the alternate timeline could be a time where the island as exploded by smokie, and now they will make it whole again?

    I bet that if they kill Smokieboy before he blow that island, the island will want a YING to the YANG, Jacob/jake need an opposite ( well hes not entirely good, but whatever) Maybe some other lost turd will stay behind, James or maybe Ben hes weird enough

    I cant believe they killed Jin and sun for all that shit. WHERES VINCENT

    btw i like how richard got owned. I doubt hes dead tho.
  • bounchfx
    notman wrote: »
    That's sort of the other part I didn't like last night. Ben just starts killing people. So, I guess now we won't know anything more about Widmore, like why he left (unless I missed it in an old ep), or why he returned, or knew to return. Why he never returned previously? ... whatever... magic

    joke? they explained all of this.

    Ben was pissed as shit at Widmore for killing his daughter, remember?

    widmore left because ben banished his ass. he returned because jacob invited his ass back, whereas he couldn't before. he couldn't find the damn place. the entire show from widmore's point of view was him TRYING to 'return previously'.

    come on man lol. It's easy enough to blame things you missed on magic or poor writing, I guess hehe.

    I still have way too many questions left too, but whatever, one more ep!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    b1ll, i love you.

    per, you solved LOST! Biff Tannin will return in Lost2.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    b1ll wrote: »

    that fucking light, Fuck me with their fucking alien magic. so the alternate timeline could be a time where the island as exploded by smokie, and now they will make it whole again?
    Didn't they use a bomb to destroy the whole island in the last season?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    bounchfx wrote: »
    joke? they explained all of this.

    Ben was pissed as shit at Widmore for killing his daughter, remember?

    But I thought they had already stated previously that they couldn't kill each other (when Ben stormed into Widmore's bedroom). And if he COULD kill him, why didn't he earlier (like when in the bedroom)?

    I thought maybe I had recalled him being banished, but couldn't remember details.

    I don't know... maybe if they'd answer shit in the same damn season, instead of opening so many questions until the very last season, it would be easier to remember wtf has happened. I really liked this show, and I think as the end nears, I get more and more upset at how the show was handled (with unanswered moments).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Pern...win post of the month.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    notman wrote: »
    But I thought they had already stated previously that they couldn't kill each other (when Ben stormed into Widmore's bedroom). And if he COULD kill him, why didn't he earlier (like when in the bedroom)?

    No point killing his daughter if he himself is dead...can't suffer then can he >:D
    I reckon Ben is just playing Smokey, just like with Sawyer probably.
  • AstroZombie
  • Mark Dygert
    perna wrote: »
    I think they've got one more twist for ya.

    ... and then Jack woke up, crying, thankfully it was all a dream.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    It all seems rushed and the pacing is off in the final episodes, I'm hoping for a decent enough finale. I mean, Widmore comes to the island, does hardly anything and then dies. Thats about as comprehensive as the people in Star Trek who wore red suits and got killed off. Theres not much substance because theres no logic in why things are happening.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I really want the crazy eye-patch russian guy to turn up in the real timeline again...maybe even wrestle the smoke monster to the ground and choke hold that sucka...would be awesome.
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