We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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daily spit paint
Another Spitpaint
would love to get some feedback.
EDIT: oh and here's the video of the robot skull i did a few weeks ago.
The last painting is of Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill.
Great clouds Pontus!
Lunch paint:
TwoFlower, wow that first piece. I'm in love. Great staging!
Erik, man I'd love to have a small island getaway on your second piece. Looks peaceful, but then again it could just be on a back of a giant beast hah.
For anyone interested, started a small blog for all things RedX, a few of my friends loved the idea and contributed a few of their "members"
Near the bottom is an audiofile just explaining the setup in good texttospeech form.
Lunch sketch:
Erik: that chopstick cat is awesome!
Some stuff from yesterday and today
Some sci fi dudes.
I've missed you too guys ^^
Paint from ref, about 2hrs
Sweet paint!
TwoFlower: Sweet man! I'm glad someone finds them useful haha.
Been browsing reddit and I found the ICanDrawThat sub. There was a guy asking to redraw his 10 year old nephews robot, so I took up that challenge and did this.
Commission work
my spit for today
Really excited about that game
Stinger:Cheers for sharing the process!
vvheris: Thanks man
Started with doodles in Alchemy:
Cool stuff erik ^^
...Are you secretly Joe Mad in disguise?
Really nice linework Bonner but I think the picture is overexposed and ruining some of the lines
"The Visitor"
Kamikaze goblin - Daily Spitpaint:
test for how i could render character shots in those environments
Great work everyone. I am happy to see this thread get such consistent updates.
This is a cool piece - what is it fan art of?
RJ that's hot!
Just got myself a Pentel Brush Pen, Loving it!
(Need to work out how to get better pics though)
another robot dude