We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Nice evnin with ya guys!
Hey man, I really like the handle nicley done, maybe you could do a few variants where you try making a blade out of, say narwal horns, etc. Could be cool
Here's something I did tonight before bed real quick.
I like your environment but maybe you should add a point of interest? Maybe a red submarine craft from the year 2045?
hello fellow artists, a lot of awesome arts,
I just wanted to share my recent stuff here too.
@ErikNilsson your work is beautyful, have you some advices to share?
Ref was a photo of a fitness model.
Np man, yeha do a few different ones next to each other, try to make the next one look as different as possible to the last one, while still keeping within the theme.
Thanks! Looking good there, anything specific you are wondering about?
So im currently putting together an artbook with my work from the past 3 years.
Made 2 new images to put into it.
I don't usually sketch that much. I did however made these today, quite happy with them.
Some THumbs from tonights hangout:
Erik: wicked stuff Can't wait to see it developed.
Was listening to this while doodling the scene, It definitely had an effect.
Allan-p - Thanks, and that looks fantastic! Great shading and a much more interesting pose!
Erik: Some cool gestures on those animals. The right one in the second row looks really interesting.
Did some fanart, really like the evangelion mechas
Heres some of my creatures, more rendered out:
[ Images Deleted due to photobuckets greed. ]
Here's a painting I made yesterday. Any crits or input are welcome!
Spiderbot, Spiderbot...Does whatever a Spiderbot does...
and some others
Sweet kickflip man!
Here's the frenchest thing ever.
A WIP from me:
He is SO dapper :P Also TRUMPETS!!!!!!! Lets add the DayBard to the mix :P
Check out my sketchbook thread:
Awww Yeah those Sketches are kicking so much ass Ben!
Some thumbs from me:
Twoflower, oh yeah, look sweet with those lights
Ben, my man! wicked.
Spooooky spooky skeletons.
Havent had time to upload this yet, might as well:
Daew, Moof: Thanks guys, nothing much just a little personal concept project. You can see them all at my portfolio:
trying to develop my silhouette paint over skills for my FMP in college