We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Starting to do those daily sketch things on twitter.
It's... so.... beautiful! *Tears of joy*
Man sometimes i just wish i could draw...
Emeriastone: that looks really cool!
Photoshop and Optical Mouse(My wrist is killing me , hopefully i can get a tablet soon).
@ErikNilsson: I love the light greens and pink in that tribal painting.
@artistictiger: just pick up a pencil until you get a tablet. drawing with a mouse is like... the worst thing to do.
I did some ghost in the shell fanart although ive never seen anything of it. just googled searched it lol. such cool visuals. i took some freedoms though.
You should see Ghost, really awesome stuff.
Yeah i know :P i do use a pencil too, used to scann all of my drawings, but i wanted to try/practice pure digital for texturing practice, plus I'm running out of paper lol
Man the spacebus is delayed again...
and more clouds
Played around with this image in After effects to get stuff moving [ame="
Was fun, but i need to plan it out better next time.
cool stuff gameguran!
Some more from the same project.
Quick sketch. haven't drawn in like 2 years. Back to 3D.
here are some of the character designs I did for a game created during the 48h Nordic Game Jam this weekend!
Some robot ideas.
Heres todays spitpaint:
Cool stuff, Erik and Kristian and Wheris!
Nice light on that last one
Moon base and Black Fur spitpaint
here's mine today's spit paint.
Epic Sunlight
That black fur is awesome, love dem plants.
heres todays quick lunch sketch, Three-eyed angel:
[Mega] Rocket Punch
Three-eyed angel
anyways, this is a test for a game project!