We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Spitpaint: King Scorpion
Here's mine, work in progress, from ref: http://vampire-zombie.deviantart.com/art/swimming-in-rivers-424271515
[edit] discovered some new stuff, will repost later
Mostly been posting to my tumblr these days.
WOW So much Awesome here right now, Allan, LOVE your latest stuff! the colors and the rendering are just beautiful!
Heres something from me:
thanks erik! lovely piece btw.
another from me. imagination this time
Selaznog, that's one scary spitpaint
Decided to join in the spitpaint frenzy:
Prisoner number 5
Witch hunter
Nice job as always guys
Spitpaint: prisoner number 5
I forgot to post it here but here is a penguin concept I am working on atm for comicon.
These are more coloured sketches to just find what colour pallette I like since I am farily set on the actual design. After this I Intend to do a fully polished concept of him.
It's a topic generator for coming up with topics for speedpainting.
Download -> http://www.jimsvanberg.se/temp/boxki...cgenerator.zip
Me and some colleagues at work were using the 3CH generator, wich is great, but we were put of by the fact that the formula for the topics were set in stone. So I decided to try some programming and with some help from my colleagues Boxkitty's topicgenerator was born!
This is how it works:
1, tic one or many boxes. The boxes represent complexities of the topic sentence. If you only tic one box, your topic will be generated with that category. If you tic more then one box, it will be random.
2, press the big button to let Boxkitty generate the topic for you! Great for those lunch speedpainting sessions! The text in front of the actual topic ("complex 3/3" in the picture below) is just a debug feature that I have left in for now. It just says that the topic was generated from the "complex" category and that out of three formulas in that category, you got the third one.
Now download, paint and edit the generator if you so wish. Adding/removing words are as easy as editing a text file. I also left the wip psd's in the download if you wanna place your own backgrounds and so on. Some of the words used are carried over straight from 3CH and the rest are new.
Happy generating! And feel free to ask questions and show paintings
Art dump!
Digging the Red X Gang cover
Spitpaints of the day:
Dwarf King
School girl with "Sci-fi" astronaut helmet spitpaint:
More odd things.
Spitpaint time !!
Horse on beach
Robot Lady (yes I had a long look at Fritz Lang's Metropolis
I will be sure making something for the comicon challenge now!
dropping my most recent spitpaint here as well!
WIP ... critic is very welcome... please tell me if anything looks odd.
Have been doing some face studies recently, with a norse/viking theme sort of:
Here's some traditional stuff from me
I have some art pieces, but I'll wait until I am better.
Keep up the good work, guys.
wasker- killer stuff man
Back with another study from ref this time.
I need some advice. I need tutorials. I need people pointing out stuff. I need help. Even just the psychology of drawing.
This is more or less the level I am currently at. More sketches are here: http://littlenorwegians.deviantart.com/gallery/45235810?offset=0
I would appreciate any help. It's why I came to Polycount, in a way.
Heres a Gif animation thing!
(just trying things out in PS)
high res here
Gnashed: Nice Depth man! Awesome.
Quicker spitpaint/Study: