We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Here's mine. Nowt special and I think I need lots of practice!
Nice life drawings! Thanks for sharing that website by the way, I'll be giving it a spin today.
Spitpaint from me:
So, I am working on some artwork for a board card game set in a postapocalyptic western kinda world, and i've been sketching some characters for it. Experimenting really as its my first illustration work, so i could really use some views and crits!
The femme fatale
hppy turkey day if you're celebrating
Palioseiras: Well do some more anatomy studies I would say, also do some black and white sketches to get a hang of values, shadows and highlights
Keep up the good work guys.
Not very happy with this one BUT OH WELL:
Recent stuff.
rawr.. been a while.
Very nice pencil work, Dado.
Some sketches from today. Snow landscapes are nice.
Decided to fiddle around with this a bit more, not sure if its better or if I broke it,
the composition is really about these two now:
Sweet characters Allan :P
Erik: Thanks man Was hitting a huge artistic block which lasted months... so nice to be back at it again
did a character sheet-ish for an illustration-ish piece that i want to do
cant decide which pose i want to go with so help me pick!
Did some quick 12-20 min sketches during my lunch.
1hr doodle
Some quick studies from me
Here's some kill la kill since it come to my head first; yeah if you go for the low shot, try to get as low to the floor as possible:
Um, that's me tho, I find these things most dynamic. They'll probably be tough to pull off tho. If anything to keep in mind you'll want to showcase the design, so just make sure the pose shows off the design, instead of obscures
Yes destiny inspired
Another one from ref:
And trying to find a pose (this time with a tablet:
And a lemon shark drawing (I don't know if that counts in that thread though):
All 30mins unless otherwise stated:
"Ash Giant"
"Concentrated Solar Power"
"Plague Winds"
I spent another 20mins on this one - didn't quite work for me so left it here
Rough... hoho. Will do many more style explorations in the next weeks.. And maybe another one based off of this one.
Did this last night:
another pose. idea: about to begin work on some monstrous blade of some sorts broken/building? dunno more to come!