We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Very nice style. By "study", is it for achieving a particular style or are you trying to get better defining different types of surfaces? This looks more like a design sheet than a study. Maybe you want to make some studies from life/photos to get a better idea of how the light would act on different surfaces. If that was the intention that is. Otherwise ignore me and know you did a nice job.
Some ballpoint pen sketches from me.
1. Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators by Michael d. Mattesi
2. Drawing the Clothed figure by Barbara Bradley (a lot of it is on drawing the figure)
I just posted a bunch of my pen and ink work in Pimping and Previews here.
Here's one of the pieces I'm working on, a set of portraits:
Thanks for looking!
Erik: Love the first robot/cyborg/future cop sketch !!
Commission portrait of a friend of mine, spend around 1hr on this, from ref.
Dath Cthulhu :P
Here's a little ink sketch of an environment I did the other day:
Did some fanarting:
For now, heres some concept doodles:
Thank you Zenoart! Jon Foster is a beast!
took a break today from blubber busters.
any feedback is most welcome
I really like your use of colors (the machete he's hammering, I see blues, greens, reds and yellows
Lighting could be better. I would try to darken the front so you get a nice contrast between the blue rim light and the light coming from the machete.
My 5 cents, keep up the good work ^^
A little update, after letting it rest for a few days, I found I was missing textures and some strong solid strokes. I think it's better but I'm ot sure :P
Allan-P: Love it! Nice mix of soft and hard edge, your more rendered stuff is sweet!
heres some Black and white doodles:
Dinosaur hatchery spitpaint:
Erik love the dinosaur hatchery painting! I'd say it's one of my favorites of yours so far. Really nice work man, would love to see it rendered out
Love the colors looks like nice mixer brushes.
Some stuff out of my sketchbook:
Here are the smudge tools I use
eriknilsson; sweet tiger! really nice contrast, and great design, but im not sure abour the pose... the hind legs look great, but the forelegs dont match. it feels as if the hind legs is from a pose in the middle of a jump, and the forelegs are ffrom a standing/slow walk kind of pose.
heres my latest;
Fooling around with colors and brushes, too early to judge if it's good or not, but I'm posting it anyway
From ref, but I forgot to save the link
Thanks man and I agree, the pose is a bit off, il improve next time :P
oh and: Gillar din dude! Nice rendering!
Indeed Zeno: Mighty fine beard!
Zenoart: Love all the colors you manage to get into one piece!
Characterdesign... Critique is welcome! You could leave me some in my sketchbook
Selaznog: haha love it
Fenyce: I like the design, but if I were you I would look into the anatomy a bit more; even when working with highly stylized imagery you still need to follow the basic rules of anatomy
Now, update on the old man drawing, I put in some more detail, a bit more brushwork etc. I've added an animated GIF of the layers I kept. Hope you guys like it.
stylize painting i did for a friend's ("Eight") bday
Best painting ever.
Looking great guys!
First piece of 2014