Yeah it deserves it although I wish they'd hurry up and fix the PS3 version. My game, it lags!
In other news I have a funny and useful bug where certain quests can be done again. I went to the Dwemer Musuem and suddenly a quest popped up regarding getting the information from that stone for the Thieves Guild questline. I had already done it a long time ago so I decided to mess with it and see how far I could go.
Karliah and the mage guy were in the basement again and I handed them the paper. The same conversation played and I was given a second Nightingale blade. So for fun I dual wield them
But a lot of this stuff is happening all over the game. NPC's repeat their first lines, I'm regarded as a criminal and yet no one arrests me and I have double of everything :S
Try drawing out your sword while near them and quick saving, quick loading.
Also, if on PC try the TLC/TCL (no collision) command and go towards the elevator, a couple of seconds after they should port right next to you.
Honestly, I wish you luck, took me a good 15 minutes in finding them, and another good 15 min just getting them to follow me to elevator so I can go back up, dismiss them and go back.
Yeah...just finding her again in that place will be fun times...But sounds worth a try. Thanks for the tips!
That being said, the console-centric menu system is a little annoying, but the 'favorites' part is a nice touch.
Something that would be nice is if chests sorted contents by type your inventory does. I've just got the one chest in my first home, and it's a pain to sift through everything I've put in it already.
hit a huge glitch last night, pity really I havent had a single issue with the game until now, it ran perfectly smooth.
The companions quest chain got fuxxored in the ass purity of revenge wont start.. its been driving me nuts.. tried using console to push it along but nothing happens..
in other news I got gloves that give me 30% single hand damage and ooo mm gg ahahaha
Damnit.. Was doing Christmas shopping last Saturday, saw Skyrim going for 22.99 in Gamestation.... Now I'm trying to find the odd hour or 2 here and there just to get through it I'm hooked!
So far got pwnd by the troll as you head towards the greybeards- ended up cheating with him and ran like a tart up the hill Did the same with the ice dude too- I've just been to the top and now having to nip off somewhere else.
Loving it so far but did encounter the bug in the first dungeon you do (The one with the claw, couldn't activate the turning pillars so you don't get arrowed down when hitting the switch).
Not seen any other major bugs apart from that and quite enjoying it- not usually a big RPGer but there's a really nice sense of scale to the environment- I keep wandering off the paths just to see if there's anything hidden away or to see if there are other beasties about
Currently a LVL 5 warrior, better start grinding or sommat and get my skills up
I had the same thing with Jzargo, I think I fast travelled and he snapped out of it though. I was like 'wtf lydia never cowered in fear for no reason! pathetic!' but I kept him on anyway, he's a good sport. Gave him back all his stupid flame cloak scrolls though
Simple solution, leave your companions at home. Never liked the idea of AI-controlled companions in games. They'd always do something stupid at the wrong time.
lmfao.. I did the same.. reminds me I gotta go back and pwn his ass..
lvl 25 now
Tried running past him once, that didn't go so well. Apparently the shout I picked up in the town below the Greybeards isn't working, cause I couldn't use it to pacify him. Ended up going toe-to-toe with him, with a lot of backstepping and fireballing. Got slaughtered twice before I sorted it out.
Which reminds me, I need to stock up on healing potions...
Also, gotta give credit to the mission designers. I'm actually really damn glad a lot of the missions (especially side quests) ramp up to require me to travel long distances (like to the other side of the map). A lot of the side quest stuff in Fallout never made it feel like you had to do too much, but the ones I'm seeing in Skyrim are making you work for your reward.
I'm trying to avoid using fast travel, as it starts becoming a bit of a cheat in many games. So far, just using it when I realize I'm at the cusp of being overencumbered with random stuff and need to unload.
Funny, once I got 2 handed stagger for destruction spells Trolls weren't much of an issue. My biggest challenge in the game were other wizards and running out of magicka.
I've reached master level destruction and I'm wearing light dragon plate enchanted so destruction spells are free. Now that I'm a fairly unstoppable juggernaut I'm going to take a break.
Most of the time my companions die its friendly fire on my part, I saw one get flown into the air by a giant, 2 minutes later she shows back up perfectly fine.
I'm actually thinking about the game during the day, figuring out what I want to do next. Haven't done that in a while... Very glad I burned through all the other stuff I've picked up recently and decided to get this game through Steam.
haha got owned by a sabre tooth cat thingie- I'm really good at remembering names aren't I? almost where I need to be, loving all the little scripted shit that happens out in the wilderness, like bandits who after beating are near their victim who has a note on them... also the dude who feeds the giants a cow- think the mammoths or something else killed him before he could do it though as he dissapeared- I was hidden behind some rocks to see what happens.
Really getting sucked in to the game, and the other half doesn't mind too much as she usually cuddles up to me whilst I'm playing, just need to remember not to start leaning in different directions when in combat
I came across some random orc who was looking for a good death... gave him that.
Also, side note, loving the 'finishing move' cinematics. A bug at the end of the first dragon battle made me reload it, and when I finished off the dragon the second time, my guy jumped up on the dragon and beat its brains out.. hells yah.
Funny, once I got 2 handed stagger for destruction spells Trolls weren't much of an issue. My biggest challenge in the game were other wizards and running out of magicka.
I've reached master level destruction and I'm wearing light dragon plate enchanted so destruction spells are free. Now that I'm a fairly unstoppable juggernaut I'm going to take a break.
Shock spells deplete magicka and are the go-to weapon against magic users. Dual casting shock spells will break their wards, costing them magicka and leaving them vulnerable to another attack that will drain them even more. The Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson will deal out 50 magicka damage per shot if you want to have a shorter battle (Just keep a supply of filled soul gems to recharge it since it gets used up fast). The Staff of Magnus will drain magicka as well. You can take the Atronach sign and get a 50% absorption, extra magicka, but a 50% regen penalty to tank mages.
Thank the gods you can quickly cure vamprism with a trip to the local shrine! Finished up a quick "kill the vamp camp" mission, went back to town, collected my reward, just as I walked outside got the "you feel a slight hunger as the sun sets" message... urgh.
Also, I kinda wish you could pay off the smiths to upgrade / create weapons for you, for a price. Like if you buy / provide the smithing materials, they'll upgrage your weapons for you. It'd take away some of the grind of doing that myself.
Done a bit more of the main quest, think I'll go back to side questing for a while now that I've got the full force Shout.
Thank the gods you can quickly cure vamprism with a trip to the local shrine! Finished up a quick "kill the vamp camp" mission, went back to town, collected my reward, just as I walked outside got the "you feel a slight hunger as the sun sets" message... urgh.
Also, I kinda wish you could pay off the smiths to upgrade / create weapons for you, for a price. Like if you buy / provide the smithing materials, they'll upgrage your weapons for you. It'd take away some of the grind of doing that myself.
Done a bit more of the main quest, think I'll go back to side questing for a while now that I've got the full force Shout.
Smithing is borked and its incredibly easy to level up to 100.
just make daggers and leather bracers
actually I think the smithing tree is too simplistic, there should have been separate branches for light and heavy and there could have been some awesome quests built around advancement in smithing. same with weapon crafting.. it be totally awesome to have to use a forge deep in a dungeon somewhere to make daedric and etc..
also with the abundance of actual items in the game they should have made the receipes more complicated.
and 4 pieces to make a complete set is too easy should be 6 at least.
I say this because its so easy to get to 100 and they are so easy to make once you have daedric or dragon you become this unassailable 1 man war machine it kinda feels like godmode..
Yeah i've reach level 100 in smithing in some hours, making daggers hehe. They should have make the leveling based on the price or quality of weapons or something. I'm at level 48, with full daedric armour and the game isn't really challenging anymore. I kicked the ass of the final boss in 2 min.
That's where i prefer Oblivion. It was harder and sometime really painful, but you had more satisfaction finishing the big quests or reach level 100 in a skill. I'm a bit disapointed by the story of the main quest in Skyrim compare to oblivion, though side quests are really cool and more intersting imo.
Agreed, if bethesda does not fix up smithing, the modding community will.
Fixing up exp-rewards for different items will be one thing, removing the shitton of raw resources you can buy from every shop would be another.
there's little reason to actually go out and find ore veins when you can buy a ton of ore through vendors, and it's pretty cheap without actually putting any perk in the social tree.
One problem though. There isn't enough of certain types of ore deposits to smith an entire set of armor and/or weapons to match. Corundum for example. It's actually pretty hard to find (usually, you can only find one deposit at a time and it takes a lot of corundum to craft plate and scale), yet it's essential in making steel, even more so in making scale and plate armor. Yet, you can't move without tripping on an iron deposit. If you're going to remove materials from vendors, you need to add some deposits of ore somewhere. Moonstone is hard to find as well. It only exists in quantity in a ruin that is only accessible through a faction quest. If you use that to smith elven items, you won't have any later on to smith glass.
There is a ton of veins out there, but I've played with no fast travel as a rule, so I keep going everywhere.
But yeah, in any case, smithing should be balanced relatively to getting ore from the wild, and while vendors could pack a bit of it, it shouldn't so much that you can just hop around and shop yourself to 100 smithing.
I've yet to craft anything too fancy, I'm mostly just leveling up my armor and weapons with stuff I find on quests. I'm stowing away all the crafting stuff back in my black hole of a chest in my house.
The dragon's could definitely be a bit more challenging (less just circling around with me arrowing the crap outta them), it took me forever to kill a pair of mammoths, wiped out a dragon in no time.
Overall, having a blast with the game. Fast travel started becoming addictive, need to explore some more!
There is a ton of veins out there, but I've played with no fast travel as a rule, so I keep going everywhere.
But yeah, in any case, smithing should be balanced relatively to getting ore from the wild, and while vendors could pack a bit of it, it shouldn't so much that you can just hop around and shop yourself to 100 smithing.
If you're only buying, it will take you about 20-30K and in if you have no Speech improvements, even 40-60K to just get all the items necessary to get your Smithing to about 70-90, and if you have no plans for Enchantments, like many people do, you will find yourself losing money instead of making any from this process.
I personally think, if you take into account the hunting time required for materials, or money involved in buying said materials, especially when you take into account Speech for both aspects of this, the Smithing element of the game is pretty well balanced, Dagger only making not withstanding what I just said.
Enchantments on the other hand is broken, there is no risk value to it (100% success all the time) and losing an item on a Dis isn't that bad, since you can later on put it up with bonus benefits better then the original stats.
Besides, Smithing would be pretty useless with Enchantments.
All you need is iron ore/ingots and leather, which is either abundant in mines, or on every vendor around.
The hardest thing about getting money in this game is the lack of money on vendors, which is good, but do remember that you can sell all your crap at once when you buy those iron ingots at the same time, which means money wont be an issue.
Every damn time I find a vein, it's after I've gotten tired of carrying around my pickaxe for a while and dumped it back off at my place. Need to add notes to the map of where you find them so you can go back later.
loving the game but there's one thing which is really pissing me off. I'm currently hanging out with Aela the Huntress, who's constantly all like 'isn't being a werewolf the best thing ever'. But when I actually turn into a werewolf in front of her she's all like 'holy shit its a werewolf, KILL IT!'. its pretty anoying as it means i can't ever use my beast form without losing my companion which kind of defeats the benefit of being a werewolf, especially anoying since she's the one who turned me into a werewolf in the first place
In other news I have a funny and useful bug where certain quests can be done again. I went to the Dwemer Musuem and suddenly a quest popped up regarding getting the information from that stone for the Thieves Guild questline. I had already done it a long time ago so I decided to mess with it and see how far I could go.
Karliah and the mage guy were in the basement again and I handed them the paper. The same conversation played and I was given a second Nightingale blade. So for fun I dual wield them
But a lot of this stuff is happening all over the game. NPC's repeat their first lines, I'm regarded as a criminal and yet no one arrests me and I have double of everything :S
Don't know if it's on purpose.
Yeah...just finding her again in that place will be fun times...But sounds worth a try. Thanks for the tips!
I would have bough the game on day 1 even HARDER
Something that would be nice is if chests sorted contents by type your inventory does. I've just got the one chest in my first home, and it's a pain to sift through everything I've put in it already.
The companions quest chain got fuxxored in the ass purity of revenge wont start.. its been driving me nuts.. tried using console to push it along but nothing happens..
in other news I got gloves that give me 30% single hand damage and ooo mm gg ahahaha
So far got pwnd by the troll as you head towards the greybeards- ended up cheating with him and ran like a tart up the hill
Loving it so far but did encounter the bug in the first dungeon you do (The one with the claw, couldn't activate the turning pillars so you don't get arrowed down when hitting the switch).
Not seen any other major bugs apart from that and quite enjoying it- not usually a big RPGer but there's a really nice sense of scale to the environment- I keep wandering off the paths just to see if there's anything hidden away or to see if there are other beasties about
Currently a LVL 5 warrior, better start grinding or sommat and get my skills up
lmfao.. I did the same.. reminds me I gotta go back and pwn his ass..
lvl 25 now
Chickhen!!! ;_;
All my companions die
Simple solution, leave your companions at home. Never liked the idea of AI-controlled companions in games. They'd always do something stupid at the wrong time.
I'd love to see a spell like Tenser's Floating Disc.
Tried running past him once, that didn't go so well. Apparently the shout I picked up in the town below the Greybeards isn't working, cause I couldn't use it to pacify him. Ended up going toe-to-toe with him, with a lot of backstepping and fireballing. Got slaughtered twice before I sorted it out.
Which reminds me, I need to stock up on healing potions...
Also, gotta give credit to the mission designers. I'm actually really damn glad a lot of the missions (especially side quests) ramp up to require me to travel long distances (like to the other side of the map). A lot of the side quest stuff in Fallout never made it feel like you had to do too much, but the ones I'm seeing in Skyrim are making you work for your reward.
I'm trying to avoid using fast travel, as it starts becoming a bit of a cheat in many games. So far, just using it when I realize I'm at the cusp of being overencumbered with random stuff and need to unload.
I've reached master level destruction and I'm wearing light dragon plate enchanted so destruction spells are free. Now that I'm a fairly unstoppable juggernaut I'm going to take a break.
Most of the time my companions die its friendly fire on my part, I saw one get flown into the air by a giant, 2 minutes later she shows back up perfectly fine.
Really getting sucked in to the game, and the other half doesn't mind too much as she usually cuddles up to me whilst I'm playing, just need to remember not to start leaning in different directions when in combat
Also, side note, loving the 'finishing move' cinematics. A bug at the end of the first dragon battle made me reload it, and when I finished off the dragon the second time, my guy jumped up on the dragon and beat its brains out.. hells yah.
Shock spells deplete magicka and are the go-to weapon against magic users. Dual casting shock spells will break their wards, costing them magicka and leaving them vulnerable to another attack that will drain them even more. The Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson will deal out 50 magicka damage per shot if you want to have a shorter battle (Just keep a supply of filled soul gems to recharge it since it gets used up fast). The Staff of Magnus will drain magicka as well. You can take the Atronach sign and get a 50% absorption, extra magicka, but a 50% regen penalty to tank mages.
Im totally inconsolable ... nooooooooo
so I took his hide and made leather strips.. gonna save them strips and use it to my my dragon armour when smithing is 100..
you shall live on my war pony.. you shall live on..
and besides there was no meat..thank god..
More OMG below:
Midas Magic:
Skyrim Online:
Also, I kinda wish you could pay off the smiths to upgrade / create weapons for you, for a price. Like if you buy / provide the smithing materials, they'll upgrage your weapons for you. It'd take away some of the grind of doing that myself.
Done a bit more of the main quest, think I'll go back to side questing for a while now that I've got the full force Shout.
Anyone tested Skyrim Online yet and how does it work?
Smithing is borked and its incredibly easy to level up to 100.
just make daggers and leather bracers
actually I think the smithing tree is too simplistic, there should have been separate branches for light and heavy and there could have been some awesome quests built around advancement in smithing. same with weapon crafting.. it be totally awesome to have to use a forge deep in a dungeon somewhere to make daedric and etc..
also with the abundance of actual items in the game they should have made the receipes more complicated.
and 4 pieces to make a complete set is too easy should be 6 at least.
I say this because its so easy to get to 100 and they are so easy to make once you have daedric or dragon you become this unassailable 1 man war machine it kinda feels like godmode..
That's where i prefer Oblivion. It was harder and sometime really painful, but you had more satisfaction finishing the big quests or reach level 100 in a skill. I'm a bit disapointed by the story of the main quest in Skyrim compare to oblivion, though side quests are really cool and more intersting imo.
Fixing up exp-rewards for different items will be one thing, removing the shitton of raw resources you can buy from every shop would be another.
there's little reason to actually go out and find ore veins when you can buy a ton of ore through vendors, and it's pretty cheap without actually putting any perk in the social tree.
But yeah, in any case, smithing should be balanced relatively to getting ore from the wild, and while vendors could pack a bit of it, it shouldn't so much that you can just hop around and shop yourself to 100 smithing.
I was able to do that in a few days.
The dragon's could definitely be a bit more challenging (less just circling around with me arrowing the crap outta them), it took me forever to kill a pair of mammoths, wiped out a dragon in no time.
Overall, having a blast with the game. Fast travel started becoming addictive, need to explore some more!
If you're only buying, it will take you about 20-30K and in if you have no Speech improvements, even 40-60K to just get all the items necessary to get your Smithing to about 70-90, and if you have no plans for Enchantments, like many people do, you will find yourself losing money instead of making any from this process.
I personally think, if you take into account the hunting time required for materials, or money involved in buying said materials, especially when you take into account Speech for both aspects of this, the Smithing element of the game is pretty well balanced, Dagger only making not withstanding what I just said.
Enchantments on the other hand is broken, there is no risk value to it (100% success all the time) and losing an item on a Dis isn't that bad, since you can later on put it up with bonus benefits better then the original stats.
Besides, Smithing would be pretty useless with Enchantments.
The hardest thing about getting money in this game is the lack of money on vendors, which is good, but do remember that you can sell all your crap at once when you buy those iron ingots at the same time, which means money wont be an issue.
sounds soooo goooood..
I wants me a OST !!!