I really don't like saying this, because I can't wait for Skyrim and think its gonna be totally fantastic, but... These latest character creation shots just aren’t doing ti for me like I was hoping they would? They don't look Oblivion bad, granted, but they look bad in other ways instead
I doubt it will stop be enjoying the game at all, but still, its not quite "there" like I hoped.
If you read Kot's post, he acknowledged the previous screenshots, and was posting these because they're higher res.
The characters look awesome. I think they did a good job representing the races visually. Altmer's look very high and mighty, very noble, and holier than thou. Nords look fierce and ready to drink. Dunmer look incredible, can't wait to play a dark elf. So stoked for this game. I bought the exorbitantly priced collector's edition.
If you read Kot's post, he acknowledged the previous screenshots, and was posting these because they're higher res.
I did read it. That's why I said providing links to the images would have been enough, for those that wanted to see them at a higher res (redundant if you ask me). Y'know instead of taking up ANOTHER entire page in the thread. Lets give everyones MMB scroll wheel a break.
I did read it. That's why I said providing links to the images would have been enough, for those that wanted to see them at a higher res (redundant if you ask me). Y'know instead of taking up ANOTHER entire page in the thread. Lets give everyones MMB scroll wheel a break.
Jeez leave him alone.
The faces look so much better a bit higher res. I just hope the lighting is a bit easy to read in the final character gen screen!
Digging the look of most races, although seeing them in higher res leads to me ask, what's going on with the hair across the board? one bit alphas, monotone colours, obvious polygon silhouette, no spec...
Simple, really. The Xbox does alot of things well, rendering alpha/transparency is not one of those things. I had the same issue with particles at work. When working on an Xbox title, you are seriously limited in terms of how much transparency you can use, and particles are the worst offenders. I assume the same thing applies to hair in this case. Alpha overdraw is pretty resource-hungry.
I don't know... I reckon this game probably doesnt even need DLC... just a expansion pack down the road. Kind of ruins the whole thing by whoring a game out and making it feel purely as a product, instead of an amazing game.
Ah I avoid DLC anyway. Usually ends with some overpowered armour or weapon that ruins the rest of the game.
That never really was the case with Oblivion, though. You had a few cool weapons, but nothing of note. Horse armor was indeed pretty overpowered though.
I enjoyed many of Oblivions DLC's, although some were just plain bad. :P
Knights of the Nine was the best ever.
It's pretty much the same walk through... just without interviewer commentary and whatnot. So, nothing should be spoiled, if you've seen the past presentations/demos.
So I know I said I wasn't posting in this thread anymore so I could experience the glory of this game for myself when it's released, and I've done good keeping to that...but...
Just wanted to say - Geezus, can you do us all a huge favor and help ensure that vampirism in Skyrim doesn't require your character to age 80 years? That'd be fantastic.
I absolutely LOVE the dragons, the way they pick up enemies with their mouth and just toss them across the field is awesome, specially since it seem to be abel to happen in a more sandboxe styled environment rather than being scripted
At first i was disappointed that these are just the same videos we saw at e3, but actually being able to hear the music without interviewers talking over it is awesome.
And that first song in the third video is straight out of morrowind! Maybe adjusted a little, I dunno. But I love it. Jeremy Soule rules.
I absolutely LOVE the dragons, the way they pick up enemies with their mouth and just toss them across the field is awesome, specially since it seem to be abel to happen in a more sandboxe styled environment rather than being scripted
Dear lord the music in the character creation video is just fucking horrible. Whoever chose that music should be taken out back and shot. I'm also going off the hope that it's the video and not the game itself.
Dear lord the music in the character creation video is just fucking horrible. Whoever chose that music should be taken out back and shot. I'm also going off the hope that it's the video and not the game itself.
Seriously. I can see that music playing in Crash Bandicoot or something, but in Skyrim? No fucking way. It's perfect for taking a shit though.
It may be the location of the video, but it looks like we will be treated to crappy lighting in the character creation screen yet again. I mean c'mon, at the very least the character artists should have fought that. =\
The game is going to be using Steamworks, right? Now do we know what exactly that means right now - simply that it has a Steam copy available or that it MUST use Steam/be added to your Steam account, regardless of whether you buy it through Steam or from a retail location?
Just wondering.
Oh, also. Some bits of info not sure have been posted yet...
-You can't hurt or kill kids, but they are present in the game.
-Shields and torches cannot be dual wielded, you can only hold them in your left hand. No confused turtles.
I doubt it will stop be enjoying the game at all, but still, its not quite "there" like I hoped.
Here are some HQ screenshots:
Why do some of the faces' noses look faceted?
The characters look awesome. I think they did a good job representing the races visually. Altmer's look very high and mighty, very noble, and holier than thou. Nords look fierce and ready to drink. Dunmer look incredible, can't wait to play a dark elf. So stoked for this game. I bought the exorbitantly priced collector's edition.
I did read it. That's why I said providing links to the images would have been enough, for those that wanted to see them at a higher res (redundant if you ask me). Y'know instead of taking up ANOTHER entire page in the thread. Lets give everyones MMB scroll wheel a break.
Jeez leave him alone.
The faces look so much better a bit higher res. I just hope the lighting is a bit easy to read in the final character gen screen!
Nah, they're the normal map compression artifacts (probably).
Digging the look of most races, although seeing them in higher res leads to me ask, what's going on with the hair across the board? one bit alphas, monotone colours, obvious polygon silhouette, no spec...
But nabbing the first DLC in a timed exclusive is!
I don't know... I reckon this game probably doesnt even need DLC... just a expansion pack down the road. Kind of ruins the whole thing by whoring a game out and making it feel purely as a product, instead of an amazing game.
That never really was the case with Oblivion, though. You had a few cool weapons, but nothing of note. Horse armor was indeed pretty overpowered though.
I enjoyed many of Oblivions DLC's, although some were just plain bad. :P
Knights of the Nine was the best ever.
...I came ...
Just wanted to say - Geezus, can you do us all a huge favor and help ensure that vampirism in Skyrim doesn't require your character to age 80 years? That'd be fantastic.
With that, away I go! *cape twirl*
Can't wait to play!
pffft, it's bad enough living in the dc metro area! ><
And that first song in the third video is straight out of morrowind! Maybe adjusted a little, I dunno. But I love it. Jeremy Soule rules.
Me: "Hello there random Nord warrior!"
*dragon dives in and malls him*
Me: "WTFOMG! What just happened?!"
clearly it's the video
what's with the whole 'going inside the face' part at the end?? that doesn't look like it should make it into a trade show!
I don't even....
hahahahahaha I hope this music makes it into the game
The game is going to be using Steamworks, right? Now do we know what exactly that means right now - simply that it has a Steam copy available or that it MUST use Steam/be added to your Steam account, regardless of whether you buy it through Steam or from a retail location?
Just wondering.
Oh, also. Some bits of info not sure have been posted yet...
-You can't hurt or kill kids, but they are present in the game.
-Shields and torches cannot be dual wielded, you can only hold them in your left hand. No confused turtles.
Quite expensive, but Artbook+TheMakingOfDvds = totally worth it.