The tank hatch thing was a rough patch in the episode. Otherwise I thought it was good.
That part immediately had me thinking that there was going to be a hatch under the tank, but it seemed like he was under there forever, and must have looked over that part of the tank 5 times when he was checking what was coming in either direction. I figured he would have seen it before, but then he just climbs in right before giving up?
It bothered me because I sorta saw that one coming, and they basically milked as much drama out of that without actually explaining what was happening. Oh well.
It bothered me because I sorta saw that one coming, and they basically milked as much drama out of that without actually explaining what was happening. Oh well.
Did you know tank construction before that though, because I didn't, and had no idea they have a hatch underneath. When I saw the zombies looking under the tank I thought how the heck does he get out of this one.
"The Walking Dead' Premieres to Record-Breaking Numbers
To the delight of those who've long-wished for a smash-hit hit hardcore horror television series, last night's The Walking Dead premiere earned boffo numbers for its network, AMC -- winning the highest ratings for any cable TV series premiere this year from the highly coveted 18-49 year-old audience.
According to a press release issued by AMC, The Walking Dead enjoyed the highest-rated original series premiere in AMC's history. The show's debut "resulted in a 3.7 HH rating netting over 5.3 total million viewers making it the largest audience for any original series on the network."
"'It's a good day to be dead. We are so proud of this series, its depth of storytelling and the remarkable talent attached,' said Charlie Collier, AMC's president."
It's worth noting that, during the premiere, a promo aired for a contest in which viewers can win a walk-on role as a zombie in an upcoming episode of the show. Since all six first-season episodes have already been shot, does this mean an official announcement regarding The Walking Dead's renewal for a second season is right around the corner? If not, it's a good indication the network is thinking along those lines. Yet another reason to celebrate on this Day of the Dead!"
Did you know tank construction before that though, because I didn't, and had no idea they have a hatch underneath. When I saw the zombies looking under the tank I thought how the heck does he get out of this one.
Not exactly. I sorta suck in the sense that I watch horror movies trying to predict the most probable outcome of each situation. I spoil the surprise myself by thinking about stuff like that too much.
I believe there's a hatch under most tanks in the event of a rollover. Although it's unlikely, if they do roll over there's really no way to get out of the top as the turret hatch would be covered. Also interesting to know: Some tanks have built in drains. In the event that the tank is hit and the hull is compromised they can hose out the liquidated remains of the crew members.
It's not exactly what happened that bothered me. It's just sort of the screenplay that occurred and abruptness of it all.
Don't take me wrong though. It's not like I didn't enjoy it, in fact I'm a HUGE fan of what AMC has been doing in general and teaching some big networks a lesson in attracting viewers with original material. I think it's great that they've had all this recent success because a lot of their other shows are golden.
Why the hell aren't there any zombie movies like this? Seriously. Hundreds of zombie movies and most are shit or comedies. It takes a fucking TV show to get it right? Man up, Hollywood!
Pilot fuckin' rocked. Great acting, zombie makeup kicked ass and the camera work was great. The character emotion is really fantastic. I'm extremely excited to see where this goes.
The thing with slow zombies, is that the military would crush them with ease in real life. Quarantine a city in no time.
No way. The military can't control every area of the country, and consider that even if the zombies moved slow, they will be everywhere. Quarantine a large outbreak in the city? They will be coming from all sides eventually, especially if the military gets surprised, and doesn't know people will turn if bit, or scratched. They will end up trying to quarantine their own hospitals and such in the middle of their basses as injured soldiers turn, and that has a huge potential to go wrong.
Plus, those zombies in the Walking Dead weren't that slow. They just weren't running full tilt like in Dawn of the Dead.
No way. The military can't control every area of the country, and consider that even if the zombies moved slow, they will be everywhere. Quarantine a large outbreak in the city? They will be coming from all sides eventually, especially if the military gets surprised, and doesn't know people will turn if bit, or scratched. They will end up trying to quarantine their own hospitals and such in the middle of their basses as injured soldiers turn, and that has a huge potential to go wrong.
Plus, those zombies in the Walking Dead weren't that slow. They just weren't running full tilt like in Dawn of the Dead.
I'd also like to add that they referred to the fever and sickness as being rather quick. Someone could die from it in a matter of hours.
They mentioned this from the time he was hit with a shovel, to when he ended up in the bed. They said the fever would have killed him already if he had it. I'm guessing they picked him up in the late afternoon and he woke up in the evening. Could be short as 6-8 hours.
This definitely turned out amazingly well. I hoped it would be good, but the first 2 minutes nailed it for me. They introduced zombies, violence, and child shooting just to show they weren't messing around with the subject matter, which I was afraid they would do given that it's on regular cable.
Seriously awesome directing, and acting, and an amazing use of silence
Now that is my kind of show. The tank scene was great. Didn't find it all that gory TBH but the half-girl was an amazing bit of CG / Animatronics.
However I kept thinking he would say "seriously, zombies?!"
That wasn't animatronics/CG. It was a person in makeup. Look on the page before this. There's a video of the entire before/after for the makeup and such.
no kidding. Operating a tank isn't like operating a go-kart with a paintball gun strapped to the hood.
You'd be surprised. The hardest part would be to start it up. But even that is pretty fool-proof and it's not like he doesn't have the time for trial & error. Driving a modern tank is almost easier than driving a modern car. The interface is very intuitive and easy to learn. It has to be since the military is alot about redundancy.
I wouldn't be surprised if there even was instructions or a "checklist" somewhere in there.
That might be true (and an old former-artillery regiment Army buddy of mine confirms this), but can you imagine a small-town Sheriff just figuring out how to drive the tank in a few minutes, after building such an authentic, credible story throughout the episode?
If he did figure out how to drive it (or worse, started firing the mounted weapon), it would have ruined the whole episode for me.
They're always eating...but you never get to see them poo. You'd imagine they would leave shit trails as they walked...hmmm...
Anyways, I'm glad this show doesn't have the marathon-running zombies.
Did any one tense up when the black chick zombie went up to the door? I was like "oh shit...oh shit..."
Yeah, great show.
In the zombie survival guide they described it as the zombies just stuffing down the stuff they eat and it just gathers in their abdomen until it bursts and everything even more rotten and not digested just falls out, and after that it'll just fall out from the new cavity in their abdomen as they eat stuff.
Loved the show, only part I didn't like was sometimes the zombies used 'human' gestures for things instead of the ravenous nature gestures I thought they would. Specifically them kinda kneeling to look under the tank at him and also the former cop whose brains are blown out at the fence. Before he falls down completely his hand grabs the fence once more to kinda ease the blow of falling. Some other parts to but really nitpicking there. Can't wait for the rest!
return of the living dead 3 or even the 1985' one..... beats this x52347553......... this as (usual with modern zombie stuff...imo) looks "too clean and well done" needs old school creepiness...... that besides the 28 days later dejavu......
I think they measure it in GPM (gallons per mile) instead of MPG, ha ha ha.
The M1 tank engine gets less than a mile per gallon. It holds 490 gallons allowing the tank to go about 265 miles.
The gas turbine propulsion system has proven quite reliable in practice and combat, but its high fuel consumption is a serious logistic issue (starting up the turbine alone consumes nearly 10 US gallons (38 L) of fuel) The engine burns 12 US gallons (45 L) per hour when idle.
If it was left running, its not going anywhere. He'll probably make so much noise that every zombie in the city will swarm the tank. That is if he can find a clean road out and navigate it successfully. It might be simple to start up and get rolling but the chances of him navigating a ruined chaotic city swarmed with zombies is pretty low.
Also the way Kirkman writes is pretty realistic to how events would probably actually unfold, so not a lot of super hero, John Woo, style moves going on in the books. Which is probably why he didn't man the gun and wipe single handily wipe the city clean of zombies by the end of the commercial break.
I'm happy with the way the first episode turned out, definitely looking forward to more. It's nice to see such skilled traditional makeup effects going on, everyone is so quick to jump to CG now.
Vig, I don't remember the tank either, but do remember what happens next in the comic.
Maze, I like the visual direction they took with the show. Not sure if you read the comic but they purposefully tried to go with a more desaturated look to match the comic. It's fitting for the series because it's really more about the characters and their stories and relationships than the zombies themselves. Much like Romero's stuff, the zombies are mainly a catalyst for the storytelling. I love a good, gorey over the top zombie/horror movie, ala Tom Savini's living dead effects, but I think this approach is more suitable for this story.
I was pretty surprised at how faithful the first episode is to the comics, I've been a long fan of them so I'll keep an eye on future episodes. It's too bad that I know most of the storyline/ I can't enjoy any surprises
In the comic I think Glen was scouting for supplies, saw Rick in trouble and saved his butt. They scrambled up the fire escape and onto the roof tops. Glen bitches about how Rick fucked up his supply gathering and Rick agrees to help him out after things calmed down. They grabbed some supplies and got the hell out of the city?
Agreed, skankerzero. The tank speculation was getting out of hand. I read the spoiler, even though I had no idea what was gonna happen, just so I could know what happens with the god damned tank
Also, did some of you not remember that gun shots attract the zombies, so even if he shot them with the smaller gun on the tank, it would have just alerted more zombies to his location, and considering it's the city, that could have been a hell of a lot of zombies? Alright, I'm shutting up now...
Maze, I like the visual direction they took with the show. Not sure if you read the comic .
Hi Em. no I just learned about it sincerely, well I guess you are right if its related to the comic. In any case, lately ve been watching many 80s stuff, and somehow I think that modern (2000 up...) stuff just dont have "the magic" if you can say so...sometimes "cheap" old school effects do better than CG imo.
In the zombie survival guide they described it as the zombies just stuffing down the stuff they eat and it just gathers in their abdomen until it bursts and everything even more rotten and not digested just falls out, and after that it'll just fall out from the new cavity in their abdomen as they eat stuff.
When I was a kid I went to TACOM and was operating a tank on a simulator. I could drive and was also able to hit targets when I was operating the turret...but it was already through the startup sequence, all systems were on.
Operating a blackhawk in a sim was easy as well, but the startup sequence was the tough part. I had mixed results on the landings lol. (landing on a ship is hard..) Luckily even military simulators have cheat commands.
I dunno, apologizing and reassuring the dead bike-girl was the most powerful thing i've ever seen in any Zombie-genre type media. It was shot and acted flawlessly... it was like he was saying goodbye to an old friend or loved one, but instead saying good bye to their humanity and life. That was my favorite part, they're actually characterizing the dead, and having the living characters actually still show emotion and some empathy toward them instead of just blatant fear, or 'omg i must kill it' type reactions.
YES! This part sealed it for me. When he said "I'm sorry this happened to you." I knew this series would be amazing. It showed a lot of heart, something lacking from most zombie films. Well... most films in general for that matter.
Yeah, that was a really awesome scene. I also really liked
the boy's father struggling to shoot his dead wife
- again, something you almost never see in most zombie fiction.
Can't wait for episode 2.
Yea both those scenes where really well done. I liked that the wife wasn't totally mindless and consumed with hunger/rage she just looked kind of lost and disturbed. The door knob was a nice touch. I love the fine line between creepy and conflicting. On one hand you haven't seen the dark side of his wife yet so you totally pity her but then you know what will happen if she got in...
I must have been the only one to notice this (though I usually notice stupid things in shows and laugh inside maniacally) but did no one notice that
after he shoots the soldier inside the hatch, there's blood splattered but when he closes the hatch the blood is gone and the guy has no bullet wound. Probably wasnt too high on vfx list (hell that half lady probably stole all of it :P) or not enough time
Small thing I know but stuff like this always catches my eyes probably due to editing video too much. Hooked on the show!
Episode 2 was great. I don't think it was as good as the first, but still great none the less.
I like how each episode has left some unresolved story and not just tied everything up into a neat little package. You don't know what happened to the racist guy in this episode, or the father and son in the last episode (unless maybe they revealed it in the comic) even though, both were in horrible situations.
What annoys me about it is what annoys me about all those shows, which is that hardly anything happens in an episode.
Tonight's episode was great, but really, they barely did anything. Got into the hideout, made camouflage, escaped from the city. Each episode is the length of about a 1/3rd of a movie, and yet the stuff that happens in it is about what happens in 15mins of a film.
Minor gripe really.
The major gripe is that I don't get the deal with the "sex scene", if you can call it that. How come Americans can show all sorts of gore and violence, but a boob is forbidden?
Again, got nothing to do with the show, just the whole thing in general.
That said, pretty awesome episode indeed. I'm loving the tension of the main guy always missing his old partner through the radio. First he radios in and the other guy can't hear him, and now they do hear him, but it's the other people who do the talking. Feels like it's building up to both of them realizing each other is alive.
Plus, I was waiting for him to use the grenade all episode long. I thought he was gonna use it when they were climbing up the ladder.
That part immediately had me thinking that there was going to be a hatch under the tank, but it seemed like he was under there forever, and must have looked over that part of the tank 5 times when he was checking what was coming in either direction. I figured he would have seen it before, but then he just climbs in right before giving up?
It bothered me because I sorta saw that one coming, and they basically milked as much drama out of that without actually explaining what was happening. Oh well.
I say they survived, and the storyline was unresolved. They may revisit it later though, especially about the part where they handed off the radio.
Did you know tank construction before that though, because I didn't, and had no idea they have a hatch underneath. When I saw the zombies looking under the tank I thought how the heck does he get out of this one.
"The Walking Dead' Premieres to Record-Breaking Numbers
To the delight of those who've long-wished for a smash-hit hit hardcore horror television series, last night's The Walking Dead premiere earned boffo numbers for its network, AMC -- winning the highest ratings for any cable TV series premiere this year from the highly coveted 18-49 year-old audience.
According to a press release issued by AMC, The Walking Dead enjoyed the highest-rated original series premiere in AMC's history. The show's debut "resulted in a 3.7 HH rating netting over 5.3 total million viewers making it the largest audience for any original series on the network."
"'It's a good day to be dead. We are so proud of this series, its depth of storytelling and the remarkable talent attached,' said Charlie Collier, AMC's president."
It's worth noting that, during the premiere, a promo aired for a contest in which viewers can win a walk-on role as a zombie in an upcoming episode of the show. Since all six first-season episodes have already been shot, does this mean an official announcement regarding The Walking Dead's renewal for a second season is right around the corner? If not, it's a good indication the network is thinking along those lines. Yet another reason to celebrate on this Day of the Dead!"
I thought it was already verified that they were green lit for season 2, but I guess it hasn't been confirmed yet.
Not exactly. I sorta suck in the sense that I watch horror movies trying to predict the most probable outcome of each situation. I spoil the surprise myself by thinking about stuff like that too much.
I believe there's a hatch under most tanks in the event of a rollover. Although it's unlikely, if they do roll over there's really no way to get out of the top as the turret hatch would be covered. Also interesting to know: Some tanks have built in drains. In the event that the tank is hit and the hull is compromised they can hose out the liquidated remains of the crew members.
It's not exactly what happened that bothered me. It's just sort of the screenplay that occurred and abruptness of it all.
Don't take me wrong though. It's not like I didn't enjoy it, in fact I'm a HUGE fan of what AMC has been doing in general and teaching some big networks a lesson in attracting viewers with original material. I think it's great that they've had all this recent success because a lot of their other shows are golden.
Do they even poo? They have to...right?
They're always eating...but you never get to see them poo. You'd imagine they would leave shit trails as they walked...hmmm...
Anyways, I'm glad this show doesn't have the marathon-running zombies.
Did any one tense up when the black chick zombie went up to the door? I was like "oh shit...oh shit..."
Yeah, great show.
Pilot fuckin' rocked. Great acting, zombie makeup kicked ass and the camera work was great. The character emotion is really fantastic. I'm extremely excited to see where this goes.
No way. The military can't control every area of the country, and consider that even if the zombies moved slow, they will be everywhere. Quarantine a large outbreak in the city? They will be coming from all sides eventually, especially if the military gets surprised, and doesn't know people will turn if bit, or scratched. They will end up trying to quarantine their own hospitals and such in the middle of their basses as injured soldiers turn, and that has a huge potential to go wrong.
Plus, those zombies in the Walking Dead weren't that slow. They just weren't running full tilt like in Dawn of the Dead.
I'd also like to add that they referred to the fever and sickness as being rather quick. Someone could die from it in a matter of hours.
They mentioned this from the time he was hit with a shovel, to when he ended up in the bed. They said the fever would have killed him already if he had it. I'm guessing they picked him up in the late afternoon and he woke up in the evening. Could be short as 6-8 hours.
Seriously awesome directing, and acting, and an amazing use of silence
Lies... lies,... Propaganda and misinformation.
When the Zombie Apocalypse happens I'll be laughing at anyone that didn't see it coming:poly122:
I'll be beside you with the shotgun.
However I kept thinking he would say "seriously, zombies?!"
That wasn't animatronics/CG. It was a person in makeup. Look on the page before this. There's a video of the entire before/after for the makeup and such.
You'd be surprised. The hardest part would be to start it up. But even that is pretty fool-proof and it's not like he doesn't have the time for trial & error. Driving a modern tank is almost easier than driving a modern car. The interface is very intuitive and easy to learn. It has to be since the military is alot about redundancy.
I wouldn't be surprised if there even was instructions or a "checklist" somewhere in there.
If he did figure out how to drive it (or worse, started firing the mounted weapon), it would have ruined the whole episode for me.
In the zombie survival guide they described it as the zombies just stuffing down the stuff they eat and it just gathers in their abdomen until it bursts and everything even more rotten and not digested just falls out, and after that it'll just fall out from the new cavity in their abdomen as they eat stuff.
That wasn't animatronics, just a really skinny actor. on there is a video of them making her.
Loved the show, only part I didn't like was sometimes the zombies used 'human' gestures for things instead of the ravenous nature gestures I thought they would. Specifically them kinda kneeling to look under the tank at him and also the former cop whose brains are blown out at the fence. Before he falls down completely his hand grabs the fence once more to kinda ease the blow of falling. Some other parts to but really nitpicking there. Can't wait for the rest!
I think thats kind of the allure of these zombies. They're still sort of human, but not to the ridiculous capacity of Land of the Dead
0 mpg city
1 mpg hwy
If it was left running, its not going anywhere. He'll probably make so much noise that every zombie in the city will swarm the tank. That is if he can find a clean road out and navigate it successfully. It might be simple to start up and get rolling but the chances of him navigating a ruined chaotic city swarmed with zombies is pretty low.
Also the way Kirkman writes is pretty realistic to how events would probably actually unfold, so not a lot of super hero, John Woo, style moves going on in the books. Which is probably why he didn't man the gun and wipe single handily wipe the city clean of zombies by the end of the commercial break.
I also don't remember a tank in the comic...
Vig, I don't remember the tank either, but do remember what happens next in the comic.
Maze, I like the visual direction they took with the show. Not sure if you read the comic but they purposefully tried to go with a more desaturated look to match the comic. It's fitting for the series because it's really more about the characters and their stories and relationships than the zombies themselves. Much like Romero's stuff, the zombies are mainly a catalyst for the storytelling. I love a good, gorey over the top zombie/horror movie, ala Tom Savini's living dead effects, but I think this approach is more suitable for this story.
He's not going to drive the tank!
Glenn radioed him on the cb and is going to distract the zombies away from the tank so he can escape.
Also, did some of you not remember that gun shots attract the zombies, so even if he shot them with the smaller gun on the tank, it would have just alerted more zombies to his location, and considering it's the city, that could have been a hell of a lot of zombies? Alright, I'm shutting up now...
Hi Em. no I just learned about it sincerely, well I guess you are right if its related to the comic. In any case, lately ve been watching many 80s stuff, and somehow I think that modern (2000 up...) stuff just dont have "the magic" if you can say so...sometimes "cheap" old school effects do better than CG imo.
lol That's awesome! I totally buy that as an answer. Hey is [ame=""]this[/ame] the survival guide you speak of?
The waking up in a hospital thing was actually done in Day of the Triffids before 28 Days Later. Also you use too many periods.
Buy one for your loved ones!
Operating a blackhawk in a sim was easy as well, but the startup sequence was the tough part. I had mixed results on the landings lol. (landing on a ship is hard..) Luckily even military simulators have cheat commands.
I like periods.
YES! This part sealed it for me. When he said "I'm sorry this happened to you." I knew this series would be amazing. It showed a lot of heart, something lacking from most zombie films. Well... most films in general for that matter.
Can't wait for episode 2.
Most shows outside the US only have 6 episodes per season. Better quality than quantity, right?
I like how each episode has left some unresolved story and not just tied everything up into a neat little package. You don't know what happened to the racist guy in this episode, or the father and son in the last episode (unless maybe they revealed it in the comic) even though, both were in horrible situations.
Tonight's episode was great, but really, they barely did anything. Got into the hideout, made camouflage, escaped from the city. Each episode is the length of about a 1/3rd of a movie, and yet the stuff that happens in it is about what happens in 15mins of a film.
Minor gripe really.
The major gripe is that I don't get the deal with the "sex scene", if you can call it that. How come Americans can show all sorts of gore and violence, but a boob is forbidden?
Again, got nothing to do with the show, just the whole thing in general.
That said, pretty awesome episode indeed. I'm loving the tension of the main guy always missing his old partner through the radio. First he radios in and the other guy can't hear him, and now they do hear him, but it's the other people who do the talking. Feels like it's building up to both of them realizing each other is alive.
Plus, I was waiting for him to use the grenade all episode long. I thought he was gonna use it when they were climbing up the ladder.