my facebook explodes every so often with girls in love with Daryl and pretty sure they only watch due to him, im personally not a huge fan of him anymore... not sure why
and did they use the oven in the last episode to bake something? with what electricity?
my facebook explodes every so often with girls in love with Daryl and pretty sure they only watch due to him, im personally not a huge fan of him anymore... not sure why
and did they use the oven in the last episode to bake something? with what electricity?
Gas stove. Doesn't use electricity. And in regards to the death that's left for the season if I recall, they stated someone that is still alive in the comics will die this season, so.. it could all be a red herring just putting something out there for us all to waste time on but.. that's only a small handful of people.
ahh found the article.
If what we believe is correct, then one of the main cast members who has not been killed in the comic book series will die during Season 4." So maybe the seasons major character death count will be three: Hershel, The Governor and ____.
IF they are correct, there are only four people on screen right now who are still alive in the comic book series, which is still being written: Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs), Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) and Michonne (Danai Gurira).
Tyreese (Chad Coleman) and Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) are already dead by now, in the comics. Glenn is still alive by the prison battle, but he was killed later in the comics. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), Beth Greene (Emily Kinney), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), Lizzie Samuels (Brighton Sharbino, and Mika Samuels (Kyla Kenedy) never existed in the comics. Bob Stookey (Larry Gilliard Jr.) existed, but as a Woodbury guy technically he didnt die in the books, so maybe he does fit. But is he main cast?
I think Beth is going to go, she's getting a lot more screen time than what she used to
I agree her red shirt might have faded a bit but I think her days are still numbered. Still she has some pretty significant ties to some of the characters so they won't just dump her and I don't think they they will tie up that loose end until much later.
Comic stuff:
I think what happened to Michonne in the comic at the hands of the gov, will happen to Beth.
The characters who live in the extremes don't last long. The ones that seem to balance it all the best seem to carry on the longest.
Newer ones do, older ones didn't need electric clicker starter.
Not all electricity needs to come from the grid. Some clickers generate their own electricity, the buttons have a lot of resistance to them, think of a hand crank radio, but only generating a tiny spark with a small but firm press.
Some clickers are physical flint/steel. Besides you can always light the gas with a match.
I know it doesn't matter but, still... it's been several years at this point. What are the odds the gas is still flowing? I get it, it's a story, but it stuck out to me...
You're so suburban it hurts, hahaha =P (I mean that with love)
They where in a remote location (an almond farm) that probably didn't have gas lines running to it. They probably bought and stored it there in bulk, its pretty common in rural areas where it's easier to run a truck out every few months than lay and maintain pipe. They did it with coal and a lot of farms generate own power and pump their own water.
EVEN if it was hooked up to a major gas line. It doesn't need to be pumped, the pressure in the tanks causes it to flow if no one is using it (demand has serious dropped and was supplying a lot of people) then it would still flow without humans around. The pressure will bleed off at some point but not for a really long time.
Best episode of this season by far, but the death of the two characters felt a bit rushed to me, I kind of expected Carol to put up more of a fight before giving up so easily.
Also, something that annoyed me over these last few episodes was the carelessness of Tyreese and Carol, just leaving the kids to take care of themselves, even when they knew that Mika and Lizzie had problems with killing Walkers and generally taking care of themselves (I mean who the hell would leave two little girls and a baby to fend for themselves in any case).
And pretty much every single time the girls were left alone they get in a dangerous situation, so I kind of expected Carol and Tyreese to learn at some point to never leave the children unsupervised.
Carol was pretty quick to eliminate threats at the prison. Judging by the way she handled Tyreeses' girl.
But yeah.. leaving the girls alone after the first wave of zombies came through was a bad move for more reasons than one. It reminds me of the season when they kept telling Carl to get back in the house, but then he'd go wandering alone down by the river or some shit.
I think Carol had already shown concern about Lizzy's mental state, before she went over the edge. She was making statements like, "you're smarter than your sister" to the other little girl.
That being said, I agree with you about leaving them alone; especially considering what I just stated. They definitely shouldn't have left the kids to watch over Judith all the time.
Unsubscribed from this thread after the midseason finale. Fell out of love with the show and took advice from polycounters here by reading the comics. Holy moly gucamole is it good. One of the best entertainment experiences I've ever had and I have to thank the folks here for pushing me to do it.
These past few episodes are bringing me back. Something about the "slower" episodes where they don't rush anything and force nonsense action. The character development and storytelling is superb. Totally blew me away when the thing happened w the girls. "Holy shit they did it. They did it." Starting to feel like the show is getting it's balls back and I'm feeling more confident that they can approach the powerful themes portrayed in the comic, what I originally adored the show for in the first place.
One thing that bugged me was the "look at the flowers" thing for the psycho girl. I don't remember her being calmed down with flowers before. Felt really odd. "Hey, I know you're upset. Just look at those flowers over there. That's right, LOOK AT THEM"
Also, I've been thinking about lactation. Let me finish. I've yet to see an apocalyptic view on the farming of breastmilk. In a land where milk is nonexistent, a pregnant woman lactating has to be considered an extremely valuable resource, right? It's dark and cruel, but in a land where the cruel survive, I'm starting to wonder why this has never even come up. Plus, why didn't Laurie breastfeed again? They went out and risked their lives for formula a bunch...
The flower thing happened earlier in the same episode with the younger sister calming her down, and (according to Talking dead) it was also in the scene when their father died earlier in the season.
I'm not gonna touch the breast-milk-farming thing though...
Also, I've been thinking about lactation. Let me finish. I've yet to see an apocalyptic view on the farming of breastmilk. In a land where milk is nonexistent, a pregnant woman lactating has to be considered an extremely valuable resource, right? It's dark and cruel, but in a land where the cruel survive, I'm starting to wonder why this has never even come up. Plus, why didn't Laurie breastfeed again? They went out and risked their lives for formula a bunch...
You'd be surprised how little milk breasts produce. Often times, pregnant mothers can run dry and will have to resort to formula .
Plus, sometimes kids are biters.. even before they turn into zombies...:poly122:
Didn't remember the flower thing after the dad died. Still a weird way to insist a child deal w their problems. Surely that kind of emotional suppression couldn't lead to any erratic behavior... oh wait
Thanks for entertaining that idea, StephenVyas You make great points. I imagine poor nutrition keeps breastfeeding from being much of a factor (how that works, right?). Also, simply being pregnant is a near death sentence in itself. Any type of [incredibly likely] miscarriage spells baby zombie bites from the inside
Oh, and I think Maggie will die. Burning that picture was baaaad juju
Actually, I was starting to get the feeling that Daryl will die. They closed up his past (during his discussion with Beth). He's clearly going to get into a conflict, with this new group, when they find Rick at Terminus. Daryl doesn't know yet, that it's Rick the one guy had seen at the house.
There's a part of me that thinks there is no way they'd off Daryl, but then again, Kirkman likes to shock fans like that.
heh np. Yeah, i think you're on the right track. Poor nutrition has got to play a factor in production - Lori was pretty healthy looking but not exactly rockin the biggy bongos.
Yikes! I didn't even consider the inner zombie baby scenario.. Holy hell, that could've been graphic
ahh man.. I might be on the flip side to the Maggie coin.
I'm thinking Glenn won't need that picture of her...because he'll be dead.
As for Maggie burning the picture, she said he wouldn't need it anymore because she would always be with him.
So if one dies, the other has to die too.
Norman Reedus once said that if he were to die, he wouldn't want to be turned into a Zombie. Given that he went from a 'guest starring credit' to the second billing, I think he would have some say in how he would be written out.
I hope Terminus is the stand in for Alexandria. spooky sounding name, a too good to be true settlement, the viewers swear they know there's a deep dark secret behind it and then the rug gets pulled out from under them!
As for Maggie burning the picture, she said he wouldn't need it anymore because she would always be with him.
So if one dies, the other has to die too.
Norman Reedus once said that if he were to die, he wouldn't want to be turned into a Zombie. Given that he went from a 'guest starring credit' to the second billing, I think he would have some say in how he would be written out.
Agreed, once one goes the other will too - also wouldn't be surprised if they both get injuried somehow and decide to off each other instead of turning
as for Daryl, making him a zombie may do wonders for his acting... I find it so dull as of late : /
it actually seems like the most plausible thing to happen. a co-worker and i were discussing it this week that it seemed weird the woman just happened to be grilling or whatever. my first thoughts went to cannibalism. we havent seen that in the show yet have we? seems like its well overdue.
Agreed, they have to be cannibals. When Maggie's group found the sign a few episodes back my wife said "it's a trap". I disagreed and thought it might be another woodbury, but when they walked up to a deserted place past lax security and welcome I got a good sense of where it was going.
Something tells me this will go down like the "Cannibal house" scene in "The Road".
Ive played enough mass effect 3 to know not to trust this "sanctuary"
Id be surprised if there was no cannibalism in next episode.
In the mass effect 3 version, the poor people seeking refuge from war get tricked into going to sanctuary only to end up being experimented on and turned into monsters.
Damn it. I don't understand the point of a seasonal cliffhanger. All it does is piss me off. But I'm not gonna stay pissed off, by tomorrow morning I'll forget all about it, and by the time the next season rolls out I'll forget how this one ended.
And I avoided this thread throughout the season because of potential spoilers. But still I called it that Terminus are cannibals. I said it to my brother the last episode, and then this one started with Rick teaching Carl how to set up a food trap, plus all that talk about being hungry, and that was too good a foreshadowing.
Although I guess they haven't actually said they were cannibals. It just makes sense to me, plus you guys have read the comic, and Rick knocking the plate out of Carl's hand.
A few episodes ago (episode 13), the intro scene shows the one black dude (Bob I think) wandering about, and he runs into Glenn and Daryl. What was up with that? I thought they were going to show how Glenn and Daryl are together again, but the rest of the episode was about them separately. It showed Bob's group with Maggie, and then Daryl and Beth. The show never looped back to that moment.
Also, what did end up happening to Beth? Is it known at all? (maybe from the comics)
Bigjohn: that was Bob's "origin" story, because that episode was about maggie, bob and Sasha. it was his flashback and story building he had a goatee back then.. I think everyone assumed he was from Woodbury, but Daryl and Glenn picked him up on the road.
Damn it. I don't understand the point of a seasonal cliffhanger. All it does is piss me off. But I'm not gonna stay pissed off, by tomorrow morning I'll forget all about it, and by the time the next season rolls out I'll forget how this one ended.
And I avoided this thread throughout the season because of potential spoilers. But still I called it that Terminus are cannibals. I said it to my brother the last episode, and then this one started with Rick teaching Carl how to set up a food trap, plus all that talk about being hungry, and that was too good a foreshadowing.
Although I guess they haven't actually said they were cannibals. It just makes sense to me, plus you guys have read the comic, and Rick knocking the plate out of Carl's hand.
A few episodes ago (episode 13), the intro scene shows the one black dude (Bob I think) wandering about, and he runs into Glenn and Daryl. What was up with that? I thought they were going to show how Glenn and Daryl are together again, but the rest of the episode was about them separately. It showed Bob's group with Maggie, and then Daryl and Beth. The show never looped back to that moment.
Also, what did end up happening to Beth? Is it known at all? (maybe from the comics)
They have shown a place with human remains which was (not that subtle) hint that they are eating people.
I liked the episode. Even that cheese 'They messed with the wrong people!'. I though Rick had a backup plan (he may still have one) not a cheese one liner. Maybe his revoler is remote controlled and he will kill everyone with it... ? Dunno. Hope nobody gets eaten though.
Those guys shouldnt even have guns unless they were luring them into the trap. Definitely feel like the tail end of this season was way better than the first season.
Pretty good episode, slightly less predictable then most as of late. The last "one-liner" by Rick is also a throwback to the comic btw, but is slightly changed (since he can't drop the f-bomb on the TV). This version of the cannibals seems a bit scarier then what is in the comics too, as these people seem to have a pretty big process of luring people in instead of hunting them down. Their also much larger in size too.
They sure seem to have enough steaks to pass around...
I saw that scene too. I'm not convinced they are cannibals, it was a subtle thing all through the episode.
It was pretty clear with those cheezy digital shots hitting the ground that they were being herded.
I think the scene where they had to drop their weapons and get searched was about truth.
These people don't strike me as killers, I mean if they were, what difference would it make if you had to pick bullets out of a carcass?
Also, doesnt eating too much human meat (which is not like eating chicken apparently) cause some sort of infection?
Beyond that, I thought the weapon stash was a good idea.
Also, as those bad men had no problem with the idea of raping Carl, i think it was a very specific comparison between how bad men can be and what other horrors are possible.
Anyway, it will be a long wait to the next season.
and did they use the oven in the last episode to bake something? with what electricity?
Gas stove. Doesn't use electricity. And in regards to the death that's left for the season if I recall, they stated someone that is still alive in the comics will die this season, so.. it could all be a red herring just putting something out there for us all to waste time on but.. that's only a small handful of people.
ahh found the article.
If what we believe is correct, then one of the main cast members who has not been killed in the comic book series will die during Season 4." So maybe the seasons major character death count will be three: Hershel, The Governor and ____.
IF they are correct, there are only four people on screen right now who are still alive in the comic book series, which is still being written: Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs), Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) and Michonne (Danai Gurira).
Tyreese (Chad Coleman) and Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) are already dead by now, in the comics. Glenn is still alive by the prison battle, but he was killed later in the comics. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), Beth Greene (Emily Kinney), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), Lizzie Samuels (Brighton Sharbino, and Mika Samuels (Kyla Kenedy) never existed in the comics. Bob Stookey (Larry Gilliard Jr.) existed, but as a Woodbury guy technically he didnt die in the books, so maybe he does fit. But is he main cast?
Comic stuff:
The characters who live in the extremes don't last long. The ones that seem to balance it all the best seem to carry on the longest.
Newer ones do, older ones didn't need electric clicker starter.
Some clickers are physical flint/steel. Besides you can always light the gas with a match.
I know it doesn't matter but, still... it's been several years at this point. What are the odds the gas is still flowing?
They where in a remote location (an almond farm) that probably didn't have gas lines running to it. They probably bought and stored it there in bulk, its pretty common in rural areas where it's easier to run a truck out every few months than lay and maintain pipe. They did it with coal and a lot of farms generate own power and pump their own water.
EVEN if it was hooked up to a major gas line. It doesn't need to be pumped, the pressure in the tanks causes it to flow if no one is using it (demand has serious dropped and was supplying a lot of people) then it would still flow without humans around. The pressure will bleed off at some point but not for a really long time.
That'll teach me to be chatty...
Also, something that annoyed me over these last few episodes was the carelessness of Tyreese and Carol, just leaving the kids to take care of themselves, even when they knew that Mika and Lizzie had problems with killing Walkers and generally taking care of themselves (I mean who the hell would leave two little girls and a baby to fend for themselves in any case).
And pretty much every single time the girls were left alone they get in a dangerous situation, so I kind of expected Carol and Tyreese to learn at some point to never leave the children unsupervised.
But yeah.. leaving the girls alone after the first wave of zombies came through was a bad move for more reasons than one. It reminds me of the season when they kept telling Carl to get back in the house, but then he'd go wandering alone down by the river or some shit.
That being said, I agree with you about leaving them alone; especially considering what I just stated. They definitely shouldn't have left the kids to watch over Judith all the time.
The gun shot at the end punctuates the ending, as if they were killed because of their singing.
These past few episodes are bringing me back. Something about the "slower" episodes where they don't rush anything and force nonsense action. The character development and storytelling is superb. Totally blew me away when the thing happened w the girls. "Holy shit they did it. They did it." Starting to feel like the show is getting it's balls back and I'm feeling more confident that they can approach the powerful themes portrayed in the comic, what I originally adored the show for in the first place.
One thing that bugged me was the "look at the flowers" thing for the psycho girl. I don't remember her being calmed down with flowers before. Felt really odd. "Hey, I know you're upset. Just look at those flowers over there. That's right, LOOK AT THEM"
Also, I've been thinking about lactation. Let me finish. I've yet to see an apocalyptic view on the farming of breastmilk. In a land where milk is nonexistent, a pregnant woman lactating has to be considered an extremely valuable resource, right? It's dark and cruel, but in a land where the cruel survive, I'm starting to wonder why this has never even come up. Plus, why didn't Laurie breastfeed again? They went out and risked their lives for formula a bunch...
I'm not gonna touch the breast-milk-farming thing though...
You'd be surprised how little milk breasts produce. Often times, pregnant mothers can run dry and will have to resort to formula .
Plus, sometimes kids are biters.. even before they turn into zombies...:poly122:
Thanks for entertaining that idea, StephenVyas
Oh, and I think Maggie will die. Burning that picture was baaaad juju
There's a part of me that thinks there is no way they'd off Daryl, but then again, Kirkman likes to shock fans like that.
Yikes! I didn't even consider the inner zombie baby scenario.. Holy hell, that could've been graphic
ahh man.. I might be on the flip side to the Maggie coin.
I'm thinking Glenn won't need that picture of her...because he'll be dead.
Plus they can't stay there too long as they will want to push on and that lady greeting them. WAY too creepy.
I had mentioned earlier too... I was a bit curious how she had those
As for Maggie burning the picture, she said he wouldn't need it anymore because she would always be with him.
So if one dies, the other has to die too.
Norman Reedus once said that if he were to die, he wouldn't want to be turned into a Zombie. Given that he went from a 'guest starring credit' to the second billing, I think he would have some say in how he would be written out.
There should be a compilation of all that shit across the whole series with slapstick sound effects, its getting ridiculous now.
Was the plan to just run after they got over that? ...with someone that has a limp? What!? And who gets a limp from falling onto their fucking knees
AUUURGH this show makes me so mad.... I love it.
Beardy bandit guy is cool, more o'dat
The guy has a mullet.. and the aim of a stormtrooper
I hope you're being sarcastic... I didn't get that far in the comics and I could tell they were... The show is extremely predictable.
The Walking Dead: Bub From Day Of The Dead Gets A Tribute Cameo
comic spoiler
Agreed, once one goes the other will too - also wouldn't be surprised if they both get injuried somehow and decide to off each other instead of turning
as for Daryl, making him a zombie may do wonders for his acting... I find it so dull as of late : /
haha YES ! thank you! I am not alone on this :P
...but for someone who never read the comics, cannibalism isn't exactly on my mind for what may be coming next
better than a place that seems safe at first then is actually not. again.
Lol, if you want vampires give Empire of the Dead a try, the writing is shit, Marvel's Walking Dead it aint :P
Haha, then someone comic book spoiled you
Something tells me this will go down like the "Cannibal house" scene in "The Road".
Id be surprised if there was no cannibalism in next episode.
In the mass effect 3 version, the poor people seeking refuge from war get tricked into going to sanctuary only to end up being experimented on and turned into monsters.
I still have to read 119 through 123.
And I avoided this thread throughout the season because of potential spoilers. But still I called it that Terminus are cannibals. I said it to my brother the last episode, and then this one started with Rick teaching Carl how to set up a food trap, plus all that talk about being hungry, and that was too good a foreshadowing.
Although I guess they haven't actually said they were cannibals. It just makes sense to me, plus you guys have read the comic, and Rick knocking the plate out of Carl's hand.
A few episodes ago (episode 13), the intro scene shows the one black dude (Bob I think) wandering about, and he runs into Glenn and Daryl. What was up with that? I thought they were going to show how Glenn and Daryl are together again, but the rest of the episode was about them separately. It showed Bob's group with Maggie, and then Daryl and Beth. The show never looped back to that moment.
Also, what did end up happening to Beth? Is it known at all? (maybe from the comics)
Bigjohn: that was Bob's "origin" story, because that episode was about maggie, bob and Sasha. it was his flashback and story building he had a goatee back then..
This Beth isn't in the comics..technically.
They have shown a place with human remains which was (not that subtle) hint that they are eating people.
I liked the episode. Even that cheese 'They messed with the wrong people!'. I though Rick had a backup plan (he may still have one) not a cheese one liner. Maybe his revoler is remote controlled and he will kill everyone with it... ? Dunno. Hope nobody gets eaten though.
I saw that scene too. I'm not convinced they are cannibals, it was a subtle thing all through the episode.
It was pretty clear with those cheezy digital shots hitting the ground that they were being herded.
I think the scene where they had to drop their weapons and get searched was about truth.
These people don't strike me as killers, I mean if they were, what difference would it make if you had to pick bullets out of a carcass?
Also, doesnt eating too much human meat (which is not like eating chicken apparently) cause some sort of infection?
Beyond that, I thought the weapon stash was a good idea.
Also, as those bad men had no problem with the idea of raping Carl, i think it was a very specific comparison between how bad men can be and what other horrors are possible.
Anyway, it will be a long wait to the next season.